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Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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As a player who has put in 1-2 hours on weeknights and 4-8 hours per weekend, it took me just over two months. I ran heroics when I could scrape up a group, started playing wz's about half way to 50 and did space for most of it until I got bored with it.


I'm not sure that's too fast. It's a bit quicker than I leveled in SWG and UO but it's not a dramatic difference.


I also hate when developers change a mechanic that some players have already been through that makes it harder or provides less rewards for any newer players that do the same mechanic. This stuff needs locked down at launch and not tinkered with. It's not so bad it needs to be messed with imho.

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Don't play so much. I have been playing since dec. 13 and I am only at lvl 42. There are other things more inportant than getting to lvl 50 and then standing around in the fleet doing nothing.
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Nobody is saying there aren't "better things to do" but when a player has the time to put into a game and finds that he has reached the maximum level so quickly it becomes rather annoying.

Is the story any different if you do heroics, PvP, Space missions than if you don't? No.

Is the story any different if you reach a part of it in 2 days or 2 months? No.

Ever since the early start (Yer, I was there on day 1) I foudn characters hitting a planet to find all Green missions and as I progress some start appearing as grey.


You mention UO. I'm assuming you are a post-sharding (Trammel) player as getting to the maximum levels in your choosen skills when UO was a proper game certainly took more than a couple of months.

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As a player who has put in 1-2 hours on weeknights and 4-8 hours per weekend, it took me just over two months. I ran heroics when I could scrape up a group, started playing wz's about half way to 50 and did space for most of it until I got bored with it.


I'm not sure that's too fast. It's a bit quicker than I leveled in SWG and UO but it's not a dramatic difference.


I also hate when developers change a mechanic that some players have already been through that makes it harder or provides less rewards for any newer players that do the same mechanic. This stuff needs locked down at launch and not tinkered with. It's not so bad it needs to be messed with imho.


I think a good compromise is to have a player chosen option of having an XP handicap. This way they can choose how fast they want to level (only having options to slow leveling), that way if they want to do all of the quests then they're not completely out leveling them when they get to them.


I think some of us want to do all of those quests, or quests plus PvP, plus space missions and still have a challenge when we do them. Sure you can still do a quest if it's green or grey, but it's a lot less of a challenge to do. You can pretty much faceroll through quests that are 5 levels below you (my average for quests on my first character).

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Leave leveling alone.


From December 20 to January 20 I played steadily almost six hours every day. Now that school has started again (I'm a 56 year old grad student getting my second master's) I play about six to ten hours per week. My highest level character is only L 48, I have one L 25, and a couple I have one or two hours into.


I can't imagine how people leveled to 50 as quickly as they claim. Some of us do other things than play this game all day.

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I think a good compromise is to have a player chosen option of having an XP handicap. This way they can choose how fast they want to level (only having options to slow leveling), that way if they want to do all of the quests then they're not completely out leveling them when they get to them.


I think some of us want to do all of those quests, or quests plus PvP, plus space missions and still have a challenge when we do them. Sure you can still do a quest if it's green or grey, but it's a lot less of a challenge to do. You can pretty much faceroll through quests that are 5 levels below you (my average for quests on my first character).


Personally I'd like to see XP removed from PvP.

In all honesty, if your plan is to have approx. the same Valor rating as your main rating then you'll be Level 50 before you've got halfway through the planets!

Increase the items that Space Commendations can give you (so they are still worthwhile doing) but drop the XP gain from them and PvP.

If you're just doing class, planet, bonus and heroic's then you should more of less keep all missions green/yellow.

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Leveling is perfectly fine as it is. I'm fact, it's possibly too slow. Any slower and most normal people would get discouraged from going on, as getting to the next ding, the next talent and ability moves further and further away from hours to days to weeks.
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guess it depends on the hours you put in and i guess when they tested it the assumed and average gamers input..

I work, i can play in evenings even then I have to do my own jobs like washing clothes and domestic duties, I get on maybe 7 or 8pm and can only play till 12 as i work. On weekends i play much longers. This results in poor leveling. My jedi ive had for 1 week is only level 17. It will take me at least a month or so to get to level 50. Hours put in = level faster

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I wouldn't say too fast, but there are so many ways to level up. My character at the moment is at level 42, but I have not yet done Hoth. Reason for this level is because I wanted a break from questing to do warzones, roleplaying and a few flashpoint runs. It's for the sake of playing with others, not to level up necessarily.


It's a bit of a problem, because when I do Hoth I will outlevel everything. Might be 50 before I'm done with Belsavis. And I already have a level 50 character, which took 3 weeks to get to 50 with the average of 4 hours a day, more on weekends.


It's too fast when you do more than go through your storyline. That I can agree with. An XP gain toggle option for flashpoints, space and warzones would be helpful when you want a break from questing. Valour, commendations, loot and credits are reward enough.

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Leveling is perfectly fine as it is. I'm fact, it's possibly too slow. Any slower and most normal people would get discouraged from going on, as getting to the next ding, the next talent and ability moves further and further away from hours to days to weeks.


To slow? Definitely disagree with that. If anything, leveling is way to fast. That is why people are buring through content so quickly and quitting.

Edited by LordSkyKnight
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you are aware you can still do quests when they are green or gray...right?


Yep, perfectly aware hun!!! And I do try to finish up quests when they've lost color. Heck, even in WoW I went back to work on my Lore Master title and did many of the low level quests. As I suggested before, allow us to turn off the experience bar--keep the legacy rolling and I would be happy. EQ2 allowed you to turn off the exp and I liked that. when I'm ready to go to a new zone, I will turn the exp back on.


I just hate outleveling a zone before I even go there and it becomes almost trivial. It is fun having a bit of a challenge in new zones.

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I like the faster leveling. I dislike leveling and would rather not have to deal with it as a whole but that's me. I'm glad that I can level up a character to 50 in only a few weeks of casual play.


Though when you hit 50, you're nothing compared to the higher tier L50.


Initial L50, I was 12K hp in purple gear. 2 Weeks later, I'm 18K hp and all... :)

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I've been playing since early release and have yet to get something to 50. My highest level character is 32. Admittedly, I had to reroll about a month into things because my realm sucked and I'm an altoholic, but I'm also really enjoying the game. To me, that's the main difference between people who are/have 50(s) and those who aren't and don't. The people who are already 50 rushed things a bit and didn't stop to enjoy the spare content or they play for much longer hours than your average player. I play for a few hours on weeknights, and relatively little during the weekends. People who are already 50 astound and frustrate me, because they get to 50 and then complain.


Leveling is not way too fast, but since people keep complaining about it, maybe a function to switch XP off would be good for the masses.

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Leveling is really really fast.


It takes about 6 days played if you do not idle too much. And that is fast, indeed.


Plus there isnt enough content to level an alt without seeing all the same stuff again. Well, let me rephrase. There might be enough content, but it is arranged in a way that your class quest objectives are all in the same areas you visited with your first char.


Concerning leveling content one can see the price BW had to pay for all the full sound.

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To all those who got to 50 in 6 days, and then complain that leveling to 50 is too fast: Stop space barring through cutscenes, and conversations, and stop playing more than 3-4 hours a day.


I play a lot, and it took me about 3-4 weeks to level my first 50.

Edited by TirGavin
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To all those who got to 50 in 6 days, and then complain that leveling to 50 is too fast: Stop space barring through cutscenes, and conversations, and stop playing more than 3-4 hours a day.


I play a lot, and it took me about 3-4 weeks to level my first 50.


I started playing Dec 20, I played every day for hours until Jan 30. My highest level character is 48. I do NOT understand how the hell they can level up so fast.

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I started playing Dec 20, I played every day for hours until Jan 30. My highest level character is 48. I do NOT understand how the hell they can level up so fast.

I wasn't a first day purchaser, but I still managed to hit 50 before the game was released for two weeks. I'm not complaining though, I was actually trying to level up fast because in my opinion, my first character in an MMO needs to hit max level quickly so I can make leveling up my alts somewhat easier (either with cash or with mats).


My tips are:


1. Collect all quests in an area, do them in a clockwise/counterclockwise fashion

2. Complete bonus quests, especially if they involve killing mobs or getting items off mobs (getting extra XP from getting XP)

3. Find groups for heroics on the way. Or, if possible, solo certain heroics (provided you have one CC, then you can solo two-man mobs or maybe three-man mobs with some ingenuity)

4. Spacebar conversations (Only if you want to. In the essence of time, you should)

5. Rest in a cantina whenever not playing (When playing multiple alts at a time, never play without rested XP)


I don't want to spend years leveling. I'm not 14 anymore. I have a job and a family to support in a tough economy with rising gas prices. The leveling speed in this game is perfect, in my opinion. It's fast if you want it to be, but it can certainly be long if you take the time to listen to the cinematics and enjoy the scenery for what it's worth (which I'm now doing with my alts).

Edited by xGBox
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  • 3 weeks later...

I played to level 50, felt like it took some effort (speed wise). I'm not sure exactly but probably somewhere around 7 or 8 days played. In 40s it was taking me 3-4 hours to get levels. I played a Sith Assassin and watched all cut scenes and movies with all quests. Never used space bar.


I rerolled two toons, one I play solo and the other I play with my wife. I am currently level 37 with both.


37 Combat medic total ~ 96 hours

I play this toon exclusively with my wife. I have crew skills I've been working on, and the speed of leveling has been very casual with some Flashpoints and time spent crafting, searching trade, helping guildies, etc.


37 Scoundrel (sawbones) ~ 45 hours

I play this toon for speed. I space bar through 90% of the quests, have done only 1 flashpoint (mistake, took forever), roughly 5 hours spent travelling to space station and re-equipping, try and limit my idle time. Skip all heroics, just do class and quests in area. I move on if I am over 3 levels above quest level.


During my late 20's and early 30's leveling slowed way down. There are not many good items on trade network to purchase. From 35 on things started to feel like they have picked up again. Some planets are quicker to level through than others.


I've been tracking all my level splits and will make a post once I get to level 50. I'm projecting I will make level 50 in under 100 hours. I'm shooting for 90. I think you could go even quicker if you picked a DPS toon like Sentinel and paid it with a well equipped DPS companion. Most of the quets do not require significant healing. A bonus to playing Scoundrel is limited downtime between fights because you can pop a heal or HoTS and just keep going. My Combat Medic felt much more powerful though.


Because I dont know how to post tables, generally:


Levels 1-10: 180 mins total - 3 hours

Levels 11-27: 60 mins/level - low of 22 min. - high of 101 min.

Levels 27-31: 100 mins/level - low of 78 min. - high of 116 min.

Levels 32-37: 160 mins/level - low of 111 min. - high of 197 min.




Always takes a ton of time if you need to re-equip. Just a quick trip to the fleet will take at least 20 minutes. Traveling all over the place at the end of act 1 for the class quest was a pain. 197 minute level was when I did a flashpoint, thought it was going to be quick, but ended up not getting much experience from it even though it was only 2 levels below me.


Anyways, long post but overall I think leveling is fine for casual gamers. It will take you about 200 hours to play through the game once. That is 15 weeks worth of time for someone averaging 10 - 15 hours a week.


For me I could see myself playing through the game maybe 3 times...


1.) Play through as Imperial, focus on class quests and planet quests.

2.) Play through as republic, focus on class quests and planet quests.

3.) Play through as either, focus on Class and Flashpoints, PvP.


I think that after I get these two toons to 50 (will have three 50s) I will probably take a break. Never been into end game content or raids. Will see.

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  • 1 month later...

There are two issues in this thread - 1) levelling is too fast, and 2) levelling happens too early. The first issue has to do with how fast people get to level 50 - and you can do that any way you want. The second issue, and one that I am mainly concerned with, is the levelling vis-a-vis story progression.


For me, the biggest let down of this game (which I love, by the way), is I am punished with a faceroll and crap gear rewards/useless tokens on the next planet I go to because I decided to complete all (or nearly all) the side missions on the previous planet.


Case-in-point, I completely skipped Balmorra (sp?) to go to Nar Shadar (sp?) because the Balmorra token gear was garbage for my level and I was about 2-3 levels away to get a few pieces of Nar Shadar gear if I went there (thus skipping the agent story line on Balmorra) and going directly to Nar Shadar. I did that, got tokens for a helm, and also found out that one of the heroic rewards gave me a helm similar to the one I just blew 17 tokens on - double-burn! "Who designed this?" I thought - "did they even PLAY it?" - I also thought.


Anyway, that aside, at level 24, after getting some Nar Shadar token gear and other rewards, I went to Balmorrs to pick up the agent story again (which I had forgotten at that point, but needed to have my memory refreshed by the quest givers at the expense of affection from my companion - due to the conversation choices). Now, everything is grey on Balmorra - the mobs, and the quests. I just choose the money rewards from the quests, and I am making my way through the story. However, now, the side quests mean absolutely nothing to me and the story missions are a faceroll where I just charge in, pull all mobs and pwn them. There is ZERO "agent" combat going on, and I feel like I am farming BT or something.


Result is that swtor DOES feel like a grind NOW, and worst of all, I am grinding story content - which is what I loved, but now since there is no challenge, the story has lost a lot of value for me. This sucks...


So, in conclusion, I believe that something must be done with the leveling/story content horrible mismatch in this game. Didn't Bioware know that players interesting in the story/lore would ALSO do side-quests?? I don'T PvP, and I only did the space missions once, and I avoided those to prevent levelling too fast (fail). Also, the token gear from comms system is totally broken, as I have to plan 3-5 levels ahead for that gear. I learned that the hard way - by the time I saved enough tokens for Dromond Kass (sp?) gear, I was like 5 levels too high to use it and I had all the gear I needed from ONE BT run. There is something wrong here and I am now under the impression that, while many parts of this game may have been "tested" - I do not feel that it was properly play tested at all! Seriously, I have one toon at level 24 and I already see all these problems. If BW had testers leveling all the way to 50 and didn't notice these problems, then they need to fire those testers or fire whomever did not listen to the testers' advice regarding the leveling/story problems.


I am sad that I am skipping ENTIRE PLANETS...


The makers of the game stated that they encourage exploration and experiencing game content, however, when a player attempts that, the player is punished with junk gear, worthless tokens for junk gear, faceroll missions where mobs are mostly grey, and a general feeling that a player should be skipping content on purpose in order to have a challenging play experience. I believe that the XP system needs to be fixed and/or allow players to turn off XP at least in the short term until the larger problem is addressed.

Edited by Gomigakari
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