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Can we, as a community, eliminate the "Grass" and "Snow" in Alderaan?


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1. I think it's pretty safe to say that grass and snow or both universally understood as well. Also safe to say that more people on this planet recognize grass as being green and snow being white than people that are familiar with a compass or map. (If you don't believe me ask the tribes of south Africa) Novarre Coast excluded since the nodes are actually named by "south. east and west)

2. Right and Left on voidstar are and should be based on direction from spawn and always have been. I have had very little problems with this on my servers.

3. Both of the above are probably easier and quicker for MOST people to recognize as unfortunately many people are not so familiar with it that they can recognize it in split seconds where as EVERYONE IS familiar with their right and left, grass and snow since being a small child.

4. I feel these options are possibly better for the fact that even though in some cases and in some people's opinions they may be less "accurate"... they are however more recognizable and can be computed by the brain faster by most people giving an even quicker reaction time.

5. WHO CARES???? :rolleyes:


That's where I say you're flat wrong. For example, first time you played PVP and someone just said, "SNOW! SNOW!! SNOW YOU IDIOTS!!!" You're standing there going, "What the fu--". where as if he had just said "WEST!" I would've gone... oh all right. Snow and Grass are recognizable by their colors. Sure. But seeing as it's stupid, and east and west are ALREADY there, why go difficult and create another direction unless people have no idea what east or west are? Since I don't pay attention to what side has grass or snow, it doesn't matter if I'm standing in the middle. When my team mates scream GRASS GRASS GRASS like a bunch of idiots, I'm flipping a coin on if I should run east or west. Oh crap... I just ran east into a bunch of snow.


And anyone PLAYING a PVP match should care. If one of your objectives is being attacked, you're wasting time trying to figure out which stupid direction people are talking about. I makes me remember the days when I delivered furniture. Intelligent, knowledgable people would say addresses, directions, etc... Stupid people would say things like, "Once you pass the walmart go through the light. Then the next light. then the next light. Then the next light. Then turn at the mcdonalds." It's stupid, wastes time, and loses PVP matches.

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Of course east and west are constant that is the entire basis of the words east and west and the concept of a map. East being left or right from the start area is going to change depending on where you start. The point is you can say grass and no one needs to look at where they are and compare that to the map they know exactly where the help is neeeded.


That's not really true on servers like mine where we always used East / West and sometimes Left / Right.


I never saw anyone say Grass / Snow until after transfers, and it took some getting used to because I look at the mini-map instead of trying to call upon my photographic memory to recall which side the snow was on.

Edited by Varicite
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First... when we all first started playing this game most of ur were so useless it doesn't matter if we went in the right direction. Second... how long did it take to figure out what grass and snow looked like in game? :rolleyes: 1 match?

And are you trying to tell me you learned your north, south, east and west as a child before you learned what grass and snow was? :D


I understand that it makes more sense to you... and I actually completely agree. I worked in the transportation industry as a dispatcher for years and I MYSELF am very used to using compass/map based directions. However... my point is that most people probably are NOT. And everyone here knows what grass/snow is... so yes... who cares what they say as long as they say it. I believe MOST people will have a quicker reaction time to snow or grass just knowing which way to go instead of checking the minimap. I know at this point whether they call east, west, snow or grass... I just go. Anyone who doesn't know the difference isn't going to be worth anything to the team anyways cuz it would literally have to be their first civil war match.


I repeat.... we ALL know the difference. So WHO CARES!!!! This is probably the second silliest complaint next to the guy who was whining about finishing his weekly before they reinstated the 300 coms. :rolleyes:

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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That's where I say you're flat wrong. For example, first time you played PVP and someone just said, "SNOW! SNOW!! SNOW YOU IDIOTS!!!" You're standing there going, "What the fu--". where as if he had just said "WEST!" I would've gone... oh all right. Snow and Grass are recognizable by their colors. Sure. But seeing as it's stupid, and east and west are ALREADY there, why go difficult and create another direction unless people have no idea what east or west are? Since I don't pay attention to what side has grass or snow, it doesn't matter if I'm standing in the middle. When my team mates scream GRASS GRASS GRASS like a bunch of idiots, I'm flipping a coin on if I should run east or west. Oh crap... I just ran east into a bunch of snow.


And anyone PLAYING a PVP match should care. If one of your objectives is being attacked, you're wasting time trying to figure out which stupid direction people are talking about. I makes me remember the days when I delivered furniture. Intelligent, knowledgable people would say addresses, directions, etc... Stupid people would say things like, "Once you pass the walmart go through the light. Then the next light. then the next light. Then the next light. Then turn at the mcdonalds." It's stupid, wastes time, and loses PVP matches.


Well, after the first couple of games having learned that west is mostly grassy and east is completely snowy, I am able to put the complex puzzle pieces together to come to the ambiguous conclusion that when a team mates says grass, he means west. and if he says west, that also means the grassy node. For someone new, sure, I can see this being confusing. But so are most other things about a new game. They'll get the hang of it eventually.

Edited by Aaroneus
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That's not really true on servers like mine where we always used East / West and sometimes Left / Right.


I never saw anyone say Grass / Snow until after transfers, and it took some getting used to because I look at the mini-map instead of trying to call upon my photographic memory to recall which side the snow was on.


Yeah, grass and snow is new to me, too. Personally, I'll probably try to get my team to use Left/Right for rateds (based on when you first get off the speeder). Same faction Civil War makes East/West more confusing pre-match.

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I'll admit, I don't pay attention to that. I don't care which side has grass or snow. In fact, both have snow and both have grass. I say we go off of the already established and universally understood "north, south, east, west" directions. I can't tell you how many games of Alderaan or Voidstar I've played where people say "right" when if their screen is oriented north they are in fact "left". Or people say grass and I have no idea what they are talking about. The minimap is always oriented north, so this makes it the most accurate way to call directions.


Grass/Snow orientation is easiest and it will stay that way.


Adapt and survive.

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Well, after the first couple of games having learned the west and mostly grassy and east is completely snowy, I am able to put the complex puzzle pieces together to come to the ambiguous conclusion that when a team mates says grass, he means west. and if he says west, that also means the grassy node. For someone new, sure, I can see this being confusing. But so are most other things about a new game. They'll get the hang of it eventually.


Ahhhhhhhh!!! I don't get it!!! PLEASE explain it again... it' so much to take in!!! ;):D


Sup Aaroneus! :cool:

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First... when we all first started playing this game most of ur were so useless it doesn't matter if we went in the right direction. Second... how long did it take to figure out what grass and snow looked like in game? :rolleyes: 1 match?

And are you trying to tell me you learned your north, south, east and west as a child before you learned what grass and snow was? :D


I knew what grass and snow were first, sure. But I certainly never once associated them w/ DIRECTIONS in my life prior to this game. Nobody ever said, "Hey Var, come meet me out on the grass side of town and then we'll head snow together!".


Our team still uses East / West anyway, so it only comes up if I'm pugging. /shrug


: )

Edited by Varicite
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I knew what grass and snow were first, sure. But I certainly never once associated them w/ DIRECTIONS in my life prior to this game. Nobody ever said, "Hey Var, come meet me out on the grass side of town and then we'll head snow together!".


: )


LOL... ahh the never ending arguments that ARE the forums. Also keep in mind that in real life you have never had snow and grass in the exact same positions, less than 100 yards from each other for over 6 months. ;)

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I knew what grass and snow were first, sure. But I certainly never once associated them w/ DIRECTIONS in my life prior to this game. Nobody ever said, "Hey Var, come meet me out on the grass side of town and then we'll head snow together!".


Our team still uses East / West anyway, so it only comes up if I'm pugging. /shrug


: )


Comparing this to real life is locations doesn't work. At any rate what you are saying doesn't make sense. When you asked your friend to meet you outside you didn't say meet me west. You would have said meet me buy the corner store or a specific described location.


At any rate good situational awareness can over come any poor directions given by a team.

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NO, East or West DOES NOT change if you use your minimap. It is ALWAYS oriented north. No matter what direction you start from, it is always oreiented north. And it matters because Snow and grass need to be explained. West and East are already established and accurate. Unless public school failed you.


Let me guess? You're a pub? It's easier for pubs because of the orientation of the map.

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left and right do not change either if you talk LEFT and RIGHT of the map since the map dont rotate


people that think left and right are different then east/west they are thinking about left and right of the char and not of the MAP


but when u talk east and west u always go to the map so saying left and right if u go to the map is EXACTLY like saying east and west


plus i find it easy say snow/grass in that one

and left and right in novare (as if u can imagine ur map in ur brain, i know some people cant it's obvious what is left and what is right of the map)


the only problem is agree in advance and talk about left and right of the map and not of the player view

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I knew what grass and snow were first, sure. But I certainly never once associated them w/ DIRECTIONS in my life prior to this game. Nobody ever said, "Hey Var, come meet me out on the grass side of town and then we'll head snow together!".


Our team still uses East / West anyway, so it only comes up if I'm pugging. /shrug


: )


Adaptability is the sign of a true communicator.


Are you saying you'd rather remain myopic in your terminology?

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Unfortunately, I'm directionally challenged. I'm the person that will tell you to turn left at the next corner, when in my head, I want you to turn right.


When a person calls out "West/Left", I have to stop and think about which direct that is. Is it their left? or my left?


Grass and snow are instant recognitions and I know exactly where to go.


It just comes down to personal preference.

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We started calling out grass/snow because some people are directionally challenged.


Landmarks have always been used as a replacement for left/right and east/west.


I'm not going to lay out the multitude of jokes for directing someone to get from here to there that are going through my mind.... As an experienced PVPer, i get people to go to the right side quicker and more reliably by calling out grass/snow. That is the goal.


If people are confused about where to go then they probably aren't gonna be much help when they get there anyway.


Thx for the incredibly meaningful thread though... I enjoyed the break from the normal griping/boasting

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Unfortunately, I'm directionally challenged. I'm the person that will tell you to turn left at the next corner, when in my head, I want you to turn right.


When a person calls out "West/Left", I have to stop and think about which direct that is. Is it their left? or my left?


Grass and snow are instant recognitions and I know exactly where to go.


It just comes down to personal preference.




Because most people will recognize grass and snow easier and with quicker reaction time and by the time any of us become useful in PvP we ALL know where grass and snow is.


Also... (sorry Fezzie)


Women... they further prove my point. Check studies that have been done and women are naturally bad with directions and my girl who is brilliant, at the age of 31 if I asked her to go west her head would possibly explode. No offense intended but it is fact.


We DO have a lot of chicks on this game...

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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We started calling out grass/snow because some people are directionally challenged.


Landmarks have always been used as a replacement for left/right and east/west.


I'm not going to lay out the multitude of jokes for directing someone to get from here to there that are going through my mind.... As an experienced PVPer, i get people to go to the right side quicker and more reliably by calling out grass/snow. That is the goal.


If people are confused about where to go then they probably aren't gonna be much help when they get there anyway.


Thx for the incredibly meaningful thread though... I enjoyed the break from the normal griping/boasting


Thanks for pointing that out....


NERF MARAUDERS!!! :rolleyes:

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So, the OP can't process where Grass and Snow are located in reference to his positioning and orientation at any given point during the WZ...one that is a fairly small rectangle, to boot.


With that lack of spatial awareness, in an environment that you have been exposed to many times, please tell me that you are responsible enough to not ever drive a car.


Visually-based directions are always, always better than contextually based directions. They are processed both faster, and more accurately.


Inc 3 at Snow


Oh yeah, Snow is over there.



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Adaptability is the sign of a true communicator.


Are you saying you'd rather remain myopic in your terminology?


With all that said, I don't really care what you call them, as long as you DO call them when necessary. The time it takes for me to figure out what the heck you're talking about isn't worth complaining about as long as we save the node.



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