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Everything posted by Mazikeen

  1. This is pretty much how it is now. You can still play, still equip greens/blues (which are pretty much all you get at lower levels), still get basic quickslots and still get limited access to try PvP/FPs. You can try plenty of things.
  2. I'm gonna be perfectly blunt here: the F2P players who spend that much on cash shops have problems. I'm not saying this insult them, I'm saying it for a reason. Players who spend a ton of money on cash shops generally fall into 3 categories, in my experiences: 1) Players who cannot do math 2) Players with too much income 3) Players with no self control. Many people (and this has been shown in banking for a lot of years) fail to consider accumulated costs and instead only count immediate costs. This means they see '$1.99' and figure 'oh, it's only two bucks, I can spend two bucks' but fail to consider that they've spent that $2 repeatedly over the past, say, month. Eating out and things like cigarettes/beer are prime examples of relatively small expenditures adding up to massive amounts over time. Things like electricity/water waste, wasted food, etc also add up. This is part of why some people can live on relatively little income comfortably while others make much more but are always broke or in debt. Number 3 is what companies count on, much like casino owners, because self-control is not something that is openly taught in today's society. Example: I was raised to eat until I was no longer hungry and this morning I saw a commercial for a weight-control drug with actors constantly asking 'am I full?' and 'have I had enough?' - no self-control, take our pill and you can still gorge yourself until you can't anymore, our drug will simply fool you into thinking you're fuller sooner. So, for the TL;DR crowd, F2P is fine. Companies realized they can open up cash shops to people with either no sense or no control and they'll make more money doing so, and their stats prove this works. The more things they make you unlock, the more you spend, so making unlockable things free for you means they make less money. Do the math and sub or accept that you have to pay for individual unlocks. Though, for some, the current system works nicely (like the hardcore F2P-PvP crowd).
  3. F2P models exist for 2 reasons: as extended trial periods and to increase player numbers for the subscribers to choose from when grouping. SWTOR is $15/mo, if you can't afford this you don't need to be playing, it's that simple. I am very, very tired of these entitlement complaints. Devs spend time working on the game, why should you be able to benefit from their work for free? And as far as the 'F2P punishes non-subscribers instead of rewarding those who do' I call B.S. - the removal of the restrictions is reward enough. On top of no restrictions you get roughly $5/mo worth of FREE Cartel Coins.
  4. I don't think ship upgrades should be Legacy any more than character gear for normal WZs should be Legacy. That said, the CC-purchased ships SHOULD be collectible (making them Legacy).
  5. I worry less about kills and more about objectives. Objectives create wins. You can fly amok and kill 100 people but still lose a game. If you have a couple good guards (gunship/scout combo is incredible) then your nodes are set. More than once I'll settle on a node with my gunship and after the 4th kill or so people stop bothering to try capping it. Being 2-shot from 15,000m before the turrets even load on your screen tends to be a bit disheartening.
  6. This, which is BS IMO because in a fast-paced fight lag can completely torch you. I have a bloody cable business line and still have issues hitting people with lasers. And travel time... the concept of travel time for lasers is stupid, so if there IS a travel time it needs to be removed.
  7. This. Gunships turning speed is pathetic (so is a Strike Fighters when not moving at full speed) and have you tried to find someone while zoomed for a snipe shot? Plenty of people sneak up on me, and while I'm not pro I'll say that sneaking up on gunships is incredibly easy...
  8. Versus Scouts that can do flyby's at speeds I can't match on my Gunship or Strike Fighter? Add to this the long lock-on time of Strike missiles and Scouts end up being like wasps. Sure, let's complain about the big guns that have no defense but completely ignore the smaller ones that are next to untouchable for all but the best pilots.
  9. I was responding to the OP, which has nothing to do with turning your computer off to ignore people. I never once said people were forced to deal with tools so get off your soapbox.
  10. Errrr, people behave in-game much as they would IRL if they could get away with it. The economics of MMOs have, for over a decade, been the subject of RL studies into economies.
  11. Can you explain to me why Americans think they're superior to other countries when they fall behind in almost every metric available? Can you explain to me why men and women think they are superior to the other? or why some races of people think they are superior? The answer is the same in all cases: ignorance and self-involvement. People are so enamored with themselves that they are blind to facts right in front of them. Part of it is stupidity, part of it is the need to feel special. Some people have to feel special or they end up questioning the point of it all, get depressed and then things spiral downward. I blame it partly on too many mothers telling their kids that they're special, they're good at everything and that they deserve the best when none of these things are true.
  12. What's even worse is that normal Warzones are the same thing and people fail at those because they just want to pewpew more than any other reason. I cannot begin to tell you how many games I have been in where no one guarded a WZ node, or left one person to guard while an opponent sneaks up and obliterated them.
  13. I'm curious to know what all the whining is about. Gunships are a purely offensive ship. They were designed this way, it's working as intended. Some ships are more upgraded than others, sure, but how is that any different than a level 55 regular PvPer in max gear going up against a casual PvPer in 66/69 PvE gear? Explain to me how Gunships are any different than Snipers.
  14. Not everyone is good at PvP. Not everyone is good at mass chaos. Some people are much, much better at being patient and waiting for a prime shot. You can run amok and pewpew all you like, but some people would rather find a few good waiting spots and pick people off until they get smart enough to find us. Gunships hit hard, yes, just like Snipers. They also fold if you sneeze too hard on them. When you guys whine about their offensive capabilities try to keep their lack of defense in mind.
  15. Thank you for posting the locations you will be patrolling, I will now make sure I settle in other spots
  16. This. If you didn't max out your dampening field then yes, you will get owned regularly and deserve it. Once you max it out if you know where to go to pick people off, and you move from time to time, you should be fine. I get picked off 2-3 times per game but the amount of chaos I cause destroying turrets and picking the occasional player off is well worth it.
  17. Premades > PuGs, in WZs or GS. This is not an issue with gunships, it's an issue with allowing premades.
  18. This is actually true of the normal Warzones as well, something it seems the majority of players cannot grasp.
  19. Please explain to me 1) how one ship is substantially better than another of the same class and 2) how this complaint applies at all beyond the initial 10,000 Fleet Req anyway (since only Scout and Strikers ships have 'upgrades'). On top of this, the standard for 'P2W' has been, for many years, advantages given to players that pay cash that are unavailable to players who do not. Speeding through content, temporary boosts and cosmetics have been left out of that because while they allow players to pay to move faster, the players experience no more content by paying than any other. Yet another thread of people failing to understand the concept of pay-to-win because they feel they deserve to have things handed to them. The same kind of people that get welfare and food stamps but refuse to actually look for work.
  20. While I can accept upgrading each ship individually, there is NO EXCUSE for BioWare making CC-purchased ships non-Legacy. None. Same for the 1k-2k dyes.
  21. I'm looking to go back to GW2 for one simple reason: entirely too often I end up dead by someone I cannot even see. And I'm not talking about Gunships, I mean other players. In regular PvP I can at least stun or slow them and try to escape, or turn around and pound them into the dirt. Yes, I know it's partially a learning curve thing and yes, I know GS is optional but here's the issue: for every player that plays GS that's one less player in regular PvP. This means longer queues. BioWare also added another bloody 4v4 Arena (which I loathe) to make it even worse. I'm playing various MMOs until EQN releases but I can honestly say that this is the first time in 13 years a patch has, by itself, made me start looking elsewhere.
  22. You're a liar. You get 300-500 per match, win or lose. Non-stop for 3 days is AT LEAST 144 matches and 43k ship req. That's assuming only 2 matches per hour. If you're going to troll and lie to people, please make sure you don't think so little of your audience that you look like a complete fool int he process.
  23. I am staying on topic, you're trying to argue something I have flat-out slapped down and steamrolled. People who pay the money for it get CC and the option of advancing faster than people who do not. If someone wants to unload the cash to pay for req for their ships then they did SOMETHING for the RL cash to pay for the CCs. You're complaining that you can't advance as fast when you do NOTHING extra to convert req. People who work get more than people who sit on their rear doing nothing. This is a fact of life. I am done with this thread. I work at home and am tired of making the same statements over and over. Either you are a troll, or you simply don't get it, either way this thread is no longer worth my time. if you truly believe you somehow deserve the same things people who pay extra get then you're in for some really harsh life lessons in the future.
  24. Including dailies and the weekly, yes, you can end up with over 5,000 ship req on ships you never use.
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