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Hottest Female Companion


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Elara and Risha have been my favorite female comps so far. Kira is up there as well but I only started getting to know her. I can't stand ensign temple though, she doesn't have any depth in her character besides fawning over the agent. Kailyo is interesting since she really catches me off guard on what appeals to her. Ashara is not pleasing at all, I can't stand her and her constant childish attitude about everything. Jaesa isn't too bad I guess, I wish I could flesh out more story with her but I only seen her lightside.


Risha is really great because she got her own agenda and goals she wants to meet. You can either get on board or she'll go solo, this is what makes her interesting. Too often you see companions revolve their lifes around the player when they could go off and have their own life. Elara I enjoyed because I watched her grow through her story arc and I guess I get a kick out of the regulation thing she brings up all the time.

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I've mostly played the Imperial Agent so far, so I have to say:


Kaliyo: she's the selfish psychotic anarchist ***** that you can't trust, so you know she's great in bed


Raina: she's the selfless low maintenance upstanding sweetheart that you can trust so much it's probably scary. And she has bigger t*ts than Kaliyo

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Khem Val in a bikini... No honestly, I do not support the sexualisation of companions because Vette is an annoying little Twi'lek **** and I really hate how a lot of woman are "attractive and young" as companions. Give me a Kreia anyday, she may have been old but at least she was interesting. This bioware fan-service does nothing for me. Edited by Sultrus
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