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Everything posted by Ackire

  1. Ackire


    Ok, I know the title is a little deceiving, but I am curious as to why the prices of Refined Isotopse on the GTN have jumped up to almost 1 mil a piece. Did I miss something that has occured recently?
  2. Any update? The lag is real bad unless you travel to yavin where there arent many players. And it still lags there to, just not as bad.
  3. I am getting a 19ms to the server, but I am lagging to high heck when trying to pull stuff from email and to load items to the GTN.
  4. I actually forwarded mine to tech support yesterday. Would have figured an acknowledgement or something.
  5. Ive been having this problem since yesterday. Have to try multiple times to log in before one attempt goes through. This is nuts. They havent even addressed whats going on yet, so im wondering if they even know or care.
  6. Is anyone else having issues when they goto the main corellia planet? Anytime I go there, the game lags out on me as it loads. Once it loads I can move and around and do whatever I want. The problem happens when I try to leave. When I leave the planet, the game locks up on me and doesnt respond. I have to reload the game. When I do, the character is still on the planet, I cant seem to get him off. Any ideas? Anyone else having issues with this?
  7. Do you use bitraider to login? If so delete the bitraider folder in your swtor folder. Then lauch the loader. It will auto download the info and reinstall. Then try the character. I had this same issue and the customer support specialist I got actually helped me with this remedy.
  8. Anyone else having a problem getting to their stronghold? I am on the ebonhawk and every time i try to get to my stronghold, doesnt matter which one, the mouse cursor just spins and the game locks up. Anyone else with this issue?
  9. IF you are able to server jump, the euro servers are normally cheaper for those things. I picked up a senyas saber for 30 mil and the pike for 15 mil over on euro.
  10. IM to tired to cause drama Bibs, be good. I need the quiet so I can rest.
  11. Ok, what did bioware do to the servers. First it kicks me out of the game, then there is a que to log back into TEH? Ive never known the server to be full in years and call BS that they are full now. Fix the stupid servers guys.
  12. I dunno, crafting is still going strong. I will take my 400 mil a week, so something must be going right. JACKOBIE
  13. Again, you miss the point. Its going 2 ft above your head. I sell my items at a static price. IE, all my battlemaster armors for same price, all my war hero for again, the same price. Now, if you sell 21 peices of these armors at the same 175k price, but the listing just says you sold something to someone and you gain your credits of 162k, then yes it is a pain. Because now I have to search through the GTN to try and figure out which peices sold so that I can make them and reload them. It has nothing to do with the cargo bay or my inventory if it is listed on the gtn. Yes what I said towards eric is a rant, but if it gets him to look at it, and realizes that this is a known bug for such a long period, maybe just maybe it can be explored along with the other multitude of bugs that exist from the same period of game play. Yes this is not a game crasher bug, but it is still quite annoying. Yes there are alot of other bugs out there, but what concerns me, and should you, is if they cant fix this bug from beta, how on gods green earth are they going to fix the multitude of new bugs they are creating. I have sent probably 100 bug reports on this issue, and im sure others have as well, so why hasnt it been explored if the devs themselves say they fix bugs as made aware. If this was a Cartel Market bug, it would be fixed within 6 hrs because it affects their bottom line.
  14. Again, the funds arent the real issue with me. I am talking about 20 toons, each with 100 items. Avg is 10 to 20 sales per toon if not more. Trying to decipher what I sold to recraft and reload is the issue. With 200 items loaded, you probably dont have that big of an issue remembering what you had listed and thus sold. For me, its a little bit harder. Yes I figure it out, but taking time to do that is annoying as heck. When your email actually tells you what you sold, its alot easier to remake and reload. Thats all im saying and since the bug has been here since beta, you would think it would have been addressed and corrected. Also, I have never had this happen other than server restart or patch day. Today wouldnt have been issue because I had my sales set to drop at 8am this morning. The issue happened when they decided to retake the servers down after having them up for 3 hrs. By then I had reloaded all 2k items. Thus double the time to get everything reloaded.
  15. The listings no, it wouldnt bug anyone. Its the sales that are the issue. Yes I understand that it might not be that big of an issue for you, but then how many gtn items are you loading. I sell an avg of 100 to 200 items a day, so for me it is very annoying.
  16. i have 35 toons currently on my acct. Each toon has 100 slots. I still have 1500 slots to go. I fund 2 guilds with the credits, which is why i post so much.
  17. I have been respectful with my bug tickets to them since beta 1. I have told them and told them of this aggravating bug. Still no fix, so the time of being respectful is now out the window. This game has been live now for several years and yet the bug has never been corrected. Its time some one told them in a less respectful way to get their collective *****es in gear and fix these old bugs.
  18. Yes you get the right money, but imagine trying to figure out what you sold in order to reload it. ITs a royal pain in the arse.
  19. Can you please tell the morons doing the server maintenance, to get it right the first time? Please!!!! I just reloaded over 2k sales to the GTN and thanks to this server restart, I have to pull them all down and then reload them again to avoid the sales email bug that has existed since you guys created the game and cant seem to bloody well fix. It would be much appreciated. Loading 2k items takes roughly 2 freaking hours to do.
  20. Active accts is one thing, but actively playing players is another. I know several guilds with over 300 acive accts, the issue is most are just not really playing like they used too.
  21. I already do. I gave a f2p free armor just the other day.
  22. I would say Dark Rage, but thats a guess on my part. I think of an evening, they have between 30 and 40 members on most nights.
  23. Only when BIOWARE screws something up in the cartel market and needs to fix it asap since it affects them actually getting some money.
  24. Very freaking short notice. Now why dont you come redo all my sales. I just loaded 1200 items onto the GTN about 2 hrs ago. If I dont want to deal with the email bug I have to pull every freaking item down and reload. Do you guys have any idea the amt of work involved? It took me 2 hrs to load it all.
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