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The lack of Honor in SWTOR Disturbs me


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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.
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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


Yes, they are.


It happens, it's the way the game works, and unless you can come up with an idea for a better system that can't be abused then... well...



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I normally wouldn't complain, as the mobs usually don't spawn before the item, but last night on a starter planet literally 4 people pushed past me to get the blue blinky, even with me spamming my right-click.


I had to kill the mob spawn twice, as people kept running past me for it as well. Irritating, but not game breaking.

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Have you played much of WoW? Because that happens alllll the time there. When you aren't getting some classy fella with a lvl 80 in tow kiting every quest mob in the area and AoE one shotting them, or a PvP 80 dropping out of the sky and killing you because they are bored.


People don't change because they play a different game. You just have to have a thick skin and realize it is only a game. They might not even realize you need the item and not the mobs.


But yeah, they might be jerks. That will happen. Welcome to life. A semi almost ran me off the road on my way to work this morning. If that's what the life player base is like I want no part of it.

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It comes with the territory.


Oh and by the way, whilst playing WoW, I have had fights where I have been STANDING on the node, and other players have left me in mid-air because they have mined from under me, so sorry to burst the bubble, the WoW community is not the best example of honourable, in my opinion.

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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. ... Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


Wrong. This is a carryover from WoW behavior. I would love to see nodes have mobs tied to them that require killing to open the node for harvesting.

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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


Actually a lot of the time you can grab the node while fighting, getting hit doesn't interrupt. Some things you can't interact with while in a fight, if it starts a conversation. But freeing Jedi Padawans for instance, you can do while fighting.

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yeah its like a 20 to 30 second wait for quest items to respawn after someone clicks it. the only time it annoyed me was we were fighting the mob to blow up the ship and some douche runs up and blows up the ship and keeps running and their train of four mobs they had following behind them get hit by one of our aoes so we wind up fighting 5 packs of elite mobs at one time. that was annoying but the quest item was respawned by the time we killed them so no biggy. only time it was kind of difficult was in beta on balmorra where you had to sabotage the big guns, not enough guns in the area so it was a wait time, eventually you just do what people are doing ot you, click on it first even if someone is killing mob. things respawn fairly fast, i havent seen one quest item to take over a minute to respawn.
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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


Something happened in WOW. Everybody is rushing to level. It only calmed down in WOW after the game matured. Happened in every MMO when the majority of the community is trying to level.

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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


This has happened to me too, and it was actually done quite maliciously, both on random bonus chest or quests items.


IT is in times like this I Wish I could help players like you by grouping and help you get your quest items faster, nobody seems to speak when you try to engage them, they all run away, and being shy myself is not easy to even say "hi" in the first place.

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This was very much a behavior in WoW. Not sure what happy-go-lucky or empty realm you played on, but I can PROMISE you I've had to fight for numerous and varied resources in WoW over the years. It got much worse after BC, so thank Blizz for ruining the MMO playerbase.


Only thing you can do is control your response to their actions. Sucks, but them's the breaks.

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This is standard behavior in any MMO I have ever played in. Not saying that I agree with it, but I have come to expect it.


Although the best example I ever saw was a guild mate of mine back in BC WoW. He would fly around on his paladin and if he spotted someone mining a node he would throw out a party invite real fast, if they accepted he would blessing of protection them. This would stop the mining cast bar, and make it to where they could not mine until they clicked the BoP off them. He would then steal their node and fly on.


I had to laugh about that. It was genuinely one of the most ingenious uses of game mechanics for douchebaggery that I have ever seen.

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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


LOL you're delusional, this happened a lot in WoW.

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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


If they steal my item, after i had taken out 5 mobs for it.

Then ill do the same to them.


Yesterday i saw a chest, i left it for the guy fighting the mobs next to it.

not more then normal imo.

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