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Ebon Hawk PvP Shout-outs


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I feel like this needs bumped...


While I'm at it I may as well shout out to someone. I apologize I can't remember the name, (rh????) an operative I had the pleasure of meeting in a huttball match. Thank you for constantly asking my commando to put a shirt on, really made me smile! :D


Let's see some more RP in our PvP!

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Shout out to all of the level 55 Pubs who seem like they're on fire this week. Just when I'm about to give up pvp entirely on this server, y'all prove my grumpy *** wrong and show me that are still enough players around who can play as a team, watch the objectives and put out decent dps.*


A special shout out to both Tonny and Fiama for being fantastic ninja node guards extraordinaire. I know that when I queue in with either one of you, that we're not going to lose west or a voidstar door due to some silly mistake.




*I just jinxed us, didn't I? The pvp gods are going to make me pay for that, lmao.

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There's been some very good matches lately (The word "Good" here meaning...competitive, could go either way, makes my hands sweat more than normal, etc..)


Seriously, Regulators/Regulatorz, Arash (Assuming Pax Imperius, didn't check your guild tag, too busy dying) Inconceivable, Team One, Zen, Victimize, Republic, Saberwing (Jaxio & Kallistratos), Siir (Can't remember tag, apologies), Bibifhet, Ex'adil (sp?), Azure Blades (especially you scoundrels), Jakobie (and the others in the new guild you're in, name escapes me...also sp?) ( and some others I probably can't think of at 1:30 AM...


You guys have made my past few weeks a blast for PvP. Some very interesting node guarding moments with Lanfere and Richgoose on the opposite side (Stop trying to take my node! I'm afraid you'll get it one of these times. :( ).


I really love playing with all of you, yea...even you Nads after you pulled that sapping thing on my poor sent. Twice. :rod_frown_p:


Hope to see you all on the battlefield! <3 <3


-Your Resident, Node Guarding Llama™


PS: To Victimize: I enjoyed our little voidstar duel. You managed to make me tunnel, congratulations sir!


PPS: Just noticed, BigDumbViking. You sir got post #666 :w_eek: Good Game.

Edited by jackrunip
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Jakobie (and the others in the new guild you're in, name escapes me...also sp?)


The name you're looking for is Atrocity. :cool:


PPS: Just noticed, BigDumbViking. You sir got post #666 :w_eek: Good Game.




And, I have to admit... it's nice getting in queues and seeing Pub teams again. There were week long stretches where all I would face were one 4 man regulator premade after another.


GG all.

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People ought to focus Jackobie on sight. You won't kill him, but it's the only way to stop him from toping heals at the end of the match.:tran_angel:


"Ought to"? I think the game automatically puts a target marker on him when he enters the WZ.


And how do you think he gets to the top of the heals charts anyway?

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"Ought to"? I think the game automatically puts a target marker on him when he enters the WZ.


And how do you think he gets to the top of the heals charts anyway?



I am beginning to think the game puts a target on top of my head and then the enemy team add's 2 more. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since this has not been used in ages, and when it is it is mostly guildmates patting each other on the back for how awesome they are i thought i would revive it. With some shoutouts. It is okay, you dont know me.


Like to give a shout out to Lilly, and all of her ' names. You are a beast in pvp.

People from MVP in lowbies. Been awhile since i have seen the name, but i am seeing it more and more in lowbies. Good to have some good fights back in lowbies.

The lowbie Pvp scene. I know some of you dont know what is going on, and i yell sometimes, but it is good that it is as active as it is.

There is probably alot more i could shout about, about close games, or just awesome players who turn the tide of a match, but this should do for now into breathing some life into a thread that is good.




Shardz, 55 Slinger. Insufficient, 55 VG and Frittata, 45 PT.

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ill give a shout out to the pub side i left for 2 months came back and its like you guys got good again some real nail bitter games were before it was just steamroll after steam roll im looking forward to more close games against the pubs c ya guys on the battlefield! :D
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Shout out to those in the Regulators(z), anytime I see them in a match I know I'm in for a well fought difficult match, they are truly great players.


Also shout out to MVP, they are an incredibly talented group that really utilizes teamwork well, when I see them I know I have to be on my A game.

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With all the BS and negativity going on in other Ebon hawk threads lately, I was saddened to see this one had made its way to page 2 of the forums :(


It isn't utilized nearly enough and we need to make use of these more positive threads imho to give credit wher credit is due.




Firstly, a big Shout-out to Thana and Lan'Feare from Regulators. You both are on me the second I pop out of stealth and get off my first heal. Why, oh why cant you just let me free heal like so many others do these days. Damn you both for making us healers work so hard! ;)


Secondly, a shout out to a number of Republic faction guilds lately. I may miss some so my apologies, but Inconceivable, The Core, and Team One come to mind. I really enjoy seeing some composition of you guys across the room in a WZ. It means a well fought match. I hate to lose, but never mind losing a nail-biter to guilds like these.


lastly, A shout out to some of the guilds that left our server to enjoy endeavours elsewhere, but appear to be making their way back. I am more frequently seeing tags like Zen across the WZ and although I haven't seen Game Genie tags ingame, it sounds thru posts from Peyton that we may soon. great to see quality competitive guilds returning to the Ebon Hawk.


That is all.


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Although I haven't seen Game Genie tags ingame, it sounds thru posts from Peyton that we may soon.


Myself and a few other <Game Genie> members are currently playing on TEH, with a view to participate in 4v4 ranked play. You'll see us in the normal queues also, occasionally.


Some things never change. :rolleyes:


QFT. See you soon, friend.

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Shout-out to everybody using the absorb relic. Always a joy to see such skilled competitors.


Come on now, let's be honest. Nuthin' is better than seeing someone using it and then grinding their face into the dirt repeatedly cause they're such trash players. xP

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Myself and a few other <Game Genie> members are currently playing on TEH, with a view to participate in 4v4 ranked play. You'll see us in the normal queues also, occasionally.




QFT. See you soon, friend.


Curious, but why the return? What was wrong with the server you went to? Any reason for your return, or just felt like returning?

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Come on now, let's be honest. Nuthin' is better than seeing someone using it and then grinding their face into the dirt repeatedly cause they're such trash players. xP


That's true hahaha. I just don't like it in general when people use stuff they know isn't working how it's suppose to and it's as big as the absorb relic is. It just doesn't make for good balanced play.


I guess this just helps show though that there are a lot of people out there who don't give a rip about how balanced things are in PVP and only care about their character having any and every ability it can have.

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