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Warning on high population servers


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OK people. It's a launch. It is a launch that BW is aggressively controling. Months ago, everyone on these forums was talking about how they expected this sort of thing (server queues, minor bugs)....we knew there would be issues. If you are really angry, I urge you to go back to WoW. Tank you, Come Again!



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I can't see BW recovering from this shambles.

1st impressions count with the paying customer, you fork out £39.99 - £129.99 and you expect no matter how much you pay, to play, when you want, how you want, on the server that your characters are all ready on.


I have not, will not & I am never going to pay for a game that makes me wait even 30 secs to log on.


Maybe I have been lucky with the mmos I have played in the past to never of been screwed over my waiting times.


BW put me and my guild on a server that was full after day 1 of early access - unacceptable.


BW have not made enough servers available - Unaccecptable.


BW were not prepared for the early access - Unacceptable.


BW were not prepared for the general release - Unacceptable


The game in its current state with regards to the player base being fused to either like it or lump when its the people at BW that have completely messed up the release of SWTOR - UNACCEPTABLE.


To have the sorry state of the servers on a holiday period, where alot of ppl will be getting this as a gift, its a disgrace.


I've waited years for this game but its taken a matter of days for myself to consider not even bothering playing & I am 1 of the saps that forked out £129.99 for it.


It will take something massive for BW to recover repair & win back the players on this.


I know it's a drop in the sea, but I totally agree with you - I am actually getting offended by all the people defending BioWare here .. yes, it's official launch day, and yes, some companies have experienced what BioWare now experiences, but; I REALLY DON'T CARE!


Companies - just like you and me - should learn from their mistakes and act accordingly.


I hope this is fixed before Christmas and the holidays that follows.

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Roughly a 500 que on Jung Ma at 6:30 EST just as a heads up. I think making more availability for RP-PVPers, in conjunction with character realm transfers would really help this issue.


Although it doesn't really bother me as this happened all the time in my 6 years of WoW, and the way they handled it was a lot worse, never locking server that had extremely high populations and constant ques. Also servers that had 50:1 faction ratios made the game dull and boring, hopefully this team of developers will learn from their mistakes.

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If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues.


That is a really horrible response. Let's see guild assigned to a server, server is over populated, go play on a different one.........


I do understand the fact that you dont want to lock servers makes sense if a friend wants to join you on one but queue every night in the minimum of 500's isn't very reassuring.


I do have to say thank you for making an awesome game that so many people want to play and that I am excited to be part of a full server that wont be merged into another one a year in the future but I still hate queuing LOL.

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I know it's a drop in the sea, but I totally agree with you - I am actually getting offended by all the people defending BioWare here .. yes, it's official launch day, and yes, some companies have experienced what BioWare now experiences, but; I REALLY DON'T CARE!


Companies - just like you and me - should learn from their mistakes and act accordingly.


I hope this is fixed before Christmas and the holidays that follows.



honestly this is one of the smoothest launches of any MMO I've ever been around for, including all 3 expansions to WoW, warhammer, and some others. Also, the feedback from the dev. team is not leaving its' members in the dark like most have. I will be standing besides bioware and defending them until i see otherwise.

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In other words new people STOP MAKING CHARACTER ON FULL SERVERS!!!!


Paid money to play early and get my guild established... on THE FATMAN... and then all these new people roll on FULL servers instead of the empty ones especially prepared for them. Thanks...


Thanks for asking me to re-roll because I paid to pre order and Bioware assigned me to this server. Thanks for your post about we should just wait it out. You're real helpful. Bioware opened 20+ empty brand new servers for launch day peeps and they roll on FULL servers and tell the pre launchers to re-roll or just "deal with it"... sorry but I have a REAL job. 3hr que means I don;t get to play since I have to cook once home, (while waiting in que) and then FINALLY get on what 9pm? so I can play for 30min... then shower and go to bed so I can get up in the morning and go to work instead of living at Mommies and thinking 'I'm special and should be given everything I ask for".


I want a Guild transfer since I was ASSIGNED to the Fatman or my money back. I really don;t feel like leveling a Sith Inq for the 10th time (beta and all).

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With this in mind, we wanted to notify everyone of some consistently high population servers. These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times.


We strongly advise you to not create new characters on these servers, unless you are prepared to queue to play.



First of all, thanks for the update. But regarding the quoted section above.... we are not on high population servers by choice. We (many of us) are there because Bioware put us there. So while we can choose to create characters somewhere else now so we can actually play the game I'm hoping you'll understand that this isn't a thrilling prospect. We pre-ordered your game. We took the time to create guilds for pre-deployment. We got early access as an incentive. To now be in a situation where that early access has actually trapped us on a server that is stressed to the max making it so that we must abandon that early access and pre-created guild is... not ideal.


So we are left wondering why? It appears that BW over-concentrated the initial guild deployments (I understand that this is 20/20 hindsight, but that doesn't change the perception). Personally I'd love to be on a lower pop server. I'm just not thrilled at having to toss my character and guild to do it. So I'll bear with you (what choice to I have), but I'm hoping the situation resolves itself soon-ish (and I don't think it will, given the holiday gift season and all).

Edited by TheWeaver
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I dont care too much for a queue. But I joined a standard population server, and queue time was less than 10 min. I have been waiting for over 3 hours for this <10 min queue to pass. And still waiting.


Joining Low population servers is not fixing this problem at all.

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If character transfer is not implemented within the next month, I will be canceling my subscription because I simply do not have the free time to sit around and wait 2-3 hours to play a video game. Let alone pay $15 a month to sit around for 3 hours before I can play the game. Amateur hour at Bioware.
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I wish I could just pay a fee and move my character to a lower population server. I would.


most people aren't going to want to pay to move to a new server.


1. a big perk of EGA was being able to lock in your choice of names. I created 6 toons the second i got into the game. highly unlikely that those names will be available on another server.


2. people are paying to play already, they're not going to want to pay MORE to access the game. especially since it was BW that put most of us on these bursting servers in the first place.


it would be one thing if BW's approach to the guild / deployment was one of nonchalance, ie. here's this tool, use it if you want, we don't care, it may or may not help you


but that's not what they did. they actively promoted it, got people to sign up, allowed you to designate allies and adversaries, and required a minimum number of guild mates to have pre-ordered in order to be eligible for deployment.


they promoted this tool every step of the way, and now they absolutely own it. failures and all.

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SR, would it be possible for you to give a legitimate alternative for those who were placed on servers due to the Guild Launch Program?


Simply telling us to reroll or wait in a queue is not the best option. We were placed on a server (with little say, other than picking from a few options) while trusting the BW team in that it would provide us with a healthy population and thus, competition. It doesn't exactly seem fair or warranted that guilds with players who preordered or were given EGA should have to wait in queues for servers in which their guilds were designed around!


I'm just trying to understand the logic here. People were given ample time to join guilds. They were given ample time to preorder and, more or less, stake their claim on a number of servers. They have the ability to communicate, and I think it's obvious that I expected way too much in this regard. Why are people who took advantage of your Guild Launch Program, preordered ASAP to ensure their EGA, and created characters on servers their guild was placed on having to wait with everyone else who was either unaware (perfectly fine, but separate from those who are/were really pumped about this game) or, frankly, lazy?


Sorry if that sounds a bit elitist, but I followed the rules. I listened to the suggestions. I trusted that my guild would be placed on a healthy and competitive server. I was given EGA on the 13th and am already level 37. I have guildies who are in their 40s. Most of us are nearly 30. Rerolling has never and will never be an option. There has to be a plan in place to create separation from those who've had a week headstart (a so-called reward for preordering so early), and those who merely picked up the game today because they thought it looked cool.


Thanks for the update, nonetheless.



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This isnt good news for those who have already rolled during EGA on these busy servers and now im stuck in a 20 min que because bioware have allowed everyone onto the same server even when it was full before launch.


You can't wait 20 minutes? Really? Read a book or something! 20 minutes is nothing! (I'm in 20 min queue also)

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You can't wait 20 minutes? Really? Read a book or something! 20 minutes is nothing! (I'm in 20 min queue also)


I know right. I been waiting 3.5 hours to access my standard population server. Still waiting. Been watching tv and other useless ****.

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Make the server transfer option possible ASAP. Your goin to lose alot of players and angry people tell alot of people how much something sucks.


IE; if one persons happy with a product they tell about on average 1-2 people ,,, now if they are negative about a product they tell about 10-15 others about how the product sucks.


I am not restarting a new toon on a diff server.

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