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I'm in a loveless marriage.


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Well, that's what it feels like. I was just curious if there are any plans to expand the marriage system beyond what it is to be something a little bit more than "It's done, here's 2 emails, and let's act as if we were never married and don't love each other."


I understand marriage can become monotonous, but I'd really just like to know she still loves me. :p

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That reminds me, that my sage did not speak to her husband for like 5 months... my Scoundrel did not speak with hers for even longer and my Shadow only recently married that girl.... but he really did not see her much before, considering that he was always going on tour with that guy and his hologirl.... hrmm...


Yes, I agree as much fun as it was to play the companion stories, they were cut off pretty sharply.

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Well, that's what it feels like. I was just curious if there are any plans to expand the marriage system beyond what it is to be something a little bit more than "It's done, here's 2 emails, and let's act as if we were never married and don't love each other."


I understand marriage can become monotonous, but I'd really just like to know she still loves me. :p


I know the feeling bud, Mako hasn't sent me a love letter in a long time =(. I have to reincarnate myself to get the spark going again :p

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The marriage content is a tad dry. I suppose the devs didn't want super clingy wives / husbands or didn't want to make the game seem too much like second life. We're married in the story in that's good enough /case closed, type approach.



Although, they could always add some character appropriate dialogue into the mix for when you're out in the field.


And a companion / avatar waltz. Because nothing says we're married than people waltzing around the space station.


The only down side, Lord Scourge would win the next Star Wars Dancing with the Stars.

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I know the feeling bud, Mako hasn't sent me a love letter in a long time =(. I have to reincarnate myself to get the spark going again :p


Yes, but then you might have a feeling of deja vue... :p (Hope I spilles that right, or else I'll look like a total scrublord :D)

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So they expand the marriage system, then she wants a divorce, gets a lawyer, and cleans you out. Then you're running dailies to pay alimony.


No thank you. LOL

You can now purchase a Holo-Divorce Lawyer on the CM for 10K cc to ensure she gets nothing.

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i like it. you have to run dailies at least once a week to cover the alimony deducted from you account every week. can only improve the game. if you stick around long enough, you'll have to run a few extra to put your kid through college. unless you let him into the sith academy, then i suppose he's just a slave?
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I understand marriage can become monotonous, but I'd really just like to know she still loves me. :p


You know, I totally understand people wanting expanded storylines in a MMO and I understand the raging over SSRs but wanting a continuing marriage interaction in a game worries me a little. If you're so lonely you need to get gratification from a cartoon on a computer screen, it's time to blow up your computer and go outside.

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You know, I totally understand people wanting expanded storylines in a MMO and I understand the raging over SSRs but wanting a continuing marriage interaction in a game worries me a little. If you're so lonely you need to get gratification from a cartoon on a computer screen, it's time to blow up your computer and go outside.


But outside is where the other people are, and the animals, and that giant yellow scare-ball!

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I like the character romances, although they do feel like they need a bit more added. It'd be nice if they said different things after you were married to them, at least.

But outside is where the other people are, and the animals, and that giant yellow scare-ball!

I want this for my signature!

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I like the character romances, although they do feel like they need a bit more added. It'd be nice if they said different things after you were married to them, at least.


Quote: Originally Posted by coltess

But outside is where the other people are, and the animals, and that giant yellow scare-ball!


I want this for my signature!


I think I can handle all that, it's just i have this big green poofy thing with a brown leg right outside my door. I swear it's staring at me. /looks quickly over shoulder to ensure safety in my basement.


Agree, I married some of my characters off. It would be nice for something new every once in a while. Although a series of new companion quests would be great, I would still like a new letter from Kira- or a new sarcastic dialogue/reply occasionally. i'm not a RP type player, but the companion thingie is part of the game and story, would be nice for a little bit added to it periodically.

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I like the character romances, although they do feel like they need a bit more added. It'd be nice if they said different things after you were married to them, at least.


Sadly, as it doesn't expand on anything and not needed for advancement or even for lore, it's just fluff.

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I would also like to see something come of marrying a companion instead of them just acting like I'm a stranger to them, but as has been stated a few times previously, I can't see it ever happening. The companion system (or more specifically, companion stories) seems to be just another one of the many systems Bioware implemented relatively half-assed and then completely forgot about.


I wish they would actually continue or finish one of their game systems before implementing another one. We have so many different types of systems in the game now and none of them are finished, and most of them rarely see an update (if they ever do).

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