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10 Good
  1. The Republic took some heavy losses, but they're obviously winning the war by the end of the vanilla SWTOR storyline. So far;
  2. 0$ The coins I get with my monthy sub I spend on packs to sell on the GTN.
  3. I've been playing since beta and I've unsubscribed recently 1. The game is broken from a technical standpoint. I cant play more than 1 hour without a random crash-to-desktop. Many other players have been having the same problem for MONTHS. But BW ignores this & tells us the problem is our computers even though the game ran fine prior to patch 1.3 2. No immediate plans for future class story content. 3. Limited endgame PvP options outside grinding WZs. 4. The game is slowly turning into a pay-2-win cash cow. Space missions are just the beginning. 5. The community is too divided. FTP made the problem worse.
  4. As mentioned earlier some merc. skills require dual wielding specifically. Same goes for commandos with A.cannons. But Vanguards and Powertechs should be allowed to use both blasters and carbines freely. There's no logical reason not too.
  5. While we're at it give republic SIS agents, and Empire smugglers. But to answer the question why BHs are empire only; the class story is modeled after the movie characters. Boba & Jango Fett sided with the empire in the movies. For the same reason - smugglers are republic because Han Solo sided with the republic. But both stories give the player the option to screw over both home factions so its fine with me.
  6. I personally detest all force users equally. 50 commando 50 gunslinger 50 operative 50 mercenary
  7. At this point I just stopped caring, It's never going to happen so there's no point in crying about it. Personally when I level characters I turn the alignment warnings off and chose whatever the hell I want based on the story. The whole light / dark system is narrow minded & archaic, it doesn't fit into MMOs at all.
  8. I've seen one 40 something guardian using it in a random WZ. It looked silly.
  9. This is strictly my personal opinion. BEST Empire: Agent - Best written story all around from start to finish. Probably the only plot that genuinely made me think. I was always eager to know what would happen next. Republic: Jedi Knight - The most 'epic' story. It makes you feel like a hero, and the decisions you make have weight. This is what KOTOR3 would've been based on. It's a bit cliche' at times but it still has that star wars charm. WORST Republic: Consular - The chapters are sloppily connected and 1 & 2 both feel like fetch-quest filler arcs. It gets better in chapter 3, but by then it just to late. The main focus of the story should have been training a padawan and the conflict of light vs. dark. Imperial: Inquisitor - Same complaints as consular - only worse. The entire story is a series of fetch-quests, & the conflict of light vs. dark is barely touched on. The companions are also boring and forgettable.
  10. There's a commando spamming AOE on my smugglers ship right now, it getting pretty damn annoying.
  11. I'm no programer, but It can't be that hard to at least implement some pre-50 WZ relics that don't require alignment. I don't mind hunting everywhere for matrix shards (even though most of the shards I need are on lvl40+ planets), but why not give us more options for our leveling characters?
  12. Beat him with a lvl23 Guardian (focus) w. Kira in GTN consular greens thanks to dumb luck. I was going to respec defense to tank the fight, but I decided to give the fight a shot anyway. Sorry for posting this sloppy excuse for a fight; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBrHV7Zd6Sg I don't know happened here, I'm guessing some kind of glitch happened and the 'Blade Turning' effect of the guardians saber ward was extended somehow when I was knocked down. I honestly wasn't expecting to win this fight. I want a do-over. Sorry if this doesn't help but, Blade Ward > Call on the Force > 12s > Blade Ward is a very solid combo.
  13. My Feedback: Ever since I stopped PvPing, I've been enjoying the game more overall. One less frustration to deal with.
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