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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

why are people freaking out about Ilum in 1.7?


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Serioiusly, do people not visit and quest on Ilum already... a planet where there already is PvP area's, and a place you can be steamrolled if your not careful? I would also like to point out, to those with concern, that Ilum had a specific and DEDICATED place for PvP area last time, it was not the whole planet, and it seems like a lot of people with concern are just freaking out for no reason.


*Get some recruit gear


*Prepare yourself for PvP (and if your playing on a PvP server, then please DO NOT complain about open world PvP, its what you chose to do)


*Practice, and play some PvP matches... it isnt brain science


People have gotten too comforable with this game, and are used to sitting on the fleet for most of their play time, a place where they are safe. If I had it my way, the fleet would be destroyed, and you would have the chance of being attacked anywhere, at anytime. If they do this right, it could really add a very important element to this game that its been lacking for almost a whole year.


Those of us who have been here since the beginning, and experienced Ilum and its open would PvP would probably agree that the issue of it being released is NOT you being attacked, its going to be if the engine can support the large scale battles, and not play at only .5 framerate, then crash your game.


Speak for yourself. I have been here since the beginning and have experienced Ilum in both PvE and PvP and I DO NOT CARE if the engine can handle large scale battles. I just want to keep the PvPers in their area and out of the PvE areas so they do not have the opportunity to show how big of a jerk they are by ganking the players playing PvE on the RP-PVE server I am on.

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I could give you what is probably going to be a number 1 reason why, depending on how they structured this event. The one thing many people hate doing, even in a video game, is feeling like they just wasted their time. Especially if said people have a more limited time frame to play due to work, school, wife, kids, or just life in general. And the fact is if someone has just spent 45 minutes, an hour, 2 hours, or whatever trying to get something completed and have someone come out of nowhere and gank them forcing them to start back over having just wasted (or at least feeling like they just wasted) that time they have spent with their more limited play schedule.


This should be the topic. The rest of the reasons are not really applicable. People do not want to be ganked, I currently have 23.11 bonus damage to pvp and 18.77 damage reduction to pvp how any pvper can make the argument that killing pve people is fun given those stats is beyond me. Just let people choose to flag or not then you will have your open world pvp with those that actually have gear and the desire to pvp.


Fighting pve geared people in pvp gear is like fishing with dynamite.

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Speak for yourself. I have been here since the beginning and have experienced Ilum in both PvE and PvP and I DO NOT CARE if the engine can handle large scale battles. I just want to keep the PvPers in their area and out of the PvE areas so they do not have the opportunity to show how big of a jerk they are by ganking the players playing PvE on the RP-PVE server I am on.


So let me get this straight....Because someone attacks you out in the open he is automatically a jerk??? Makes sense.

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So let me get this straight....Because someone attacks you out in the open he is automatically a jerk??? Makes sense.


Ganking pve players is a pretty good definition of a jerk. This what the person was talking about, not pvp players attacking pvp players.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Serioiusly, do people not visit and quest on Ilum already... a planet where there already is PvP area's, and a place you can be steamrolled if your not careful? I would also like to point out, to those with concern, that Ilum had a specific and DEDICATED place for PvP area last time, it was not the whole planet, and it seems like a lot of people with concern are just freaking out for no reason.


*Get some recruit gear


*Prepare yourself for PvP (and if your playing on a PvP server, then please DO NOT complain about open world PvP, its what you chose to do)


*Practice, and play some PvP matches... it isnt brain science


People have gotten too comforable with this game, and are used to sitting on the fleet for most of their play time, a place where they are safe. If I had it my way, the fleet would be destroyed, and you would have the chance of being attacked anywhere, at anytime. If they do this right, it could really add a very important element to this game that its been lacking for almost a whole year.


Those of us who have been here since the beginning, and experienced Ilum and its open would PvP would probably agree that the issue of it being released is NOT you being attacked, its going to be if the engine can support the large scale battles, and not play at only .5 framerate, then crash your game.


This may come as a shock to you but not every likes PvP which means they don't want to practice, play matches or do anything else associated with it. Being aware of this isn't brain science.

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This may come as a shock to you but not every likes PvP which means they don't want to practice, play matches or do anything else associated with it. Being aware of this isn't brain science.


No shock to me. My suggestion to those people - SKIP IT! If you're so fearful of PvP that it's causing anxiety, don't do it.


PvE missions set in a PvP area are NOT meant for PvE only people...they're meant for PvPers who also like stuff to do while they wait for PvP.

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This may come as a shock to you but not every likes PvP which means they don't want to practice, play matches or do anything else associated with it. Being aware of this isn't brain science.


So don't do it then. Problem solved. 1.7 is an obvious attempt to encourage open world pvp. If you are a PVE'er you don't own the rights to every PVE item in the game.

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Yeah it's ridiculous. Ilum IS A PVP PLANET. It has PVP objectives and valor boosts on the pvp side. If you have to go there for the new event it's to encourage PVP.


We've had 2 PVE events. It's about time we get a PVP one.


Ilum hasn't been a PvP planet in almost 9 months.

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I don't understand why there's such an outcry. (Let me explain that I pve and do not pvp).


We've had a couple game events now that were pve in nature. Now, we're getting an event that has pvp in it and everyone is up in arms. On top of that, the pvp'ers are complaining that they had to pve to do the earlier events so it's only fair that pve'ers have to pvp this time.


Well, nobody forced anybody to do any of the previous events. You pvp'ers didn't have a gun to your head. If you didn't want to pve, you didn't have to. However, if you wanted to take part in those events, you sucked it up and did it.


Now, the shoe's on the other foot. Nobody will force anyone to do these events if they don't want to. If you don't like pvp, don't do it, but if you want to reap the rewards of this event, then you're going to have to do it. It's only fair.


I may not like it either, but if I want to participate in it, then I understand that I'm just going to have to group up and do it and hope my group is better than their group. If I decide it's not worth it, then I'll stop and I won't worry about it.


Why all the fuss? Seems pretty simple to me.

Edited by Roshe
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I LIKE PvP. I don't like open world PvP where, just as I'm fighting some nasty mob, an idiot runs by and zaps me so I die. Or, if the world is going to be open world PvP, have there be NO aggro mobs, at all. Edited by Danbuterx
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I know that I only speak for myself.


But I love pvp and especially open world pvp, in my opinion that is pvp at it's truest form, not this wz bs... Now if only I would be able to get comms from kills/pvp pve related quests in these areas I would be estactic. But I really don't see any problem here. You don't like the Ilum update? Don't go there. Just as if I don't like a new operation (I like them all but if I didn't) then I won't do it. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything.


New content = new mechanics.... makes sense?

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The tears, they feed me!!!


But seriously, why cry about pvp zone issues if you roll a character on a pvp server? seriously you knew what you were getting into when you made that character. if people want to quest in peace etc, roll on a pve and be done with it. that way you still have access to warzones, but can safely quest in peace~ otherwise, you msut WANT to have access to open-world pvp, you jsut dont like it when its YOU getting ganked.

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I had to do FPs to get HK and I didn't mind because I wanted the reward even though I almost feel asleep. So if you want the rewards do it if not skip it.


I love the fact that players don't mind countless wipes on a PVE mob but the second another player kills them the world is over.


Just think of me as a world boss and bring your raid group because if you're red you're dead :p

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its all over every planet, everywhere already!! lol, you go through numberous PvP areas through the course of leveling, so no, its not an issue.




Ilum missions are not required to complete your main storyline, its basically just additional story for fun, and a place to get in a couple extra dailies.


Actually you don't have to even go near a PvP area to do the dailies on Ilum and I don't know about you but over the course of my levelling I have never had to do PvE content in an area that flagged me for PvP.


Perhaps there is this huge amount of content I'm missing?

Edited by darklordpotter
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The tears, they feed me!!!


But seriously, why cry about pvp zone issues if you roll a character on a pvp server? seriously you knew what you were getting into when you made that character. if people want to quest in peace etc, roll on a pve and be done with it. that way you still have access to warzones, but can safely quest in peace~ otherwise, you msut WANT to have access to open-world pvp, you jsut dont like it when its YOU getting ganked.


The point is they are seem to be suggesting that they are putting PvE content in areas that flag for PvP on PvE servers if it was just PvP servers no-one would care.

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Perhaps there is this huge amount of content I'm missing?


Nope, there isnt. The only areas that automatically flag you for PVP (assuming you're not on a PVP server that is) is the western part of Ilum, the Outlaws Den on Tatooine and some (but not all) bases beloning to the opposite faction, none of these areas have any PVE missions in them.

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I LIKE PvP. I don't like open world PvP where, just as I'm fighting some nasty mob, an idiot runs by and zaps me so I die. Or, if the world is going to be open world PvP, have there be NO aggro mobs, at all.


That's silly. Mobs that aggro mobs are fantastic filler for unbalanced factions in PvP. I've never played an MMO that had "balanced factions". They allow hugely unbalanced fights to be semi competitive. If you don't like it, don't go to Ilum.

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The point is they are seem to be suggesting that they are putting PvE content in areas that flag for PvP on PvE servers if it was just PvP servers no-one would care.


Right. They are (seemingly) adding PvE missions in a specifically PvP area (despite server type). That doesn't entitle PvEers to the content without the PvP aspect. If you want to do the content, accept that it's an open world PvP area. PvE missions in a PvP area are good for down time in PvP and great at helping spread around players (something this game engine needs).

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Nope, there isnt. The only areas that automatically flag you for PVP (assuming you're not on a PVP server that is) is the western part of Ilum, the Outlaws Den on Tatooine and some (but not all) bases beloning to the opposite faction, none of these areas have any PVE missions in them.


Didn't think I was thank you.

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Right. They are (seemingly) adding PvE missions in a specifically PvP area (despite server type). That doesn't entitle PvEers to the content without the PvP aspect. If you want to do the content, accept that it's an open world PvP area. PvE missions in a PvP area are good for down time in PvP and great at helping spread around players (something this game engine needs).


Right so all the carebears (like me) then skip the content. How does that help exactly? It just reduces the amount of people who will do the content for arbarity reasons (like requiring HM and PvP for HK-51 content most likely to be used by people interested in neither of those things).

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