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Cathar as a Playable Species


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Are they even playable in 1.3 or is it a future update?


They won't be in 1.3. It'll be a future update. 1.3 isn't going to have very much content - it's primarily a "get things working they way they should be" update, i.e. transfers (although that's actually going in before 1.3), group finder, engine optimization, adaptive social gear, and so forth.


But in the future updates they've been showing we'll get Cathar, a new level cap, new operation, new planet, new companion, and some other bells and whistles. I'm hoping that along with those we also get some of the companion updates - new conversations, LI expansion (including SGRs), and so forth. In the video I saw, the Cathar model was the standard male npc that's already in the game so my guess is that they're still working on head models and such.

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I am quite pleased that Cathar will be available. I am normally a horrible altaholic but so far I have only one character, my human smuggler, and he''ll be hitting 45 today and I won't be rolling any new characters until the Cathar go live. Looking forward to a Cathar Sith Inquisitor.


Put please, do something with the hair. It seems like there are two Cathar hairstyles in the game, short and gelled or bald. There needs to be some proper manes for the males and the females. Not to mention good facial hair options for the males and jewelry options for both.

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Put please, do something with the hair. It seems like there are two Cathar hairstyles in the game, short and gelled or bald. There needs to be some proper manes for the males and the females. Not to mention good facial hair options for the males and jewelry options for both.


There are only 2-4 static face models for Cathar in the game at the moment. Part of making them a full species is giving them customization options rather than static models for playable characters, so there will definatly be some new hair options. Whether there will be any "manes" or not has yet to be seen.

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Man I think my eyes were bad when I watched the vid but didn't see any mention of the Cathar being playable in that vid, ah well, if they are playable it's cool... just hope there is no cybering with it in roleplay server... oh god.....


Though is it confirmed that we will have to buy the expansion or will it be an update..cause one planet for an expansion wouldn't really be enough.


Still don't like the tier armors, I think they should fire the people working on the design of those armors and find people that can actually make armors that are more star wars in appearance..


It's a good thing that Cathars will be playable, I assume they might end up as a republic race first.

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Makes no sense still to have them available on Empire side...that race HATES the Empire with a passion. I.E. the data entry. Only thing I can thing of is enslavement.




Not to mention the Cathar Prince on Belsavis that got rescued by the Imperial player during a side mission. One of the Republic's "dirty little secrets".

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Not to mention the Cathar Prince on Belsavis that got rescued by the Imperial player during a side mission. One of the Republic's "dirty little secrets".


Yes absolutely - followers of the Cathar Prince may very well ally themselves with the Empire out of mutual anger at what the Republic had done. In fact, once those Cathar are "brought up to speed" on what the Jedi/Republic decided to do to the Sith at the end of the Great Hyperspace War they may very well see common cause. The Cathar, or at least some Cathar, may very well join the Empire the same way the Sith did.


Of course the Empire would have a field day with the P.R. and propoganda of this... insinuating it is the Republic that is truly hostile to aliens as a matter of policy while the Empire welcomes those aliens as equals who proclaim loyalty. Of course the last part of that is pure malarky, but what's good propoganda without some malarky eh?


If nothing else Cathar would make a lot of sense as Sith Inquisitors and Bounty Hunters, and to see some recruited as Imperial Agents likewise makes sense (deep cover agents). It all breaks down horribly for the Sith Warrior story, but then again we already can have Mirialan, Miraluka, Twi'lek, Zabrak, Chiss, and Rattataki Sith Warriors by virtue of starting selection and/or Legacy race unlocks.

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Slight spoiler here:


One of the rival Bounty Hunters in the BH story is a Cathar


so there's already precedence for it.


Yep, saw that too. Honestly about the only class it doesn't make sense to see them in is the SW and that is only because the SW story makes such an emphasis of the purity of one's sith blood in the prologue and in random spots throughout the story otherwise. I figure though if we can selectively ignore that for the twi'leks, mirialan, miralukan, etc., SWs we can ignore it for the cathar too.

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The only way I can see it making sense for a cathar SW is to have a high level SI then make the cathar related to the SI its a bit of a jump but thats the only way I think you can justify a cathar SW.





EDIT:Anyway from what we are seeing by the end of the empire storylines right now the empire is having a change they are getting a lot more non human's joining the empire(IA and SI) there is even a debate about this on illum with the current grand moth.


From what I have noticed while playing the class stories most imperial npcs and high ranking sith don't really care all that much about your race as long as you get results.


And future patch notes spoilers



If the leak is believed the grand moff leaves the empire to do his own thing since more and more aliens are joining the empire and he does not like it.


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The only way I can see it making sense for a cathar SW is to have a high level SI then make the cathar related to the SI its a bit of a jump but thats the only way I think you can justify a cathar SW.


You could always claim that happened in the background, without actually needing the SI in the first place. If we ignore the BW story for the SW the Cathar SW could be...


* A fallen jedi padawan that converted and was taken in by a powerful sith lord and sent to Korriban to take the trials.


* Biologically or via adoption is the child of a previous Cathar SI.


* A member of a cathar royal family that voluntarily allied with the Empire and was thus not a slave when discovered to be Force Sensitive and sent to Korriban for the trials.


Those three just off the top of my head.

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cathar with the same humanoid model for head as a new specie, means that they will not add stuffs like togruta or changrian. How sad.


Ok, now there is no reason not to add Togruta or Chagrians later. They already have the basic character models down.

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Personaly I would like it if Cathar were a republic species and they had another one for the empire. But I doubt this will happen and like alllegacy species once unlocked the species will become avaliavble for all classes.


While I have a very limited interest in Cathar as a playable speices, I think there are a number of places where I would expect a cathar to have diferent options, especially if I was an imperial Cathar on Taris however I think its safe to bet there will be no changes to the dialog. Personaly I am happy with no changes as the less work they do to introduce a new species the more likely we will see other species come in. If it costs X hundred thousand dollars to bring in a species they will be rare if its just a skin change hopefully we will see a lot more new species.

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Is there any news on what the Imperial Race will be?


While I am sure we will see some Cathar Sith and even some that want to become the heir to Mandalore a group that hunted them like vermin through the legacy system. I can't see any way that the Development team would have them as an Imperial species from the get go, so what is going to be the Imperial Equivilant. Given Cathar is the species of companion I wonder if more work has gone onto their model allowing for more equipment already worked round so I wonder if it will be another of the companion species like a Kaleesh or Trandoshian both of which work with siding with the empire.

Edited by Costello
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Is there any news on what the Imperial Race will be?


While I am sure we will see some Cathar Sith and even some that want to become the heir to Mandalore a group that hunted them like vermin through the legacy system. I can't see any way that the Development team would have them as an Imperial species from the get go, so what is going to be the Imperial Equivilant. Given Cathar is the species of companion I wonder if more work has gone onto their model allowing for more equipment already worked round so I wonder if it will be another of the companion species like a Kaleesh or Trandoshian both of which work with siding with the empire.


Cathar is going to be a Legacy unlocked only race, so it will likely be neither a Republic nor Imperial race.

Edited by Ranadiel_Marius
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I never liked the cathar, they always seemed way too lame. Imo more traditional races should be playable like the Togruta or Nautolan. Its just that cat people really don't appeal to me and I hope that they are not the only new playable race.
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I never liked the cathar, they always seemed way too lame. Imo more traditional races should be playable like the Togruta or Nautolan. Its just that cat people really don't appeal to me and I hope that they are not the only new playable race.


They're the first, but I've no doubt they will be far from the last. Torguta and Nautolan are very likely; I'd put money on them.

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Ok, bro. Your ignorance of Star Wars is showing. The Cathar have been established in Star Wars Lore and Canon since The Holiday Special. They were one of the elements kept for use in the rest of the Star Wars universe. Even though the Holiday Special is classified as S-Canon, that just means the story itself is N-Canon. The S-Canon elements are used in C-Canon all the time.


Their first major role was in Tales of the Jedi comics, most notably the characters of Crado and Sylvar. That was LONG before BioWare put Juhani into KotOR. So before you spout hate on the Cathar and BioWare, do our research.


retconned into the holiday special which was rejected as anything to do with Star Wars by Lucas himself. I don't know why you people insist on using 2nd rate evidence from some ridculous EU. Your ignorance is your own. I grew up with unadulterated pure Star Wars, before every man and his dog wanted to add and seriously damage the credibility of a once great IP.... further ruined by money leeching devs.


I salute you on your unwavering devotion to watering down of this great universe by demanding and fighting for rubbish of the highest order. What's next Grays with ray guns?? Don't take this personally (unlike your own attack on my post) I'll lump you in with the rest of the people slowly and methodically pillaging any decency left in a galaxy far far away....

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:rak_02: Well then I guess BW should just redo everything and make it like the original trilogy, just to be safe and please the hard-core fans, right? Wrong cuz "classic Star Wars" is incredibly vague. Does that mean the movies and whatever lore pieces from the games, books, comics, etc. that YOU like?

I think source material should be stricter i.e. the 2 triliogies and anything offically released such as Shadows Of The Empire etc.

I don't like a huge percentage of Star Wars EU, that is true, I don't like certain things within the 2 core trilogies but I will accept those things so no not 'what I like'. EU I feel it moves away from the essence of the universe far too much. But such is the slavering money whores at LA.

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retconned into the holiday special which was rejected as anything to do with Star Wars by Lucas himself. I don't know why you people insist on using 2nd rate evidence from some ridculous EU. Your ignorance is your own. I grew up with unadulterated pure Star Wars, before every man and his dog wanted to add and seriously damage the credibility of a once great IP.... further ruined by money leeching devs.


I salute you on your unwavering devotion to watering down of this great universe by demanding and fighting for rubbish of the highest order. What's next Grays with ray guns?? Don't take this personally (unlike your own attack on my post) I'll lump you in with the rest of the people slowly and methodically pillaging any decency left in a galaxy far far away....


Then why are you even playing this game?


This is the Expanded Universe, and you badmouth the game every chance you get, anyhow. Wow, bro. So much hate from you for everything Expanded Universe outside the movies. Luckily, the Cathar are coming to SWTOR and there is literally nothing you can do about it. The only option open to you to avoid Cathar filled game servers is to quit. And judging by your previous trash-talk about how horrible this game is, I think WoW is more for you.


In closing, if you really have a problem with the Star Wars Canon System, I suggest writing a very strongly worded letter to Leland Chee and/or George Lucas. Make sure you tell them exactly how you feel about their Canon system, and how you believe BioWare is abusing it. I'm sure they'll listen to you, as long as you word it strongly enough. Go all out. Don't hold back. :)

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They're the first, but I've no doubt they will be far from the last. Torguta and Nautolan are very likely; I'd put money on them.


I hope they are not alone and I also hope we dont have to wait months between each species release. I want to create a new character and have a new main with a species I want to play.

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