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Everything posted by anwg

  1. For assault: Skillful: Concussive force, Parallactic combat stims, cell capacitor/tenacious defense Masterful: advance the line, electro shield/suite foe Heroic: shock absorbers, reflex shield/reflex battery.
  2. Seriously? WoW's cc chains are much much worse. The only spec that's out of whack CC wise in this game is deception.
  3. anwg

    Nerf heal, dammit!

    A classic case of "mad because bad".
  4. The bolster system compensates lower level players for missing a lot of abilities.
  5. At least make chaff flare usable while stunned.
  6. That's only if you stupidly attack whoever the tank is guarding.
  7. Yep, especially since the dialog choices tend to have no effect in the end, and the cut scenes are just boring talking head 1 switch to talking head 2 then back to 1. Money well spent, Bioware.
  8. Same here. Edit, after removing the swtorunleashed.xml file and have the app regenerate it, the problem went away.
  9. Meanwhile, I still can't emote while on a mount.
  10. Base predation is pretty bad without the utility point. I think something like egress would work, breaks movement impairing effects and provide a short immunity.
  11. And an option to prevent people inspecting my achievements please.
  12. anwg


    They can do all those if they use the CC breaker. Also if you use it while the opponent has some sort of CC immunity buff, it'll do nothing.
  13. They can decrease your damage by 10% and boss HP by 10% and it'll look like a nerf but it's not; or they can increase yours by 10% but increase boss HP by 50%, so it'll look like a buff but in fact is a nerf.
  14. You can use it then charge up for another before you are in combat.
  15. You won't beat anyone semi decent who can self heal as a sniper.
  16. Do you really need a mark to tell who the healers are, especially after the match has been going on for a bit?
  17. Have a practice arena where you can test out different comps and strategies, and remove arenas from reg queues.
  18. Don't be so insecure, just saying numbers don't tell the whole story. Eg. If you mez someone for 8 seconds, you could pretend far more damage than what you could heal in 1.5 seconds, but those won't show up in your healing total.
  19. 900k damage is nothing, with 3 enemy healers, personal tank and another person guarding the damage was slow and steady, easy to put up big numbers.
  20. I rage when I don't get immortal.
  21. Wow, I've never heard of thing called breast cancer before, I'm glad we have found such a simple and easy cure.
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