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Everything posted by ZDProletariat

  1. 1. There's nothing ironic in your post. Don't use that word. 2. You essentially called RPers the kindergarten kids to the 6th graders of other servers. I find this to be funny.
  2. Simply listing nerfs and buffs doesn't do much. Could you perhaps explain the reasoning behind them? I'm especially interested in your reasoning behind the Gunslinger nerfs you believe are needed.
  3. Since 1.3 people loading in a WZ have their character appear in the middle of the map, then when they finish loading, they run super fast to spawn to wait at the door. Also, there is such a thing as a marauder's speed buff, which if coupled with high latency on your end can appear to be super fast.
  4. OP translation: "It's called sniper should it should magically get stealth to be unseen! But oh wait the mirror class is a gunslinger which has nothing to do with stealth but that doesn't matter to my line of reasoning because I will only focus on the one word "sniper" to make my entire case. Also, I don't want to talk about game mechanics or class balance, I want to base this purely on the flavor of the game when I compare the sniper to my old experiences in the military."
  5. Sorcerers are in a good place, people just don't know how to use them. Commandos that aren't heals are indeed in a very poor place right now.
  6. People that complain about resolve are usually people who don't understand the game, and don't understand the abilities of their opponents. People who do know how the game works knows resolve is working fine (whether they think it needs to be tweaked or not) and is not broken.
  7. You do know you can split your team, you can actually move from one side to the other, you can choose which side to jump down after. It's really silly to call it a coin flip.
  8. I think that's actually the point now. Since Burst Volley gives a percentage of energy regeneration, you get more out of it the higher your energy is. It allows you to burn harder at higher energy, and stay at that high energy until it ends. Then you have a full bar of energy to burn regularly after your burst. It makes little sense to use Burst Volley when your energy is lower than 60% since all it will do it counteract the energy spent on skills, but will leave you at that same lower energy level after. You will be at a disadvantage.
  9. The warzone was obviously set up to make the doors sequentially harder to cap as you go in. Before that wasn't happening since it was so easy to sit in the middle of the first room and swing back and forth in two seconds. That made the first door as hard as the other doors to defend. Now, the first door is easier than the second, and the second is easier than the third.
  10. He has no idea what he's talking about when he said SS has better energy management than before.
  11. If a teammate gives that marauder full resolve, then the gunslinger can't do **** either.
  12. Operatives are a good class for healing or DPS. They have been nerfed, but that doesn't mean they are bad.
  13. More than likely he had a bubble on, which only shows the damage that goes through. Your damage popped his bubble, and 500+ damage hit him. /thread
  14. Shouldn't this depend on the class and spec you are playing? All your conclusion demonstrates is that stacking as much power as possible over crit should give you more damage at the end of a wz. But as all experienced PVPers know, big numbers at the end don't tell the whole story and shouldn't be the determining factor in deciding our stat allocation. Also, you openly admitted that mainstat that gives damage plus crit (your example was willpower) may still trump stacking pure power over crit, especially in the light of the 5% buff, and the 6-9% mainstat buff many classes can get.
  15. So spend 1000 warzone commendations to get 20-40 warzone adrenals. Or spend 10 commendations to buy 1 warzone adrenal from the PVP vendor. Or spend 20 commendations to buy 1 warzone adrenal from the advanced field repair droid. wat..? lol
  16. Yeah obviously I only "feel" our DPS isn't down just because Bioware said so. Thanks for making that assumption. You sure have me pegged. It's not based on my experiences at all or something. No offense, but I won't trust somebody that makes silly assumptions like that. I'll make my own evaluations. Considering the OP was making points all in the context of PVP, I commented on that since I've done a lot of PVP since the patch and I'm not getting any worse numbers than before. On Friday I will be raiding and will be able to comment on our DPS in operations. Maybe you are only talking about operations, in which case you didn't even need to comment on my response since I was talking about PVP.
  17. I do not feel overall DPS is down at all. I'm consistently hitting harder on targets than before. I now win 1v1s with people I were not beating before 1.3(some pesky powertechs). Overall DPS seems higher from my experience. In that same vein, I get the 5k medal just about every game now. Very rare is the game that I do not get it. While our stuttered Burst coming from Relics is gone, our constant damage replacing it is higher than before because of the relic changes, and having more augments to use. This isn't unique to our class obviously, all classes got a buff to their stats. As to your last two questions, I assume you mixed those up. I was under the impression reading your initial post, and re-reading it to make sure I wasn't in error, that it is you that does not like the changes to relics and illegal mods. I disagree with that point since I enjoy the change to both and feel they make our class stronger overall.
  18. I can't agree with any point except energy management being harder.
  19. While crit does have a soft cap at around 35%, you get such a marginally insignificant increase in damage from power over cunning because of our 9% that it wouldn't make much sense to sacrifice a point in power for a point in cunning.
  20. I think we can deduce that the fix Bioware intended to prevent characters from warping a foot or so when rooted or CCed while on the move has not been a gleaming success. But Bioware has always fixed their mistakes, even if a bit delayed. Yes as a gunslinger it's very frustrating for me to basically not have my knockback until they fix it, but it was meant to fix a problem we all complained about and I think we can be rest assured it will be fixed sometime this week. Maybe next week.
  21. Why are people under the impression this patch was suppose to fix TTK? They were obviously curbing burst and making damage more consistent so they can now fix it by patch 1.4. Everything they did applied to burst, not the sustained damage. This shouldn't be a surprise to anybody.
  22. Why did you think it was going to be fixed? When did they give you the impression they recognize it and fixed it in patch 1.3?
  23. ZDProletariat

    wow ranked pvp

    So you sat in the entire duration of the flamethrower, and counted up the damage, it added up to 7k, and you call it op? sigh
  24. Assassins/shadows and marauders/sentinels. From day 1, to current.
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