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Current Transfer Servers


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but they did though

unless you read "gradual process" and think "EVERYONE IS TRANSFERRED ON DAY ONE"

Big shock, that's exactly what happened.


It's like handing a crazy person a loaded gun. It's up to BW to EXPECT the crazy reaction. God knows they've seen it enough times by now to KNOW it's gonna happen.

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Reply to my tweet.


@SWTOR Are more servers going to be added to the transfer list throughout the day?


@SirLimbo We will be updating the list with additional servers in the coming days! ^MD


So now just wait a little longer, we have all been waiting for a while now a couple more days wont kill us.

Edited by SirLimbo
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That was a silly thing to do.


Okay, everyone. Remember how we got here? The game was released and many servers had queues. Sure, most of the queues were pretty short, but you had to wait to play the game that you paid for and people whined endlessly, insulting Bioware, Obama, and electricity and threatening to publicly accuse Bioware of crimes if they didn't have their selfish, short-sighted demands met.


And Bioware did it.


Now, transfers are starting, and they start out slow --as anyone who has any shred of experience in large-scale services knows is a smart move-- and what happens: People whine endlessly, insulting Bioware and demanding that Bioware implement reckless, uncontrolled, and unmanageable transfers.


You know what would be really stupid: If Bioware listened to any of you. You are the problem. You are the ones who put us in this situation. You should be apologizing and supporting them as they fix the issue you created.



Giving credit where none is due is also a silly thing to do.


Ever hear the saying, the customer is always right? Thats because they are always right, because without them, any business cannot survive.


Customers don't give praise to Bioware because they are not a company worth showing any type of gratitude too. All they are worthy of is complaints and criticism, for obvious reasons.

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look im from vorskr and of course i am disappointed to not to see us as a source or destination server yet, but truth is it looks like they are allowing the lowest pop servers a chance to go to the highest pop servers first. I dont blame them for slowing rolling it out so transfers can occur without effecting gameplay or would you choose to transfer your charactr right now if it was in a transfer que and would take 3 days because they all went up at once. Then we would have posts about "3 days i cant play my characters" posts all over.


I must admit the character transfers and the coming group finder are the only reason i havent downloaded gw2 beta, because if i do and like it i would be gone and i love this games potential and community (at least on vorskr). I am tired of leaving a game with my guild because they cant wait out the bugs and game growth after launch, i will no longer switch to the flavor of the week just because its new and alow the cycle to start all over again.


I will wait patiently and will pray that vorskr gets some transfer loving prior to the 1.3 launch, because a group finder with not enough pop will be sad and drepressing.


the voice of reason!:)

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I was undergeared once but then i got geared. Not everything in life is free or handed to you on a silver platter.


Try that with no one on your server. It's literally impossible to pvp 50 and ops are running about once a week. good luck gearing up with that.

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For god sake this is so untrue:



I also wanted to point out that this process was outlined in our community blog last week and in our main transfer thread here. Specifically:


This process will be gradual and staged over time. Despite huge improvements being made to the Character Transfer Service by our server team, there are millions of characters to be moved and there is a limit to how many can be moved daily. We want your character to be transferred as quickly as possible, but we will need you to be patient as the process completes.


Seriously millions would not need transfering... Dont expect people to rush back. DEAL WITH DEAD SERVERS NOW, TODAY

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I understand the slow start, but why would they choose the heaviest populated servers as destinations??? I just want to play on a server with a healthy population, I don't want to have to wait in a que just to log in!!!


Consolidate the Light servers into Standard/Heavy ones. Is it seriously that difficult to comprehend?



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There was absolutely no reason to withold the lists from us, or at least give us some idea of which servers are going where.

>Servers can only move one way, to one place

>So it's not like people can choose and over-populate

>Limited to maximum people on the origin server

>No reason to not tell us.


qft ^

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Utterly pathetic.


WHY does every single have to be down in a SLOW, mediocre manner?


WHY not once...JUST ONCE BIOWARE can't you add something that ISN'T HALF WAY THOUGHT OUT?


Good pops going to even better populations...




Someone PLEASE explain this to me!


Because if they did it all at once it would be a disaster from the bottle-neck, to the inability to guage server size so as to manage it to the player bases's advantage.


The desire for instant gratification beyond forethought may be good for some, but for others like myself, we want it managed correctly and concisely so that we only have to do this once. They've taken the best approach.


We can't help that there are those players that will be unhappy with that, but I can assure you, had they done it the way the complainers are suggesting, we would have far more threads of this nature.


In short, it is easy to sit by one's armchair and complain that the running back should hit harder. Put on a pair of pads and run a that 265 lb. linebacker one time and those words would never be uttered again.


They know what they are doing. Let them do their job.

Edited by Blackardin
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Its not even been 35 minutes and people are heralding doom. When the list will update regularily and add more servers making it a smooth transition. There needs to be order so all who transfer guilds and so on can get them selfs set up in their new enviroment. Better a good transfer then a hasted one where we get disparity and bugs.


Consolidation for the win.

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That is precisely the point. I feel that this could have been much smoother if they had told the community that approx 10-15 servers will start with transfer and then later on more will.


I know they have posted something in a blog somewhere but I mean communicate clearly on the frontpage would have helped alot.


The medium is the message


You know all you had to do is read the post DIRECTLY ABOVE THIS ONE ON THE FRONTPAGE!


This process will be gradual and staged over time. Despite huge improvements being made to the Character Transfer Service by our server team, there are millions of characters to be moved and there is a limit to how many can be moved daily. We want your character to be transferred as quickly as possible, but we will need you to be patient as the process completes. Once your transfer starts we estimate it will complete in a few hours, but with the potential volume of transfers occurring, you may find your character is queued for transfer for a while as we deal with the high volume.
Edited by Master-Nala
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They said from the beginning it would be a slow process where some servers wont be chosen as origins/destinations until later on.


It's essentially being done slowly to monitor populations on all the destination servers, to avoid them getting completely jam packed with hundreds of new people transferring there on day one.


As for when more destinations/origins will happen - who knows


This is why they needed merges and not transfers. All they have managed to do now is piss off even more players and those players pay their salary through subs, Just incase BW has forgotten that little link.

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This is not the place to put Critical information about something so important to most players that are still playing the game. This deserved its on thread stickied on the top of the general Discussion


You exemplify everything that is wrong with this community. The information that the server transfer will be a gradual process is in the top sticky in this very forum. BioWare had already done exactly what you want.ed And yet you complain.

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because the server that is transfering to the fatman is one of those that has about 10 people online during peak hours. it won't make any difference to the fatman, but it will certainly improve the other server's players' experience


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who sees this as completely acceptable.


This is the right way to do this. Move those in the most need first.


I'm willing to wait in line behind players that never get to experience a good population because they will benefit the most. My server is almost dead now but it's been a slow death and I got to play for months with a decent population. It really does make one Hell of a difference.

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If this process works for the 10 selected servers, then it will work for the further 300 or w/e they have, so there is no reason why ALL transfers can't take place later on today, when it is confirmed to be a working process.

Since the system is automated, it will handle the load even if it takes longer. So why gradually?

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What a slap in the face. I'm tied of being the lone bioware apologist in my guild....4 servers? A little warning that the initial list would affect less than 1% of your player base would have been nice. There are over 2k posts and 100k views on the character transfer sticky. Did you not think a LOT of people were looking forward to this? Did you expect to cover those 100k views with the ten servers you chose? This is just simply a slap in the face...there should be all but about 5 servers on that list. And to mess things up even further i hear one of the destinations is fatman? A server that already had queues? Why not bolster another to server that's not quite as full. Very disappointed with the "transfer service" so far.
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I'd hate to see all the people here if they had allowed 100 servers to transfer in one day...only to lose every character. I only read these forums as to pass time when I cant play , cause seriously , some of you lot are comic genius'.


I'm actually amazed some of you managed to install this game let alone make a character. Why on earth would they allow you to freely transfer between all the servers? it just defies the point of what this is trying to achieve. As someone previously mentioned , dead servers will merge in to the heavy ones until the server cant handle any more. They will use the coming days to stress test the load , and then...wait for it....choose the next server to be filled up. Its not rocket science. Eventually everyone will be moved to servers which have a constant standard/heavy pop and isnt that what you want? Not to log on to the fleet and find 6 guys?. I , along with the rest of the sane people in this thread are delighted they are making an effort to do this , and also in a sensible fashion. Allowing everyone to move on day 1 would either overload a server or spread the population thinner, which is not what anyone wants


Sir, this is the old republic forums, your general logic and comon sense are not tolerated nor are they needed. We here on the forums prefer to over react and do a virtual verson of screaming known as caps lock as per our inability to reason or use reading comprehension. Furthermore we will ignore any other "smartypants" posts and continue to blather ignorance and hyperbole with amazing veracity and incredible idiocy.


~ The old republic forum warriors.

Edited by TKMaster
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to only have 4 servers in the list for the na servers to say the least is quite disapointing, to see where i rerolled be a desination server is nice now i just worried that my stranded toons won't make it over there.


im guessing the reason they didn't tell us anything about the transfers was because it was going to be done so slowy :/ BW you are not making any friends with the way you are handleing the population issue




they did in fact tell us that the process will be " gradual"...


reading comprehension failed

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Some of the folks on here have no patience to wait a few more days.. Unfortunatly the "I want it now crowd" demands instant satisfaction or heads should roll :p


My patience ran out about a week ago, and I don't play since then. My account will run out in a week, and I may be willing to resub, if I get a transfer to a high pop server NOW. Once my time is up, it's not very likely I will ever come back.

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Some of the folks on here have no patience to wait a few more days.. Unfortunatly the "I want it now crowd" demands instant satisfaction or heads should roll :p


Take a chill pill people. Come back in a few days & your server may / should be on the list.

But then again, playing games is your life for some...... /sigh


We needed transfer in January...

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Really you transfer TO the fatman?


What, did you think they were going to have transfers OFF The Fatman? Are you kidding me? The idea is to havea small group of high-population servers. Why would they want to break up a high pop server?



Also, Frostclaw needs more people, it has 30 people on average in the fleet, but I guess that's enough for Bioware's standards?


If your server is that small, you will be very likely be an origin server, not a destination server. In other words, pack your stuff, you're about to be moving.

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