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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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So, yeah, Red Reaper should probably have 1 'e' subtracted from its name for a more accurate description. [...]

Rofl. Yes, all of this. :D

But it feels so good when you actually manage to tank/heal this without a death.



Ok, unrelated. There's one thing I have noticed very frequently and that tends to annoy me a fair amount as someone who plays tanks and a sorc healer. It's when you're tanking a flashpoint and the healer is a sage/sorc, you pull a mob, grab all the aggro, get instantly pummeled, and they start healing you by dropping an aoe at your feet... Like, is anyone else in urgent need of healing ? No ? Then WHY ?

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Got vote kicked from KDY after asking to be rezzed and replying with "Sherlock" to a comment "rez and run back" when I had already done so and managed to catch up with the team. I don't think I've ever put three people on ignore so fast. Then I made an effort to ignore them on all my characters.


Let them whine about long dps queue. :rak_01:

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I was the sniper, Kaliyo sends her greetings ;)

I hope BW can make healing comps easier by putting up a "Group icon" for them together With the rest of the party so its easier to click the comp. Would solve some issues.


Ya, put the last idiot tank on ignore, we were 4 mins from completion and easy XP...

I hear Your Treek and my Kaliyo became best buddies after this one lol :D


Good run.


oh hey! so that's where Treek has been sneaking off to. I had her followed, but she's one sneaky teddy bear. she better not run up any gambling debts :p


and yeah, ability to see companions on group frames would be incredibly welcome. and thank you for being the quiet stoic one who gets the job done :D

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Red Reaper HM.

Me Sage healer, Guardian DPS, Commando DPS and Shadowtank.

Tank engages before Commando gets from video. First thing I notice is that he has mostly greens, no headgear at all, and empty orange focus. He has 17k hp. When Commando joins battle I notice he has 20k hp.

Tank takes tons of damage and he uses Force in Balace as AoE (dps tree talent). And has Force Techique. First wave of spawning mobs come right to me. When I'm at 10% HP I decide to save myself and use Force Barrier. During my barrier Tank dies but DPS mostly kill mobs and we finish them off. I rez tank and he points out that I'm a noob because I let him die. He does not heal himself, and charges next avoidable room when Commando is still regenerating. Tank followed by Commando die fast. That point I am pretty sure we wipe but I'm glad to be wrong. Guardian swapped to Soresu and taunted all mobs that were killing me. I ofc start healing him like mad and we survive pull :) that Guardian luckily was luckily a god tank compared to our tank (and Guardian had DPS spec and gear)

And following discussion was pretty bizarre:

Tank: noob healer! Why am I dead! And noob dps Soresu is tank form

Guardian: she didn't heal you because she was knocked by mobs. No good tank leaves his DPS and healer being killed by mobs. Because you are not tanking, I just did it for you. And form, I will swap it immediately when you swap to Combat Technique.

Tank goes silent.


Guardian initiates votekick against tank, I accept it and he leaves. Before he leaves he tells us that we will be ignored

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The first 3 rooms of Red Reaper are a bizarre social experiment on BioWare's part to see how much inexplicable pain they can inflict on 4 total strangers within the first 60 seconds of a FP.


And yes it's 'normal' for mobs to be invisible. Consider this a 'feature'.


Here is a rough summary of how those rooms work:

  • There are a bunch of angry psycho mobs that hit much harder than their "Strong" classification suggests.
  • Those psycho mobs are busy hitting Republic NPCs and will ignore you.
  • Those psycho mobs are still in combat, meaning they're 'listening' for any aggressive actions you take — such as buffing or healing — and because the Pub NPCs do crap damage, the psycho Purebloods will very easily aggro onto anyone who does anything near them that generates threat.
  • There is an invisible trigger point near the doorway leading out of the room that causes 4 more of the Strongs to spawn in the hallway, and rush into the room.
  • These 4 new mobs are 'aggro'd', meaning they're listening for aggressive actions — in other words, the Tank doesn't notice them because they're in the hallway, so the only Threat these mobs get put on their aggro table is the healer.





^^^-You've struck gold there, my friend! Funny depiction because it is all too true. I've been through this FP a couple of times, both as a guardian tank. I now understand the frustration I felt! The invisibility was what I thought was the most annoying. I thought maybe I'd left my blast shield down! ;)



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My first rep and I wanted to try the republic-only FPs (Taral V and Maelstrom Prison). Commando healer, slightly undergeared and I was looking for the comms.


I queued for both (and Cademimu, but never got a group for that), and got Maelstrom Prison. The tank began the FP by respeccing, so I checked their gear and said it's DPS gear (and IIRC some was lvl 25ish) but, to put it simply, they couldn't care less. Most of it was fine, but the tank clearly wanted to rush it. Any boss loots which were Vanguard tank, the tank refused to equip and stuck with their CM DPS gear, not even mod switching. Tactics were as brief as "avoid snipping" and then running in. The tank put me on ignore halfway through the FP, so I won't be meeting them again. (And good too, L2P.)


After Maestrom, I got Taral V after a long queue wait. We had a tank whose gear wasn't that good, so I told him what gear tanks should have and he thanked me for info. Because of the not-so-good tank, my heals were hard to keep up and one of the DPS did a lot of healing. After a cutscene, the healing DPS suddenly left, and we instantly got a Shadow. The Shadow became the new tank after a bit of discussion. We got to a pretty tricky boss which I couldn't keep heals up with, and the old tank now decided to tell me that I was grouped with 2 Russian-only speaking, and he could speak both. *sigh* I had to ask him to translate and tried Google Translate for a sentence, but eventually I got kicked due to two-person kick success. :/


I only got 2 planetary comms from the run... So much for good gear.

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Not really a group finder story but a PUG TC SM.


So I am in this group with a few friends and we decided to throw a TC 16 SM together. Ops leader does the regular ask in fleet for anyone to join and we end up with a full group. Instance is set to SM and we all go in. Ops leader gives instructions to the group and has 4 dps on adds so they go down really quick and can get to the boss to add some dps. One vanguard dps apparently has a problem with this and starts raging in ops chat about how you only need two dps on the adds. Whatever, its SM and people in the ops group are sporting full dread forged gear. The boss is going to go down no matter how the dps is distributed, could have all ten dps kill the two adds and then switch to the boss each round for all I care and he will still die. Anyways, continues to rage and people just ignore it and continue listening to the leader.


Now the pull:

Its set to 16 man SM, I watched it pop up in my notifications when the ops leader set it. Anyways, before starting the fight, no one realized that the boss had 7 million hp. We are progressing through the fight and the healers notice that the two tanks are taking a lot more damage than normal. The adds are doing the channel to remove the isotope 5 from the off tank and the main tank is just getting blasted. Everyone notices that we are getting the HM mechanics in SM. Anyways, the lovely dps vanguard starts raging in chat about how we set to HM and not SM, that the ops leader is an idiot and screwed everyone over. Since everyone expected SM, the tanks didnt grab isotope 5 and the the off tank goes down fairly quickly, dps start dying and it ends as a wipe. Raging vanguard continues in ops chat to the point where the leader says, "alright, ill pass you lead so you can see what it is set to then pass it back when you prove yourself wrong." She passes it to the vanguard who quickly looks at it and states that it was in fact SM.


Now that the vanguard has put their foot in their mouth, everyone exits to reset but the person refuses to pass lead back. She is getting whispers and statements in ops chat to pass lead back from several people including those not in the original leaders guild. Flat out ignores and just runs the op. Everyone goes back in and people are yelling in ops chat to return lead to the original. Vanguard proceeds to give directions to the group and try to get a handle on who is what role cause of course they don't know that either. 20 minutes of trying to figure out what everyone's role was rather than just letting the original person lead was more a waste of time than having a "terrifying" four dps on adds.


So, second pull, boss has the correct 4 mil in health and we get going. I have already decided that I am completely sick of this woeful individual and that a modicum of justice is required. I am playing on my sage and feel the need to "rescue" this person from being a complete *****; as the boss charges up its lasers, I wait till about halfway through the cast and rescue the vanguard to in front of the boss and then force speed out. She died a burning death and spent the remainder of the fight screaming in ops chat about having been pulled by a sage, there were five in the group so couldn't really point the finger to blame anyone. The responses that she got in ops chat were priceless. We kill the boss without her obviously awesome deeps.


Afterwards, the vanguard is continuing to rage but to a friend apparently. We discovered this because the vanguard in question is an EPIC fail at /whisper and ended up sending three or four paragraphs to the original ops lead about how terrible this ops leader was and to never group with her again.


Just so much fail...

Edited by g_land
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Pleasant surprise last night . . .


KDY on my sage, first scenario was starship assembly. Can't believe they STILL haven't fixed the bug that prevents Pubs from getting the kill bonus, but oh well. No one knew how to do the assembly just by looking at the table, but when I said I could figure it out from reading the memos, everyone had the patience to wait and didn't switch things behind my back. So we got that bonus! (I have about a 50% success rate treating it as a logic puzzle.)


Then we get holding cells. We have just entered the first cell block when the commando asks if we can let him get the achievement. We all agree, and tell him to wait until it's all clear. We clear the first side - and he starts opening cells. We tell him that since he has to bring all 10 prisoners alive to the end, he should have waited, and now he can't join us in clearing the other side. But everyone else is fine doing that with 3 people.


We get to the elite, at the bottom of the stairs. The fight goes bad - one player up and leaves midfight, the other one dies. Now I am running low on health, and so is the elite. Looks to be a wipe, except that the guy with the prisoners (who kept disregarding our advice to stay back) goes to the walkway where he can reach me but the elite can't reach him, and heals me through the fight. I rez the other guy, we get a freshly minted L15 slinger to join us (who actually listens and doesn't open any cells), and we finish up. Commando gets his achievement, I presume.


Boss fight: Lieutenant Krupp. I ask if we have all done it before, the slinger of course hasn't. I am about to explain when the sentinel pulls. Okay. I quickly explain the basics of the fight and off we go. I think after the first time he blew up the slinger figured out what to do.


So, a PUG with some inexperienced people but everyone was reasonable and listened and we got through it just fine. Not smoothly, maybe, but it was fun.

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Taral V:

I say at the beginning that I'm new to this FP and everyone is ok with that so we start by skipping a lot of mobs. After killing one group of mobs tank says he needs to leave and quits. While waiting new tank we decide to try to kill guy with two dogs and it doesn't go that well, we kill one of the dogs but then we all die. After this everyone says "bye" and quits.



Even though the tank was a bit weird (ranged only Vanguard?) run was actually quite fun. Poor healer had to work so hard. Nobody died though. Tank decides to leave the area just before the first boss without saying anything. We decide to quit after waiting a bit for new tank.

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Speaking about markers .... Last week I was in a TfB SM pugrun where I thought to make good use of the fp/ops class markers. At Kephess I typed in chat that I would mark the pylon where I would take Kephess and were we would cleanse nanites (to clarify, I was on a tanktoon).

Somehow the group managed to ALWAYS choose the other pylon. Since they were consistent I didn't fret it and just pulled the boss to the pylon where people were channeling :).


One of my buddies was messing around with his markers the other day and putting them in the hallway between Thrasher and whatshisface (Thrasher's handler). I was MT and the other guy, who had never tanked it before, was OT. He kept taunting the handler off of me and pulling him back into the group because he thought that was what the markers were for :D Straightened it out mid-fight and my guildie stopped playing with his markers.

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So, second pull, boss has the correct 4 mil in health and we get going. I have already decided that I am completely sick of this woeful individual and that a modicum of justice is required. I am playing on my sage and feel the need to "rescue" this person from being a complete *****; as the boss charges up its lasers, I wait till about halfway through the cast and rescue the vanguard to in front of the boss and then force speed out. She died a burning death and spent the remainder of the fight screaming in ops chat about having been pulled by a sage, there were five in the group so couldn't really point the finger to blame anyone. The responses that she got in ops chat were priceless. We kill the boss without her obviously awesome deeps


Awesome story :)

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Ok, unrelated. There's one thing I have noticed very frequently and that tends to annoy me a fair amount as someone who plays tanks and a sorc healer. It's when you're tanking a flashpoint and the healer is a sage/sorc, you pull a mob, grab all the aggro, get instantly pummeled, and they start healing you by dropping an aoe at your feet... Like, is anyone else in urgent need of healing ? No ? Then WHY ?
Sorc/Sage puddles are exceptionally powerful and cheap since dropping them is basically part of the healing 'rotation' . It's usually better to have one down at all times when your procs line up (low cost, fast cast) than have to 'emergency-drop' one when people actually start taking damage (unless you know you're going to need it specifically really soon, such as upcoming boss AoE).


It's better to pay attention to whether the Sorc/Sage hot is ticking on you (granting you an Armor buff) and you're getting their channeled heal on CD, plus of course bubble. If those things are happening then they're probably dropping puddles for completeness.


If not, then they're probably dropping puddles because they're pressing random buttons. :p

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It's better to pay attention to whether the Sorc/Sage hot is ticking on you (granting you an Armor buff) and you're getting their channeled heal on CD, plus of course bubble. If those things are happening then they're probably dropping puddles for completeness.


If not, then they're probably dropping puddles because they're pressing random buttons. :p


The uncertainty in this statement is overwhelming :eek:

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So, second pull, boss has the correct 4 mil in health and we get going. I have already decided that I am completely sick of this woeful individual and that a modicum of justice is required. I am playing on my sage and feel the need to "rescue" this person from being a complete *****; as the boss charges up its lasers, I wait till about halfway through the cast and rescue the vanguard to in front of the boss and then force speed out. She died a burning death and spent the remainder of the fight screaming in ops chat about having been pulled by a sage, there were five in the group so couldn't really point the finger to blame anyone. The responses that she got in ops chat were priceless. We kill the boss without her obviously awesome deeps.


Priceless!!! Wish you had a vid of it.

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The first 3 rooms of Red Reaper are a bizarre social experiment on BioWare's part to see how much inexplicable pain they can inflict on 4 total strangers within the first 60 seconds of a FP.




So, yeah, Red Reaper should probably have 1 'e' subtracted from its name for a more accurate description. All the mobs hit like trucks driving trucks on amphetamine and it's totally :eek: compared to the softcore easy pulls you've had for the last 40 levels of Group Finder.


Haha, so very much this!!!


Don't forget the bonus boss at the beginning: LAG. I've found, every single time I've run it, that the lag kills just as often as what you listed. People often run into the mobs in the 2nd room because they're lagging and by the time the lag subsides they find they ran right into a fire, or a mob. Such a broken, awful FP.

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Such a broken, awful FP.
I actually really like it. It's like the Sparta of FPs, it takes no prisoners and wants to drink your blood and there's nothing holding it back, nor is it bound by the moral restrictions of lesser FPs that abide by the laws of war in matters such as "Thy mobs shall be visible and targetable".


Red Reaper is here to decapitate you, eat your children's children, and use your eye sockets in unspeakable ways, and it's not ashamed.


Like it's a nightmare in most random groups, and getting people through it feels like leading a group of preschoolers across the African savannah, but when you actually get a group that's coordinated, listens, and understands, it's the first FP that actually makes you feel awesome for crushing it.


Really the only thing I don't like about Red Reaper, besides the unfair bugs, is that bosses are disappointingly easy — reaching each boss in RR is like battling through an entire army of rancors, naked, wielding only a toothpick. And then you find out their commander is a marshmallow with a happy face drawn on in permanent marker.


How did that marshmallow get to be in command of all these rabid, angry rancors? It's very mysterious.

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Really the only thing I don't like about Red Reaper, besides the unfair bugs, is that bosses are very disappointing and don't belong there — every boss in RR is like battling through an entire army of rancors, naked, wielding only a toothpick. And then you find out their commander is a marshmallow with a happy face drawn on in permanent marker.


How did that marshmallow get to be in command of all these rabid, angry rancors? It's very mysterious.




The bosses were actually really easy to kick around. First guy was as jumpy as a Geonosian leaf-hopper, but he didn't deal very much damage (or my sister kept the heals on us fast enough that I didn't notice anyone drop below three quarters). Boss number two got beat to shreds by a few kicks here and there while we were making sure he didn't get his beam charged up. Boss number three was just too much running-- hiding behind his lackeys isn't very Sithly. Leaping across the chasm to finish him off is too satisfying, though.


On an unrelated note, just to bring you a dose of good strangeness, and even though it's not flashpoint-y:

4v4 warzone. We get the typical trinity; myself as tank, sister heals, and two random dps. Our enemy team comprises of a merc, two higher level maras, and a sorc. We wipe horribly on the first round (this is due to my shielding my sister and underestimating the amount of damage they poured on her). Second round, I slap my guard on the operative, knowing my sister's going to die before doing a single thing because of the sheer dps they focus on her.

'Course, after the healer's down, they stop coordinating. Second round, our dps sorc sacrifices himself first, letting the operative and myself flank them. We wipe out the merc, sister goes down, we wipe out a marauder and a half, I go down, operative proceeds to shiv the daylights out of the last mara. I lost track of the last sorc; he must have vaporized sometime during that.

The next round goes similarly, except only my sister fell and our enemies just got more disorganized. Our dps sorc was even able to off-heal me from two or three percent to about full while I'm swatting around the remaining two maras with the help of the operative.

It was a pvp match I really wasn't expecting. It was amazing, actually, pulling that kind of victory out of such a dismal start.

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"OMG! That Powertech/Vanguard is in trouble (he is in melee range). Must use Overload/Force wave!" -Random Sorcerer/Sage, 2014


After finishing FP they are confident enough to invite you to their guild.

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Recently, I had a Marauder in KDY who used Undying Rage a lot - despite not having aggro or only fighting against weak enemies. I saw her using this before leaping at a champion, altough someone else was tanking.

Even stranger, she used it against one of the adds at the droid boss.

It wouldn't be so bad if she didn't lose half her health afterwards, so as a healer it's a bit annoying.


I mean what good is it if you aren't taking damage anyway or only a really neglectible amount of damage, but lose half your health afterwards?

Or is there any other use to it?

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