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  1. I was not really concerned with what the OP is upset with. Bad players in good gear are still bad players. As such they will still stand on the lip of the pit in huttball in front of the goal, or stand close enough for a sith warrior to force charge over the gap in voidstar, or any of the other dozens of things that make you want to drink heavily while trying to PvP. What I am concerned with is the ranked warzones will be introduced to us with no cross server functionality. Why should this matter? I sat down the other evening and did a bit of thinking. At any given time there is only a player base capable of supporting 3-4 full eight mans on the republic faction on Lord Praven. So I am worried that the queue time for these rated warzones will just be longer than what we are accustomed to. (30-45 min queues) This is also assuming that *every* level 50 on is involved in a rated warzone. (I know.... ugh) While this is not the end of the world, it does make me frown thinking about how I am going to be bored running in circles on the Republic fleet for a few hours every time my group PvPs. And to be honest this game does not need any more frowny faces.
  2. Why would you try to make the jump between in-game issues and real life issues? Do not try to muddy the waters by trying to detract from the issue here. I am not angry, I am just horribly disappointed in Bioware's apathetic attitude regarding faction imbalance. I would think that most Republic players would feel the same way honestly.
  3. Is he really making light of the massive faction imbalance? Nice... So glad to see Bioware is taking that seriously.
  4. Taral V is the rep counterpart. It is a level 30-ish instance. But they are talking about taking a level 50 character and farming it out on normal to pick up some easy credits.
  5. I am not sure how much this will help some of you... Try ALT-C. It targets the closest target directly in front of you, either hostile or friendly. I have this bound to the macro button to the left of mouse 1. So for my sage healer, this works out well. Since the only time I am close to anyone is when they are trying to stab my face with a lightsaber. I also use this for my sentinel if I am switching targets in melee range.
  6. This is incorrect. The party was eligible for loot by the encounter design, but due to a bug were unable to zone in and collect their loot. Come on, I get the OP was being pissy but that does not mean you should tell him incorrect information. You are better than that.
  7. I usually play with a tank specced shadow. Perhaps I am spoiled?
  8. If you tend to solo queue then I can understand your frustration. But if you can, then I would recommend you queuing with three other friends. At that point call out when you are under pressure and ask for one of the dps to peel the guy off of you, or to toss out a stun of his own. In an ideal setting your teammates in war zones should be looking out for you. I guess look forward to that day when we can make true premades?
  9. The silly part is that it was not even an exploit. It blew my mind that no one at Blizzard even thought about it ahead of time. You can trade drops freely to people in a raid/party for a time afterwards. Let's make a LFR system where people who have already killed a boss can kill it again but they can not roll on the drops! ... ... ... Crud, we forgot people can trade the drops to people who have already killed the boss. >_> We're human we all make mistakes. But gosh was that a funny one.
  10. I decided to stay here. I just dropped PvP like a bad habit until some sanity is restored. ... I say that, but I was in an ops group last night getting violated in a 2:1 zergfest on Ilum. I'm glad I did not pick up a nastier habit like smoking. I suck a quitting. >_>
  11. I happen to like the JK gear the way it is. You are arguing aesthetics like there is some absolute. This is subjective. =/ I *loved* the JK story line. I was excited to log in and play. Since I power leveled with a JC friend I was able to view their class story line. (Which I did think was so-so at best.) I would call the animations a failed attempt to add a distinction between the factions. The idea behind it seems good, the implementation was terrible. This goes back to what I was saying about a series of bad choices. I am not denying there is an issue with the animations. I feel every Republic player's pain when my zealous strike misfires every time. Which burns a GCD, and likely causes my stacking buff to fall off. Yes it aggravates me, but I understand it was from poor design and not some conspiracy to make my faction fail.
  12. I know right? Some people just want to hold on to things like this, and nothing you or I say will convince them otherwise. I just hope that Bioware does not pull a Flagship here. (Hellgate: London) Oh man, just thinking about that still makes me giggle at the people that bought lifetime subs.
  13. Like I tried to say politely, the developers made poor choices. However I honestly believe there was no hidden pro-empire agenda on the part of Bioware. There were no weekly meetings on how to make the Empire better than the Republic. The situation we are in now is from a series of bad decisions with no malice. The developers are not out to screw the Republic. I have been around for a while now. The difference is that I did not draw the conclusion that Bioware was actively trying to push some Imperialist agenda.
  14. We don't have 200 people on our fleet though. ;_; If we were to take every level 50 republic character out to Ilum, at the same time, we would still be outnumbered 3:1 at the min. It's a scary place out there for the blue team.
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