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Cathar as a Playable Species


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Ohh yes yes yes =)


Me so happy, where did you guys find this info. Didn't see it anywhere myself but it is clearly the best news today. Wow, wonder what skins we will be getting? Happy happy joy joy. Will have to make a new trooper for Aric =)

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My only concern over this (and other potential new species) is that some missions/storylines/companion conversations rely heavily on a particular species. That is to say, if you're a cathar for example and the mission/conversation you're doing is about cathar (particularly if you're killing cathar), it might be a bit awkward or jarring if there's no dialog mention of your species.


This happens all the time already though. I've killed Rattataki as Rattataki, killed Sith as Sith, and Chiss as Chiss :( And of course, humans as human.


It's actually kind of funny when I was on Hoth Republic side as a Chiss and


when I had to tell the quest giver that the Chiss defector was dead, he was like, "It's just as well, I don't think the men around here would want a Chiss hanging around". *akward silence*



But anyway, I pretty much expected Cathar to become playable first, and I'm holding off rolling another alt until I can play one.

Edited by chuixupu
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This happens all the time already though. I've killed Rattataki as Rattataki, killed Sith as Sith, and Chiss as Chiss :( And of course, humans as human.


It's actually kind of funny when I was on Hoth Republic side as a Chiss and


when I had to tell the quest giver that the Chiss defector was dead, he was like, "It's just as well, I don't think the men around here would want a Chiss hanging around". *akward silence*



But anyway, I pretty much expected Cathar to become playable first, and I'm holding off rolling another alt until I can play one.


on alderaan


my chiss smuggler was talking to a jedi healer trying to cure a guy in the middle of the killik joining process...she said shes seen chiss with with a healthier looking colour in thier face XD


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on alderaan


my chiss smuggler was talking to a jedi healer trying to cure a guy in the middle of the killik joining process...she said shes seen chiss with with a healthier looking colour in thier face XD


lol....I remember that quest but I don't recall that line. Must have chosen a different dialogue path. Or I was sleepy.

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Don't toy with me now....Cathar!?!? Happyface! :) At the risk of sounding like a fangirl, I love you BW!





EDIT: Guess I will be rolling another Trooper, then! omg, baby Arics. This thread has made my day!

Edited by Taalbert
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lol was akward playing as my agent and vector's daughter XD


My Consular is my Agent's and Bounty Hunter's long lost son. Now there's an awkward family situation.


Has there been any mention of how the Cathar are unlocked with Legacy? I was thinking Cathar Sith Warrior, but I don't know how it will work.

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My Consular is my Agent's and Bounty Hunter's long lost son. Now there's an awkward family situation.


Has there been any mention of how the Cathar are unlocked with Legacy? I was thinking Cathar Sith Warrior, but I don't know how it will work.


Probably roll it and get it to lvl 50 or 1.5 mil creds.

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Probably roll it and get it to lvl 50 or 1.5 mil creds.


Roll *what* though...it says the whole species is unlockable by legacy. You can't currently roll a Cathar at all. It could simply be a pay money to unlock thing, but it's usually just the convenience things that have a credits only option.

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I am happy to see the Cathar as a playable race. I would expect initially they'd be limited to Sith Inquisitor/Bounty Hunter for the Empire, and wide-open on the Republic side. Of course with Legacy unlocks it won't be long before we see a Cathar Sith Warrior or Agent, so maybe it'll be open to everything.
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This happens all the time already though. I've killed Rattataki as Rattataki, killed Sith as Sith, and Chiss as Chiss :( And of course, humans as human.


It's actually kind of funny when I was on Hoth Republic side as a Chiss and


when I had to tell the quest giver that the Chiss defector was dead, he was like, "It's just as well, I don't think the men around here would want a Chiss hanging around". *akward silence*



But anyway, I pretty much expected Cathar to become playable first, and I'm holding off rolling another alt until I can play one.


I lol'ed. I rolled a Sith Knight recently. So when I met ...

Lord Praven and I'm trying to convince him to go to Tython, he insists the Jedi would not, ever, accept a Sith into their ranks. I just sat there, staring at the screen, locked on my character's red Sith-y face, thinking, "Crickets, crickets..."


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EDIT: Guess I will be rolling another Trooper, then! omg, baby Arics. This thread has made my day!


Baby Aric's, indeed. I've literally held off for ages on rolling a Trooper all the way to 50, only because I want my girl to have her own liter with Aric. I know, I know, I'm a total sap. But come on! Little kittens?! YES, FINALLY!!

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Baby Aric's, indeed. I've literally held off for ages on rolling a Trooper all the way to 50, only because I want my girl to have her own liter with Aric. I know, I know, I'm a total sap. But come on! Little kittens?! YES, FINALLY!!


Awwwwww!!!! Besides, then I get the fun of imagining Aric's reaction to being told his wife is expecting which would be fricking PRICELESS!!

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Out of all possible playable species... this has to be the WORST choice. Terrible days for any self-respecting Star Wars fan. Bioware is to Star Wars as what Britny Spears is to Symphonies.


<checks> Yep, self-respect still intact.

What's nice is that if you don't care to play Cathar you have other choices, amazing how that works.

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Awwwwww!!!! Besides, then I get the fun of imagining Aric's reaction to being told his wife is expecting which would be fricking PRICELESS!!


Being married to an active duty Soldier, I can not tell you how awesome it is to see their faces in those moments. My husband literally choked up every time I told him we were expecting. Soldiers make awesome daddies.

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Baby Aric's, indeed. I've literally held off for ages on rolling a Trooper all the way to 50, only because I want my girl to have her own liter with Aric. I know, I know, I'm a total sap. But come on! Little kittens?! YES, FINALLY!!


It'll be interesting to see whether they actually add alternate dialogue for an Aric/F!Cathar romance especially the adopt line. And by interesting, I mean that it will be interesting to see whether the Aric fans crash the Internet with squees or tears. Either way I shall bring the popcorn for the rest of us. :D

Edited by Ranadiel_Marius
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I'm just going to step over the fit of frothing rage going on here....


Alright, that's better.


I know that so far they haven't been very up on coversation changes for legacy species, but I really hope they address the Mandalorian/Cathar conflict, especially in the bounty hunter storyline. I mean, taking over the Cathar homeworld and killing/enslaving most of the population is kind of a big deal.

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So I ask you IF in the next season of SW The Clone Wars, The have a Cathar in a couple of eps(either as good or bad). would you consider it "Official"? I am 99.9% sure anything that goes into the show is review by GL for his approval. I can see in a few years a LOT of species added, wookies just to name one. but I admit a ewok as a jedi knight would be bad. but what about a yoda race JK?
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So I ask you IF in the next season of SW The Clone Wars, The have a Cathar in a couple of eps(either as good or bad). would you consider it "Official"? I am 99.9% sure anything that goes into the show is review by GL for his approval. I can see in a few years a LOT of species added, wookies just to name one. but I admit a ewok as a jedi knight would be bad. but what about a yoda race JK?


No Yoda race, theres no information whatsoever about them and GL won't allow it. So best for people to stop asking, because it won't happen.

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I'm just going to step over the fit of frothing rage going on here....


Alright, that's better.


I know that so far they haven't been very up on coversation changes for legacy species, but I really hope they address the Mandalorian/Cathar conflict, especially in the bounty hunter storyline. I mean, taking over the Cathar homeworld and killing/enslaving most of the population is kind of a big deal.


Not that it's canon or anything, though I am rather meticulous with sticking within the possibilities of lore, my fanfiction has two Cathar that are Mandalorian. The main character and his father, in point of fact and I find it fits in the lore rather well.


Bit of a history lesson coming up. Might be some spoilers to the KoTOR games, though there shouldn't be any details about TOR given away. ;)


Three hundred years ago, the Mandalorians under Exar Kun sacked the planet Cathar (along with nearly all of the rest of the galaxy) and nearly wiped out the Cathar species. ("They didn't do a good enough job!", says Caspian_Rho! :p)


Following the end of the Mandalorian wars, the refugees of the Cathar species dispersed across the galaxy and began to colonize other planets. Eventually, the galaxy's Cathar population was pulled from the brink of extinction. Also following the Mandalorian wars, however, the Mandalorian clans were scattered across the galaxy - a shell of what they had once been. It wouldn't be until the rise of the Canderous Ordo, otherwise known as Mandalore the Preserver, that the Mandalorian clans would begin to reform and regain their honor.


Thus the newly reformed Mandalorians gathered under the banner of Clan Ordo. At the behest of Revan - to whom Canderous was a companion and friend of during the Jedi Civil War - Canderous refocused the purpose of the Mandalorians away from conquering the Republic and instead towards protecting it from the approaching darkness that would be the Sith Empire we currently see in TOR.


Of course, in the three hundred year span that separates KoTOR and SW:TOR, Canderous' Human lifespan would have come to an end. However, for the three hundred years the Mandalorians continued to follow the teachings of Mandalore the Preserver and uphold the banner of Clan Ordo. There would not be another Mandalore until the rise of Mandalore the Lesser just before the return of the Sith Empire.


When Mandalore the Lesser - the puppet Mandalore controlled by the Sith Empire - came to the stage and proclaimed himself the new Mandalore, there were those who resisted his call - staying true to the teachings of Clan Ordo. What would follow would be a type of civil war between the two Mandalorian Clans known as the Crusader's Schism. Eventually, the death of Mandalore the Lesser would lead to the rise of Mandalore the Vindicated: the Mandalore which is in TOR currently.


Eventually, the Crusader's Schism would fail and be quelled by Mandalore the Vindicated; the last of the rebellion either killed, converted, or sent into hiding across the galaxy. Therefore the Mandalorian Clan currently allied to the Sith Empire is not the same Mandalorian Clan that fought against the Republic during the Mandalorian Wars.


Where all this comes into play is simple. Characters loyal to the Republic that are Mandalorian or are of Mandalorian descent could be of the remnant Crusader's Schism: those still loyal to Clan Ordo (as my two characters are). When it comes to the Empire-aligned Mandalorians - specifically in the case of potential Cathar Bounty Hunters - they are not the same Mandalorians that sacked Cathar three hundred years ago.


What's more, three hundred years is a long time for a grudge to be held. There are no Mandalorians left alive today that were a part of the Mandalorian Wars. It wouldn't be that hard to imagine a Cathar having no qualms with the Mandalorian clans for something that happened so long ago. And going even farther, there are potentially descendants of the Cathar that colonized other planets following the Mandalorian Wars that don't even know about the wars or the Mandalorian sacking of Cathar.

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Bit of a history lesson coming up. Might be some spoilers to the KoTOR games, though there shouldn't be any details about TOR given away. ;)



Awesome! Thank you for the summary! Makes it a bit clearer to me with the patchy nature of my lore reading.

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