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Game Update 1.7: Return of the Gree is coming soon!


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No, Ilum's Western Shelf is like the Outlaw's den - flagging happens when you enter, even on PvE servers. So if I have to go in there, I will be flagged. And then ganked.


Exactly but it seems developers these days think those that sign up on PVE servers secretly want to be forced into PVP just to see some new content. Content everyone wants to see but with the goal to make sure PVE players get ganked through forced PVP when trying to see new content.


It would be nice if BW would just label this portion of content for PVP (if it actually is more PVP orientated) so the ones that dislike PVP can just skip all the talk about it cause they would then know it's definitely not for them.


Maybe BW will enlighten us with more information sooner than later.

Edited by Quraswren
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It would be nice to fix the bucketloads of outstanding bugs, some of which have been around since 1.4 or earlier, before releasing new content which creates even more bugs. Besides the many known issues, there are many that you either have not acknowledged or are unaware of:





Please please please.. just stop this horrible and unreasonable complaint every time new content is announced. It is getting old and has been pointed out many times that this logic is completely flawed.


An MMO that stops to either fix bugs for new content, or stops making new content to fix bugs, has basicly admitted defeat. The game needs to continue doing both to stay healthy.


Man, that this is the first response to a long awaited announcement about the last content patch before RotHC just really rubs me the wrong way. How much of a whiner can you be.


Show me a game without bugs, and then you can make this complaint.

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However, unlike the Outlaw's Den, you cannot be attacked by Players of your own side.


Good to know. Not that it will cut down the number of griefers to zero... but at least I'll have an idea beforehand.


Yes, I realize I can avoid going there - my point is that if they are putting PvE objectives and rewards there, I can't avoid it if I want to complete them. I rolled on a PvE server for a reason - so that I could have a complete PvE experience without PvP.


If they are all PvP objectives with PvP rewards, then that's cool - I don't need to obsess about what I'd be missing since I wouldn't miss it. And I certainly don't begrudge PvP folks an event, please don't think that I do. If that's what this is, I think that'd be great - too little love for straight PvPers, especially in non-instanced spaces. A strictly PvP event would be awesome for you. But that's not what it sounds like.

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Quick question on this. From looking at the screen shot with the reputation it seems you can only up your Gree reputation by doing Ilum missions in the shelf. I would think the Coruscant missions or at the very least completing TFB would also raise your reputation. Here's hoping they add TFB in at least.
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Quick question on this. From looking at the screen shot with the reputation it seems you can only up your Gree reputation by doing Ilum missions in the shelf. I would think the Coruscant missions or at the very least completing TFB would also raise your reputation. Here's hoping they add TFB in at least.


Advance your character with the new Galactic Reputation system! The Galactic Reputation system lets you earn Reputation points by completing missions for factions such as the Gree or the Voss, or for military divisions within the Republic and the Empire. This new system advances characters through six ranks of increasing prestige: “Outsider”, "Newcomer", "Friend", "Hero", "Champion", and "Legend". Galactic Reputation is also tied to a character’s Legacy, so Reputation points and ranks are shared across all the characters within the same Legacy!


I'm guessing if anything like WoW does it and it looks like it will each planet will sooner or later have it own rep to grind . by what they said ^

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Quick question on this. From looking at the screen shot with the reputation it seems you can only up your Gree reputation by doing Ilum missions in the shelf. I would think the Coruscant missions or at the very least completing TFB would also raise your reputation. Here's hoping they add TFB in at least.


This would create an inbalance as Empire has no Gree quests, unless they get a quest line in 1.7 which I can't see they will.

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I really hope it doesn't turn out like that. That's the major reason I got bored with WoW and quit.



well the read on that link looks just like it is in wow with ranks etc so get ready I never minded it , kind of liked it .. what we should ask is are they kinda make it more fun then WoW did ? that can happen ...



I quit WoW not because of what they did or boredom so much just needed a new look not old , WoW is just to me not so much boring etc just got old and out dated in a way to me , I still play it but noting like I like used to ..

Edited by moonshoter
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If it's :


Take up and defend a position in open world pvp to enter an instanced PvE area and defeat a boss for great rewards.


I say bring it on!


If it's :


Mobs and bosses randomly pop in an open pvp area. It's just going to be a gank fest with the faction that as the highest population taking all the benefits. Wasn't that the problem of Ilum in the first place? 80+ Imps against 10 or so reps?


If that's the case, no thanks. I tasted enough of that crap.


I am intrigued by the reputation system however. What perks does it actualy give aside from cheesy titles?

Edited by sarazoul
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They said to expect 8 or 9 this time due to holidays. Still I hope it hits PTS soon as well. Also I hope they will finally allow character transfers to PTS again :eek:



Prolly this Tuesday coming , this is suppose to be released this month the ILUM update and event I remember back in Sept I think it was after TFB was out they said ILUM would be update in JAN 2013 so some time this month it may go live with some PTS testing ... that will prolly start Tuesday on the PTS and then by FEB we see it live ..can't wait ..





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If it's :


Take up and defend a position in open world pvp to enter an instanced PvE area and defeat a boss for great rewards.


I say bring it on!


If it's :


Mobs and bosses randomly pop in an open pvp area. It's just going to be a gank fest with the faction that as the highest population taking all the benefits. Wasn't that the problem of Ilum in the first place? 80+ Imps against 10 or so reps?


IF its like WOW epics pets mounts etc


If that's the case, no thanks. I tasted enough of that crap.


I am intrigued by the reputation system however. What perks does it actualy give aside from cheesy titles?



IF its like WOW epic gear weak but kind good starter gear , mounts ,pets , armor . mods , more custom gear etc ... What else can they give , may be cartel points for coins to subers only but don't count on it ..


Most of the WoW faction grinding was pve in a PVP zone after our side had control like in Cata I forget the name of it . it seemed to work well .. not much ganking went on unless you were helping fight for control, that I remember .

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I see we have rep to grind with the Voss. However, what about those 50s who have already finished that planet? Do we go back and complete repeatable quests? I love rep, it gives you something to work on and hopefully... things like mounts, pets, special gear and more recipes.
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So how long will this event go on for? I'm super excited for this event but worried I might not finish and some of my alts are no where near Illum, and won't get to that level, so will the unlocks be legacy wide? I would love it if they were!


It would be much appreciated if an official response was given :)

Edited by TheHunterC
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So how long will this event go on for? I'm super excited for this event but worried I might not finish and some of my alts are no where near Illum, and won't get to that level, so will the unlocks be legacy wide? I would love it if they were!



two three weeks once it starts so be ready :) OR





•Explore Ilum's contested area in the Western Ice Shelf to uncover the mysterious purpose of the Gray Secant, an enormous ancient Gree starship.

•Get ready to face a powerful opponent that awaits you at the center of this ancient vessel.

•Earn exclusive Gree technology, including highly-advanced weapon and armor!

Look for opportunities to join this recurring event throughout the rest of the year.

More details to come! Found here


http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates/1.7-return-of-the-gree :) ..

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So basically, they should make a post stating:


1.7 is coming! Things we didn't include, which everyone have been asking for are:


  • Class Balance
  • Cross-Server PvP Queues
  • Server Transfers
  • Name Change
  • Character Recustomization
  • Everything else that you actually wanted

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Great, the worst part of Warcraft coming soon, reputation systems.


The worst kind of grind. I guess it could be okay if it doesn't feel like a grind. Ie not tons of dailies and it's actually just a quest chain. Or even gathering various items.


(in the screenshot - do you not get any rewards/titles on certain rank ups?)


I like the idea of the event being on and off throughout the year. Will be kind of like the Darkmoon Fair.

Edited by cidtheslayer
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No, Ilum's Western Shelf is like the Outlaw's den - flagging happens when you enter, even on PvE servers. So if I have to go in there, I will be flagged. And then ganked.


Maybe they are trying to promote playing in a group or a guild...

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So basically, they should make a post stating:


1.7 is coming! Things we didn't include, which everyone have been asking for are:


  • Class Balance
  • Cross-Server PvP Queues
  • Server Transfers
  • Name Change
  • Character Recustomization
  • Everything else that you actually wanted

I mostly agree with this. Server transfers,name changes, more character customizations should have been included in this patch. As for class balance, sadly I am betting that wont come till the makeb expansion. Bioware is missing the boat on things people WILL pay money for. I just don't get it.

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The reputation system will be fantastic, I had a good time with it in swg. I just wonder if the reputation grind will bring any amount of xp or legacy xp at all.


I actually do not care about legacy xp at all, already legacy 50 for months now. And since Ilum is a 50 planet the question of gaining xp is not relevant.

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