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Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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Im gonna go with the closing date for all SWTOR servers, that would be a pretty big announcement.


Would be a pretty cool announcement.


Then start working on a new "Star Wars MMO"

* Ofc bioware nor EA should be allowed to make it.

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So how'd we go from this...


... to the very limited and lackluster space game we ended up with? When someone says "epic space combat," I think of JTL. Apparently BioWare doesn't think the same way.


BioWare is very capable of turning space combat PvP into an extremely limited, watered-down, and uninspired experience. Much of the other "epic" and "existing" parts of the game are anyway.


It's dev-speak. Sorry.


Ok, back up a sec. Completely forget any and all dev-speak quotes. Just consider what has to happen simply to make space PvP possible, and you'll get where I'm coming from. (And, no, not Gungan's so-called "PvP" :p )


Don't get me wrong, I'm upset about the lack of space game, too. JtL has always been my favorite MMO addition of all-time. I had my best MMO experience EVER in JtL. First on my server to get the YT-1300, helping guildies on their Master Pilot quest. At the time, had to have a full crew to run 'er right.


There we were, up against the hijacked Corellian Corvette with her escort of ties, gunships, and bombers, crew running around my ship like mad putting out plasma fires and repairing components, my own escort of players in fighters buzzing around, a player in my gun turrets each, co-pilot running droid commands and forward missile launcher, me piloting like mad and launching space bombs. Most. Epic. MMO. Experience. Ever.


So, yeah, when Daniel Erickson released his spew about Han never asking Chewie if they wanted to go "dick around in space", I wanted to throttle the guy.


But the success of JtL is not lost on BioWare. Especially with ex-SWG devs on the team. I think they're working on bringing that experience without the emptiness and boring parts of JtL. Because if they don't, this ship will sink. BioWare has only few opportunities left to turn this thing around, and they know it all too well.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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But not before they poop all over the GW2 forums for those 2 - 3 months.


Yep definitely. I feel bad for new MMOs, they seem to all have to go through this.


They get this mass flood of players rushing in to play the game...then they are forced to open up more and more servers to hold these players who are only around to play through the game once, play a little end game, then move onto the next big MMO. All the while trolling the forums unfortunately.

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I'm not of fan of what STO did with space travel between zones (which was just a variation of what Pirates of the Burning Sea did for crossing the map). I would have much preferred space travel occur at the same scale with timed warp jumps between planets. As it is, the game feels like a collection of mini-games (ground, space travel, space combat) that don't jive or mesh completely together.


Completely agreed. I felt like I was in a space version of PotBS, too, hehe.

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This game will be a distant memory in their minds at that point though, meanwhile all 10 of you will still be here bemoaning the fact that space pvp isn't in yet.


Ah well, the future holds different paths for all of us.


I'll see you at ESO's launch!


LOL!! You are seriously and grievously overestimating the size of the Content Locust group. ;)

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This game will be a distant memory in their minds at that point though, meanwhile all 10 of you will still be here bemoaning the fact that space pvp isn't in yet.


Ah well, the future holds different paths for all of us.


I'll see you at ESO's launch!


No I will not. I'm not touching ESO with a 10 foot pole. I'd play the next EQ or Blizzard MMO before touching that one. With that said let the game be forgotten by them, all they are good for is the initial financial surge the devs get from them.

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Personally I don't understand why there isn't a space PVP too the scale of Battlefront 2. I wanna space dog fight and the ability to land on a ship - real time. Fight may through the the core, destroy it and have 2min to get back to my ship before it blows up.
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I feel like I missed something vital...I remember the quote including the words "significant" and "space combat" but in no way did this translate to "they will add free-flight 3d space combat" to me.

Sure..I would love it but I don't see how it went from that infamous quote to "they will do it".

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Because the perspective of F2P is changing. It makes more money than sub-based MMOs and people know it. It no longer means a game is failing.


LOL! Yes. It does. F2P means soaking the few customers you have left for everything they have, to make up for those who aren't buying anything. Ask Turbine. It means the end of 'content' updates. Every new feature to enter the game, comes in via the cash shop. F2P means hackers with disposable accounts - ask DCUO and APB how well that's worked out.


There is NOTHING good that would come from this game going F2P.

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LOL! Yes. It does. F2P means soaking the few customers you have left for everything they have, to make up for those who aren't buying anything. Ask Turbine. It means the end of 'content' updates. Every new feature to enter the game, comes in via the cash shop. F2P means hackers with disposable accounts - ask DCUO and APB how well that's worked out.


There is NOTHING good that would come from this game going F2P.


Ask ArenaNet. ;)

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Because the perspective of F2P is changing. It makes more money than sub-based MMOs and people know it. It no longer means a game is failing.


The F2P stigma is still alive and well, and it's still pretty clear that most F2P games either failed as subscription games or never even attempted to be because failure was inevitable.


It really doesn't matter if your perspective of F2P is changing, because it's still viewed as a negative thing, and ToR going F2P would be widely viewed as a failure, really doesn't matter how you personally see it, F2P would be a death sentence for this game.


If anything, the F2P model is being seen for what it truly is: Free to Pay. Not Free to Play.

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I'm unfamiliar with how PvP works in GW1 or 2 - maybe you can contrast it to what we have here, starting at level 10?


ANet isn't out to soak its customers. They have a very clear and communicated philosophy on F2P and how their company plans to bring the same payment model to GW2 from GW. The gist of it is that they only offer players convenience (transfers, renames, etc) and customization items (dyes, costumes, etc) as items in the cash shop as opposed to any item that provides a bonus. They firmly believe against P2W items and their track speaks volumes to that effect.


ANet has a good thing going on with their F2P model and if F2P is coming to a western market near you, I'd hope developers and publishers follow their lead.

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LOL! Yes. It does. F2P means soaking the few customers you have left for everything they have, to make up for those who aren't buying anything. Ask Turbine. It means the end of 'content' updates. Every new feature to enter the game, comes in via the cash shop. F2P means hackers with disposable accounts - ask DCUO and APB how well that's worked out.


There is NOTHING good that would come from this game going F2P.


This game, I agree. It was not designed for, nor in the same league, as F2P games. The worst I can see happening is a separate F2P server set, like EQ2 is doing. It's still sub-based, but has F2P/RMT servers.

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Ask ArenaNet. ;)


What should we ask them? Why they believe the market needed another candycolored medieval cartoon crap MMO, commonly known as WoWclone, featuring dwarfs and fairies?

If Arenanet wants me to play their game, they'd need to pay me a monthly fee... and yes, I tried the beta and it was godawful boring and repetitive.

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I just saw a video on Youtube about E3 from Spike TV and when they mentioned Starwars, both SWTOR was shown along with a flash of something else that didn't look like TOR. Maybe a battlefront game?


Star Wars 1313. Rated "M" Bounty Hunter game that takes place on level 1313 of Coruscant, deep in the undercity where all kinds of vermin and villainy live. :D

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