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Everything posted by LanceCorporalDan

  1. Oorah Alpha Company! It was quite a time that first week long event going nonstop planet to planet rotating groups to down commanders and have some WPvP pushing the bases. Well done everyone!
  2. Oh, I see. Well in that case it is just a matter of what threads you see vs. what threads I see. Or rather a specific post in the hundreds of threads lol.
  3. No problem. If I remember correctly, (note I do note use the CM often at all) you can refund the purchase before it appears in your inventory. Not quite as useful as what you are suggesting however. I also agree that BW has had a very severe lack of communication with the community regarding not only this issue, but several others as well. Clear and open communication is what is most important in my opinion.
  4. I've seen it a few times, never said it was a common occurrence. But over the years yes, I've seen it pop up in a few threads I've read. Either in general discussion, suggestions, or PvP forums.
  5. I was debating the statement that players were in some way entitled to a refund or return of the item to prior working conditions because they used CC when CC is not really money and there are other means of obtaining said item. They can have any perception they so choose, somebody will always be displeased with something.
  6. I find it funny sometimes when people say use the search button, sometimes the topic you are creating has another thread that hasn't been posted in in over a year. SO you either: A.) Create another thread and some people will do the usual. "Use the search function!!" B.) Post in old thread and some people will do the usual. "Omg NECRO!" Of course if there are 10+ threads on a current issue blanketing the first page, that is different entirely. Just found it funny.
  7. I never said anything about Jawa junk, cartel certs or anything of the nature. I also never said anything about the nerf or how it was needed or if it was heavy handed. None of your points really have much to do at all with mine. So I fail to see the relevance of you saying any of this to me.
  8. Of course it relies on semantics, the devil is in the details. And people often mistake thinking they paid real money for the crates when in fact they never did. So yes semantics. Show me how cash can be used? If it cannot be directly used for the purchase of the item I see no strong argument here.
  9. I already said that you pay for CC, thank you for confirming however. What I disagree with, is your statement saying you paid money for the item. You in fact paid money for cartel coins, which can be used on anything in the CM. You never spent a single dollar, pound, yin or whatever your currency is on the pack itself. And never on the item itself. You paid for CC and received CC. By this transaction there was never any fraud, misleading or anything of the nature. So as such, you will never be entitled for a refund or anything along the lines.
  10. It makes plenty of sense, your failure to see it doesn't devalue anything. The guild leader has those powers because he is the leader, not the owner. Which ties into what comes next... No he cannot, but then he won't have a guild will he? Guild being requiring 4 unique accounts. If he was the guild owner, he would indefinitely OWN the guild whether he was gone from the game for 1 day, 1 month or 1 year. The fact that he loses leadership of the guild after being gone for a month is BW saying that it is not his guild to run any longer. And that in best interest for the GUILD, a new leader is selected. You keep saying the same nonsense thinking that it will stick to the wall if you throw it around a lot. I keep stating the same counterpoints. Maybe I'll break it down barney style for you next.
  11. Probably the same way that donate to guild says donate to guild not guild leader. It doesn't go into the leader's personal bank and the gbank doesn't qualify. How can the "owner" get kicked from his own guild after leaving the game for an overly extended period of time. I mean HE OWNS IT RIGHT!?!?!?! Which question is that? I quoted a statement of yours, not a question. Lol. The point still stands, the discussion is of transfer of leader from a player who isn't here any longer to one who is. Read the title and the OP. If that is what you want then go for it. Make a guild with only your accounts in it. Get your guildship. Put and alt as leader. If you forget to cycle login with him then no worries, the guild is of characters tied to your account. Then take your main and whatever alts you wish to be in an active guild and join one. You now have your own guildship on one character, and are able to play with an active guild on all others. All without ever inconveniencing anyone or any false notions of what is/is not yours. I wouldn't mind if they released personal flagships. I mean, they did it for strongholds right? Then you would be free to pursue your interests without the need to work around the system
  12. Not entirely, they put out a product thinking it would work as they envisioned. It didn't, they had a recall.
  13. Incorrect, you paid for CC. What you do with those CC is your choice and separate from money purchases.
  14. I'm not normally one for analogies. But a more proper one would be: You bought a car, they gave you the car, the car was faulty, there was a recall.
  15. If that's what you want to do then go for it. Why download an entire game when you can simply read up on it for yourself and save yourself hours of gametime by acquiring information on said site? I simply stated my opinion and reasons why. And they seem fairly solid to me.
  16. You misunderstand. I never said PvPers are not a valid group of players within the game. But they are not the target audience of this game. Self evident in what you just said: This game is not intended to draw a large PvP audience, it is there however to provide those so inclined with that option. I myself PvP more than anything else in this game. You can even check my post history into PvP related topics and class discussions if you wish. Every ability I have is keybound and the only time I spend at the target dummy is to play around with various rotations/specs, and to help guildies fine tune their own. Again, more unfounded assumptions... see above ^ I too will likely be gone once The Repopulation and Battlefront drop. But I may stick around just to play with my guild. Good for you for making unfounded assumptions though!!
  17. As stated, these are clearly two different games with very different goals in mind. If this game was designed with PvP and RvR in mind then you would have a valid argument. However it wasn't, meaning you don't.
  18. Unless the game is specifically designed around PvP. It all boils down to target audience, and PvPers are not a large target audience of this game.
  19. I have to disagree. For players without prior MMO experience and those with it, looking at the website can give you the information you need to make an informed decision on whether or not this is the game for you and what you would like to do in said game. This is just something I personally do, and I would assume that new players would want information on the game prior to playing it. Much like looking at the back of a game case to give you information on the game. You can jump headfirst into a game without any prior knowledge and that is certainly you prerogative and I respect that. I wouldn't view it as melodramatic, but you can view things however you wish.
  20. Guild leader is just that... a leader... not owner. If they aren't there to lead then they are no longer the guild leader. They also relinquish any imaginative "ownership" of any items in the guild back or belonging to the guild. Be it guild stronghold, guild ship, guild bank etc. They are guild items, nor personal items. That is why the tab says "donate to guild," not "donate to guild leader." No, we are discussing the transfer of leadership from a player who isn't there to a player who is. Get rid of any imaginative notation that what is in a guildbank or anything else purchased by the guild belongs to the individual guild leader. It does not. That is why it says guild flagship, not "player name" flagship. Like I stated: The guild leader is simply the leader, not owner. In any organization if you are a leader you are susceptible to being replaced (the means by which may differ in this game, though I would prefer more options for how a guild is run). Especially if you are gone for such an extended period that your leadership is deemed nonexistent. Hence, your privilege to lead is deemed nonexistent.
  21. Have to agree here OP. It is an invaluable resource for new and future players.
  22. I don't think we would ever transfer off of the only RP-PvP server left . At least I'd hope not. *eyeballs Ebon Hawk*.
  23. I'll take the bait, don't care really. The question is are you really against competent players? A competent PvP geared player shouldn't have much trouble against a PvE geared player.
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