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Everything posted by MentalShadowz

  1. I personally think one of the major downfalls of Republic side pvp is people from the "pvp" guilds looking at anyone on their team not sporting a "pvp" guild tag as worthless. I play a GS named Shardz, i use to play alot a year or even two years ago, but took a break for almost a year. Now when i join a match with my 31kish health, and then inspect me and see most of my gear is Partisan, (at the time i left it was what was top) they assume i have no clue what i am doing. Someone from my old guild who did not know me since i have been away for so long went as far as to say "Well we will be 4 v 8ing this i guess." Because it was 3 from one pvp guild and one from another.. With the other 4 not having a tag or unknown tag. When it ended with me having high objectives and over a mil damage all i could do was laugh as the next to me in damage was one of the "4" with 400k less, and almost the same objectives. What i am getting at is do not assume that guild tags make the player skill. And talk to everyone like they are a part of the team until they show they are not capable of pvp play. Shardz GS Frittata PT
  2. Lol. So again you take peoples credits, explain to them that you will not bug out this time, and then before you even start your fake business you bug out with their money? You sir take the cake.
  3. He wasnt serious. You can give a million reasons why you think this one is better than your last two, and i can give one reason why no one should invest. Bet mine is better than your million.......you scammed people last time, on purpose.
  4. Lol yeah i do not even know why you would even post one of these again after ripping so many people off with the last one, admitting you did them wrong, and then left the game for awhile.......this will end well for you. Shardz 55 slinger Frittata 55 Fatbot
  5. I think you misunderstood what i said in order to "save face" for your friend. I do not think Mort is a bad guy, a bad pvper, or killer of goldfish or some such. I simply pointed out what he said was stupid, and funny at the same time. To insult people for coming back to TEH and whining and crying, while in the same post listing 3 reasons why people come back. Not hacking it on a "real" pvp server, not liking the place, and not having the time for real pvp. And then you trying to say "No Mort came back not for any of the reasons he listed in his "Hello again Ebon Hawk" thread, which he states he just did not like PoT5, and was not as leet as he thought, yet he then comes in this thread and tries to make it sound like an insult that people are returning? I understand sticking up for your friends, and it is great that you do, but he was wrong when he said it. No if's ands or buts about it. That was what i was pointing out. Not his skill, not his love of golden retrievers, or his like for moonlit walks on the beach. Just that when you do the very thing you are insulting others for doing, or in this case he was wrong since Ralen never left, he should probably know how dumb it sounds.
  6. Best part of anything you have said. I have always read the forums, and use to see you make great strides to honestly make TEH a better place, and i commend you for that. But you seem to want to insult people for not being cut out for Old PoT5, i say old pot5 cause it has gone down hill since 2.4, yet you were one of those people who could not hack it there, and you came crawling back with your tail between your legs, being semi humble about not being "good" enough to make it as a real pvper. Now you insult people for doing exactly what you did? I guess irony is lost to you huh buddy? A nobody. Shardz 55 slinger.
  7. Since this has not been used in ages, and when it is it is mostly guildmates patting each other on the back for how awesome they are i thought i would revive it. With some shoutouts. It is okay, you dont know me. Like to give a shout out to Lilly, and all of her ' names. You are a beast in pvp. People from MVP in lowbies. Been awhile since i have seen the name, but i am seeing it more and more in lowbies. Good to have some good fights back in lowbies. The lowbie Pvp scene. I know some of you dont know what is going on, and i yell sometimes, but it is good that it is as active as it is. There is probably alot more i could shout about, about close games, or just awesome players who turn the tide of a match, but this should do for now into breathing some life into a thread that is good. Shardz, 55 Slinger. Insufficient, 55 VG and Frittata, 45 PT.
  8. So......your saying you and your friends premade in lowbies and carry them? That is unheard of. Also neither of these is really shout outs but a misguided attempt to make yourself seem awesome. Grats to that. I am sure you are.
  9. Just wanna give a shout-out to lowbie 10-29 bracket pvp. It has been fun today and reminds me why i miss this game sometimes. Raxx, who ran with me alot. Pax Gaming who i went against alot. And all those healers who kept me up every now and then. -Krystopher, Commando-Republic
  10. I think there are a few like Azure blades and the likes that might take you in. Just have to get out there and pvp and let them see ya.
  11. If you are a lvl 50 sniper or even a mid level sniper and you are not wrecking everyone but Jugg/Guardians and Powertech/Van then you are doing it very wrong. There are few games i play in where i am not top damage/top kills unless there is a BH/trooper spamming aoe.
  12. It has nothing to do with diversion or rolling into cover or anything like that. I am a 50 Gunslinger and was the 2nd 50 char on my server. Since then i have done nothing but pvp. Am valor rank 62ish i tell you all of this to let you know i have pvp alot. Sometimes cover simply does not work in Pvp, or it is so lagged that by the time you take cover you are almost dead. It is something that needs fixed badly, because if you are in a tight spot as a GS you need to drop into cover fast sometimes, and sometimes it just does not go off. I have been told that it has to do with the actual cover animation, and that sometimes if you get hit at the right milisecond when you go to take cover it will just not respond.
  13. Bump cause i s till wanna know if a list like this is out there.
  14. Anyone have a list of where to get all the Companion Customization Kits for each character at? Looked on Torhead and Darthhater and neither has where you get them at, just that they exist. I really want a Bowdaar one. Someone told me a vendor on Hoth sold one, but i checked all vendors and could not find it.
  15. Nothing. They are just social things Think of them like special emotes
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