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Everything posted by NadirPalo

  1. I think you misspoke. this should say "masterpiece".
  2. Not sure if I should be proud or worried about how convincingly I can mimic the writing of BW press releases.
  3. first new warzone in 15 months! hnnnng! exciting, right!? seriously though... this is what I would have liked to see in the road map: edit: holy moley, I forgot to add the ranked huttball league! how could I forget!
  4. 1 day of sub remaining. passing our $15 on to games that have >1 employee working on pvp content. might pop in for an odd GSF game here or there but otherwise, we are done. shout out to rubat crystalites that are still around. o7 (and hi raith! sorry to hear pubside sucks now miss you and all the old folks. hope you still have things you enjoy in swtor. cya round!)
  5. did you see this pop up last week? such a shame that (a) it was actually just all the defenders patting each other on the back and (b) its locked now. edit: I just went back and looked at it... actually KBN made it on the list! i did not mean to imply you are a troll... haha.
  6. what, you don't like asterisks? they're like... tiny little happy snowflakes. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ * for you.
  7. to emphasize this: numbers don't win games, situational awareness and understanding your role (tank, dps, heal) wins games. for example, tanks shouldn't be learning "how to boost their prot numbers," they should be learning how to guard swap most effectively, anticipate dps bursts and cc's from the other team, and how to position themselves. and as another example, dps need to learn their class-specific cc's and how they fit into the metagame, as well as how to tell when they should be focused on proc building, vs cc, vs bursting (and on which target!). anyone can say "here is my rotation. pop dodge when you get a dot on you", but the exceptional players will be able to provide situational awareness advice as well. just my 2cents for potential instructors.
  8. that exchange reminded me of that south park episode where wendy beats up cartman for being a smart***, and he walks away from the fight convinced that everyone still thinks he's cool.
  9. Ooh good idea! And we already have such an excellent model to work from! Although satedbuffalo did say that you could post PVP here if you really deserve it.
  10. I made it to the end of Korriban before reaching level 10 once. I think I really deserve some accolades, even though I was only level 9.
  11. NadirPalo


    for anyone who wants this in numbers form: Solos Top 50: 15 mara/sent 12 pt/vg 8 op/scoundrel 3 shadow/sin 4 guard/juggy 3 sniper/slinger 3 sorc/sage 2 mando/merc Group Top 50: 13 mara/sent 13 op/scoundrel 9 pt/vg 6 shadow/sin 4 sorc/sage 3 mando/merc 2 guard/juggy 0 sniper/slinger no, I didn't double check. don't jump down my throat if it doesn't add up to 50. And IMO if more people are playing those classes and thats why they are overrepresented, its still illustrating the same problem, right?
  12. I'm confused, are the leaderboards aggregated from all servers? or will they be separated by server?
  13. wow, have we already forgotten when we found out what everyone really thinks of super queues? you should go read, or re-read, that.
  14. didn't read all the pages of discussion but I just wanna say... KUDOS OP for *not* including cartel market in your options!
  15. Here ya go. Dat lowbie objective points (hamcastle was with me) http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/1621089/pics/original/2220884.jpg
  16. thanks for the imp-side insight. I don't have 55 imps on TEH anymore so I haven't actually played over there in months.
  17. PVPwise, There is talent in both factions (and many both-faction players), but the top players from each faction don't necessarily play at the same times and so because of the small pvp population, I find that if only one faction is running the good premades, the other faction gradually stops queuing and the balance shifts towards that one faction for a while, lots of same faction games. When good premades run on both sides, it just depends on the quality of the solo queuers which can be equally decent or horrible on either side. However, recently, a good chunk of the imp PVPers (and a few reps) left for the bastion AND a good chunk of our rep PVPers transferred back from pot5. I haven't had much time to play since then, so I don't know how that's affected things. And to the OP: PVP community here is very small with a healthy portion of drama llamas (not to be confused with the toon Drama Llama, whos actually really cool ^_^). PVP is okay during prime time. Late night scene is meh. Solo ranked does not exist pub side at the times I play. Seems like 4v4 for the most part has to be scheduled or arranged, but that's just what I gather from /2 and general chatter, I could be wrong here. Perhaps someone else could chime in about imp solo ranked, and 4v4 ranked. PVE, at least casually, is great. Flashpoints are easy to run, especially if you nudge people to queue in /1 on the fleet. Seems like folks are always looking for extra bodies for operations, so if you have interest, people skills, and a nice parse, you should be able to find your way into a group pretty easily. I can't speak for hardcore progression.
  18. Why is this mutually exclusive? I'd like to do both. :/
  19. Isn't monday when people want to do 4v4? It would be best to not compete with/detract from that, imo.
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