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Who would stay, If 1.3 did Not have ranked or 8 man queue?


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my entire guild has already pre purchased GW2 just so we can have some good full group PVP. its really just taking too long to get that stuff in and have it work well. alot of the changes they have been making i don't care for.
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They wouldn't be less stale, they'd be seamless with world PVP and scrub free.


We could run around and world PVP in an 8-man ops and queue when it got slow, load in, load out (still in a group), and get back to looking for imps to kill.


Right now, it takes a full time secretary to manage a group queueing for warzones, and you get crammed in with players who just wanna farm medals or whatever.


Warzones are more fun when you have options, when they are the only option they kinda suck.


Maybe you're right. I know I would look forward to queuing with 7 other guildmates, just not sure how long it'd be "fun" to just do the same thing we do now...It would stagnate fast I think.

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Just Give PVPers something to do.


I'm here to PVP. I'll stay until the last of my friends leave, and that day is coming, try as I might to stop it.


I don't care about shinies and trinkets. I know how to have a good time, I play on a server with a lot of my SWG allies and adversaries and we chase each other around and PVP and it's always fun. As long as we have something to do besides run prepackaged PVE instances we'd all play this game.


Thing is, they nerfed Ilum because of the whining about lag. Hey, that was something to do. They said they would replace it with ranked wzs. They haven't yet.


It was OK, at least we had Tatooine during the Rakhgoul plague. We had an ops down there fighting imps around the clock, helping the outnumbered Republic PVEers get their quests done and make it to the vendor alive to cash in. It was fun for everyone.


My friends are leaving, I can't keep them here with loot or PVE. They're thrill-seeking PVPers. Gaming is a competitive sport to them, not a grind.


Just look at this forum. People here keep posting "I dont care about PVP". And that's fine, but where did the PVPers go?


It's a very different forum community than we had a month ago. People didn't change their mind about PVP, Bioware caved in to whiners and most of the PVPers left with nothing to do.


In hindsight, I hope Bioware realizes that emptying out Ilum because whiners were screaming "TOO MUCH LAG" was a very bad approach. Nerfing whole playstyles to reduce lag by reducing the playerbase is not a fix.


Excellent post, although the crayons hurt my eyes. +Rep

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I've un-subbed, i am not waiting for BW's next pathetic patch in which they fulfil NONE of the promises they made.

I wont be coming back, this game is headed for fail.


I am in one of the main republic PVP guilds on legions off letttow (instability) ; we are losing members left, right and centre, because BW fails to deliver again and again.


PVP in GW2 looks awesome, ill be going there.


Bye BW and thanks for nothing.

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Ranked WZ: Couldn't care less. Where's the leaderboards for richest guy in the game? Guy with best stats? Guy who has completed most storylines?


Where's the Operations leaderboards showing which guilds killed mobs first?


Where's the Space Flight (ala Star Fox) leaderboards showing which poor slobs have spent the most hours riding the space mission roller coaster?


(And for the record, no, I don't want ANY of them).


8-man queues: oh yay, premades. You've had a bad day, your boss is a complete shmuck, all you wanna do is get out there and flail away at people. You wait 45 minutes, get into a match with 7 other random guys, or better yet, 7 of the 8 people on your team are a premade - their last guy had a link problem and you got his slot - and you spend the next 15 minutes either getting curb stomped, or having your own team tell you over and over that you stole their guy's slot ZOMG **** noob.


Yeah, finger twirl.


1.3 is going to have what the developers put in it. My staying or leaving won't be based on what is or is not in that update. When I quit having fun, I unsubscribe and go find something else to occupy my time. It doesn't require 40 announcements in the forum that I'm not having fun in the game anymore either - it's unsub, uninstall, move on. Why is this so difficult for people to understand and execute these days?


Come on, sing it with me: "Unsub, Uninstall, Move On"


Seriously though, that's just about enough from the entitlement mentality, and the umpteen threads filled with the same ultimatum - "give me my ranked WZ and 8-man queues or ZOMG I'm gonna leave and/or whine some more" - there's like at least 1 new thread every 90 minutes from some QQing little e-peener threatening to take their toys and leave. It's old, it serves no purpose. If you're leaving, leave. If you're staying, stop with the QQing and ultimatums and garbage.


Sing this with me - STOP READING THEM THEN.

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Sing this with me - STOP READING THEM THEN.


Kinda have to side against the people posting on a forum for a game they apparently don't play anymore in favor to the people who have to read those posts because they do still play that game.

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Kinda have to side against the people posting on a forum for a game they apparently don't play anymore in favor to the people who have to read those posts because they do still play that game.


Im not on anyones side. But if you gonna act like you are above it all, then why bother reading them in the first place? YOur just wasting your time.

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I agree about Ilum I hated that they pretty much destroyed the world pvp there. I had finally just hit 50 and got there only for them to end it all. Ilum had much potential but it seems like they threw a few models in there and some items that you can pick up and there is your world pvp. Instead of getting rid of the world pvp there because of the lag, what they should of did was get better hardware to beable to handle a few hundred folks.
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Im not on anyones side. But if you gonna act like you are above it all, then why bother reading them in the first place? YOur just wasting your time.


Eh, I'm just reading forums to see what people are talking about and to get into swtor discussions. It's actually pretty entertaining.

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PVP in GW2 looks awesome, ill be going there.


Not going to lie. It's different. It's fun. Not awesome though.


I will be playing it, of course, just like I played GW1. But it's not awesome by any stretch. We'll see if things improve from the Beta.

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definitely and with 100% certainty NOT.


I've actually cancelled my subscription today.


Good Job BW of completely and utterly F'ing up what could've been a really good game by having the worst customer-service in any game I've ever seen.

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Not going to lie. It's different. It's fun. Not awesome though.


I will be playing it, of course, just like I played GW1. But it's not awesome by any stretch. We'll see if things improve from the Beta.


Hey cut a man some slack for needless exaggeration! :D


But yeah, basically i agree with you 100%.

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definitely not.


seeing as the devs told us we would get ranked warzones BEFORE 1.3, and their confidence that it was done correctly now in the podcast, if we dont see ranked warzones soon the 25% sub loss is gonna seem like small potatoes

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The poll has already come and gone, and most of the people here are more focused on the PVP side rather than the PVE side...


There's a reason you hear so much about the fatman server... just sayin'.


The biggest thing I hear people on my servers say they want to transfer there for, is so that they dont have to wait 20-40 minutes for a warzone que to pop up.


In the same podcast (Mos Eisley?) I heard Daniel talking about ranked WZs he said they were planning on cross server WZ too. With cross server WZ you don't ned to transfer to fatman to have your WZ queue pop in a reasonable time.


for those who didn't hear the podcast ... cross server WZ is needed to increase the pool of queued players / teams. We need a large pool of players if we want to divide them into different groups (e.g. top rated never play mid or bottom rated)

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There is more to MMO's than PvP and there is plenty of PvP already in the game currently. A new WZ was added just in the last patch; most MMO's get a new map once every expansion.


To answer your other question, yes, I would stay... There is more to be done, and hopefully it will get there.


this game could have 50 percent more pvp in it.what does it matter when its just a big unbalanced mess



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There's a reason you hear so much about the fatman server... just sayin'.


ya,and i cant wait until free server transfers open up.then you'll see why people shouldnt of been so high population server obsessed


but hey,every great mmo has a couple servers with a decent population,the rest ghost towns right? not really

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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Not going to lie. It's different. It's fun. Not awesome though.


I will be playing it, of course, just like I played GW1. But it's not awesome by any stretch. We'll see if things improve from the Beta.


If you are playing both SWTOR and BW2, can you report back when the "I'm going to UNSUB GW2 unless we get <x>!! Devs are so *********** stupid et cetera". It will be good for a laugh. Anyone want to bet on how many months it will before GW2 has these posts?

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If you are playing both SWTOR and BW2, can you report back when the "I'm going to UNSUB GW2 unless we get <x>!! Devs are so *********** stupid et cetera". It will be good for a laugh. Anyone want to bet on how many months it will before GW2 has these posts?


GW2 getting these posts is irellevant provided the game holds its subs.


The reality is this game does not hold its subs.


The "how many months it will before {x} has these posts" Argument is invalid and furthermore irrelevant.

Edited by MightyRoy
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I don't even want ranked or 8 man unless they come with a cross server queue. I wasn't upset that they didn't make an appearance in 1.2, as we knew there wouldn't be x-server queues, but the eight hour notice kind of rubbed me the wrong way.


The real problems that I have are the other changes that came with 1.2. If the changes in expertise, TTK and new gear to grind weren't bad enough, they made huge changes to advanced classes that made them more unbalanced than they were. I much prefered the way that they were handling class changes up until that point, making 'mostly' minor tweaks to keep things in line.


The only response we've gotten from the devs about the disaster that is 1.2, is that expertise is really important now and that it is the main stat in PvP. I know that they think we are a bunch of morons, but I'm pretty sure that most of us have hovered over the stat in our character pane and know what it does. Oh, yeah. They also finally answered a hard-hitting PvP question in this week's community Q&A about getting day/night cycles in warzones. Yes, that's it. Out of all of the questions about PvP, that is the one that they thought was most important to answer.


Add to that, the disaster that was Ilum and I have nearly lost all confidence in the PvP team at BioWare. I am definitely picking up GW2, but was always planning on keeping SWTOR as my sub MMO. With every passing day, that becomes less and less likely.


Not going to lie. It's different. It's fun. Not awesome though.


I will be playing it, of course, just like I played GW1. But it's not awesome by any stretch. We'll see if things improve from the Beta.


Only did a couple WZs/BGs or whatever they are calling it(did 90% WvWvW) so not sure how those were, but if

doesn't scream awesome, I don't know what does.
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