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Official Q&A Thread for June 8th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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I have a Merc with full Armormech, a sniper with full Armstech

why is it limited to only make items for him and companions, i would like to make Armour and weapons for my other chars


Are you going to change crafting so i can craft thing for my other chars?




why is the Merc bug still not fixed where unload keeps firing when target is dead.. its so anoying :mad:

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So, I run a 110+ person guild on a slower server, Darth Bandon. Everybody in my guild is still very interested in continuing to play the game. We raid 7 nights a week and have teams on republic and Imperial sides. We have built up our guild banks to 3 tabs Republic and 4 tabs on the Imperial side. What is going to happen with server transfers and our guild? Will we retain those tabs? they are not cheap. Will we have the option for the entire guild to move over to another server as it sits, players, guild tabs and all? If our name has to change, will the tabs disappear because the tabs are tied to the guild name? I'm sorry for the plethora of guild related questions here, but this is something 110 unique individuals are taking very seriously.
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So I have 2 big questions i have not seen answered yet.


1 i know the server transfer is finished now we just need to test it , any chance of my guild testing the transfers for you and is it possible to implement transfers before 1.3 so as to reduce the chances of problems happening because of all the new content.


2. i am happy you guys made the servers a little bit bigger. i was wondering if there is any chance you guys can take them to at least 10k people on a server and just keep 10 plus instances at all times?

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being slaved to a low end machine, i wounder somtimes about pvp. I do like to pvp occasionally but with the increase in load times this is becoming less and less viable. i am woundering if you can put in an [Ok, i have loaded to PVP please start boot timer] not sure how it would work becuase there are already people out there that will go into a courner and auto run thier alt so they can kill it ...
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Is there any plans to expand content beyond just fight, fight, fight?


It would be nice to explore worlds, civilizations, activities that don't totally revolve completely around the fight. I know it's called "Star Wars" but there's a lot more to the Star Wars universe than just battles.

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What is the future of the C.E. Vendor and VIP Vendors? As of right now, what is the point of spending the Credits to get into the VIP area... one single over priced speeder? The idea of a rotating inventory where items are first put on the C.E. Vendor then after a few months go to the VIP vendor. Maybe some select items for each store. Is this a reasonable and feasible option? Us C.E. holders feel kinda forgotten. Edited by PhoenixCorvus
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Are you still having plans to form a better player economy, and if yes, then what kind of plans?


The reason I'm asking this, is that it's pretty annoying having to farm dailies, low level flashpoints and other grinding stuff, in order to effort the expansive legacy stuff, while actually having leveled up several crew skills.

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When server transfers come, will entire guilds be able to move from one server to another without losing the guild name, or would we have to disband the guild and then transfer everybody, and then start a new guild?
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Any thoughts in possibly eliminating the back tracking on taxis? i really hate when i need to go right on the map but i am taken left and around a building, then it takes four rights then a left before i arrive. its a pain when you come to a new world and are not fimilat with the route, thus taking a four minute speeder ride to a location that you can get to with a lvl 50 speeder in 90 seconds.
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I was wondering more along the basis of any expansion packs "soon to come" or if you guys are going to raise the level cap soon like i have heard in group chat several times on the station. Also I just want to take the time to congratulate you guys on an amazing game. While i wait for the new stuff i still enjoy every aspect of the game so far. Oh and one more thing about crafting me and my dad find it annoying for crafting that sometimes certain missions disappear on us or won't come back after we do a mission so sometimes it comes up all companion gifts or all power crystals nd never what we want is there a way that we can target the stuff we want/need for crafting soon?
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2 Questions.


1) Will we ever be given the chance to 'forget' schematics we know? For example, I can make the base item, the 3 upgraded version (crit, power, def), and some of their upgraded versions (alactrity, surge, etc). That makes for a ton of schematics for a single item. I would love to be able to forget the base item schematic if I have the upgraded version I like/want.


2) When these super servers come out, what exactly is the plan to move forward with them? Is the process to use the new server transfer to persuade people to join the top 12-20 servers which would be then be converted to the super servers? My concern, I have 8 characters with decently difficult names to secure (stupid pattern to choose 3 lettered names...) and want to make sure that when these new servers are implemented I won't lose those names (given if the server I'm on is not one of the top servers).

Edited by elperzon
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In The Voidstar warzone, why is downloading the datacore, at the end, a half second cast? Why not make it 2 seconds or even 4 seconds?


Sometimes the battle comes down to a race for the datacore, and having a longer download cast time would, in my opinion, add an extra chance for teams to defend or attackers to strategize. Currently, it feels like once the last doors open, it's over. Even the fight down the ramp to the datacore doesn't take very long and attackers seem to get to it relatively fast anyway.

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I was wondering about some low hanging fruit. I am very much aware of things that really need to be taken care of. However, in many years in the future, will there ever be anything like Day and night cycles, or other sandbox elements to be added or at least being thought about?
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Are you going to rethink and change your current gear "2 type" gear system? There should not be a need for a set of PVE armor and then a set of PVP armor. All armor tiers should be the same. There should not be any differance between War Hero and Rakata. The fact that my WH geared Shadow has practically the same stats as a Columni or rakata geared player should allow me to join Ops groups, but sadly it does not. I am always told that because of the Expertise that I am useless.


I want to know if you guys are going to rethink you current system and revamp it by removing expertise and allowing all gear of each tier to be equal for pvp/pve. Why force us to grind so much for armor we don't actually want and shouldn't need? Will you change this system at all?


I want to just point out that Star Wars Galaxies had a lot of armor options and did NOT separate them into pvp/pve types. There was no expertise system either. One set of armor, whether it was a full RIS suit or a combination of Marauder/Padded/Bounty Hunter/Mandalorian ext didn't matter. It was used for both pve/pvp quite effectively. Maybe that is what you guys should do, don't you think?

Edited by Kilikaa
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2 questions:


1. Have you considered removing the Biochem level requirements for use? It would be nice to be able to sell them, trade them and supply my guild and alts with some decent biochem products. Isn't Biochem the ONLY craft that requires a player to have the craft in order to use the product of it?


2. Any plans on making some, if not all items bound to legacy instead of just one character. Making it a family affair with the legacy system I feel it's only right that my alts get hand me downs just as I did as a child. :D

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At this point, what would it take to get you to consider scrapping Expertise on PvP gear and trying something else (e.g. gear matching or some tweaked form of bolstering) given how controversial Expertise has been (in this game and others)? Recruit gear was a nice thought, but it didn't address the underlying complaint that gear is patently unbalancing an activity that many people think should always remain a test of skill, build, and stat distribution. Edited by thewatcheruatu
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