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Warning on high population servers


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What about us guys who already are level 30+ on servers like Basilisk Droid?


I have 3 hours queue, and I disconnect during these queues.. I really don't want to switch server, because BIOWARE placed my guild on that server.. IMO they should have locked it down when it reached full capacity.. I don't want to switch server when i am already level 32, and i certainly don't want to wait 3+ hours to play a game.. Who can wait that long??

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Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.


I really can't believe your team was so short-sighted on these fundamental issues that crop up with popular MMO's that have such ridiculous queues. You should have known this ahead of time and had it in place. Did you pay ANY attention to WOW or Rift or Shadowbane or Lineage 2 or any other big release in the past? All had the same problem.

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Basically EGA was a totaly shambles, those of us that pre-ordered are the ones stuck on realms with stupidly long queues of up to 6 hours. Newsflash. I don't have 6 hours a night. I have a job.


What with the crappy CE VIP vendor items and the fact that you released all the music from the CD anyway, I totally wish I hadn't bothered. I would have had a wider choice. But right now, rerolling is the only one I have, and not one I intend to take. I won't be paying for this bollocks until I can expect to login without issue, that's for sure.

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Thanks for attempting to keep us updated. This game has some issues yes (server queue problems, random disconnects, Taris, etc), but I'm absolutely in love with it.


I hope the server queue issues get resolved over the next couple weeks or so as new subs steady out somewhat.


I know that the post of an individual member of the community doesn't really matter, but I hope BioWare keeps up the good work and continues to provide equally ambitious support for an ambitious game.

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Raise the population cap, lock the server or give free migration for people alone or for entire guilds that are on the mentioned full servers.

When I see a qeue of 1180 I instantly lose interest and play something else. This way I for sure will not extend my playtime.


The only real solution so far for me is migration, either for each person seperatly or offer it for entire guilds as I am on The Red Eclipse cause bioware placed my guild there.


- Thunderstruckerr

Guildmaster of Fugitives

Edited by Thunderstruckerr
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i don't understand, why just not to forbid to create characters for new players on these servers and raise cap to the limit. These servers obviously already populated enough. Edited by Tezis
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If the queues were "expected" why wasn't there something in place to deal with it?, you expected it but were apathetic?


Being told to create a new toon on another low populated server is a very un-professional response imo, I've put in a lot of hours levelling up my toon just to start afresh. So it's our fault now?...


Except queues for the foreseeable future doesn't sit well with me either, I don't pay to wait, I pay to play... yes we are your paying customers.


I know it's not it's not mr reid 's fault and I thank you for keeping us informed but all in all a very poor response to a critical situation.


Just my 2 cents...



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Thanks but I got placed of Frostclaw as part of the guild deployment, not very impressed to be told currently my only options are a queue up to 2 hours or to abandon the character I've played for over 20 hours.


I know you're busy guys but please look in prioritising the work of character transfers, new content will only be fun if I'm there to enjoy it.


Ditto this. I may not be above lvl 20 yet, but I'm playing more than one character and enjoying the heck out of both of them. I don't want to start over and my entire guild was deployed to The Harbinger.

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Thanks for the update - some news is better than sweet F.A.


However we signed up as a guild to play together not to queue together. Bioware/EA decided to stick every bloody guild on the same servers and now Bioware/EA essentially say "Tough s**t"? Not good enough. Not nearly good enough.

Edited by Honsou_UK
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Wow, Thank you!


i am very impressed with the transparency and communication coming from you guys.


i expected 2+ hours ques this week a long time ago and have no problem coming home, quing up and spending time with my wife.


The effort and commitment you are putting forward, has just gone to further stabilize my commitment as a customer.


Keep up the good work!

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I waited 5 hours in queue after played 15 mins got crashed and queue again 1000:mad:

I want to Force choke who made this game like this. In every game after disc u have at least 5 minutes to log in without queue

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So you'd rather allow EGA and non-EGA players to sit in hour/multiple hour long queues instead?


No, he's saying it's a bad idea to stop someone from playing with their friends, family and guildmates just because of a population surge during the Official Launch Day.

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Seriously.. To all the guys who say "don't be so ungrateful" please understand that this is totally BioWares fault..


We are "raging" because our guilds got PLACED on servers. We could not CHOOSE where to put it.


And when BioWare CHOOSES to PLACE us on servers, they damn better make sure there is enough room for us on that server!


This is rubbish.. -.-

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Thanks for the update - some news is better than sweet F.A.


However we signed up as a guild to play together not to queue together. Bioware/EA decided to stick every bloody guild on the same servers and now Bioware/EA essentially say "Tough s**t"? Not good enough. Not nearly good enough.


Pretty hard to disagree with this.


Bioware, you simply didnt think things through when performing the Guild deployment, didnt load balance and now it's making you look bad. I think you show serious audacity by saying we should go to other servers when it was your scheme that put us on these problematical severs.


It's one thing that you didnt plan a crucial element of a MMO launch out logically, but it's a severe slap in the face to even consider asking us to essentially take a hit in your error by making us sacrifice the hours we have already invested into our characters.


You need to be better at PR. Immediately.

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Seriously.. To all the guys who say "don't be so ungrateful" please understand that this is totally BioWares fault..


We are "raging" because our guilds got PLACED on servers. We could not CHOOSE where to put it.


And when BioWare CHOOSES to PLACE us on servers, they damn better make sure there is enough room for us on that server!


This is rubbish.. -.-



Amen to that!


My guild got placed on a full server thanks to Bioware. Now I have to spent ages in a qeue thanks to Bioware and considering I gave Bioware money to play this game they sure as hell better fix their mistake with offering Free Guild-Migrations whatsoever. In the end it's a business agreement. We pay to play, Bioware has to make it able for us to play. Simple as that. I doubt any guild at this point would have chosen to be on the red eclipse but we didnt choose, Bioware just messed up the guild implementation and what do you do after creating a mess? Right, you clean it up!

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Thanks for the update, tho it took way too long for a proper one to show up, but thanks nonetheless.


As many people have stated already, a lot of this is things you should have anticipated, or at the very least had a emergency plan to quickly fix it should it become an issue.

We know you have paid attention to other big mmo's but you seem to have ignored to look at their launch and other server issues over the years.


Saying to all the people with chars already fairly high leveled to just suck it up and reroll on another server if you want to keep playing the game you paid for is a massive slap in the face and nothing but an insult to injury. And the queue times is not even a new issue for launch day, it started real early on in the early game access and nothing was done to make it smoother for launch day. More servers is good, but it does not in any way solve the present issue.


And honestly, not even having an almost complete character server transfer feature more or less done in time for launch is just unbelievable, I am truly surprised that will not be available any time soon. But its in the works and thats something, but it should have been in place already.


The game is in most ways absolutely amazing and I am loving every minute I actually get to play it. But all this is making me almost regret preordering and purchasing the CE to get the EGA just to be faced with this crap. A fix asap and compensation for wasted time is needed sooner rather then later. If nothing gets fixed properly by the end of my first 30days, I dont think I will resub no matter how much I love the game itself.


Thanks again for the updates and please keep updating us regularly and not leave us in the dark regarding possible solutions and the progress of them.

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If the queues were "expected" why wasn't there something in place to deal with it?, you expected it but were apathetic?


They expected High Volumes of players, however, how could they know all the new comeers would stick to the high populated servers and cause these rediculous queues. The only thing they can do is wait it out and increase things as needed. Other than that it would be implementing a Character Transfer service, which he mentioned they are looking into that.



Being told to create a new toon on another low populated server is a very un-professional response imo, I've put in a lot of hours levelling up my toon just to start afresh. So it's our fault now?...


I think the point of that was people to make toons on low population servers, more or less pointed at the people making new characters who haven't played yet or haven't invested much time. Professionalism has nothing to do with it.



Except queues for the foreseeable future doesn't sit well with me either, I don't pay to wait, I pay to play... yes we are your paying customers.


Then pay to play on another server :D


I know it's not it's not mr reid 's fault and I thank you for keeping us informed but all in all a very poor response to a critical situation.


Just my 2 cents...




It's day 1 ... technically day 7 with EGA. They released this game not even 24 hours ago to the whole WORLD. Rome wasn't built in a day lol. Give em a break, they will fix it and things will even out.

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