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Cathars coming in Patch 2.1!


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The new gear is great. I love the Troublemaker set.


Maybe those 2 sentences are not linked (and thus you talk like a Voss !), but in case they are :


The troublemaker set is nothing new : it's a generic lvl 30-45 Agent gear.

The only thing that is new is that it makes it available to republic, and to sith inquisitors.


Anyway since you liked it here are other colour schemes for that model-shape :


- Scorpion

- Dread Scout

- Cademimu Sharpshooter

- Fortified Lacquerous

- Electromesh Battle


And there are others... You can also check on the imperial fleet, I think it's the Correlia equipment vendor that has similar chests but with various colour schemes as well.

Edited by Shoogli
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I can literally see Alec at the computer when 2.1 releases...



"Hood up."


"Hood down!"

*manical laughter*


"Hood up."


"Hood down!"

*manical laughter*


Til he passes out from pure joy.


If hood toggle is an option, I will totally be doing that.

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I think meow is a really good time for Cathar to debut. Meow, I know some folks were wanting to see other races, but right meow we just need to all buy the Cathar and support BW so maybe we can get some of those other races we've been dreaming about. That's life. You can't always have everything you want right meow, but for meow the Cathar will do.


As of right meow, I'm declaring this the best post of the thread. Meow if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do!

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Actually if you're a sub this is free. 600 is right around the price of the monthly stipend. My guess is this was intentional so that subscribers could get it free. I think they did this very right.


Then they should have make it totaly free for subs. Not like if subs were being loved lately.

Edited by Kesphin
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Except subscribers get more than enough CC's to not have to pay for them.


Not if we frivolously spend all our cartel coins the moment we get them like some snot-nosed kid in a candy store clutching two quarters...

Edited by DarthTHC
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Maybe those 2 sentences are not linked (and thus you talk like a Voss !), but in case they are :


The troublemaker set is nothing new : it's a generic lvl 30-45 Agent gear.

The only thing that is new is that it makes it available to republic, and to sith inquisitors.


Anyway since you liked it here are other colour schemes for that model-shape :


- Scorpion

- Dread Scout

- Cademimu Sharpshooter

- Fortified Lacquerous

- Electromesh Battle


And there are others... You can also check on the imperial fleet, I think it's the Correlia equipment vendor that has similar chests but with various colour schemes as well.


I only play republic so I didn't know that. Neat. I'm happy they are making these items available to both factions. Having said that it was but one example, many of the recent armours have been entirely new. I love the Handmaiden set on my female smuggler.

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I only play republic so I didn't know that. Neat. I'm happy they are making these items available to both factions. Having said that it was but one example, many of the recent armours have been entirely new. I love the Handmaiden set on my female smuggler.


Ha so you're not a Voss :jawa_wink: !


Anyway, you really should try to play an empire toon, at least to see a few more planets very quickly : Hutta, Korriban and Dromund Kaas. You'll end up liking some of the stories for sure. Besides you can totally play light side and some of the quest decisions are kind of like you're betraying the empire, or at least your boss : it's really fun. Saying this just in case you're used to be on the "good" side and don't want to play an "evil" character. Not going to tell more so I don't spoil anything, but you should definitely give it a try.

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Not sure how I feel about Jorgan being retroactively changed, but I suppose that applies to all Cather NPCs that have been in the game prior to 2.0 and not just Jorgan, like the Cathar Lady who steals medicine for children on Ord Mantell or the Cathar Bounty Hunter on Balmorra?


Also, I wonder if they also recorded new dialogue for Jorgan for his romance arc. There's that one line in his romance where he's talking about Cathar and mating and stuff since his opposite is not of his race, which would be pretty inappropriate for him to say when his love interest actually is a Cathar.


I doubt they'll change it. I remember playing my Chiss Smuggler and getting to the mission where the hangar guard challenges me, telling me the only person on the list for that day was a "Chiss" Officer, and the Smuggler commenting about how he knows that he doesn't look very Chiss.

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I doubt they'll change it. I remember playing my Chiss Smuggler and getting to the mission where the hangar guard challenges me, telling me the only person on the list for that day was a "Chiss" Officer, and the Smuggler commenting about how he knows that he doesn't look very Chiss.


lol, yeah, there is a lot of stuff like that in the game right now. I asked Hall Hood about it and he was like, "ugh, that's a really sore point for us all right now" Because when it was all written, they didn't know they were going to give the Republic the option to play Chiss. But he also said they plan on going back through all that stuff and fixing it eventually.

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Because Dulfy (the OP) runs the best, most informative SWTOR fan site on the Internet and has been a pillar of this community since before the game launched.


I agreed with the above statement so much I made a donation (a while back) to dulfy.net! Great site!

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I'm very excited to hear that they are coming soon now instead of Soon! Sooner than I thought, even! Thank you, Dulfy, for posting. :)


Looks like they'll have a nice variety of colors and patterns, which thankfully appear to be separate options. What I most want to see is their hairstyles though. "Bald or partially bald" seems to be common in the pics we've seen so far and I really, really hope I can make a Cathar that has a nice head of hair. ^^ Their hairstyles so far kind of look like Zabrak styles.

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2.1 is entitled "Customization". I wonder what customization features we'll get save for a cartel barber. Hood toggle time?


I'm hoping there's some "content" in 2.1 as well..."Customization" isn't what they promised us every 6-weeks.

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