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Can we, as a community, eliminate the "Grass" and "Snow" in Alderaan?


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It can't always be oriented "North". Both teams cannot possible have two opposing northern directions. The map can always face "up", which is different from North. Snow and Grass are easy landmarks for people that understand there is no North.


In fact due to this obvious attempt at trolling, I propose we start up a "Grass and Snow" campaign. In fact, we should rename "Civil War" to "Grass and Snow"


Time to get out of Mom's basement me thinks ;)


You go straight to insulting the guy, yet everything you said is completely wrong.

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The fact that this conversation is still going makes me kind of sad. How could this be such a big issue?


It boils down to opinion and preference. Neither argument can stand on merit alone.


Oh, were we still talking about that in here?


I thought we hijacked this a long time ago.



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And that goes for you too Varicite.


D*mn you both...d*mn you both to heeeeelllllll!!!!


Btw, why you no hit me up in game for some group WZ action. My Marauder is 50 now. Let's wreck some faces. I could use some practice dueling Assasins as well if you have one and want to do that. Give me a shout out you bastage.


Oh my, I just saw this. I don't mind dueling you, practice makes perfect for both of us. : )


I'll hit you up over the weekend sometime, I'll probably be on lowbies tonight though.


Add ilil-ill to friends if you like.

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Yeah, but when you just fought at middle point, if the fight was intense, and someone is calling "grass", since you forgot which direction you're looking at and don't have any visual clues, you must translate to yourself "gras is... right ? So right is west. Where's west ?" because the only clue at your disposal is the map.


Just a thing, if you're thinking the way "Snow is left" in Imp side, how will you do when you will start an Imp vs. Imp Alderaan war in which you begin Rep-side in 1.3 ? My guess should start using East and West.


By the way, East and West aren't backward when you're Imp-side. Look well at your minimap at the begining, you're pointing South if you're Imp, North if you're Rep. These direction are universal.

And even if your East is ennemy's West, what does it change ? All your mates will see it East and they will all understand. It's non-problematic.


Good Point!

I mean I dont have a problem with either or. Grass, snow, east, west, just look at your map when your confused and get your bearings back. I dont see what all the rave is about. It really makes people that mad!? Really dude?

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Can I just say, this thread is a disgrace and has no valid contribution to any improvement to gaming in swtor, call it whatever you like, it is YOUR CHOICE, in my opinion, like you say after having played a republic character then an imperial character, grass and snow is far easier to understand in the heat of the moment, This is key to victory in Civil War as we all know it is not friendly to come backs and precious time can be spent orienting or misinterperating the map in the heat of the moment and therefore grass and snow is probably the best method. But like i said this whole debate is rendered moot by the fact that its personal preferance!
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NO, East or West DOES NOT change if you use your minimap. It is ALWAYS oriented north. No matter what direction you start from, it is always oreiented north. And it matters because Snow and grass need to be explained. West and East are already established and accurate. Unless public school failed you.


Snow and Grass only need to be explained to bads. It is obvious that one side has quite a bit more snow than the other. If anyone needs help to understand that, there is no hope for them.

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Why does this even matter? If you have two objectives and no, or only one or two hostiles, are at your objective, guess which objective needs help? If you have only one objective, it is even easier.
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I gave into this shortly after its inception. I couldn't believe that "left and right", orienting from the spawn, weren't clear enough.




But I gave into it. There are so many other team related problems in PvP this isn't worth fighting.




On the other hand, the enemy's gate is always down.

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Snow, Grass,East,West.........If you and 5 other people are sitting in the middle farming the 2 enemies that are there and you see an alert go up calling in enemies.....If you don't know where you need to go there is no hope for you anyway.
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It can't always be oriented "North". Both teams cannot possible have two opposing northern directions. The map can always face "up", which is different from North. Snow and Grass are easy landmarks for people that understand there is no North.


In fact due to this obvious attempt at trolling, I propose we start up a "Grass and Snow" campaign. In fact, we should rename "Civil War" to "Grass and Snow"


Time to get out of Mom's basement me thinks ;)


North on the mini-map is ALWAYS north, regardless of what side you're playing as. North is where the pubs spawn and south is where the imps spawn. North has NOTHING to do with what direction you're looking when you spawn.

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I use east & west... whatever. I go along with those who use the grass & snow thing while in the warzone. At least I know who on my team, most likely, plays on the Imperial side too :eek: Because they are the ones who started all this snow/grass thing due to their orientation from their ship. Never trust an Imperial sympathizer!!! Edited by Spuck
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i bet this happens only in Usa.

Strangely enough, it happens on FR servers, too...


I seriously don't know why, but a massive amount of players seem to not know where East/West are, some seem to be unable to count the ennemies too (when they don't simply announce their presence after they've been defeated and riding the speeder), and some seem to not even know how to use a keyboard.

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East / West / North / South


If you can't determine what direction they are at... stop playing video games and read a *********** book..


use the minimap.



People ARE dumb and when you say left they go to their toon's left...

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