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I just hope they remember to only nerf smash. No one who knows what they're talking about thinks combat is too strong, and I'm not even sure it's possible to nerf watchman more.


Didn't the Devs say in the Jugg/Guard answers that Smash will remain strong and is WAI?

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I have a hard time seeing the other Kni/War DPS specs out damaging smash in a 1v1 scenario. They have to nerf Smash damage.

Easiest would be to nerf its auto-crit ridiculousness or increase the CD duration and put it closer to the other big aoe specials.

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They get outdamaged in PvE, thats why well see no smash nerf. At least no damage nerf.


They could increase their sustained damage, through slash/BS and adding something else into the rotation, all the while nerfing the damage on smash itself. This would allow them to increase the damage for smash spec as a whole to keep onpar in PvE, keep people playing in PvP, but also allow for people to be satisfied by a damage nerf to smash skill itself. I think most people are upset by the damage the skill itself does and how easy it is to be able to do that damage, rather than having to force a proc to do it.

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Easiest would be to nerf its auto-crit ridiculousness or increase the CD duration and put it closer to the other big aoe specials.


Autocrits are not unique. Many other classes have them. The rapid increase of attack percentage is however. The critdamage should be on par with DF/FiB after reckless/potency is popped IMO...

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Heal To Full ?


Perception Problems ?


Something happened at the studio.


First they tell us to heal to full, that we cant compare ourselves with THE MARAUDER because THE MARAUDER cannot heal to full. Then they compare mercs with THE MARAUDER and say they f*ucked up.


First they told the Vanguards that the bunch of em were r*etarded (perception problem) and two weeks later they give a solid buff to pyro.


Devs are being pushed against the wall here, servers them well. They had a PERCEPTION PROBLEM.

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I just hope they remember to only nerf smash. No one who knows what they're talking about thinks combat is too strong, and I'm not even sure it's possible to nerf watchman more.


Did you even read the OP??? Was talking about reducing the effectiveness of utilities.

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Did you even read the OP??? Was talking about reducing the effectiveness of utilities.


Wait, did you even read the tracker? Was talking about reducing effectiveness of CDs.


Anyone who thinks this is gonna be only about Marauders/Snipers is fooling themselves. By the time they carry any of this out, there will be months of arena metrics and general QQ... I'd say a significant revamp across the board is coming.


I'm fine with it either way. Less FotM Mara and me still getting those wins after the AC was "Nerfed" = Sign me up.

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Something happened at the studio.


First they tell us to heal to full, that we cant compare ourselves with THE MARAUDER because THE MARAUDER cannot heal to full. Then they compare mercs with THE MARAUDER and say they f*ucked up.


First they told the Vanguards that the bunch of em were r*etarded (perception problem) and two weeks later they give a solid buff to pyro.


Devs are being pushed against the wall here, servers them well. They had a PERCEPTION PROBLEM.

I lul'd. there's a great deal of truth to what you say here. on the constructive side, though, these answers were balanced. they were not, like many of the others, obstinate. even if you don't agree with their assessments, I think they provide substantial reasoning and a seem to acknowledge deficiencies in classes that they refused to do for others. so imma count this as a win.

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Lets see what they do before anyone starts praising them....


I have zero faith that Bioware is able to produce a patch that yields actual balance. If anything, I predict that Mara and Sniper get nerfed to the middle of the pack, and Sorc and Merc become overpowered.


Bioware loves that nerf merry-go-round

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All this is going to do is fotm rerolers will leave the class and only dedicated and skilled players will remain.Smashers or not, sent/maras will become more powerfu.Because sent/mara is not that weak a class in the first place,smash or not.It still scales with skill,specially Carnage/Combat.
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Something happened at the studio.


First they tell us to heal to full, that we cant compare ourselves with THE MARAUDER because THE MARAUDER cannot heal to full. Then they compare mercs with THE MARAUDER and say they f*ucked up.


First they told the Vanguards that the bunch of em were r*etarded (perception problem) and two weeks later they give a solid buff to pyro.


Devs are being pushed against the wall here, servers them well. They had a PERCEPTION PROBLEM.


^This. cant wait to see if they nerf snipers and mara's in the the ground. Would be nice.:D

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HERE is your link.



I've said for a very long time that the problem was not smash. Jugg smash dies quickly and can be dealt with by anyone with the awareness of a sewer rat.


It's Marauders and their endless slew of CDs that mess everything up. At the point that the marauder SHOULD die, he somehow has yet ANOTHER DCD to buy him an extra life.


This is not Super Mario Bros. Extra lives are not given or found or anything of the sort.. unless you're a Mara or Op healer. Then you get as many as you want.

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HERE is your link.



I've said for a very long time that the problem was not smash. Jugg smash dies quickly and can be dealt with by anyone with the awareness of a sewer rat.


It's Marauders and their endless slew of CDs that mess everything up. At the point that the marauder SHOULD die, he somehow has yet ANOTHER DCD to buy him an extra life.


This is not Super Mario Bros. Extra lives are not given or found or anything of the sort.. unless you're a Mara or Op healer. Then you get as many as you want.


No what it shows is the opposite. Juggs lack better DCD for a melee class. If you change sentinels DCD's they will just become completely useless.

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You can die during camo if opposition is quick enough to dump an AoE on you and of course you are low enough on life. Plus when camo comes up you can switch to healer and interrupt or stun. Nerfing camo will leave the class w/o an ex-filtration option and will leave sent/mara's relying only on saber ward's 3 minute CD which I think it's a bit too much.


That killing aoe you're talking about is actually fairly uncommon. Heres a list of common aoe and why it doesn't get used on camo maras:


death field (requires a madness dps spec and 15s cd, fairly uncommon in high level play and wont be up when camo pops anyways)

smash (fairly uncommon that a smasher have a smash ready and willing to smash air at the exact moment the mara hits camo)

orbital strike (most people probably wouldn't even try to use orbital to kill a camo mara for obvious reasons)

death from above - (requires a bounty hunter be on your team, long cd issues)

trash aoe skills (overload, lacerate, etc etc etc - wont get used usually because they suck, pretty much only happens if mara is the last one alive and nobody has anything better to do than lacerate spam at a guessed location, probably won't kill the target even if it connects anyways)


so like I was saying, maras don't usually die while in camo. Again I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm just saying that in 95% of cases camo gives maras a third life.

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I'll just say one thing, if you nerf/remove some DCD from mara/sent, you HAVE TO give a 4sec stun to the class, to compensate the fact marauders facetank everything being a melee.

When I play my sorc dps I kill marauders so easy in full Madness, not even funny.


I really don't care, I have all the classes. Can just be full 61 PVE gear and play like a full conqueror min/max.

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Jugg dps does have bad survivability but mara definitely has too much.


Jugg dps need more dcd.

It's not TOO MUCH, it's needed because there's too much root, stun, slow, mezz, knockdown, pull, push on this game. The time that you spend free hitting your target is half of the time that you spend rooted, stunned, etc... I agree the dcd it's not fair between jugg and marauder.

The same way Sniper/Slinger dcd is not fair compared to sorc and merc. If you list Snipers has more dcd than marauders.

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