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Everything posted by warstory

  1. missing acina cant advance the story
  2. having the same issue is there a workaround ? i want to finsh story mode
  3. win, kills, 1.5k dps or higher you will naturally have high dmg at the end of the game.
  4. I mean how hard is it to say yes it's a bug or working as intended sins would benefit from recklessness to so what the ...
  5. Honestly if u can play high end pve ur going to be a really good pvper. The best tanks and healers come from the pve side
  6. I believe the testers of lightning are either basing it on regs or pve or are some of the best pvpers in game playing with the really good players to support. Lightning can not carry a ranked match. Snipers, sins, pt can
  7. Why 10 -15 seconds ? 45 seconds is about avg for a duel
  8. Cause I can only tell u from me playing lightning in ranked that if we 4th worst on that list with a perfect rotation we are in practice probably the worst spec in game. Rage will get their rotation off almost every time
  9. That's pretty good tweaks need to be made of course. So is sab sniper the best pvp spec in game in practice? Or is that dps number realistically impossible to achieve?
  10. Let's bring in the arguement of 5% variance between class ? How close R we to balance
  11. So does that mean that lightning being the hardest spec to get off a full rotation in pvp. Now makes it by far the worst spec in the game?
  12. There goes any hope for lightning devs hate us
  13. I am like you I prefer lightning basically u have to turn on God mode/beast mode to play it no mistakes and find a team of good players that want the challenge to work with the spec most pvpers. Pick best in slot class when making their groups.
  14. Did anyone else notice melee dmg is higher than force dmg? We have some serious bugs going on with our class
  15. I am super happy with the auto level change its the lack of character dialog I have issues with
  16. I am super happy with the auto level change its the lack of character dialog I have issues with
  17. Hi, a lot of people have been trying to figure out exactly how the bonus dmg works exactly. I specifically play lightning, me and fellow sorcs have been confused by the difference between classes. For example snipers are hitting around 30k but our hardest hitting ability is around 10k that doesn't seem to make sense. Cause our casts can be interrupted very easy. Also the sorc community believes there is a bug between recklessness and it not applying to our bonus dmg. Can we get some feedback we know u guys are busy with the launch of 4.0 thx for any time you can spare Copy and pasted
  18. I have a feeling devs are not going to reply to us.
  19. Debs plz fire the lightning designer 3 years and can't get it right just label it a pave spec and done
  20. Well I come back every time to see if there is an improvement to my favourite spec then leave again back to sin or maybe sniper. I ain't got 6 to 1 year to wait on them to fix this ****
  21. Why in gods name did we get nerfed this bad? Can someone justify to me how we r hitting 2-4 times less than the other burst classes? How does this make it out of testing?
  22. We are the only class not hitting above 10k that's a huge problem
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