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  1. i dont understand what they were thinking in the last 4 tiers of the tree theres like 1 defensive talent? how could you say hybrid builds were not intended when you put more defensive talents in a tree not designed for defense..
  2. you know your defense tree fails when you go higher up a dps tree than your defense tree to be optimal..
  3. I did answer your question and the answer was you cant be certain who is better in 1v1 because it matters which class you are facing...
  4. 1v1 solely depends on the class your facing... if you counter that class you'll win if that class counters you you'll lose majority of the time this is true which is why no successful mmo balances pvp from 1v1 an example of this is being a dirty fighting scoundrel getting the jump on a class who cant heal or stealth. by the time the combo is finished your in so much of an hp deficit your good as dead unless the scoundrel is super bad..
  5. why immediately pop saber ward and call on force if it was your first try.
  6. mercs are not "highly mobile"....stop trolling please
  7. my main is a guardian(mirror) and i think your missing the point
  8. well if your lvl 35 without doc your overleveled which is most likely the reason you find it so easy. got doc at 34 the game gets pretty easy again after doc till about lvl 46 when your doing the last voss missions and from then on it gets a bit more difficult again
  9. this is what dispells are for alot of healers need to learn to use them.
  10. interupting is a good idea SO FAR in THIS GAME im speaking in general and from experiences in other mmos that i wont name because i dont feel like starting the you know what flame war
  11. there is some credit to what the guy was saying who said the people are liars that beat him on one try. If I would have beat him in one try i wouldnt have even came to post in this thread because i wouldnt have known how hard he actually was. what gets me are the people that say well i beat him in one try and i used all my interupts and i did this and that. but if it was your first try why would you be so persistant on trying to interupt every single skill because most of the time interupting everything isnt a good practice, some skills have to go through. I guess people just like to feel special I mean no one really knows how many tries it took for you to beat him so lying about it is pointless.
  12. 70% of your health.? i honestly dont believe you, especially once u start getting to balmora and hoth npcs start to hit like trucks..
  13. same..im not understanding it either how can u 1 shot angral and have trouble on the harrowers?
  14. i bet no one tells the 50 they need to learn how to play
  15. cant pommel strike strong targets "good tank" this was pretty much my exact rotation..as far as survivability goes
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