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Everything posted by Kayin

  1. It could be a one week event starting next tuesday.
  2. Manaan and Ahto city are destroyed at this point: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Devastation_of_Manaan
  3. Interesting. Are we entering to the event that leads to this: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Devastation_of_Manaan EDIT: My bad. That has already happened...
  4. Wow... What comes to lore, I think princess Leia, Padmé, and Darth Talon settles it quite fast. These clothes are not against lore in any way. OP all you can do, is keep your own characters clothes on and let the rest play as they want. I'm a male myself, and half of my toons are females. All are covered from neck to toe. As for the hair, half of my girls are bald. That is the way I play, and I have the right to do it. If people feel that their characters should wear gold bikini, then so be it. The only way I understand your attitude is if you are religious. Other than that, I'm baffled. Family friendly?!? Are you kidding me?! Do the dark side options and see how family friendly they are! But then again... you are most likely just trolling here.
  5. Beastmaster title has been the only title I've ever wanted since it was announced. It would be really nice to finally be able to get it
  6. I have to agree that something needs to be done to the engine. I don't know it it is just me, but I feel that the more content keeps coming in, the more serious the problems get. My PC was ok with this game in the beginning of it, but now it cries for help when I play SWTOR.
  7. I like the idea, but it would simply get too big. There should be similar events for jedi and sith (some force stuff), smugglers (smuggling missions) and troopers (military stuff that imperial agents could possibly do too). Who knows maybe in future, but for now I like it this way.
  8. So what they shouldn't be so girly? Is that what you are saying? Very few of them are. Kira is not, Dorne is not, Raina is not etc... Nadia is a bit, but that is due to her protected life. Same thing with Ashara. Maturity comes with experience, you have to see some life. Mako looks and sounds girly but she doesn't act like it. This lead's us to Vette who is going to be teen even if she is 70 years old. That's just who she is That's for the companions. So why are the NPC's so young and naive? You have to remember the player base. A lot of the players are teens (or so it was intended) and let me tell you one thing... Insecure young teen boy is not going to romance a female that is more mature and older than he is. I understand that it creates entirely different reaction to older people, but you cannot make the characters to fit all ages. This game is rated T. If it was rated M of A, I bet there hadn't been need for this, and this conversation had never happened.
  9. I don't support He-Man ripoffs.
  10. Cedonya - Lvl 55 Sorcerer. http://boogaloo.irc-galleria.net/h/fi-i/01/28/66/82/129569328.jpg?h=bc612a3483a19201501ffe069c3c8dbbe11fcf24&t=1368841898 "To those who study it, The Force offers unlimited power"
  11. Been here since stress tests. Skipped a few months but other than that I have been subbing. There was a time before RoTHC when I felt I've played the game for all there is. Shortly after that the achievements and the expansion came, and I've been playing again. I'm not typical MMO player I think. For me the atmosphere of the game and the games community are a very big part of the game. I'm not that focused on the game mechanics. For me this is an alternative world you might say. It doesn't hurt that this game has a good storytelling and "a plot". Also the events in between like Gree and Raghoul plague are an exellent add to keep me interested. So eventually it depends what you want from the game. To a certain type of players this is good time.
  12. Everyone is waiting for the mask, and I'm just waiting that I can do my (evil) kitty
  13. "Perhaps you feel you're being treated unfairly?"
  14. ^here you go. My favorite from these is Ilum. I love the quest/credit ratio
  15. So if they put a time limit to customization (let's say you can do it once every 3 months), wouldn't it be the same situation? Except now there is a choice to buy this waiting time shorter. Is that the problem? The temptation to put money in it? 'cause really... I say this again. You do not have to pay for it. However I agree that the current situation is bad. I propose a 1 mil tag on customization plus a 3 month time limit. Then it would be free, no temptation to put money in it, and you couldn't change your look every day.
  16. Well there is this: http://www.sideshowtoy.com/?page_id=38671&utm_source=Swtor.com&utm_medium=Press&utm_content=1000801_TORMalgus_Giveaway&utm_campaign=press_Swtor.com?intcmp=sor_bwa-mkt-t-us-hp-047
  17. A Secret Revealed quest (and how it's done) in detail: http://www.swtor-spy.com/guides/swtor-a-secret-revealed/3773/ This quest is not a run through. This is a puzzle quest. Use your electrobinoculars in these quests, and they will give hints how it should be done. So no, it's not bugged. Oh and by the way, those electric nets should have killed you, they were designed for that you know
  18. I know nothing about art, but I was about to say the same thing. The loading screens are concept art, and are done in the same fashion than the original SW concepts (for example: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-RGO-jdcJqok/UK2QX72o67I/AAAAAAAAGdY/mi-fH_tlgR4/s1600/star-wars-concept-art-500x282.jpg). When you go to Taris for example, you see this: http://www.swtor.com/info/media/concepts/taris when to Tatooine, you see this: http://www.swtor.com/info/media/concepts/tatooine Concepts, all of 'em. Including Makeb.
  19. Indeed. Here is one example of different kind of modulation (WARNING! Sith warrior spoilers!):
  20. If I understood correctly, with this logic I could have never played Tomb Raider. I also can't write a book with female characters in it. That character in the game is not me, it's a fictional person I created.
  21. I know that it really is not easy, but let me tell you a story... My dad quit 1988, my mom didn't. She died to lung cancer 2007. The tumor got around her windpipe and as it grew the hole in the middle got smaller. It was in such a nasty place that it could not be operated (lungs, spine, heart or aorta on the way). Radiation treatment and kemos didn't work enough. Doctors gave her extra oxygen until the limit came up. If you give too concentrated oxygen it starts to burn tissues (in this case the tissues that get the oxygen to bloodstream) Sometimes she woke up to a feeling she is going to choke to death. Eventually those attacks went worse and she started to lose consciousness. All doctors could do was to give morphine so that she didn't really realize she was going through very slow chocking to death. It wasn't easy thing to follow as a son. If today someone asked me do I want to be burned on stake or die to a lung cancer... I'll take the stake. It's easier, faster and less painful way to go. It' is now 2013 and my dad is still here, and it looks like age is getting him before lung problems will. I know this is a nasty story and I wouldn't like to bring people down, but it's relevant. I asked the doctor how many of the lung cancer patients have got it from smoking. He said a rough estimate is 96% I recommend to quit smoking
  22. Kashyyyk, Geonosis, Ryloth and let's say... Yavin IV
  23. Leaked SIS Report? Exellent. I'll take this to Imperial Intelligence at once
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