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Everything posted by Bewoulff

  1. What are you TALKING about? HM FP was in there. I queued for one for like 5 minutes before I realized I didn't have the time and logged off! You need to look a little harder. Sounds like it's a user error. Sorry man.
  2. I'm with ya, I agree! This game needed an LFG and they delivered. When I read the 1.3 update blog and the person there listed all the things they've done in the half year mark, I was really impressed. People who complain don't realize that this game has done some huge fixes in a short amount of time. That's not common for MMOs. STO didn't have a lot of these fixes for at least a year. The BW team is really doing well on keeping up. If they keep up the pace I can see this game keeping its place as an industry leader.
  3. I actually don't think it's a bad idea, but it's not for me. I, like others, prefer the action/consequence of the story. But I'm not against you having your way. But here's how I play, and it seems to work for me. I guess you said you don't like alts, but I do and here's why. I don't call them toons. That implies cartoon and that I don't care about them. I call them characters because that's what they are. I actually think about their story before I play. Whenever a story option is made, I really try to get into that character. See how this can be fun. I play a Sith Sorcerer that is more like a "jedi undercover". Think about it... every time some sith punk asks me to torture someone, or kill someone, my response is always, "I'll bathe in their blood" or some emo sith response. Then when it's time to torture or kill said person I'm more like, "Psst.... I'm here to help you." The story dynamic for something like that is actually VERY cool and makes me WANT to play alts.
  4. I quoted the person above me to address the previous 3 posts.
  5. That's where I say you're flat wrong. For example, first time you played PVP and someone just said, "SNOW! SNOW!! SNOW YOU IDIOTS!!!" You're standing there going, "What the fu--". where as if he had just said "WEST!" I would've gone... oh all right. Snow and Grass are recognizable by their colors. Sure. But seeing as it's stupid, and east and west are ALREADY there, why go difficult and create another direction unless people have no idea what east or west are? Since I don't pay attention to what side has grass or snow, it doesn't matter if I'm standing in the middle. When my team mates scream GRASS GRASS GRASS like a bunch of idiots, I'm flipping a coin on if I should run east or west. Oh crap... I just ran east into a bunch of snow. And anyone PLAYING a PVP match should care. If one of your objectives is being attacked, you're wasting time trying to figure out which stupid direction people are talking about. I makes me remember the days when I delivered furniture. Intelligent, knowledgable people would say addresses, directions, etc... Stupid people would say things like, "Once you pass the walmart go through the light. Then the next light. then the next light. Then the next light. Then turn at the mcdonalds." It's stupid, wastes time, and loses PVP matches.
  6. Nope, East and West are always constant when going off the minimap.
  7. NO, East or West DOES NOT change if you use your minimap. It is ALWAYS oriented north. No matter what direction you start from, it is always oreiented north. And it matters because Snow and grass need to be explained. West and East are already established and accurate. Unless public school failed you.
  8. I'll admit, I don't pay attention to that. I don't care which side has grass or snow. In fact, both have snow and both have grass. I say we go off of the already established and universally understood "north, south, east, west" directions. I can't tell you how many games of Alderaan or Voidstar I've played where people say "right" when if their screen is oriented north they are in fact "left". Or people say grass and I have no idea what they are talking about. The minimap is always oriented north, so this makes it the most accurate way to call directions.
  9. Here's something that bothers me. Okay.so you're fighting at an objective on voidstar or alderaan (obviously not a problem in novare coast) and a window in grabbing the objective opens up. So you jump on it, you're the first one. Then three of your team mates jump on it too. Just then 2 guys come around and do an aoe to knock your progress. Why don't the other three team mates stun lock? Why does this happen? Play smarter people. I could've won 2 matches today when people do this. If I'm not the first one to start on an objective I turn around and try to stun any players from knocking my teams objective.
  10. Making new rules like offsides might get messy. I do like certain buffs set in place to give a handicap to the losing team. But I hate to say this considering I could probably count the number of wins in huttball on my one hand, but I think when you have a 6-0 match it's because one team mobilized and got organized. The other team didn't. I've had horrible matches in voidstar, alderaan, and novare and it just doesn't make sense to punish the team that mobilized, communicated, and organized their way to victory. Most of the time when I'm on a losing team in huttball (or any wz) my team has already decided they're going to lose and just play a death match and add a point to their daily. At that point I actually love it when the opposing team scores 5 goals fast so the match ends quickly. /sigh... I got to get into more premades lol
  11. I think this is funny because my example is FFXIV, which is infinitely more gorgeous than most non-MMO games and it's an MMO. Anyway, I agree, this game isn't the greatest on performance. I know they HAVE to know this and have been working on it. Maybe 1.3 will have some behind the scenes improvement? As I said, I play FFXIV on max settings and my fans don't even kick on high. I turn on SWTOR on high and the performance is still great, but my fans kick on high and I have a slightly higher stutter than if I were on low settings. But yeah, it's not game breaking because as others have said it only happens on the fleet, where lag isn't a big deal. It's still buttery smooth where it matters most.
  12. I seemed to have lost 3 that I loved and any acceptable variation of the names were taken. I was left with compromising as best I could to get the names I wanted. Gah, I wish they did this like FFXIV did this (with First name and Last name). There were 4 Bewoulf's in my guild with the same first name, just a different surname. Makes NO sense that we have to have different first names when we can choose our last names too. Or even the way STO did this. Charactername@Accountname. Made whispering kind of awkward but I got used to it.
  13. Haha, he probably logged in after transfers. Plus there's no need to announce this to the forum. We don't care if you sub or unsub. But man... I jumped on the new shiny server with 150 people on fleet and did 5 PVP matches in about an hour. It was glorious.
  14. I realize that low populations is a sour point for all, but don't freak out on ONE day of lower population than yesterday. You said it's a trend, that's not a trend. If you knew anything about "trends" and SPC charts, you'd know natural variation is going to occur on a short term basis, and trends occur over long term.. Sometimes it will go up, sometimes it will go down on a daily, maybe even hourly basis.
  15. They don't have a role? I think they're great. Granted I'm fighting the sith equivalent and I think they're formidable. Though, they can't kill me, and if they don't have a healer I will eventually whittle them down. But they are a player in a team. If they have DPS, and healers backing them up they are a tremendous boon.
  16. omg... Public school failed so many. I HATE saying "snow" or "grass" because I never pay attention on if east or west has the grass or snow. Why can't we just say west or east? It is universally understood, doesn't change no matter your perspective, and can be looked at easily on your mini map.
  17. Oh another one. I got yelled at for helping kill a guy in huttball. For one thing, I'm a shadow. I am meant to be ganging up on people not being a hero. Two, I was playing infiltration which are super squishy. Most I can do in hutt ball is keep the ball area clear (which we were in) and picking off targets going after the ball carrier for my team. I made sure that he got the final kill. Other then that what's the problem? I shut him up when he was being attacked by two at once. I told him I'd let him solo those and went on my way. 10 sec. Later he died. Didn't seem to complain about help after that.
  18. One major thing that happens often is when people call "left" or "right" and they don't go off of the mini map. Instead they go off their screen. THAT DOESNT WORK! They need to call out their directions that don't change perspective. Go off the mini map or use north, south, east, or west. How does a war hero hardcore pvper not know this?
  19. A while ago imps used to beat us alot. But lately only time I lose is same faction pvp. I have to admit, destroying those sith is loads of fun
  20. I don't know. All the whiners in here is seriously getting on my nerves. MMOS TAKE TIME TO MATURE!! Players threaten to unsub in every post and none of it is even all that bad. My favorite MMO doesn't have a group finder, pvp, or a massive population and its still better than WoW. So many mmo players are such little girls. And before you losers start saying how my server got transferred I'm on belgoths beacon and has yet to transfer. Go outside this weekend. I bet you $5 we'll be transferred Monday.
  21. this infuriates me. What the blue flying %$ do you think they should do? Monitor populations for years before doing anything? They've monitored population since it dipped and have decided transfers and creating mega servers will be the key. Stop being a little girl and complaining at every damn move they do. Pull up your skirt, wipe your eyes and get on with life.
  22. If there's only two more east coast servers left than one is mine. The population in that one isn't bad. I can wait a few more days. I'm unpacking my new apartment anyway.
  23. makes me wonder if we'll get a transfer. Hey... They've moved bigger servers.
  24. I'm on BB too. If there's 100 Imps on, why am I constantly doing same faction PVP? As it stands, I'm on Republic side and we usually have 30-40 in fleet and we still get two groups of 50 doing PVP. I'm not trying to be an *** here, just asking if that's really the imp population on BB. Maybe I should check myself and jump on my imp lol.
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