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New PvP Daily is Hurting PvP...Some people literally aren't trying now


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Bioware I see what you tried to do by allowing people to lose and still get matches, as this would allow gear challenged people to still get the daily done and the intent is a good thing. But now I kid you not there are scrubs that don't care and just run around throwing out an attack or heal once in a while so they don't get voted out of a match or kicked for being afk. You've now made it so that players don't even have to try to win to get their daily done. :rolleyes:


It needs to change seriously before this ruins pvp... make it they also have to get a certain amount of medals to get credit for the loss or something. I don't know how else you would do it but this new daily is crap. Do we get credit for failing repeatedly on a boss fight? F no...so please come up with another design to still allow people that are getting wrecked to get the daily done w/o letting people just sit back and accept losses.

Edited by TheLordMaster
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You can blame BW for awarding losses all you want, but in reality the people you are describing are a minority. That type of player will ruin your day regardless of earning a reward or not, as they are getting enjoyment from causing you to post here.


The change is good. Aholes will be Aholes.

Edited by Lexster
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Conversely, many other people are now playing even when they are losing, because it's no longer a complete waste of time.



Ultimately, some people are just going to try to do things with the minimum ammount of effort, and there's nothing Bioware can do to stop that. I'd consider this update a step forward, at least.

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Bioware I see what you tried to do by allowing people to lose and still get matches, as this would allow gear challenged people to still get the daily done and the intent is a good thing. But now I kid you not there are scrubs that don't care and just run around throwing out an attack or heal once in a while so they don't get voted out of a match or kicked for being afk. You've now made it so that players don't even have to try to win to get their daily done. :rolleyes:


It needs to change seriously before this ruins pvp... make it they also have to get a certain amount of medals to get credit for the loss or something. I don't know how else you would do it but this new daily is crap. Do we get credit for failing repeatedly on a boss fight? F no...so please come up with another design to still allow people that are getting wrecked to get the daily done w/o letting people just sit back and accept losses.


Here here! PVP is RUINED with this new system, all I have to do is log on, que up, give my best to earn as many medals as possible, and get rewarded EVERY MATCH. I don't have to worry about if my other team members have crap gear or don't know how to play any more, I don't need to worry if I'm vs. a pre-made, I don't even have to worry about if I win. ALL I care about now is trying to have a good time while doing productive things to earn medals.


I used to love it when my friends would que up with me, get face rolled, and rage quit for the night because they knew they would be facing the same pre-made team over and over again with no hope of a win. WHAT ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?? Stay online for 6 matches without streesing it because, hey, they are going to get the reward regardless? Focus on HAVING FUN?


BS. Total and complete BS.

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Well I guess I am in the minority here...I don't like getting hand outs for losses. I don't expect to get rewards for not completing stuff. Like I said I can completely understand the frustration of getting steamrolled all night but I still think there needs to be a different solution.
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I saw more people and new people today than in a long while. That is good for pvp, especially on low pop servers. The more rewards the better for everyone. Why is everyone so afraid of having ultimate equality of gear and allow the mechanics to take over?


Also, it's only 99 WH tokens...nothing really.


No one plays to lose. Everyone is on a different level. And I am tired of the same players/teams over and over again. I wish Bioware would do more to get people playing, even cosmetic, pets, stims, whatever.

Edited by whatthefett
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Well I guess I am in the minority here...I don't like getting hand outs for losses. I don't expect to get rewards for not completing stuff. Like I said I can completely understand the frustration of getting steamrolled all night but I still think there needs to be a different solution.


Armoring and all the trinkets that come with it, including weapons, should be craftable only. I don't mind having rewards for PvP (although I don't need rewards to do so), but it's about time we get some form of a craft based system that overrides farm PvP.

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Agreed with OP.

This encourages people to not put forth any effort. At least before if you got down 1-0 and people left, new people would come in and maybe they would help change the game. Now, people don't leave.


Just becomes a t-minus till comms/daily.


You are changing the wrong things BW

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This statement (and entire thread) is false.


Screenshot or it never happened.


It is probably true. Some people will take advantage of the system. Just like some members of any given race are on welfare, however most people of the same race are not.

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Bioware I see what you tried to do by allowing people to lose and still get matches, as this would allow gear challenged people to still get the daily done and the intent is a good thing. But now I kid you not there are scrubs that don't care and just run around throwing out an attack or heal once in a while so they don't get voted out of a match or kicked for being afk. You've now made it so that players don't even have to try to win to get their daily done. :rolleyes:


It needs to change seriously before this ruins pvp... make it they also have to get a certain amount of medals to get credit for the loss or something. I don't know how else you would do it but this new daily is crap. Do we get credit for failing repeatedly on a boss fight? F no...so please come up with another design to still allow people that are getting wrecked to get the daily done w/o letting people just sit back and accept losses.


I've been seeing a lot of posts saying this, but it makes no sense at all. If people are actually doing this, they're genuinely stupid, or intentionally trolling their own faction. To afk their way through 6 WZ's just for a daily reward of 99 comms and 99 rated comms, when they could make that in EACH wz with a minimum of effort simply defies all reason. They would have to be quite literally sick in the head.

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It is probably true. Some people will take advantage of the system. Just like some members of any given race are on welfare, however most people of the same race are not.


False. There is no evidence anyone is just not trying after the patch.

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You can blame BW for awarding losses all you want, but in reality the people you are describing are a minority. That type of player will ruin your day regardless of earning a reward or not, as they are getting enjoyment from causing you to post here.


The change is good. Aholes will be Aholes.


I will blame BW and BW only. If they had launched with cross-server ques (not a new concept for MMOs BTW) The they wouldn't have had to throw every level into the same War Zones with a bolster buff that didn't balance things out much.


PvP would look a lot different if they had done that, gear and balance would not have been such an issue and as long as the fixed the ability lag a toned down the CC the PvP population would be thriving right now, even with the messed up world PvP. IMO


It is up to BW to give us a product we want to spend our hard earned money on and find fun. Not for us to adapt to theirs.

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The biggest problem with the PVP Daily/weekly rewards is that most people don't even realise they're basically meaningless, and you get them for free.

99/99? That's 396 WZ comms - not even 4 good games worth of comms but it's nice to get them for doing nothing but winning a few WZs, which already gives around 20-35% of the same reward.

"I'm qutting because I'm not gonna win!!!""

Well, that's pretty dumb seeing as you get about 10%+ of your super precious daily quest reward from losing, anyway.

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I've been seeing a lot of posts saying this, but it makes no sense at all. If people are actually doing this, they're genuinely stupid, or intentionally trolling their own faction. To afk their way through 6 WZ's just for a daily reward of 99 comms and 99 rated comms, when they could make that in EACH wz with a minimum of effort simply defies all reason. They would have to be quite literally sick in the head.


Well, I'm sorry to get this to you: Most people are actually stupid.


I don't know why, but I too got the feeling today that some people are not even trying anymore to win the games (well, at least some of them properly never did, and never will, understand what it's about). At first I thought the change of the daily would be a nice thing, but now I'm not so sure.

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Wait, so people not trying is somehow worse than people just flat out quitting because it's a lot easier to win while being down 3 people instead of just having 3 people doing nothing (who might actually contribute on accident if they're trying to farm medals)? Yes 1 out of 50 games you might have the 3 quitters replaced by 3 super awesome guys but those games just don't happen very often.


I don't doubt there are some people who are just out to ruin your day but believe me it's never very hard for those guys to find a way to ruin your day no matter what system you have. As I stated many times, there is a guy on my server who literally joins a game to quit to handicap the side he's on. I've even seen a game where we 3 capped Alderaan in the first minute, and have this guy join, and he immediately quit (probably not used to actually being on the winning side). Of course people can find a way to take advantage of this system, but in the old system those guys would just all quit and you'd complain about how 5 on 8 is totally impossible. Be glad that you might have a few extra bodies around to intimidate the enemy. Outside of Alderaan, it's actually pretty useful to have a few decoys if you have a decent group of 4. E.g. you sneak a point in NC, the enemy loses their turret and counterattacks what they thought is the weak point, but they run into the 4 guys AFK, and those 4 guys don't want to lose their defender medals, so they actually contribute. No that's not a great plan but it's better than not having those 4 guys at all, which is what would've happened before.

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