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Everything posted by amaresch

  1. LOL, We'll be getting an Alec Companion. BW better not put traditional Jedi Robes on him....
  2. I would second (or third) the Nariel Pridence suggestion. My reasoning being that my Smuggler was wanting to show this nice young Jedi there is a Universe outside of Tython. She was an 'almost Comapnion' during the whole class story on Tatooine, so much so I was halfway expecting her to show up again sometime down the road. Yes, I have a mostly LS Smuggler who just wanted to introduce this Jedi to one specific emotion. Like the other candidates and reasonings given as well. Be nice to meet up again with some of those characters in new circumstances.
  3. I come to the forums periodically to get more information on upcoming changes. Like the Unified Force one coming up, not a lot of info out there so I'm looking for input from those who are better at digging out that type of information and to decide the likelihood of theories put out by the rest. Other than that, I like looking at new ideas proposed.
  4. to add on... Since Theron is supposedly I haven't been playing the game lately, and haven't done the Umbara thing yet. I suppose others are the same way, hence the spoiler tag.
  5. BW would have to create stories explaining legitimate stories of the long absence after the player becoming the Outlander and then overthrowing the Zakuul empire. Even though the companions absence is for the most part due to no input from outside the fourth wall, )ie BW not incorporating any stories on a lot of them, and really not focusing on the few romantic reunions of the few that were reintroduced) Lana and T7 actually followed through on a rescue with help of new companions. Theron came back fairly quick, (and brought my empty ship with him- not even any hidden holographs saying how they are, where they are, they moved on, etc) The rest of the companions I found or those who came to me did so for other reasons than love. My old (pre KOTFE) characters that were married are all heartbroken and bitter. I (they) are the the most famous person in the galaxy and they received maybe 1 message? The instant level 65 and 70 characters pursued relationships as available (very limited) and based on how I imagine the character I created to be. BW will have to address the long, long absence that is their doing. Maybe one of the characters can be held captive? Or where killed? Maybe we can have a mission to discover the fate of them, whether to rescue them or otherwise find out why I wasn't enough a priority over whatever they have going on now. Damn I'm making this game sound way too much like RL.
  6. If looking for a way to limit which companions would have these dailies, look for the ones who actually went out to find you (Lana, T7) or came to you very shortly after you became galaxy famous again (pretty much none of them except Theron). It's a loyalty test of sorts. Other than that; OP, love this fresh new idea- I hope it gets implemented regardless of my opinions of which companions deserve this.
  7. That is the whole point of Star Wars, from the very first movie: Hope. But, with that being said- I agree with you.
  8. I agree, this helps guilds and other groups. I for one do not have the time to regularly participate in group activities both in my guild or without. It's RL. I maintain my subscription though, and appreciate being able to be a suitable sub for those times when the stars align and a raid team has an opening AND I have nothing else going on that takes precedence over me taking a hour or two to play a game for pleasure with my friends. I'm not going to ask them to stick to something ridiculously easy and cleared just to accommodate me. I pay for this game with my subscription. I pay for it by regularly buying things on the Cartel Market in excess to my monthly allotment of credits. So yes, I should not be blocked because I do not have an abundance of time to actually be in game on any sort of schedule.
  9. I just don't see the need to change the name from "Subscriber" to "Premium." It has done nothing but caused confusion. It would imply something new. Maybe there will be releases coming up to justify why 'Subscriber' isn't a good enough term anymore. Barring that, it's like taking a Big Mac and giving it a new name but without anything actually being new.
  10. Horses and Donkeys have a common ancestor and the differences in speciation hasn't differed enough yet which allows them to be able to produce offspring; albeit just about always sterile. Humans and Chimpanzees and Bonobos can supposedly interbreed since we share a common ancestor and share virtually all the same DNA . I'm sure somebody somewhere has or will try some sort of artificial insemination to see what is born. Not sure i want to know, tho. So, applying the rules of our galaxy to the Star Wars galaxy, Humans and Twileks would probably need to be closely related to be able to produce offspring, unless DNA splicing science and/or magic is used.
  11. I guess we'll find out when the voices in game start resembling my navigation apps.
  12. No, He is BW so it is perfectly alright to vent at him. You have to abide by the rules and ToS and every other restrictions of behavior; but I see no reason to spare anyone there from the ire you are feeling. H4e has a job, one of the perks is being the bearer of good tidings. Another job is to receive the negative feedback when something happens that affects the playability of the game for those abiding by the rules. It's not like we can email anyone else. He is PR and taking the feedback is a part of the job. We are the customers here and it is up to us to tell them how we feel.
  13. One can still hope... futile as that may be Or even Darth Marr - he'd make a great ally or a great opponent.
  14. If you use Windows 10, there was a recent big patch which hosed a lot of my personal settings. Like said above, you may have to download new drivers.
  15. Yes, it is like the Kardashian Clan from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. They make me hate in my light and dark side roles not just the characters, but the game itself. Time to get back to Sith and Republic fighting each other, and maybe a third faction that either hates both and/or finds ideals worth emulating from both sides and tries to find a way to bring about a new galactic empire/republic- and your character can join any one of the three regardless of class or other affiliation- maybe even join a side just to bring it down from the inside.
  16. You are right. But... when you are losing interest and really have no hope that things will turnaround from the perceived downward slide, you aren't going to invest time into watching streams or dig for knowledge or other time consuming acts to dig truth nuggets from the rumor flotsam. Truth be told; I'm surprised I am taking part in this particular discussion, so maybe I care a little still. For the first 2.5 years I was heavily involved with the discussions, helping out, making suggestions in addidtion to experiencing every facet of the game. After a while, the general QOL requests were either not implemented or just not done well. Hence my statement to revert to the beginning rules again- With all the bugs it was still the best version of the game. This is my opinion, of course; but I've invested a ton of time into this game and I've taken most of it all without complaint until now. No, instead of changing the game I originally enjoyed into the lesser version it is today; maybe BW should have just created a totally new game in another point of time. It would be just about ready to release now. Or, maybe not, with the whole EA/Disney control of Star Wars now- that on top of the real 'Emperor' George Lucas always changing what is canon. Not trolling, not antagonizing, just expressing my own personal view. Ok, maybe except for the last part; I'm just venting some more frustration there.
  17. In the beginning, we had 8 different stories to follow which encouraged replay value. The sequence of planets was the same but the stories were different, and it actually was interesting to learn how they did relate to each other. And there were unique class and companion quests to keep everything different and fresher. Now, every new release is the same with maybe a one or two word difference in dialogue between all characters in an entire xpac. I remember having companions was important enough that you had to care enough to gear them and gain affection for the ones you used/liked the most. Now, I have like fifty companions for each character that can fulfill any role and can do it regardless if they have weapons and uniforms. And they'll still grow influence whether or not they agree with you- so who tries anymore? Those above were what made this game unique from any other and it's gone and probably never coming back. IMO, I think reverting the rules and roles back to what we had at launch would be better. Maybe at least it'll feel like Star Wars again. For the first time I'm not excited or even indifferent for the new release- I'm ambivalent. Right now I focus on grinding out the remainder of my achievements- noting else in the game I feel like working for. The DvL will probably remain at 1%, tho- that's too much repetitive grinding for me. And I haven't really seen any important consequence to any decision I've made for 5 years now. In the end another 'I'm tired of this' post, I guess. I see myself not playing for very much longer- and no- no one gets my stuff.
  18. Something different, maybe a wheeled or tracked vehicle. Maybe add some action sequences that can be won/purchased like burnout, wheelie, motorcycle wave, revving.
  19. Interesting theory. Harbinger is known as the unofficial APAC server both before and after there were APAC servers.
  20. Fame!. You got your BW response, Now they should recreate one of the items in the list and call it the Magnusheart. Great list,
  21. I also like the ball toss, because you can do it to anyone, player or nonplayer. What seems to be missing is reaction, so: What i would like is a variation on that idea; a trip wire. Stretch a line between two spots, make it hard to see (but not invisible) so there is a small chance of jumping and avoiding it. The first person to hit it will stumble (over-the-top stumbling animation) and maybe have some boo-hiss sound effects thrown in to highlight the tripper. Maybe also have something pop up in chat as well for all in the area to know who was clumsy. Chat Gen-1 04:55 (Clutzwad mistook his face for the floor and tried to put it there) Trip wire will need to be placed again after each successful trip. Don't say who placed the trip wire, make it a scenario where you have to be caught red-handed. Make an achievement for sneaking up to opposite faction base and set a trip wire for enemy patrols- and not getting caught and killed. Maybe for PvP, make a trip wire bomb that does damage, like the ones way back in Duke Nukem 3D. My Jedi is too high and mighty to stoop to such tricks, but my scoundrel on the other hand would get a giggle out of it.
  22. The server is in california, so there is probably some hamster labor laws in play here which makes The Harbinger treat us to dump outs more often.
  23. Could you imagine gen chat- especially on fleet and starter planets? So many entries flying by= unreadable. All the trolls consolidated=no fun at all. Group finder might pop better because more people would be forced to it because of chat itself.
  24. Make this one of those ultra-rare drops like the crate o matic. It will be sought after, it will fetch high prices on the GTN, and it will be used.
  25. Kira especially doesn't like not being able to ride, more often than not she'll spawn, draw her weapon and yell "eat Lightsaber, jerk!" Made me jump the first few times because I thought I was being attacked and couldn't find the enemy.
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