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Current Transfer Servers


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Actually, it's the community that has completely failed in its responsibility to read and understand relatively simple instructions:




I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that this community does not deserve a game. It simply doesn't have the maturity and intelligence to handle its part.


Totally agree This community is good at nothing but complaining.


You complain because thousands of people cant transfer today then you complain because you cant pick your destination servers OMG why would any game developer allow that in this situation everyone would either move to Fat Man or Red Eclipse and break Server stability for everyone. And then you would be complaining again because either the server is full and you cant transfer or why you have to wait 2-3 hours to log in lol


Everything was spelled out for you to read, transfers will be a gradual process the small number of transfers today is an internal test for BW or would you much prefer 20,000 transfers in 24 hours and then complain wheres my characters gone?


On the complaints about guilds organizing for a move today and it not happening well you cannot obviously arrange a p**s up in a Brewery.


Im a GM and my guild is well informed of the correct details of the transfers regardless of the state of our underpopulated server Rogue Moon, it is business as usual until we receive further news from BW, if it takes a few days to organise the guild once correct notification we are legible is made then so be it, my members all understand this and much prefer this over being miss informed and wasting their time.

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complaint after complaint after complaint. I swear some of you are never satisfied and then you act like what you want is a simple process. Yes there are only 4 NA servers for transfer at the moment, but honestly what good would it have done if they opened up every server for origin/destination etc. We would go back to the same exact position we were in from the start. a widespread player population across all servers with only a select few being heavily populated. To be honest i wouldn't be surprised if there were only a total of 8-12 destination servers. This server transfer service available now is in my opinion the preparations being taken to start removing some servers off the list. Start emptying servers and make it so that the population isn't thinned out across the large number of servers that they have. Have some patience. BW is trying to get this done right. Rushing a service of any kind will bring nothing but harm to the game and make it worse than it already is.
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Of course because they really still do it manually? 10 servers with around 20 people on their dead servers and still took 5 mins? That is bad ... quiting, uninstalling and unsubstribing with my friends. This was the last step after 6 months waiting ...


God, the horror of waiting a whole five minutes.


Maybe they are, you know, checking the first transfers to make sure everything is OK before launching tens of thousands of copies?


Maybe they are, you know, making a backup copy of each character and validating it, so they can recover if something goes wrong?


Anyway, Toodles!

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What was your exact though process to qualify your statement of "I was smart enough to make more characters on populated servers"?


What measurable data did you have to lead you to "make more characters on populated servers"? Or did you just reroll and happen to do so on a server that didn't die? No, couldn't be that at all. Had to be your smarts.


Actually I just picked the most heavily populated and popular PVE EU server, was insanely easy.

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Less than a week until what? He never says anything about opening new servers to transfers. Only that he will post some sort of update within the week. Ive learned you cannot assume anything with bioware.


yes he does


Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update.


they clearly say they will add more eligible servers on a regular basis and they clarify that regular means less then a week.



thanks for playing

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"you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update."


I'll translate this to you people who are saying "we don't know what gradually means"


LESS THAN A WEEK. That's fairly specific.


could be every two weeks or every 2 months or yearly. They word it that way so that people will think its hourly or each day. Regularly just really means it will be done at the same intervals. They say change your oil regularly but that was every 3000m etc not every hour or every day.

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Someone said way back near the beginning of this thread they had talked to BW customer service on the phone and they had said this would be all for today but there would be a similar number of new servers available tomorrow. If thats true, then hopefully after the first two days they'll have gathered enough info to be be able to increase the amount of servers available per day and we can get through this process in maybe a week and half or so. But who know, I've played too many MMOs to expect the best, but I can hope.
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There aren't any wait times to get into the high-pop servers. (Currently, and i don't think there will be in the future, either)


try logging on fatman at peak hours...I have been hit with a queue there as recently as 2 weeks ago. And the higher populations vastly outnumber the light ones still. Go check the population post its disgusting. I for one am getting tired of seeing 10 people in fleet at peak hours and you find that with many many servers. go look at torstatus.net that is also helpful.

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The concept of patience, flew over the heads of some people years ago.


nothing to do with patients, BW is providing a service in exchange for our money. When Money is involved people expect results or they simply take their money some place else to get said results.

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yes he does




they clearly say they will add more eligible servers on a regular basis and they clarify that regular means less then a week.



thanks for playing


No where does it say regularly is less than a week.


Thanks for playing you lose.:D

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Someone said way back near the beginning of this thread they had talked to BW customer service on the phone and they had said this would be all for today but there would be a similar number of new servers available tomorrow. If thats true, then hopefully after the first two days they'll have gathered enough info to be be able to increase the amount of servers available per day and we can get through this process in maybe a week and half or so. But who know, I've played too many MMOs to expect the best, but I can hope.


Their wait and see approach has been working o so well for them...I wonder how many more subscriptions they will lose by dragging their feet like this.

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WoW didn't even have server transfers for what, 3 years? And you want BW to have it in place at launch for a game that had every server full to the brim? Come on, man.


LOL probably one server in wow has more people than 50 servers in SWTOR... your comparison is STUPID


So you know GW2 has transfers in BETA... I repeat in BETA

Edited by RobertoThePot
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Are you trying to say that most of the players post on the forums?


I only thought that we were a minority and the majority of players dont post on the forums.


The Fatman I believe makes up more than 75% of PVP east subs and I imagine that JC makes up over 50% for their catagory. Have you not seen the server status lately? All but 5 NA servers are light.


Check tor status i do. Often. Yes. Fatman 75% of pvpers is not.

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No where does it say regularly is less than a week.


Thanks for playing you lose.:D


tell you what you want to play that game fine. It's June 12th so if they add more servers to the transfer list before June 19th then i'm right and you lose.

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nothing to do with patients, BW is providing a service in exchange for our money. When Money is involved people expect results or they simply take their money some place else to get said results.


So what happens when someone buys something off the internet, and they need to wait weeks or months till it comes to their doorstep? Pretty much the same thing.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Thank you for that update.


I have to say that, if indeed additional servers will be added in very short order, that a tremendous amount of bad customer relations, "publicity," and perhaps most importantly that intangible taste in people's mouths could have been avoided by simply explaining ahead of time that servers would be rolled out over the course of a few days.


You mean like this: extensive discussion in the community blog?


Because while I'm disappointed my server is not on the list, I see no reason to expect all servers were to be available on day 1.

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I am sad pissed and annoyed all at the same time. I waited years for this it comes out all is great 2 month later my server is dead can't find groups on any planet to do heroic let alone FP's or OPS cause they population of the server is gone either cause they quit or cause the left the server for more populated servers.


I was looking forwarded to transferring to server that ACTUAL HAS PEOPLE that would warrant paying 15$ but no I cant do that yet after waiting months. If i am forced to just reroll on populated server I will most likely quit, As I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE a lvl 50 legacy and 5 lvl 50's


And swear if i find out EA has any say what is being done. I wont buy another BW game consider I cant stand EA and the crap they release and the franchises they have destroyed. I only got the game cause it was the only KOTOR3 i was gona get.

Edited by Kyuuu
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