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Everything posted by rawfox

  1. Leuz .. i sach euch .. des innanät is nix für unna 18 .. Die schäggn nix ey ..
  2. Das ist wohl nicht geplant ... Leider geht es bei mir nicht anders, early access ist also nix. Ich hab mein Abo gekündigt.
  3. Ist denn auch was für PvP in der Mekeb-Tüte drin ?
  4. Nice ^^ you gonna love it when you can play the jazz piano. Watch your finger dynamics, bind keys on your fingers, not on other keys. Try to involve your thumb for c v b n C V B N while i use the shifted for defense and unshifted for offense. The right hand nearly always hold the mouse and more buttons = more smile. Its like driving a car, when you dont have to look on the pedals ^^
  5. whatever reasons one may have ... SERVER TRANSFERS NAOW !!
  6. I like humans, no matter what nationality they have. I do not think that russians are better in PvP then other nationalities, it comes down to the people, not the nationality. We will not go that far, to judge a players real life by the time he has, to play a computergame. Merry Christmas ^^
  7. In short Voidstardoors have been that long closed, that the warning already popped, to leave the rescue zone. happend serveral times Tab targeting just ignores the second nearest target as next nearest target, not always but often. that makes it nearly impossible, to get control in a 1 vs. 2 fight when you select a target far away instead of the second player humping on you. I play on skill already and when i use a significant combat tool, i expect it to work 100%. When it fails, im gonna look pretty /lol No chance for real competition with such crap, not to talk about the unfun.
  8. rawfox

    PVP Issues

    Yeah man i play only Guardians, get stunned 3 times in a row and Resolve isnt filled, so i'd say, something is broken, but maybe im a naab and miss knowledge /shrug How's your experience with Resolve ? I have mine on /ignore
  9. rawfox

    PVP Issues

    When i resubbed, it needed not less then 10 weeks, to get the same control over my char like before i left the game due to this horrible tab targeting. There is a problem with Resolve. Thats what people say. Learn to play is, what other people say. I think, both are right and you need more time to manage your combat the way it may have been before.
  10. I can pop mine only in the night. Seriously .. who would do fireworks at daytime eh ?!
  11. oh lulz, im such a naab, now i know why people vanish in fight. i was already wondering, what special tools some classes have haha. one time over the last year i was stuck in a voidstar door. that was cool, i exploited it as mutch as i could, nobody could see me and i could attack so yeah, i would consider it exploiting. there is a difference between cheat and exploid but im sure we all mean the same
  12. The Hero thingy has improved a lot over the last year. I hope they can improve it even futher. A Fusang like Playfield would be win for this game TSW can handle 300 people pvp'ing in one playfield. Some work left to do, gogo BW ^^
  13. The only way to handle cheaters is, to understand they're either kids or have a very small chuchu. Serious developers cheat on PTS, not on life watehfagg ...
  14. Todays resolve is a death trap. I stay far longer when i use my cc breaker early and give a shyte on resolve. I have a excellent PvP experience ignoring it at all, as resolve is just a tiny tool that provides help in situations, that do not even make 1% of all combat time.
  15. rawfox

    PvP Tricks

    combat aesthetics. like it too when i see it
  16. rawfox


    jupp i never humped a lower level. dont hit the girls ^^
  17. have you popped any stims before ? wich ones ?
  18. 1. L2P 2. nwm, its really a "learn to play" thingy, from whatever direction i look at it. From PuGs view, is a real chellange and nearly always a lost game. Lost the game can also mean, learned something. At all, to loose in PvP was never a problem to me as long as i knew, why. Mostly i came to the conclusion, that i made wrong. Yeah, sometimes you dont make wrong but still ... loose. So, loads of time to watch or skirmish in a match thats lost anyways. Why care so mutch ? From the premade's view, its just practise. Where should i practise to play together with my friends to find my role in the team ? Im still a nabber without EWH gear, i cannot go to ranked WZ, so what ? Over that its epic fun to have friends for PvP and its a win due to voice coms only, beside of the players that join groups to advance their PvP are anyways skilled for a certain level. So here are my tips how to engange a good premade ... Show no respect, combat wise. No need to get personal and hate rage, its a game, it may have a sportive character. Use EVERYTHING you have, try to win a fight instead of the match. Try to hinder them, stay on the ball, doors, objectives. When your heartbeat is going up and your body responses to the game, changeing your breathing, your adrenaline, you seriously must master that in first place. There is no way to make rational decisions while going emo. Once you have overview, try to watch the people and yourself, learning starts here i think. I dont wrote that directly to OP, but there is a lot complaining about premades in Pug WZs and thats not quit right to me. Everyone can ask himself, with how many PKs you enter lvl 50 for the first time. And at all, why is "build your own premade" not allowed as argument ??!
  19. Lagzilla is a monster since 1.5 Especially the effects lag is anoying, like shadows never left stealth or people are not, where they are shown in game.
  20. Smash is no problem at all. It is - under certain circumstances - Guardians most powerfull bang. If you see a guardian flying by, just hit your 15s turtle buffs and you should be ok.
  21. I stopped reading here. Whatever comes behind this point maybe your experience with Resulf but it is definitly a tool, that is not powerful enuff to be worth to get used. The situations where i would care for resolve, have no immunity available when i need that. Would i play on Resolve, i'd die a lot more. Ergo, Resolve doesnt exist in my PvP world. For me, it triggers like a perk, every then and when. Call it unprofessional, but that tool isnt worthfull for my playstyle, the effort to make it useable is too big and very risky for some seconds effect. /me QQ Resolve
  22. rawfox


    Opening bridge, placing bomb, bomb explodes and finally i got out of the room. Isnt that something by a minute or so ?
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