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Most unfriendly flashpoint community I ever seen


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Almost everytime if I connect to flashpoint, someone write ... "ohh Sage with 16k HP?? kick him!!" or "hey mate u have done this FP before?? no?" sorry u must go... and kick.


I have mix columi, rakata gear.


This game have most unfriendly community.

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Almost everytime if I connect to flashpoint, someone write ... "ohh Sage with 16k HP?? kick him!!" or "hey mate u have done this FP before?? no?" sorry u must go... and kick.


I have mix columi, rakata gear.


This game have most unfriendly community.


Oddly enough this has never happened to me. One man's epidemic is another man's "never heard of it" I guess.

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Ive found this to be one of the friendliest...


Got to 50 on my old account, first time doing one of the FPs. (The Island one i think...)

Told the guys there that i'd never done them before (This is before i even got the free 50 gear from fleet that was better than my stuff).


Went into the FP, they took it slowly for me, explained it to me about where we should go and what the bosses would do to watch out for.

Died about 6/7 times to one boss (This is when the Repair costs were stupidly high...).

Took about 2-3hours to complete it and it was probably the most fun ive ever had.


Compared to other MMOs ive played, definitely one of the best communities for PvM.

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Oddly enough this has never happened to me. One man's epidemic is another man's "never heard of it" I guess.


on the same boat. I don't vote to kick someone unless they have no clue what they're doing which they help prove when we wipe 2-3 times on a flashpoint boss. Otherwise, I continue on with it the flashpoint. But again never actually have had it happen where someone says "ooo 16k sage kick him."

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Never seen this happen before, only ever kicked someone for disconnection and then only if they don't come back in five minutes.


Also, if you have Columi and Rakata gear, then there shouldn't be any Flashpoints you haven't run at least once.

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I've not seen complaints about health level (because Endurance is something you really want to stack? :rolleyes:) on the DPS nor tanks. Hell, I've run Flashpoints with terribad tanks (aggro everywhere, breaking CC, slamming their face into the boss and losing aggro, then not getting it back etc.) and we still just soldier through. It has, in fact, been a very long time since I've seen people being removed from the group, even for stuff like dc's.


Maybe it's because I'm the healer?

Edited by Tatile
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Hard Mode Lost Island, right?


You are considered a bit under geared for that one if I am not mistaken. Lost Island requires full Rakata unless your team is willing to pick up some of your slack.


I could be wrong, been forever since I have ran that, but I do know Lost Island requires heavily geared players.

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Almost everytime if I connect to flashpoint, someone write ... "ohh Sage with 16k HP?? kick him!!" or "hey mate u have done this FP before?? no?" sorry u must go... and kick.


I have mix columi, rakata gear.


This game have most unfriendly community.


You had the unfortunate luck to find yourself in a group that wanted a no effort, faceroll run.

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well that never happened to me but on the other hand i started doing FP after hitting 50 with my guild i was in from like 25lvl....


But imo swtor has awesome community and i have never seen anyone really pissing out on undergeared players and such...


Also i hate when ppl say u are undergeared or NEED rakata for lost island....i know for a fact that skill always win vs gear and if u do the math colum + rakata mix isnt alot worse then full rakata.. so those whiney kids really need to lay off... alsooooo these kiddies are not often found..so in most mmos i played this has to have the ,most healthy community...

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Almost everytime if I connect to flashpoint, someone write ... "ohh Sage with 16k HP?? kick him!!" or "hey mate u have done this FP before?? no?" sorry u must go... and kick.


I have mix columi, rakata gear.


This game have most unfriendly community.


Never had this happen to me. What server are you on?

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What I've noticed about FPs at 50 is this: They expect you to know where to go, how to avoid as much of the trash as can be avoided and there's very little actual talking going on.


In short, it's basically the end of this expansion and people are expected to know most of this stuff by now.


Now me, I'm a new player. Just started a month or so ago and I don't know most of the Flash Points at 50. But, that's not THEIR fault. That's my fault for not wanting to do more of them. I could, if I wanted to do so, learn all of the Flash Points and learn how to avoid the trash and everything else expected, just by grinding them out for a few weeks. But it doesn't matter that much to me.


Now, my 2 50s are in Tionese welfare gear, modded gear from Corellia. And I've never been kicked for being on the low end of the power scale. So, I don't know about all that nonsense, but maybe if you're getting kicked, it's for other reasons.

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You had the unfortunate luck to find yourself in a group that wanted a no effort, faceroll run.


I agree. There isn't much in the way of FPs that are all that difficult. Everyone gets free hard mode gear on turning 50 now so the only reason a group would kick someone from a FP is:


a) They know that they are actually the ones who suck so bad they need maximum geared people to help them out or:

b) They think they are still playing WoW.

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Actually wow has the most unfriendly community by far. It got really bad once they brought in cross realm stuff.


By now most people running hard modes in SWTOR are players who have been around for a while, they have seen the stories etc and just want to do the daily. But people (at least on my server) are still quite friendly most of the time.

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It's pretty rare that I see a complete douchebag in a PUG HM FP group. And I have found that if someone says "Hey, I'm a new 50th, could you go a bit slower, etc" that groups will slow down for the guy. They might still do some short cuts or skip the bonus boss, but they at least do all the main bosses for the person and explain each fight that isn't a basic tank & spank.
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As a tank I rarely if ever ***** at the ppl I'm with out of kindness. We all had to learn sometime.


As for most unfriendly community I'd pass that off to WoW, at least when I played around the lich king era. With all the gear check and dps meter addons that game comes with, people run you through 15 different scans before you even start the instance. Luckily I was never on the receiving end of the whiners :)

Edited by Cruncherctg
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Been playing since launch, have 6 50s and leveling two more alts now, and I have only run one flashpoint where there was a rude person picking on the tank...and he actually kind of deserved it, he was constantly letting the healer get beat up on every pull.


Go queue up for LFR in WoW and tell me SWTOR isn't 100x kinder.

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I don't que for FP's anymore being that there is nothing I can get from them. When I use to do it though the golden rule for new players was to listen to what we say, you get one screw up and next time you are gone.


I've never booted someone for their inexperince or gear though. I find it odd people would even do this being that all the FP's in the game can be done with recruit gear on.

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Assuming it was HM Lost Island:


1. You're undergeared

2. You've got no business in the HM if you've never done it on SM


People who are just looking to do the Rakghoul weekly as fast as possible likely aren't in the mood to carry someone who probably shouldn't be there in the first place. A new-ish 50 DPS can probably be carried without too much issue so long as you speak up at the beginning and pay attention to the instructions. But an undergeared healer or tank who hasn't done the FP before is just recipe for failure - or at least lots of wipes and frustration.


So I'm sure it was nothing personal and the people who kicked you weren't necessarily rude a-holes. They just didn't feel like spending hours in a FP when they could do it in 30 mins with someone who was geared and had been there before.


My advice would be to find a guild that has regular FP and Ops runs. It's much easier to learn the skips and fights when you're with people you know and everyone is in Vent or TS or whatever.

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Cant say I've ever really experienced this, even levelling my tank when most of the time I didn't have a scooby what I was doing I was never harassed or belittled due to lack of gear or skill.


I ragequit a few groups once I started doing 50 HM's, but I never singled anybody out, would just say that life was too short ti spend it wiping repeatedly, wish them luck and teleport out.

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If you're at 16k, you don't have a mix of columi and rakata gear. Sorry. That's simply not possible.


Full tionese puts you at 15800 with the trooper buff - with no stat points invested, augments, or datacrons, according to MrRobot. Two pieces of columi will put you over 16k.. Either you're using drastically underleveled gear with your one or two pieces of columi (and one rakata relic from being artifice) or you're not being honest about your gear.


If you're not in full tionese or better, you shouldn't be queuing into the HMFP queue. Period. Do story modes until you get the rest of your tionese drops. Speaking of Tionese, you get a free set, as well as a free recruit PVP set. Get them. Equip the best of both.

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I've only initiated a votekick on somebody once, and that was for rolling Need on non-class gear for the second time in the Flashpoint. I called him on it the first time, and let him know that wasn't cool. He did it again, and then argued that we were doing well, and there was no need to kick him. I explained again how loot etiquette worked.


I have never thought about kicking somebody for being under-geared, and I have never seen it done in any Flashpoint I have been in. SWTOR has the friendliest community I have seen when it comes to new people in FPs.


So long as it it mentioned at the start of the group, I have no problem forgoing the spacebar (not skipping), and asking how the fight mechanics work. As long as you have a good attitude, and are willing to learn, I'll do my best to get you through the FP, despite your gear shortcomings. If it doesn't work out (we keep dying), it will be apparent that the group isn't working, and we can discuss how to proceed at that time. However, I would never kick a player for being under-geared in a FP (not even for Lost Island HM, but I would try to explain as best I could, and be polite about it). Even then, If he insisted on staying, I would give it a try, and if it didn't work out, I would remove myself (and not him). That's just how I play.

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