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10 Good
  1. For those interested I've started compiling all my data into a spreadsheet and done calculations in it. It's probably a mess to anyone who isnt in my mind but someone might be able to get something useful from it. First spreadsheet is results from missions so far and second of the actual augment. Spreadsheet Just my 2 cents, don't complain about the layout though please, that wasnt my first priority.
  2. From my early tests regarding the making of these Augmentations Kits I've found out that the cost for making everything by yourself (getting mats through crew mission & RE-ing for the Augmentation Slot Components) is roughly 15k / kit. So far I've managed to sell all I've made for 95k but I could probably demand more. So now in the early days of the Augmentation craze you can make a bit of money by just a few clicks and some wait. 80k profit / kit isnt all that bad considering the effort I put into it (atleast according to me).
  3. Woop woop! Character transfer is here! Now I'll just have to wait til' it comes to my server.
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