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Darth Angral (Spoilers)


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Cannot remember the level but it took me a couple of tries.


I did it with Kira, and i was a Sentinal (Watchman).





Interupts become more and more key in epic / boss fights.


On difficult fights I always send in Carla to take the initial beating. I will pull agro off of her before she dies. I pop Saber Ward, when that CD is off...I pop our big CD (one that requires our Companion alive), and after a few hits pop Saber Ward again. That was enough mitigation to put me in a position to kill him.



If you think this fight was tough you wait till the Emperor fight.

Edited by Griefhook
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3rd attempt at lvl 31, using stim endurance and medpac


kira was wearing a average of 65 rated items


while i was prob 70 rated items average, i had one saber 80 rated and the other one at 70ish rated.


interrupted whenever it was off CD


used Camo to drop aggro, Kira at the end died, but i had enough health to down him.




and double dot, cauterize/force stasis and using blade storm was key.

Edited by Skutchenson
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Just beat him on the 1st try. I'm a lvl33 focus spec Guardian using strength stims and one med pack, I also used 'call on the force' as soon as the fight started. I took the advice in this thread and interrupted everything with force stasis, kick and push.


For some reason I had a harder time beating the security chief lol

Edited by Vyron_Deckard
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Twice, lvl 33 combat spec waited the full twenty minutes before attempting again so I would have call of the force.


I read this thread when I was trying to figure out how to beat the "brother" so I was pretty good at using interrupts by the time i got to Angral.


I bought an endurance stim and forgot to use it both times ::facepalm::


Still trying to get through the Harrowers.

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I foudn Angral to be challenging but not impossible, probably took me about 6 attempts on my L31 Watchman Sentinel. First time I've ever played a melee class in an MMO, so somethings, (interrupting) took some practice! This has been the only story boss so far that's caused me any difficulties though, Sand Demons and Harrowers posed no problem, which I don't really get, as have heard repeatedly that they're meant to be quite unpleasant.
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I killed Angral so fast it wasn't funny at 32 watchman, BUT the powertech Vin Diesel strong mobs you fight just to get to Angral killed me twice.. jesus they had such odd burst.


Actually, I play a marauder 40 and a sentinel 32 (both with melee dps companions) and I can say my sentinel has been WAY WAY harder to do the class quests on. My god its like every where you look the storyline elites are using funky aoes and hitting like rocks. Even the strongs seem rediculously stronger than they were on my Sith who I geared-specced exactly the same. The Sith Harrowers... died to them twice until I got fed up and used EVERY ability I had to survive, including running around like a girl while hoping my companion would finish off the last few %. I actually have found the Harrowers to be the most challenging fight I've had yet, they hit SOOOO hard.

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lvl 33 sent , what the hell i have to do i forgot how many tries i had done now and still cant grrrrrrr pls help


ps im a combat sent



It's even more difficult when that error 9000 hits you and you wonder why you haven't made a dent on Angral. Then you relog on to find that you're dead. That makes the game not fun. I have yet to beat the bum.

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Second try, as 33 guardian. Used STR stim and one medpack. Had to let Kira tank most of the fight or I would've been exhausted ( tried that on my first attempt).


IMO Lavis ( or whatever his name was) was way harder and I had to fight him about ten times. :o

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Well was following my path no heroics done nor any flash points and he was my next mission.


Gave up around the ninth time and decided I needed to level up more.


After reading this thread I now understand why I got owned LOL.

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I died one time beating him yesterday and I was lvl 31 and he was 33. I died a total of 3 times on the whole mission having Kira tank. I died once to one of the Elite droids then once to the lvl 32 Elite that guards the room that opens the door to the command room.


To be fair I did the mission twice the night before with my friend who is a lvl 31 Jedi Sentinel also. I had to reset the mission and do it again because I did my mission with my friend and then immediately did his same mission without collecting my reward. Then I went to the Jedi Council and they would not give me the reward because I did my friend's mission.


I beat Angral by taking a might stim before the fight and activating "Use the Force" power right before jumping in, kept me and Kira alive.


When I did the missions with my friend neither of us came close to dying at all. So, long story short, if you know what to expect, the fight is do able and Angral was +2 to me. I keep my gear up to date for both myself and Kira.


I actually had a harder time fighting the Sith in the very next mission on Tatooine. You have to fight 3 lvl 32 Sith Elites called Sith Harrowers. They had powers that did not seem to be interruptable and I wish they were as easy as Angral. I died about 5 times doing that mission.


My Sentinel is weird in that if I get out of sync with my attacks I am dead in seconds, but most of the time it is fine. Keep up with your gear, use stims, and plan the fight and you will do fine.

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Beat Angral in one try, I don't remember what level that was... he was even to me, I know that (I'm 47 now, it was awhile back).



Sent Kira in first, took him back pretty quickly, lots of control and interrupts, he went down pretty easily actually. What I didn't do was heal up before the next conversation, and had to fight Kira starting with 50% health! Lucky she's just a Strong, right?


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32, full Defense Guardian, first try. Strangely, the fight immediately afterwards was more problematic (had to use a medpack!).


Trying to think of how it exactly went down. Send in Kiara, pop her shield CD, then taunt at her 50% and force leap in. I activate Saber Ward then Call on the Force. When that wore off, Saber Ward again, then Warding Call. Attacks: Hilt Strike, then Stasis for damage/focus/interrupt. Blade Storm/Riposte for damage plus defensive procs. Force push as an interrupt/excuse to use force leap again. Force Kick when you can, and use the other regular focus using/regenerating attacks as needed. Blade Storm and Riposte are key for their procs.


This isn't a guide, just roughly how I did it with little trouble.


Possibly useful advice for defense guardians: I respecced and took all the points I had in Vigilance (8 i think) and put them into Defense. The third from the top row has very useful talents (Hilt Strike, one that removes the channel from Stasis, and Blade Barrier), and it's easily worth it to skip the Force Sweep and Strength talents in Vigilance that I'd had earlier.

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gotta ask- and I get the feeling my sentinel's build is utterly wrong bc at lv 32, I do NOT have access to the offensive skills granted in the skill trees (on any tree at all)...


what attacks DO interrupt a boss' major attacks? I mean, granted... stasis seems kinda obvious if you get the timing, but...

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32, full Defense Guardian, first try. Strangely, the fight immediately afterwards was more problematic (had to use a medpack!).


Trying to think of how it exactly went down. Send in Kiara, pop her shield CD, then taunt at her 50% and force leap in. I activate Saber Ward then Call on the Force. When that wore off, Saber Ward again, then Warding Call. Attacks: Hilt Strike, then Stasis for damage/focus/interrupt. Blade Storm/Riposte for damage plus defensive procs. Force push as an interrupt/excuse to use force leap again. Force Kick when you can, and use the other regular focus using/regenerating attacks as needed. Blade Storm and Riposte are key for their procs.


This isn't a guide, just roughly how I did it with little trouble.


Possibly useful advice for defense guardians: I respecced and took all the points I had in Vigilance (8 i think) and put them into Defense. The third from the top row has very useful talents (Hilt Strike, one that removes the channel from Stasis, and Blade Barrier), and it's easily worth it to skip the Force Sweep and Strength talents in Vigilance that I'd had earlier.


why immediately pop saber ward and call on force if it was your first try.

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3 tries at lvl 32 as a full defense Jedi Guardian. Learning to interrupt the mega damage Thundering Blast especially if you managed to have affliction on you at the time was the key. Interrupting anything else while keeping an interrupt available for Thundering Blast helped big time.


His Thundering Blast hit me for 5k the first two times finishing me instantly.

Edited by RaidenOmega
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