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Everything posted by maticlandarr

  1. I have to admit i really enjoy when people use this line. Its sort of the equivalent of an angry gf calling you up to tell you shes not speaking to you. I get this horrible guilty pleasure out of waiting to see if the guy who says hes done responding is actually done responding.
  2. Well at least you are asking the right company. EA calls the shots and EA wanted a pve centric game. And here we are. Its the same thing that happened with rift, except trion calls their own shots. Hence they were able to listen to the players' requests for more pvp features. And hence why i will only buy games made by devs who insist on total control over their game's content. I want game designers in charge of game design, not corporate monkeys.
  3. Oh so there WAS a mirrored ability with different CDs etcetc Either i misread or someone mistyped. Id go back to check but dont rly care. This thread has almost reached a high enough pettiness threshold as it is.
  4. 10 meters but yeah youre pretty much correct.
  5. Wait theres a mirrored ability with different CDs for each faction? I find this hard to believe, as i havent seen a single complaint thread about it. And we all know there would be a bunch if that were the case.
  6. Its just a textbook case of : "look i made 8 videos to show how awesome i am" "Actually youre terrible for several reasons" "Whatever its just a game get a life" In other words his backpedaling skills arent limited to pvp.
  7. My bad i meant to say good pvp vids show everything. Which does not mean pvp vids that show everything are good. Important distinction there. Pvp highlight reels are worthless tbh
  8. Totally see your point and appreciate the effort at civility. Perhaps im slightly guilty of hypocrisy. Clueless moron was a bit over the top. But i genuinely feel like the guy advocating raging is truly self delusional. I honestly dont believe that his methods get results. I DO believe that HE believes his methods get results. I know im basing this conclusion on a couple of brief posts of his. But those posts portray someone with an inability to self-evaluate. In my experience, people like that point fingers at everyone, refusing to ask rhe question "could i be the problem?" Of course i recognize that i could be totally mistaken in this case. My gut tells me im not, but i could just be hungry!
  9. So youre saying that in the heat of combat there is no time to give someone direct yet civil instructions, but there is time to type out a string of expletives? 2 examples. 1. Dont leave node unguarded 2. You *********** noob scrub useless piece of crap get back on that node jesus you are so bad this team *********** sucks im so sick of carrying baddies and scrubs RAAAGGGGE.
  10. You win . The stupidest thread ever. But you win, good sir.
  11. Thank for providing a sane, rational and intelligent military viewpoint. You are the kind of soldier i want defending my country. As opposed to the clueless moron who posted earlier. I agree with your post 100%
  12. If the jump and open with ravage(90% chance of this) ill stun and run/kite/burn down. Yes i know im not supposed to burn my stun because of UR. there are a lot of bad marauders. And UR...i just keep them snared and let them chase me. Ive honestly only faced 2 who were problematic, ever. 2.
  13. Its slower than running and therefore to be avoided if possible.
  14. Thats great and all, and i do understand the frustrations you described. And you want those crap players to feel as frusteated and mad as you feel. I do get it. Yelling abusively at teammates in any competitve endeavor always makes your team even less effective than they already were. Plus youve just expended a bunch of negative enrgy, and you still lost.
  15. Its definitely possible that you encountered a bug. I havent seen it myself, but this is the buggiest mmo ive played.
  16. Because the hero engine sucks and bioware has messy coders. More huttball maps would be great and easy. Too bad bioware wont be reading this thread.
  17. I see your point but that doesnt change the fact that bioware employs that method. Do you wonder why pyrotech PT and marauder got no nerfs despite the forum crazies demanding them? The metrics told them it wasnt needed. Whether you agree or diaagree is your business. The other issue here is that EA was promised a pve game, EA wants a pve game, EA doesn't care if their customers want a pvp game, and EA calls the shots. Balancing classes for pvp is way at the bottom of the milestone list.
  18. There are hacks used in this game. Just google it instead of being a twatwaffle. But yeah...lets...vote it away! Because that isnt the most nonsensical thing ive ever heard at all.
  19. Uhh yeah. Bioware devs balance classes based on metrics, not player feedback. Otherwise we'd see the worst balanced game ever.
  20. All i know is at least 50% of the time i am being warned that i must leave safe zone or be kicked. And the door is on 3rd tick. Pretty obnoxious when it results in a plant.
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