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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Producer's Road Map 2014


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Bit of a joke splitting up NiM DF/DP the roadmap looks more like a sinking hole than anything exciting people have warned bioware about low content pushing and they are losing people on this up hill battle, ESOL/Wildstar might not be big for some players but Bioware you need to do more than what you have listed to keep players around this is really a bad day for the SWTOR community. Now will I continue to play a game I have supported since early access the answer is still blank but with what I see most likely no the content is weak and just doesn't interest me in the long term.


What about the issues like Nightmare/Hardmode lockouts.


and yes they have L55-60 in progress in austin right now.

Edited by elitenz
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The Korriban and Tython flashpoints sure look promising but I really hope this new storyline doesn't end up being gated behind raiding later. I hate it when that happens (as it did with Oricon).


Quesh Huttball being finally confirmed is good news, can't wait to play it! I love Huttball and would be able to play it infinitely. I'd have wished for this road map to get a bit more specific about the things coming later, but I understand your wariness.


Also, please give us the option to opt out of double xp. Yes, most people love it. But no, not everyone does.

Edited by Khyle
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so they're announcing that they're announcing new content. I mean thanks devs for reaching out and telling us some new info, not to be ungrateful. But ill save myself the hassle and get excited when i actually see the content


I see myself with not re-subbing and riding out the content on pref status from it though. Wildstar/ESO look promising, least theyll have new content for a bit

Edited by LethalOmen
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This is the worst thing.


Another TWO @!$&ing MONTHS of HM farm then SIX @!$&ing MONTHS of half a tier?!










Wildstar is looking reaaaaaaaal good right about now.


Quoting what I posted in the FP/Ops forum.


But good news, we get flashpoints that nobody will queue for after a month! Joy.


Bioware, I've been pulling for you so hard. I want this game to succeed. I want the PvE to be good. But sweet christ, you make it really hard to justify my sub sometimes. I log onto GW2 to dick around (A GAME THAT HAS BARELY ANY PvE ENDGAME) more than I do my primary sub game because it's more fun than the endless waiting.


We clear 2 groups of HM DF/DP in one day. The other six days I don't log on. Please, Bioware, please tell me why I should continue to play.

Edited by Beslley
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Two new Flashpoints on Tython and Korriban where the Empire and Republic confront each other directly, initiating a new storyline that will span updates across the entire year until its galaxy-shaking finale[/Quote]


I'm going to need help with building this Hype train, as this is exactly what I've been craving for, new content for my favourite starting planets!

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Not sure that timing your only interesting patch 4 days after ESO is the best plan. Basically if you don't like Starfighter nothing to do until then (assuming people interested in anything but Starfighter stay around).


Quite shocked how long its going to take to develop the nightmare ops. Will wait to be extremely impressed by them given the lack of other actual MMO content.

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interesting but no mention of x-server Qs and again, PvP as an after thought. Shame.




Four out of the five things listed for 2.6 are for PvP.

Two out of the four things listed for 2.7 are for PvP.

One out of the two things listed for 2.8 are for PvP.




For the record, I enjoy PvP and GSF as well, I am merely pointing out the ridiculousness of that comment.


OT: This is awesome, really looking forward it it. Thanks for posting this, Bruce!

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shaking finale ?


sry noob question...the end of the war or by shaking u mean the events of makeb finale


Pretty sure they mean the finale of that particularly story arc that is starting, just like Oricon/Dread Masters Operation was the finale to that storyline.

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Not quite sure how I feel about this.. I was expecting much bigger stuff. Not only do we have to wait two months for 2.7 (so much for the 6 wk content cycle) but we aren't even getting any new ops. Im excited to see where the story goes but imo NIM versions of DF/DP aren't enough raid wise. Don't misunderstand my reluctance, i love this game so much, mainly because of my love of Star Wars. It just seems like a kind of lackluster first half of the year compared to last year.


Raids in this game although fun are too short and small DP was kinda a let down for me its just the rooms then the final fight id like to see something along the scale of old AQ BT or ICC actually 1 massive raid for 8m or 16m here and there would spice it up and actually up the difficulty of sms a bit even hms aren't that hard

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Very scarce D:


Super existed for March! And hoping for the June update to feature a hood toggle. l

They put out just enough content to keep making money. No more, no less. And about hood toggle, I can assure it won't be coming. We've been waiting for hood toggle since 1.2. I think we've all collectively agreed that hood toggle is dead.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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shaking finale ?


sry noob question...the end of the war or by shaking u mean the events of makeb finale


I think it might be a case of both sides loosing or emperor vitiate returing, too early to tell now though =D.


And i can't wait for 2.8!

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Four out of the five things listed for 2.6 are for PvP.

Two out of the four things listed for 2.7 are for PvP.

One out of the two things listed for 2.8 are for PvP.




For the record, I enjoy PvP and GSF as well, I am merely pointing out the ridiculousness of that comment.


OT: This is awesome, really looking forward it it. Thanks for posting this, Bruce!


Yeah well myself and anyone who takes warzones or arenas seriously want nothing to do with GSF. Yes GSF is "PvP" but it's an entirely different experience.

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I have been waiting to hear what the road map would be for 2014 before I decided if I would get ESO. And after reading this today I think I will pre-order ESO. There is just not enough end game content to keep me busy.

If you spent less time on the cartel market and giving us things like speeder / pod racing and free roaming space like Galaxies had then you might have kept me.

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I have been waiting to hear what the road map would be for 2014 before I decided if I would get ESO. And after reading this today I think I will pre-order ESO. There is just not enough end game content to keep me busy.

If you spent less time on the cartel market and giving us things like speeder / pod racing and free roaming space like Galaxies had then you might have kept me.

ESO won't be any better. They are making the exact same mistake EA did. Retail product purchase plus $15/month fee. After they've recouped their costs, they'll switch over to FTP. The only difference is, unlike EA, they will have probably planned for this and have developed a FTP version along side the PTP version.


And SWG was done by SOE. Not EA.

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Yeah well myself and anyone who takes warzones or arenas seriously want nothing to do with GSF. Yes GSF is "PvP" but it's an entirely different experience.


It's pretty much what I feared. "GSF is PVP. There's your content."


Other than that. New Huttball map. Better late than never but I somehow feel less excited than I would have a year ago about it.


Hey. Double XP weekend. Maybe I will finish the last 2 stories I haven't done yet....

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And of course:


- no info on QoL

- no info on some guild features

- no info on crafting



So angry this time, thinking to leave after playing since beta and never stop. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


Yep. Absolutely zero interesting things coming, and only half a tier when things finally do arrive. We already know that BW's idea of "nightmare" content is to add maybe 1 more mechanic, buff the HP and Damage of the bosses, and call it a day. What on earth are we waiting so many months for? What a joke.


Wow, such a gem of well articulated criticism.


Including CAPS, big font size and $&§X.


I am glad you reposted this, otherwise we might have missed it.


You sound a little mad. It's okay. I'm a lot mad, because this basically confirmed worst case scenario for PvErs.

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