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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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How about before you'll join a HM FP or OPS you must have solo'ed the Eternal Championship on Zakuul , this way new players have to improve their rotation and learn some of the game mechanics before they'll enroll for harder multiplayer content.


That would only work if they removed the Eternal Championship requirement of having to completed KOTFE Chapter IX.


Plenty of people don't want to event start KOTFE because they would lose their companions or various other reasons.


But I agree that something like The Secret World gatekeeper system is a good idea.

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That would only work if they removed the Eternal Championship requirement of having to completed KOTFE Chapter IX.


Plenty of people don't want to event start KOTFE because they would lose their companions or various other reasons.


But I agree that something like The Secret World gatekeeper system is a good idea.


I thought there were level restrictions on HM FP's and OPS? You can bring the companions back through the terminal on Odessen. I don't really see why people would not play KOTFE if it's just the companions argument + most noobies would use the instant lvl 65 token anyway so they would be able to run Eternal Championship, wouldn't you agree?

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I thought there were level restrictions on HM FP's and OPS? You can bring the companions back through the terminal on Odessen. I don't really see why people would not play KOTFE if it's just the companions argument + most noobies would use the instant lvl 65 token anyway so they would be able to run Eternal Championship, wouldn't you agree?


It is level 50 as the level restriction, which is not that high.


If doing the EC on one toon qualifies you for every character, ya it would probably be fine; not too many people haven't done 1-9 on at least 1 character. But, someone may be good at one character and bad at another, and most people haven't done the EC on all of their alts.

Edited by LordTurin
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I thought there were level restrictions on HM FP's and OPS? You can bring the companions back through the terminal on Odessen. I don't really see why people would not play KOTFE if it's just the companions argument + most noobies would use the instant lvl 65 token anyway so they would be able to run Eternal Championship, wouldn't you agree?


Screw your Oracle machine. I hate KotFE with burning rage. It's not funny nor interesting for me. The story is boring and has only 1 point of view. Nobody cares whether you run it as DS or LS(OK, Koth does).




Anyway, this still doesn't change the fact, that finishing TEC doesn't tell anything about a tank or a healer as you are supposed to do there damage. The same way my healing NIM achievements don't say anything about my pathetic DPS.

Edited by Deaconik
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Wasn't GF and was wayyy back in the day (I think max level was still 50). I was level 50 but I wanted to increase my social level for some reason and I decided to do a Black Talon social run. Only one other person wanted to go so we partied up and off we went.


As soon as we entered the instance, I started running towards the initial conversation. As soon as I pull ahead of him, the other person starts complaining that I'm going too fast and that I need to wait for him. I think he was low level, so maybe at that time he hadn't gotten sprint yet? Still, I point out that it's not like I can progress through the FP without him since it's so heavily conversation-based. No response.


We do the first conversation. Everything's fine here, but as soon as it ends, I once more start running (not force speeding or anything, just running) ahead to the next destination. Again, the person decides I'm moving too fast and need to wait, expressing his opinion vociferously in chat. I try to explain again that we don't need to walk at exactly the same pace, to no avail.


And so it repeats. Anytime I step a toe too far, they complain I'm moving too fast. I finally give up and just suck it up and stick as close to them as possible (I guess I really wanted those social points). We make it through the flashpoint and come out the other end. I promptly set them to ignore and go ram my head against a wall for 5 minutes.

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2 stories about low DPS and how this game needs to get more feedback to the players...


Czerka HM. That FP without the storm generator(don't know the name now):

1st boss. around 2m hp, some random adds with pathetic HP. And I met the enrage timer of this boss for the first time in my live. Not only healer wasn't able to keep us topped(mercenary), but I made around 700k DPS. Which is around 33 % of total damage this fight has. I was on my tank(with 1.2k power, I admit :)). Every other fight people either don't know mechanics(a red mob appears tank screws boss and goes to open a cage for a blue mob) or do the same or less damage compared to myself. I did around 2k DPS on every boss more or less. You want to tell me that a 65 level character in crystal gear(no set items with high power) cannot do more? Really? In the end we finished without a wipe but man... Anyway, if you don't know what to do - ask. It's not that hard.(I know they won't read it)


And then Battle of Ilum with a guildmate:

Again, low DPS problem. I leave a mob here and there as a tank because some mobs are really far from each other. The are alive when I turn around. We are talking about silver/normal mobs! In the end we face the final boss. I am the only one kicking the "judgment" skill(don't remember the name). I know this because I once forgot to kick it. And then I died. And then we wiped on an enrage. Yay! We tell them they have low dps. No response, no reply. NOTHING. They won't ask for an advice, they won't even bother to respond with some insult. Nothing, enjoying the silence.

The next pull I ask for mastery/power stim, because the other folks don't want to start doing DPS. A guildmate(operative healer) and I do around 45 % of total damage on the boss. We kill it. Enrage icon before the last hit.

I saw the assassin clearly waiting for the next ability to come off cooldown. Just standing doing nothing... while I was trying to push the tank to do more damage, don't forget to kick the almighty ability(usually around me channeling deprecating volts) and burning defensive abilities to do more damage(2 DCDs comes together with damage boosters) and so the healer can do damage too while not healing me.


If they typed some insult, asked a question, anything. But 2 totally silent FPs with so low DPS. I know some people are learning their classes and honestly, these FPs aren't that DPS dependent, but c'mon, this lack of skill is worrying. These people then cry about story modes being too hard.... because 2k DPS player isn't enough... who would have thought... Grrrr

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Screw your Oracle machine. I hate KotFE with burning rage. It's not funny nor interesting for me. The story is boring and has only 1 point of view. Nobody cares whether you run it as DS or LS(OK, Koth does).




Anyway, this still doesn't change the fact, that finishing TEC doesn't tell anything about a tank or a healer as you are supposed to do there damage. The same way my healing NIM achievements don't say anything about my pathetic DPS.


^^This. In contrast to WoW's proving grounds TEC achievements are legacv and mean nothing. Having passed them on an arsenal merc for example doesn't mean i can play st pt or bodyguard merc or any of the other disciplines.

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Core Meltdown

My lvl70 Guardian, Commando, Shadow and Sentinel if I remember correctly. Two of them were 65 and one 66.


We get to point where we can choose which boss we do first and since they didn't have any personal preferences I chose Duneclaw. Should be easy enough because everyone is 65+, right? Wrong!


- They clicked koltos only when really needed (everyone at or below 25%), distribution of koltos here isn't optimal

- They kept stacking during storm in first few wipes.


Maybe fourth attempt when we actually got boss to around 50% but again we died because nobody was watching health of others. I tried to go to koltos as often as I could but I had boss behind me all the time. Clicking koltos here isn't easy when boss is near you.

- Boss' hitbox is around two times as big as model itself

- And of course the roof also prevents you from clicking (why do you guys at BW hate players who prefer to have camera far away from character?)


So, I decided to help them by leaving so they can dance through it with companion.


TL;DR: Level 65s who can't complete tactical Core Meltdown without healer.

Edited by Halinalle
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I felt like the noob yesterday :). Logged onto a toon I had not played in a long time, but it was the toon I traditionally use to run new content on. Decided to do a flashpoint, I think it was Hammer Station ... halfway through the first mob I realize half my abilities were gone. Abilities I was so used to having XD. Even worse was that the rest of the group did not allow me to sort my toolbars out which I could have done in 30 secs.


Lol facepalm moment but I felt like a total newbie!

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I felt like the noob yesterday :). Logged onto a toon I had not played in a long time, but it was the toon I traditionally use to run new content on. Decided to do a flashpoint, I think it was Hammer Station ... halfway through the first mob I realize half my abilities were gone. Abilities I was so used to having XD. Even worse was that the rest of the group did not allow me to sort my toolbars out which I could have done in 30 secs.


Lol facepalm moment but I felt like a total newbie!


I think we've all had that particular "felt like a noob" moment in the last few days. More than once I've tried to trigger an ability on muscle memory, only to remember that it's something else or gone entirely.

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I think we've all had that particular "felt like a noob" moment in the last few days. More than once I've tried to trigger an ability on muscle memory, only to remember that it's something else or gone entirely.


Dipping into page 2 are we? I think not!


But yeah...this... so much... I don't know how many times I been trying to finish a enemy with stock strike over the last few days but its been a lot.... :(.


Come on people.... a new expansion... plenty of returning players and new ones, surely someone has a bad story... or if your BFJ, one every week...

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I did one of the new uprisings (just the story mode, which is stupid easy) the other day on my assassin tank. Nothing too weird about it, other than it glitches because one guy died on the droid boss with circles (because circles) and he couldn't get through the door until we cleared the next area after we rezzed him, and people died a lot on trash otherwise. I would grab Afro on like 8 or so guys, there would be two left shooting at the rest of the group and people were dying... I still don't know why, it's not like they were anything worse than a strong, while I would have a group of elites and strongs and random stuff and take barely any damage. I mean yeah I'm a tank but...
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or if your BFJ, one every week...


Sorry to let you down, I had my 3rd degree blackbelt grading 2 weeks ago (which required abit of extra training to prepare for) and a match the end of last week which kept me busy in between then an instructor training thing over the weekend. I have only played one mission since the update.


My 65 sent, a 66 guardian tank, 70 vang dps and 65 mando dps. Korriban incursion tact.


Tank is a tunnel-visioner but at least he tunnel-visions the strongest enemy so that's a plus.


but his comment before the first boss was a real surprise to me, I have seen loads of tunnel-visioning tanks before but never one as self-aware as this guy, he wrote "you lot can do the adds, that's your job."


I wrote "or you could just grab aggro on them" as he was pulling.


And of course when the first pair of adds come out the tank ignores them completely, even though I grab aggro on both and kite them next to him. He literally just needs to aoe taunt then throw in some sweeping slash and smash into his tanking and all would be fine. But he didn't.


I pick up adds, stack them onto the tank like a good well behaved dps and continue to facetank them to death.


The worst part though, what really annoyed me was that the tunnel-visioning tank who ignores all adds constantly lost aggro to the mando dps.


So after that shambles of a first fight, me stacking adds on a tank who never peeled them whilst he struggled to regain aggro from a boss who was beating on a mando dps who spent his time running koltos, we got to the second boss.


Now its the vangs turn the go weird. During laser thing he comes and stands on me, I run around trying to get behind the boss and get shot by laser. Every single time the vang gets laser he stacks ontop of another person. It doesn't annoy the other 2 because they weren't even trying to get behind boss, but I go so annoyed I asked him in chat to spread out on laser. He then died from aoe's because he was busy typing instructions to me that "the laser does set damage and it splits between the people it hits, if it hits 4 people each one gets 25% of its damage rather than 1 person getting 100%.


I have a feeling this is bs, I had never heard it before but was too busy avoiding aoe stuff to type so just left it at that.


We do final boss, the boss is attacking the mando the entire fight while the guardian tries ineffectually to grab aggro - if only tank classes had taunts, wouldn't that be nice?

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Maybe I'm too old to play games. Can't even keep up with MMO slang changes.


Maelstrom Prison on my Commando. Leveling to 70. Group was lvl70 Commando, lowbie Sentinel and Shadow.

We get through pretty much everything without big issues. Sentinel wanted to go all out rambo all the time and kept dying because of that. I hit 70 at one point and we skipped all the bonuses near the end so no CXP from those. Commando suggest that we don't hide and just rush Kilran so he can't snipe us. Well, Shadow and Sentinel die before Kilran goes to stage 2. Other commando ignores the adds in this part and runs at Kilran. I follow because there's no chance that he will be able to kill Kilran alone. We die. After running back:

Me: How about we do this properly?

Commando: Don't be so salty.

(I've been quiet up to this point apart from greetings at the beginning and giving a little help to our lowbie Shadow in form of ability names, Mind Maze in this case)

Sentinel: I've done this many times.

Me: Ignoring fight mechanics? I hope you don't do operations.

Sentinel: I do them and I do them well.


We kill the boss and finish the FP. I should seriously consider quitting.


Edit: I remember saying something about not really needing gear until end game after Sentinel complained about lack of loot. /edit


Korriban Incursion (before the Maelstrom run)

On Commando still leveling. Lvl70 Sage healer, lvl65 Shadow tank, lowbie Vang dps(?)

Vanguard leaves after droid boss without saying anything. Sage pulls out dps companion and we continue. We get to Dark Council floor in academy and Shadow has companion out now in healer mode. Two pulls before final boss. Sage notices that Shadow's companion is in healer mode, writes "Healer? Can't stand it." and quits. One pull before last boss. I pulled out dps companion and we killed the last boss.

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So last night I join a PUG for an uprising. We wipe on the first boss twice. The tank in the group died first both times. No healers in the group. It happens. However, he then asked me to respec to heals...on my Gunslinger. You know, the straight DPS class that has never had a heal spec in the 5 years this game has been live. I asked him if he was new to the game. Supposedly he'd been playing for awhile. I knew then he was incompetent fool and I just left the group. I can't deal with that level of stupidity. That's what I get for joining a PUG.
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Possibly the best run I ever had (and that is weird, usually things are a nightmare).


I queue for all tfp's and hm fp's with my 65 jugg tank. Get a pop for HM D7 with a 70 sin dps, 59 sorc healer and 62 sorc dps.


Start first pull and I begin to melt, throw some cd's but die, group wipes. There wasn't a single heal the entire pull.

healer: "not a good start"

me: "are you going to do any heals?"

healer: "I'm lightning spec"

me - perhaps not as polite as I should have been: "so you queued as a healer for a hm fp while in dps spec?"

healer: "does it matter?"

me: "isn't it lovely playing with such high-calibur people?"


healer quits group, sorc dps asks our companion influence ranks, and surprisingly my jaesa is best at 34.


I pull out jaesa and switch her to healer then we clear stuff. Get to the bit where you knock a tower over by blowing up a thing, new person joins group, 69 sorc but doesn't do anything or run to us, then it turns out he dc'ed.


We wait a while then kick him because it wont let my use jaesa even if the 4th member is all the way back at the start of the mission.


Get all the way to the constructor droid thing, cant remember its actual name but the one that scans a player then makes a weak af add of that persons base class to distract from the dull grind if hitting on that 1 big droid by having you spend 1 or 2 seconds killing some weak little add every once in a while (you can tell I like this boss).


We get it down to 10% or so when a new player joins group, a 61 op. We kill boss, do console, head off to the next one. Me and sin jump on mounts and skip past every skippable pull and are soon stood face to face with the droid who calls out 2 repair adds every once in a while.


Group gets to us, sorc checks the op is actually a healer, which he is and I pull. All mechanics are done beautifully, the stun-knockback-aggro dump thing the boss does every now and again is interrupted and the channel after often is. Repair adds are hit hard and only 1 of them ever gets more than a couple of meters from it spawn point.


Then re do repair droid boss, aggro is out of control because sin pulled, got hit hard and healer was spam healing him, ripping aggro, all while me and sorc were skipping it.


Interesting bit: the pull after that boss, 1 strong 4 standards with laser beam guns. I leap at the strong, do sabre reflect then hold aggro with some aoe's while the sin beats on the strong. My sabre reflect and aoe is enough to kill the 4 standards (reflected damage is op) and the sin's dps takes the strong down around the same time as the 4 standards. The op and sorc were still running to join us.

op: "is this hard mode?"

me: "yes"

op: "you just burnt 5 enemies in seconds"

me: "5 gcd's to be precise"

op: "lol so much for hard mode"


Then we got to mentor fight started well but at one point both dps ignored a core, so I went for it. This was at the same time as the 2 large strong turrets were up. Both dps attacked one while the other beat on the healer as I was busy slowing killing 2 standards by the core with my tank-level damage output. The healer died, I went and sorted out aggro and we killed the turrets, I started tanking the elite and both dps ignored the core again. I went off to do core and told the sorc dps to c-res healer. They didn't, my dcd's ran out and we wiped.


On the way back I wrote "dps take cores"


and the second fight went quite smoothly. There was a slight hitch when both dps ignored the second core and came to attack the elite, so it had time to repair, but once it went blue again I write "get core" and the sorc goes and deals with it. We beat mentor, say our goodbyes and leave.


So whats so good about the story? the fact that the second dps ignored cores and tank tried to do it himself we wiped, then when mechanics were followed we got through. This is what I love about new expansions, everybody is still in old 65 gear (or lower) but running lvl 70 missions so we all rely on bolster. This means everybody has to do mechanics properly. Back in 4.0 when playing as a tank I could decide "**** it I will ignore aggro management and just go and do mechanic X which is usually a dps mechanic" and that wouldn't wipe the group. Now it does, the game is finally back to normal.....


until some idiot comes of forums to say "mentor too strong, nerf now now now!!!11111!!!" and ruins my fun all over again, making every mission back into one or 2 people in group doing mechanics regardless of their roles because hell, it doesn't matter who presses a console or who clicks a button because the healer is strong enough to face-tank it all.

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Here's another goodie.


Assault on Tython HM - me tanking, mara and merc DPS, sorc healer.


I start by stealthing the first 3 objectives, after the second one Merc pulls a group of trash, instadeath for him, we stucked.


Got to first boss. First time adds spawn and aoe comes, merc and sorc drops dead. Merc decides to leave. Thank the maker.


We start the 1st boss again with 3. Sorc keeps dropping the AoE in a way that doesn't even hit the adds by accident, but nvm, we somehow manage it. Assassin joins mid-fight, dies on his way to the boss. Later we wipe again.


Marauder asks the assassin if he knows tactics. Ofc he does, obviously, how dare we think otherwise. Soon after starting the fight I lose aggro to the assassin. Ok, must be a good one, let's taunt back. Soon again I lose aggro. I look at the boss' debuffs - assassin is taunting. Assassin dies, partly because of the boss partly because he was standing in some AoE, I get the boss back, let's go on.


After an insane amount of struggling, badly placed orbital bombardments and generally bad positioning we down the 1st boss. Cool.


2nd boss. While he's insanely boring, there isn't really a way to fail him, except falling asleep. So we start. Second time the assassin taunts I let him die, he's annoying. We go on. Assassin gets rezzed, but dies instantly again in some AoE. RoFL. When the boss has around 200k hp marauder falls asleep and stands in one of the droids' explosions, dies. We're talking about a 15+ minute fight at this point. I tell the sorc to rez the marauder, but for some untold reason he doesn't do it, so we go on with 2.


We had like 8-10 droids alive, because obviously my tank damage wasn't enough to down them down in time. After another insane amount of boredom, boss gets to around 20k when I die.


This little act took us like 20 minutes. Most horrifying FP experience I've ever had. It wasn't just bad, it was way beyond that.

Edited by Schoock
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Somehow I get Directive 7 twice yesterday, on two different characters. Second run was smoother, first run was as well once the low level Marauder left (he was dying every mob) and a level 65-70 who was your usual impulse trigger finger left- everybody knew tactics on both. I was two level 70s, a Marauder and Juggernaut. Best move there was putting guard on the sorcerer, which helped keep them up and everybody in boss fights in the second go round kept up hitting the kolto tanks and let me maintain aggro. No wipes after that first rough start the first time round.


Today was different. I jump into an in progress flashpoint, Blood Hunt. I cringe but tell myself I can get through this and just to focus on my tactics. I didn't have a healer on point yesterday and they were easier runs. I'm the first to complain as a healer when DPS and Tanks don't do something to keep themselves alive when I'm under pressure. While I will suck up and own a lag spike putting me in a stupid circle in the damn double fight with the Mandalorian couple- I wanted to clock the healer wasting the frelling time to type instead of heal in the last. The whole reason I couldn't sustain DPS in that fight was because I was drawing tremendous aggro and not being able to depend on heals. So rather than die, and I spent a long time in that final fight with Shae as a three person team (fourth went down), I made sure I stayed up, watched my teammates health and the healer wastes time that could have been spent on heal buffing me so I knew it was safe to gap close. I will only maintain pressure if I know that I'm not going to go down and I was keenly trying to save defensives for lava phase.


Part of this was in the lava section as well- which is an incredibly easy phase to get squished like a bug. The craziest part was the only way I could be drawing massive aggro when I was going at Shae Vizla was doing the most damage over the top of healing threat generation. So either the healer was at the person who was drawing less and getting attacked less or they were trying to keep their threat low... I don't care, as long as we can get through the fight, they can do whatever they want. I'm a grown up, I can use kolto stations but what I don't want to hear is a precious snowflake complain I'm keeping myself alive and getting straight back into fighting and drawing fire the second I get back into the fight about doing higher DPS if I 'otherwise can't stay alive long enough'. I tried that, was going too low in health, not enough heals.


No wonder it was a mid flashpoint jump in...I was getting less rewards for the flashpoint, it was more advantageous for me to take the fifteen minute lockout and try again. To be fair, I think the healer was the person who jumped in with me and the other two DPS (one DPS with taunts) were the ones who re-queued their group. But still, I got someone trying to admonish me for staying up and not tunnel visioning DPS until I died.

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Commando suggest that we don't hide and just rush Kilran so he can't snipe us. Well, Shadow and Sentinel die before Kilran goes to stage 2. Other commando ignores the adds in this part and runs at Kilran. I follow because there's no chance that he will be able to kill Kilran alone. We die.


Lol.. next time tell him that first two adds have a buff that says clearly "shielding kilran" no mistery there =P

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Corp Labs veteran mode

On my Guardian. Others were Vanguard, Sage and Commando. All lowbies.


Vanguard left without saying anything. I ask group leader to requeue. Nothing happens. We use Sage's Qyzen as tank on way to first boss. First try on first boss = wipe. Now my influence 50 HK-51 is with us in dps mode. We kill first and second boss. In part where blue and red creatures are Sage and Commando attack the creatures even though I just told them not to. Of course HK was part of that problem too because I forgot to put him on passive mode.


Last boss: Same thing with creatures. They + HK attack the creatures so they don't die quickly. Instead HK goes down first then Commando and finally Sage. I started to get tired of noobness of group so I decided to solo it. Fun little challenge because I'm still not in good gear, still couple of 216 armorings and mods but mostly 228/230. DCD management and boss to kolto to boss to kolto running. Unfortunately group leader decided that now is good time to requeue. So, Shadow joined but was stuck there while I was still killing the boss.

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We had like 8-10 droids alive, because obviously my tank damage wasn't enough to down them down in time. After another insane amount of boredom, boss gets to around 20k when I die.


This little act took us like 20 minutes. Most horrifying FP experience I've ever had. It wasn't just bad, it was way beyond that.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGAD8e17X2U i gotta say the video form of that is a real gem, one to watch

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tactical Legacy of rakata with the slowest speed runners I have ever seen.


its my 66 sent, a 67 sage dps, 70 shadow dps and 69 mando healer. sage writes "I want a quick run"


fine by me, first group, the manka cats I see the sage run around the back of the rock going to skip them.


This is just a quick rant I want to make about "fast runs" and skipping pulls. This pull is 4 standard enemies, a dps can kill an standard in 3 gcd's (3 seconds) with 3 dps in the group that's 3 of the cats dead in 3 seconds and the last will aggro on healer due to not being hit. As long as the healer is smart and stands near melee dps and within los and range of rdps that cat will die in 4th gcd.


That's 4 seconds to clear that pull if you do it properly. Our sage is stood around the other side of the large rock and asking the shadow to come and stealth cc something. Shadow is asking which one, sage marks it while me and mando run around the rock, it gets cc'd and we skip the pull. Probably about 20-30 seconds.


I pull on next few fights and set a nice quick pace, stopping to heal myself between each one but thanks to healer its only 1 or 2 ticks of introspect to get back to full. Get to the pull by the waterfall and stop. I wait for the shadow to go and cc the dog on the right so we can skip. Instead they run up and pull and we fight them.


Fight the manka cat ambush, skip through jungle bit, fight the village ambush then start first boss.


When bloke comes down I attack bloke. Sage tells me to "attack rancor"

me: "I would rather do it properly"

sage: "its faster to kill rancor"

shadow: "I will tank it"


Fight goes on and either I am a pro at watchman spec sent (hint: I am not, I am **** at it and all dot specs) or the other 2 dps are crap or the bloke has lower hp or damage reduction than rancor because even with shadow and sage on rancor the whole fight, along with the healer adding some off-dps to it I get the bloke down to 4% by the time the 3 of them kill the rancor.


me: "the bloke has less health so you should kill him first because then you don't need to kite fire and it turns rancor into tank and spank" (I didn't bother mentioning that in HM the only way to beat that boss is bloke first)

sage: "lol everybody kills rancor first"

me: "that's only when someone doesn't want to take responsibility for tanking the rancor, if you have a tank, or even and off-tank who is willing to do it then bloke is quicker"

sage: "tanks have nothing to do with fast dps you dumb noob"

me: "the reason non-tank groups kill rancor first is because his knockbacks are a pain when dpsing bloke, if you have someone willing to turn rancor away that's not an issue so bloke is faster and removes flame mechanics which makes rancor faster later on."

sage: "whatever"


I take this to mean "oh sounds like you are right but I am too perfect to ever be wrong so I will end it here"


Skip next pull, kill some more and get to the 4 crates. The sage goes to the right and the other 2 follow. I consider this strange as I thought this was supposed to be a quick run and yet sage is going the slow way again. Still we do all 4 crates, in a weird order which ends up taking longer than the normal route and get to second boss.


Sage stands behind a pillar and says "do adds here" and the other 2 join him. He then pulls, I jump in and start killing adds.

sage: "come here to stack them up."

me: "or just stack them here"

sage: "this is better for group healing"

me: "I have dcd's and kolto's I'm fine"


We kill all adds and do some damage on the boss, then second group of adds spawn in their usual spot. The other 3 go and stand by their los pillar while I force leap at one of the adds. I kill 2 and get a third down to 50% by the time they have run over to the other by their pillar.


Do some more boss damage and then fight another wave of adds, this time I only get 2 kills before they reach the los point.


Kill boss and I decide to ask about those tactics.

me: "how was that any faster than just killing them where they spawn"

sage: "lol you are so stupid you don't even deserve an answer"

me: "lol ok, but indulge me"

sage: "they are spread out when they spawn."

me: "lol so your saying because they are stood 4ish meters apart we should make them run all the way across the entire boss arena because that's faster?"

sage: "yes it is"

me: "I managed to kill 2 before they even got to you, with 3 dps in the group that's 6, theres 12 adds per group, that means that my way we kill half the group in the time it takes your way to even start attacking them"

sage: "you need los to make them bunch up omg are you really this dumb?"

me: "you need los to make melee enemies bunch up? omg are you really that dumb"

sage: "whats melee got to do with it?"

me: "los is not required to move melee enemies, if the 4 of us stand close then enemies will bunch up"

sage: "exactly so you should stand with us in the los spot"

me: "so you really think standing 50m away and waiting for the enemies to come to you is faster than standing where they spawn and doing single target dps on one of them while you wait for them to move the 8m to get close enough for aoe?"


Sage quit group.


Not that I even give a **** about cutting every last second possible, I just didn't like the sage's attitude of "my way is best and if you disagree your an idiot" even though it was perfectly obvious he was wrong (me soloing 96% damage to the bloke while 3 other people kill 1 rancor, or me killing 2 adds in the time it takes to los them when los isn't even needed).

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Marauder (me), Operative Healer, XP Armour Dork (DPS Operative) and Assassin Tank.


Kuat Drive Yards, the most freaking special group I can imagine. First off we get a disconnect at start, so we replace and I should have known that after a replacement joined, my companion dismissed and the XP Armour Dork charged into a mob a good twenty second later, we all die. Another situation moments later involved surviving and instructing on how to revive to XP Armour Dork.


The Operative Healer was learning but he at least was trying- the Assassin Tank complained so much and didn't use tanklike saves enough that I could have sworn he was a DPS throwing guard, but healer mostly kept him up. Tank dropped guard on him and put it on XP Armour Dork.

We're dealing with two silvers deep into the FP, everything seems fine except for an allergy to hitting interrupts at the various mobs and then suddenly XP Armour Dork races from around a corner, dragging three mobs.


Dead again, we finally make it to Major Benes. The grenades light up and we get into area, activate and... wait, two people aren't here- Tank has an allergy to getting the grenades desensitized. It doesn't go well and we get to round two, another trainwreck and complete ignorance of mechanics while I desperately keep driving myself to thirty stacks of rage to Predation force everyone onwards to safety. XP Armour Dork quits although he was at this point the most faithful to the fight mechanics.


While I didn't mind the healer who second go round was actually getting the grenades off, and XP Armour Dork had quit- I had lost an hour, I wasn't eating more repair bills because the Assassin liked getting blown up. As it was, 10k for the botched round although I was more sore at losing time than anything else.

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