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Everything posted by _Flin_

  1. Success is defined by earning money. If you invest 100 mio $ in a game, then sell about 2 mio for 40$, and then earn about another 40 mio $ in subscription fees, then it is not a total flop. But neither a great success.
  2. Yeah, sure. Main reason for products failing isn't that the products lack, but that customers are fools. I didn't space-bar (at least until about level 42, when I got bored with all of the c-movie and generic MMO stories). And it took me 6 days playtime. All the money for the voice overs could have been spent somewhere else. Like on more content. Or a better engine. Better customer support. Some more content. Or maybe on more content.
  3. I hardly think that MMOs are dead. The problem is more that all are measured against a 1 billion dollar behemoth named WoW. But while the developers and producers are willing to copy wide aspects of the game design (themepark setup, the trinity of pvp / pve / crafting, quests, easy access to the game and easy handling), there are many things they do not try to match. SWTOR did not meet it's goals due to a few points: 1. Bugs & the lack of addons Every Game or even Software has bugs. It is impossible to simulate every and all hardware/software/system combinations, test them and remove all bugs. But when key areas have issues, it is imperative to remove them. - The fps numbers for many players, me among them, were horrid, making the game close to unplayable in certain circumstances. Plus, these fps number problems seemed to coincide with loading times. When you load Alderaan for 5-6 minutes, you just leave the planet as soon as possible and never go there again. And when you twink for an hour and are on the loading screen 20 minutes of that, you just do something else. - Bugs in the raid content made raiding a luck based game. I played 4 small raids and could never reach SOA on the second plattform, because there were always plattforms missing. And that was 2 months after the release. Adding to this, once again, was the decision against AddOns and an API. I don't understand why not one of the big releases in the market since WoW had this feature. I only know that it helped WoW a lot, since most of the features that weren't working very well or not at all were fixed with AddOns until they were patched. 2. Playing time & difficulty level The decision to have complete voice over probably led to the amount of content being very, very low. 6 days playtime to maxlevel is very, very low. The endgame was rather easy, and there was simply not enough to do. 3. Lack of Freedom In WoW you always had the impression that you were in an open world. You could basically walk wherever you wanted to, even if there was nothing. Same is true for most Sandbox games. In SWTOR you were in a walled garden. No Shortcuts through forests, no shortcuts over hills. All was spoonfed, and no fork available. 4. Lack of conflict Where was the other faction? Up to level 30 it was simply non-existent. From there, you'd see one every now and then, but that was it. SWTOR was fun while it lasted, it just didn't last long enough. For a monthly payment of 15$ there just needs to be more to do.
  4. Als jemand, der bereits seit einem Monat nicht mehr spielt, kann ich nur sagen, dass es so gekommen ist wie befürchtet: - "Story" Modus nett beim ersten Spielen, nervend nach einiger Zeit. Wer gerne twinkt, mag daran seinen Gefallen finden, leider ist die Gesamtvertonung wohl sehr auf Kosten des Inhalts gegangen. 6 Tage Spielzeit bis Maxlevel ist sehr, sehr wenig. - MMOs sind buggy. Die Weigerung, eine API zur Verfügung zu stellen, sorgt also mal wieder für Bug-Ärger. Vieles, was angeprangert wurde, vom Crafting über das GHN bis zum Gruppenfinder, hätte über AddOns zügig ausgebügelt werden können. - Support suboptimal. Die schlimmen FPS Zahlen vor 1.2 und das nicht-zugeben (Marketingstrategie) von Problemen für zahlreiche Spieler mit highend Maschinen, war einfach nur Volksverarschung - Zu leichter Content: Der Content war leicht leicht leicht. Dadurch rasten viele Spieler durch den Content, um in einem verbuggten oder kaum existierenden Endgame anzukommen Alles in allem ist mein Fazit: - zu wenig Content - zu leichter Content - miserable Engine, die Höchstleistungen von der Hardware fordert aber selbst nur unterdurchschnittliches leistet - keine AddOns, um Bugs "abzufedern" Grafik: 1 / 5 Grafik war nicht besonders, was nicht schlimm wäre. Gepaart mit der Engineleistung gibts eine 1. Teilweise fühlte man sich wie bei einer PS2, z.B. beim Abflug von einer Raumstation. Da ich ein FPS-Problemhaber war, konnte ich zudem trotz ordentlicher Hardware (i7 870, gtx 550 Ti) nur auf niedrigsten Details spielen und hatte trotzdem 7 fps in Alderaan Civil War und 4-5 Minuten Ladezeiten z.B. für den Planet Alderaan. Sound: 4 / 5 Schöner sound, hervorragende Musik. Teilweise hat die positionierung der Stimmen nicht gepasst oder sie hatten schwankende Lautstärken in Dialogen. Spielwelt: 2 / 5 An sich in Ordnung, nur zu wenig, zu wenig, zu wenig Begegnung mit anderer Fraktion. Klassen: 2 / 5 Balancing war nicht besonders, und die an sich angenehme Vielfalt wurde mal wieder durch unterlegene Nahkämpfer und Überheilcharaktere ruiniert. Rassen: 1 / 5 Sie sahen unterschiedlich aus und Twi'leks hatten Grafikfehler bei den Lekkus. Die Wahl der Rasse selbst war völlig irrelevant. PvE: 3 / 5 An sich gutes PvE wurde mir persönlich durch den extrem niedrigen Schwierigkeitsgrad und den verbuggten Eternity Vault vermiest. Außerdem wurden Nahkampfcharaktere benachteiligt, und die Kämpfe waren großteils sehr tank & spank lastig. PvP: 2 / 5 World PvP nicht vorhanden. 3 WZs von Anfang an, hat Spass gemacht, war allerdings nicht balanced genug. Dazu die Schnapsidee, dass die Fraktionen immer gegeneinander spielen müssen, es sei denn im Huttball. Performance: 0 / 5 Lausig. Berufe: 4 / 5 Gute Ansätze. Hat mir persönlich Spass gemacht. Leichte Schwächen, insbesondere die unterschiedliche Nützlichkeit im Endgame war nicht so *****elnd. Story: 3 / 5 Story schön und gut, aber letzten Endes war es doch nur B-Movie Material und als Soldat auch nicht so *****elnd. Support: 0 / 5 Welcher Support? Wenn man nicht ins Forum geschrieben hat, hat man gar keinen bekommen. insgesamt 11/22 = 2,5 Alles in allem also ein genau durchschnittliches Spiel, das am Anfang viel Spass gemacht hat, dann aber auch schnell nachliess.
  5. No. Your main source for orange gear are heroic quests. The heroic 4s all reward great orange armor and weapons. Try to find a group and do them. EDIT: @topic: Cybertech is a nice craft while leveling. It gets worse on maxlevel. Synthweaving on the other hand is all around useful until maxlevel and will be useful there, too, as soon as Patch 1.2 comes. I'd advise you to switch to Synthweaving, if you want better gear. Artifice is the craft that most players use, so this is not a very good place to be at when you want to maximize your profits.
  6. Actually ship droids get more love from that patch than Combat Medics. Which says an awful lot.
  7. He is whining about whine. How pathetic.
  8. This. As a Combat Medic, 1.2 will not be a nerf bat, it will be a sledgehammer. Wonder how I will heal ops now.
  9. Stop whining. Commando Combat Medics get 6.
  10. I lol'ed. The engine is ******. The caching on the filesystem isn't well done. The assets are really bad and probably too big (Alderaan CV, Ramdisk solutions, character window stutters). The network code is suboptimal (n^2 problems on Ilum). It doesn't support DX11. It doesn't support 64 Bit. It takes enormous amounts of CPU and graphics power, plus a fast drive, to display graphics that are best described with "hardly average". And the "realism" in shading and particle effects isn't worth anything at all, if i get 5-10 fps at certain points in ACW, and that is with all low settings, an i7 870 and a GTX 550Ti. On a 1440 resolution, not even 1920. But Bioware/EA just openly disregard these issues, while acknowledging them internally. Why is a whole team working on the FX part? Maybe because the customers figured out, that the FX asset file is a steaming pile of turd? We'll see whether 1.2 makes things better. My 3 month sub runs out, I can't play PvP the way I want, and in PVE I get 1 second lags when opening any window. No way do I pay anymore for that, when I get the feeling, that I am being ridiculed on top of the issues I have with this game. And this game only.
  11. Hi Tomolon, es wäre ganz interessant zu erfahren, welches Equip Ihr habt. Bei dem Fight kommt es vor allem auf die DDs an. Die Adds müssen zügig down gehen und die Rotationen müssen stimmen. Ansonsten ist der Boss sehr einfach, der Schaden, der gefahren werden muss, ist allerdings nicht ohne. Wenn der Boss ordentlich von der Gruppe weggedreht ist, sollte es für Dich möglich sein, ab und zu ein bisschen Schaden zu machen und der Gruppe so zu helfen. Sinnvoll ist eine Ausrüstung mit Level 50 Blauem equip. Besser sind 49er Artefakt-Ausrüstung aus dem GHN, oder mit Daily-Marken von den täglichen Quests auf Ilum und Belsavis. Esseles ist nicht die leichteste Hard-Mode Instanz, Taral V und Maelstrom-Gefängnis sind leichter. Dass Ihr draufgeht, liegt am Enrage. Nach einer gewissen Zeit schaltet der Boss auf Enrage und fängt an, Euch mit einem oder zwei Schlägen wegzumachen. Was Du beschreibst klingt nach Enrage, und ist deswegen ein Problem der DDs. Sollten alle 50er blaues Equip oder besser haben, sollten sie - Relikte zünden (Möglichst früh, um sie mehrmals zünden zu können) - Cooldowns einsetzen (ebenso, allerdings auf Aggro aufpassen) Eventuell überprüfen, ob die Skillung richtig ist, aber man kann nicht sooo viel falsch machen bei SWTOR in Sachen Skillung. Viele Grüße, Santaflin Schweine im Weltall Exar Kun
  12. It is a question of choice. Am I better off to just buy another game or pay for a month and hardly have anything? As a member of the 5% with fps issues i canceled for April. No 1.2 means no resub. I want to have a look at the fixes first, then decide whether this justifies additional spending. I dont need patience, since my patience has already run out.
  13. Der TE hat gar nicht so unrecht, wenn auch anders, als er selber das sieht :-) Zu Beginn waren schon die meisten faction-balance issues nicht pro-Republik, sondern pro-Imperium. Die meisten sind schon gefixt, glaub das einzige, was noch übrig ist, sind die Trooper / BH Animations-Lags, die mit 1.2 gefixt werden sollen. Ach ja, und wer behauptet: Stimmt alles net, sind alles Spiegelklassen... der hat einfach keine Ahnung, weil die Animationen eben nicht gleich sind, ebensowenig wie zu Beginn so manche cooldowns und Skills. Unterm Strich dürften diese Dinge allerdings relativ wenig ausmachen.
  14. In the end they will add content that keeps people playing. When I canceled my sub, I told them the boring and useless crafting system was one of the reasons. Plus, it takes nothing away. How many man-days are in creating set of armor by a professional? 2? 3? Really don't see where the scarcity should be in that.
  15. No. It isn't. It may be difficult to obtain a schematic and build an item as well. But probably you do not want that, because "Difficult" equals raid or pvp. Did you even read my post? You just repeat the exact same arguments that I already countered. There is no "need". It's not about "need", it is about "reward". You don't craft, so noone should have a benefit from crafting. That is your whole argument. EDIT: Crafting is a social thing. You exchange knowledge with other players, get people to farm for resources (against payment), have customers that buy your consumables, etc. It is by no means a style of play of people "who aren't willing to learn to play with others". A dedicated crafter has as much a full friendslist (and probably a fuller mailbox) as any other player. Maybe more. Because the market never sleeps.
  16. I always thought the worst you could do was - do a headstand - strut apart your eyelids with a toothpick - use a fresh chili and dribble it's juice on the inside of your eyelid. I win.
  17. Answer: You don't. Get a friend. BM Guildmate (Assault Vanguard) was battling his favorite Empire Sorc healer on Ilum. They just battled for minutes, then WZ popped, there they continued, then WZ was over, they continued to battle on Ilum, then WZ popped... This went on for an hour. Guess what, on Ilum noone could win against the other.
  18. Good system = I am better than everyone else. Socialism = Others have to opportunity to stand up to me. Guess what, we are the 99% and we are comin' to getcha.
  19. So are we again at the same arguments? The "only high equipment for raiders" is nothing more than an ideological epeen argument, born from the feeling that one's own playstyle is "The Best " and all others shouldn't get the same as "The Best ". How about - to farm faster - to pvp - to help out in raids - to craft faster - to look cool These are reasons. On Top of it, the PvP gear currently IS solo gear, so why is it on the same item level as Rakata? There is an abundancy of ways to design items for maxlevel (Rakata/BM) that do not take away anything from BM or Rakata, or replace them. - There is the whole crafting factor. No crafting items currently available, that increase crit chances or lower the time it takes to craft - you can implement additional functions, like target marks, or grenades, or movement speed buffs, additional resistances to cc etc. - you can implement different, cool looks Plus, the whole "need" argument is a fallacy. If no gear checks exist, no raider "needs" additional gear. In PvP, the better equipment becomes the reason why you "need" better equipment. (EDIT: people get better gear for playing more, so they get harder to beat, so others have to play more to get better gear to be able to kill these other players) No player "needs" better equipment. But it is seen as a reward for their efforts. Whether they are from PvP or PvE. Only crafters have no rewards. They can create nice items, but everything else is better. Columni and Champion are above almost anything a crafter can make. And there just exist no BoE schematics that are on par with Columni. There are a few Purple II items that are very very good. But there are e.g. no modifications that exceed the daily quest mods. There are people that like to craft and yearn for opportunities to invest a lot of time and effort into premium schematics. Way more time than it takes to clear EV normal, which can be done with a PUG in an evening. You are basically saying that these people shouldn't play this game, and not take any efforts to play the game as they want and have digital rewards for it. Because there are "right" ways to play and "wrong" ways to play and hunting down schematics and being able to produce quality items is not one of them.
  20. As i said, the exact keybindings are personal flavor :-) I have the Huttball on alt-q Main advice is to use keys to fire abilities and mouse for turning and camera.
  21. Keyboard only? OMG no! You use the mouse to do the following: Turn: r-click hold and move mouse Adjust camera: l-click hold and move mouse L + r click hold and move is possible, but wasd are beteer. You mpve with wasd and qe. Never run backwards. Strafe with q and e and turn with the mouse. It is faster. Then you fill up your keyboard. Use settings -> keybindongs -> quickslots. Display all four quickslots. Put every single skill into them, the most useful ones on the bottom middle ones. Then it comes to personal flavor. I bind 1-10 to the keys, 5-0 to rftgcv and the bottom middle quickslot to alt and the same. Then i have the two relics on ctrl+ q and e. Use them, and often. They make a difference. Defensive cds are on 3rd mouse button. Try it. Takes a while, but is waaaaaaaaaay faster than clicking and arrowturning
  22. Leveling is really really fast. It takes about 6 days played if you do not idle too much. And that is fast, indeed. Plus there isnt enough content to level an alt without seeing all the same stuff again. Well, let me rephrase. There might be enough content, but it is arranged in a way that your class quest objectives are all in the same areas you visited with your first char. Concerning leveling content one can see the price BW had to pay for all the full sound.
  23. If you have money problems... l2p. Easy money everywhere. You don't have a craft? Don't do dailies? Don't have slicing alts? Don't have stuff to sell? Don't know how to fly a space mission? Never entered a lower level FP on your own? Really.... L2P. Casual or not, if you want to progress raid, get the money for the repair bills. Or just dont wipe that much. Which, again, comes down to L2P.
  24. Das ist wirklich eine hervorragende Idee. Mal von der Umsetzbarkeit (Lucas-Arts Kanon Kompatibilität und so) abgesehen. Das wäre es auch gewesen, was ich mir mal für ein MMO gewünscht hätte. Seit Jahren ist Content User-Generated, ob bei Facebook, der Huffington-Post, Ego-Shootern mit Level-Editor oder auch sowas wie Spore. So könnte man auf einfachste Weise Content in quasi unendlichen Massen erzeugen. Vernünftige Editoren zur Verfügung stellen, regelmässige (monatlich? pro Quartal) Wettbewerbe mit Geldpreisen, und dann den Content anpassen und ins Spiel übernehmen. Aber ist nur Träumerei, wird nie kommen.
  25. Don't know if "This game > all" but I know for sure that "This game > my hardware"
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