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Official Q&A Thread for August 3rd Blog Post


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Bioware, why don't you ever answer any real questions? Most players don't care about the technical explanations of how threat works or of why classes have been made better/worse or whatever garbage non-answers you give out. Why don't you answer the questions the majority of players want to see answered, like when will we be seeing companion unify colour to chest? Companion head toggle? Hood toggle? Will we be seeing new social gear in the future? Are you planing to add social activities like swoop races or sabaac? Will you be taking away the enforcement of class stereotypes by making all orange gear Adaptive?


Please stop giving non-answers to boring non-questions. Pick a question that will actually stir a response. Q&A has become pretty worthless recently due to you picking questions that can be answered without revealing anything or causing any complaints. I, for one, have started to notice this, so it won't be long before everyone else does.


I'd be happy with a "possibly" or "we'll put a poll out in the near future to gauge player interest". Anything...

Edited by Mevan
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There seems to be a lack of communication and content of late, with talk of HK, new planets, something massive happening for space and new species. At the moment nothing appears to be happening, what are the plans for the immediate future to make people keep logging in after they have transfered only to find less servers doesn't necessarily mean increased content.


At the moment it seems like TOR is going into a maintenance mode where things are moving over to free to play and any new content will be done on a purchase basis. This would be one of the fastest moves to F2P on the current market, even STO and AOC lasted longer on a pay to play model. With AOC getting on expansion out before its change of business model.

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The Q&A was potentially the worst excuse for customer interaction that I have ever witnessed. All of the questions were empty and meaningless. Who gives a damn about pillars on some world? Of course now that BW has been Forced by EA to lay off practically all of the Community relations staff, I do not foresee it getting any better in the future.
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Is it possible to get a new feature where we can 'trade' ships with our other characters, or buy ships from other classes? Possibly through the legacy system. For example I would love to have an Imperial agent ship for my assassin.
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What are your plans for adding more customization to the game? The Hue to Chest is alright, but being able to dye my armor so I don't look like fifty other Sith/Jedi would be even better. Also abilities..you should look into Everquest's Alternate Advancement stuff: I.E once you hit a certain level, you can split xp into levels, and earning points to go toward either new abilities, or augmenting old ones. One last question, when will you be allowing the benefits of having x amount of armor sets to be transferred over to custom armor sets for the PvP armors?
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hello! is there any time frame on additional character slots with the approaching forced final transfer?I have a character I left on a server that was an origin server that's level 50. I have all 8 slots filled on the destination server from new creations and transfers. I do not want this level 50 forced to a new and different destination server come the final forced transfers, however I do not want to delete any characters on my new server and do not think it would be fair to forcibly move this last level 50 to a different server and then have to pay to transfer it to my current new server as offered by your free transfer service earlier this year.
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Currently, endgame PvE offers quite little in terms of locking people in and making you spend time inside the operations. With Denova HM only sporting four bosses, it can be cleared very fast. At the same time, currency gains for Black Hole gear is quite easy to obtain with the daily quests and daily flashpoints. The game could really do with some form of sandbox addition and soon as well to keep people logging in and doing stuff. Are there any plans to see a massive content update soon - and by this I mean more than just a new Operation?
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Is there any chance that we can get more guild ranks to use? As an all class encompassing guild trying to have a fully fleshed out ranking system for Sith/Bounty Hunter/Agent there really isn't enough ranks to properly accomplish this without having to make generic ranks.
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What is the time frame for server transfers. Not this transfer system you have now, but an actual scharacter transfer. I have had a character that I wanted to move to the server im on now since the game launched. I do not care about the characters legacy he has, I just want him to be with all my other characters like one big galactic family ( seems simple to me).
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Are there plans or will we ever have the current Bind on Pickup gear converted into BIND ON LEGACY?


Background: the initial Bind gear was developed to fight off gold sellers. Now, we have LEGACY, which is pretty much account on server. Therefore, bind gear is no longer needed per character, so it can and should be extended to Legacy, or account. It is quality of life, or normality, since we can keep the original idea intact : gear cannot leave the account, but it can be traded freely among the characters within the account, while still preserving the "no GTN sell".

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Why are the cathar being forced on the populace before an attempt at adding...well just about anything better to the species roster?


Can you give us any information on the future of space that doesn't hide behind vague handwaving? When can we expect to see more of it? will it break from the rails minigame we have? Will it have coop and vs if not?


Chat bubbles and rp emotes, can we have them?


Hood and mask fix, can you do this please?


and lastly any possibility of making a sandbox style quest crafter? similar to Galaxies Storyteller mechanic, or STO's The Foundry mission maker?

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My question is about the legacy perks. Is there anything being done or at least discussed to change the percentage increase you get from the legacy perks. For example when you get all 5 perks for a 30% increase in PVP xp. The idea was great, but in my opinion, the percentage is too low. I know this was done as a precaution so players don't level too fast compared to just running through game, but I feel that the time it takes to earn xp by doing pve quests wasn't taken included. I can gather the same amount of xp I'm getting in PvP with 8-10 medals in PvE in half the time.
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Can you explain why my female Sith Inquisitor received the title of 'Lord' instead of 'Lady'? This happens both with the actual title, and how my character is addressed throughout her story. The use of Lady by a Sith is established in the lore for the Old Republic era (thanks to Lady Aleema Keto).


In general, there seems to be a lack of female noble titles, such as 'Princess'. With millions of habitable worlds, it would be nice to have a few more of these titles available to characters.

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Q: Are you guys going to keep running community-relations the way you are now? By that I mean keeping dev/player communications to a minimum like the occasional 'We're looking into this' and 'There's already a thread about this over here so we're gonna go ahead and lock this one', not to mention the 5 random/boring/not interesting questions you 'answer' weekly.


Please answer so I can unsub instead of clinging to false hope of you guys turning the ship around.



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You put 1.3 on the PTS for people to beta test before the release - you got a lot of feedback and calls on bugs (most notably the false positive that people experienced with their anti-virus programs), but did nothing about this and largely you seemed to have ignored the feedback. Could you please clarify the purpose of the PTS, then? Clearly it is not what the community expects it to be.


p.s. Yes, one question limit per thread, but you aren't going to answer any of my questions, ever. I might as well ask them.


Are you going to make helmets that take lekku into account? They contain brain matter, so logic dictates that they should be protected.

Edited by Tatile
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With the Legacy system in place is there going to be the ability to buy weapon proficiency's? such as for example: i have a bounty hunter that is the son of a sith and i want to give him the weapon proficiency to use a light saber whether it be a single saber, or a saberstaff ,or even duel wield.
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Hello. Every char can use only one companion at one time. But inside the ship you can see all of your companions. Also char can use only one pet at one time. And can never see all pets togever.


Q: Is it possible to make it so that the gamer can see his own "menagerie" (all pets) inside the ship? Perhaps they (pets} could arbitrarily move the ship or each of Pets can be fixed in specific ship's premises (as in a situation of Gizka in KOTOR I).


Thank you.

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