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Everything posted by lexiekaboom

  1. Help me to under your plan to make PVP enjoyable! Leave sents and marauders crazy unbalanced because NO ONE AT ALL is complaining about them ever. Everyone playing your game find them a really enjoyable class to be up against! Continue to allow the highest DPS class in PVP to be a tank because, again, NO ONE AT ALL thinks this is stupid and everyone would like people in heavy armour to continue to be unstoppable DPS machines. Make ganking more common by increasing the power of stealth. This is something people always say when PVPing ... I hate it SO much when I have the chance to fight an opponent. I like it much more when I'm just running around and something drops out of stealth and kills me instantly. That is SO MUCH FUN! Make it so healers can heal better and / or get away from combat easier. Because it is SO MUCH FUN beating on a opponent in PVP it is impossible to kill and can just run from your while healing itself. GOOD TIMES! I understand what must be happening; your not enjoying being part of this failure any more then your players and you just want everyone to quit so you can shut down the servers and get on with your lives. You are doing a FANTASTIC job working towards that goal.
  2. You - "This one time a guy killed a man with a club, so I'm really surprised to see you say guns are better then clubs at killing people. Clubs kill people just fine" Yes, clubs can kill people. But guns do it better and you really shouldn't be using a club unless there are no guns around.
  3. When you zone out of it do you get a error message preventing you to zone back in? Are all the monsters set up such that only armour mitigation maters and shadow / assassin tanks are still worthless? Does every monster in the zone have a mechanic that makes melee classes much less desirable then ranged? Will everything that drops be worthless due to messed up itemization which, although admitting you messed up, you refuse to fix? Man, 6 months ago I would have been so happy with a new zone, but now it's just a depressing death keel which is going to be broken and worthless like all the current content
  4. Did he just say the PVP game will NOT be neglected in the same post he said something that was promised in 1.1 (solo que for ranked) isn't going to be coming in 1.4? Did he just say that 8 people pre-mades vs. 8 PUGs would be a problem in a game where 2 four man pre-mades vs. 8 PUGs is already the norm? I honestly don't get it.
  5. Can you please post a video of Lost Island being done from start to finish by a group in TIonese gear? Can you please post numbers for how often this happens in the real world?
  6. HAHAHA ONLY ONE END GAME RAID AND YOU BREAK IT LEAVING YOUR PLAYER BASE WITH NOTHING AT ALL TO DO. This is why you are going FTP. This is why you are losing your job. This is why you are the joke of the industry. MMOs have failed before, but no MMO has ever DESERVED to fail as much as SW:TOR.
  7. First, sentinels and marauders don't have a tank gear set so there already is no "purpose" in tank gear seeing having it would require you to be something other then one of the two classes that have any purpose at all in PVP. Second, as posted in the shadow nerf FAQ by bioware; they are aware shield and defense do next to nothing and that mitigation is the only stat that maters to a tank. They have no plans on fixing this.
  8. They know we need this. and told us we were getting it months ago It was supposed to be coming with 1.2 Then shortly after 1.2 Then with 1.3 The problem isn't that they are not listening. It's that they can't do ANYTHING. And if you think there will be a single improvement or add on to this game until F2P you are crazy. They have everyone in the house working on ways to fleece free players, us loser with subs can do to hell.
  9. Broken game is broken Leaving these classes untouched has already cost them million of dollars in subs a month, and you honestly think they are ever going to change? I honestly think they want SW:TOR to fail now. There is no other explanation.
  10. They fired everyone who was working on anything, so there is nothing to talk about. Even if there was stuff to talk about, they fired everyone in the CS team.
  11. I agree and disagree. Vanguards problem wasn't slow leveling, it was boring leveling and the fact that there wasn't content to support it. Leveling can be slow as long as the ride is a good time. Look at COD for example; a LOT of people level grind that game, with a single level taking about 2 weeks to get (I'm talking an elite level, obviously). No one says "OMG leveling is too slow" because it's just part of the ride. FF12, LOTRO, PSO, and PSO2 all do this as well; PAINFULLY slow leveling by even the EQ standard, but with enough balance in additive game play and prevalent content to sink there teeth into enough people. Add to that any game made outside NA and the EQ "style" of leveling is still very much part of the MMO world today and is successful in a lot of MMOs. EQ wouldn't be successful today because it was punishing and had no quality of life additions until very late. People will still grind hour open hours to get a level, but they sure as hell will not spend 2 hours to go from one zone to another. How's the fit with SW:TOR? Back to content. SW:TOR could raise the level cap to 55 (they will be soon) but right now that would do nothing to keep people in the game, even if it was a grind. Leveling in SW:TOR was fun because of story, not fun because of game play, loot hunt, or anything else. Had it took longer to get from 1 to 50 ... what would people have done? You do your quests, you do the side quests, then ... what? How do you make up the "grind xp"? There is, overall, very little to do in SW:TOR from day one. The strength of the story makes that ok from 1 to 50, but that wouldn't be the case if you needed to work to level.
  12. You have define generations of MMOs EQ, AOC, AC ... the first gen MMOs simply did not update content ever. They used a different model; expansions. The expansions where generally on a yearly basis, and included as much (in most cases more) content then the base game. So if this was EQ1 would be looking at the ruins of Kunark trailers, with a release date of 5 months from now (ROK came out 1 year after EQ1 almost to the day). It would include (in SW:TOR terms) 20 or so new raid bosses, 10-15 new worlds (Kunark had MUCH more content then vanilla EQ1), a level cap increase to 60, and new types of epic quests. We would also be looking at spending $50 on buying that content. WOW, EQ2(sub based), AO, EVE ... the second gen MMOs worked in the expansions model as well, but we less frequent in the expansions. They did content updates (EQ did "adventure packs", for example) which were either paid DLC or free to all. The expansions themselves were huge though, with much, much more content then the original game. Current gen like AOC, TSW, STO, EQ2(FTP), D&DO, Rifts, ect, all work on the episodic content system, pumping out new zones, raids, and classes every few months or less. Most have monthly releases which amount to about 6 to 10 hours of new content, while other are a little behind that mark but make it up in size of the release. Where is SW:TOR in this? Without question the worst post launch support of any game every, UNLESS they are going with the 2nd gen model and we see a "more then double the game content" release late next year. This is unlikely though as the reason this model stopped being used is people didn't give MMOs that much time any more.
  13. But it's NOT a big question. They have answered it. Over and over. Then I summed up that answer already on this thread. The answer is "nothing" They are not doing anything at all about open world pvp. It's not being worked on at all at this time. 100% of all pvp resources are going into new WZ, and as WZ are completed that talent is being used to design new raids. This was in pod cast 2. This was answered at E3. This has been in an FAQ. Hell, they said this as early has the guild summit. There are so many things BW is being crazy tight lipped on. This is one of the FEW they have given us a straight answer on, and that answer is "it is not coming". We shouldn't be faulting them on communicating that answer, or they might just give up saying anything altogether seeing apparently we only listen when it's the answer we want.
  14. https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=138362&find=unread http://forums.thesecretworld.com/showthread.php?t=41198 http://forums.thesecretworld.com/showthread.php?t=48605 http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6201271322 http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6201550704 http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=100151 Not really sure what MMO you would play then. Most MMO that are based in the western world value free speech and allow players to express their opinions even when they are negative. Every single MMO ever that has forums has constant "the sky is falling" threads, as you can see above. Going around and deleting every post that speaks negatively about your game isn't the answer.
  15. Not many. In fact the game is likely gaining subs, based of server population numbers from a variety of sites. You see, all the people who wanted a good, flushed MMO with an end game and updates already left, and FTP to 15 is getting new people hooked. The people playing the game now are split between casual players and SW fanboys, and neither group is effected by the problems we are talking about. This isn't the fantastic and dramatic death of SW:TOR, it's the slow burn. It's why it's not going to convert any of the new subs into long term players and why people are going to be in a cycle of quitting as soon as they reach 50. It's called "churn" in the industry, and it's not always a failed model. You stop caring about how many people stop giving you money and concern yourself only with new people giving you money. You're cell phone company does this. You cable provider does this. As long as "people in" is greater then "people out" on a month to month basis you can keep this up forever. The problem is MMOs do not have a limitless player base to draw from. The "new in" is going to go down while the "old out" is going to remain constant until something is done about the lack of content.
  16. Except in the case of TSW the devs said, 3 days before the game was released, that the update would be coming on July the 31st, and a full list of all quest, features, and content was posted online. In SW:TOR case we got the date of "whenever" for 1.1 and didn't even know what was going to be in it until months after release when we got a trailer. I would love to work at a place where telling my boss "Yes, I made sure to plan ahead in the development cycle and I will have the next step of this project for you on exactly the 31st, with a clear time line of where it is going from there" and "I can't give you and ETA and I don't know what it will look like, you'll get updates as they come. We are basically making this **** up as we go along" are developmentally identical.
  17. The problem is the amount of content that's needed, and some design choices that were made with loot. With amount; people are not going to be happy with anything less then a full explanation or a release schedule. 4 more raid bosses with the prospect of 4 to 6 months before the next update isn't going to cut it this time around because we've seen how that goes, and it didn't hold anyone's interest for long. No one is coming back unless there is a lot of new content for them to try. I would say 9 raids, tiered, which could be done as 3 raids at 3 difficulty levels where you have to unlock higher levels would be reasonable, provided there is enough of a mechanic change between the modes that it takes a raid or two to adjust. This would but it in line with something like EQ2, which release about that much new content every 6 to 8 months. It's worth noting that EQ2 is free to play, and the total cost of buying these raid zones is around $5 to $10, so we are basically asked that SW:TOR gives us, for $120, about the same content EQ2 would give us for $10. Not unreasonable. I mean Bioware could just solve the problem by having a release schedule; you will get this in 4 months, this in 8, this in 12, this in 16. That would keep a LOT of people interested. But either because they are honestly completely unable to meet deadlines or because they get off on keeping players in the dark, Bioware has a strict no ETA policy. Loot is the biggest problem. Let's assume you can do lost island hard mode because you're in a guild or you don't suck. Did you know that, without raiding, you only need 5 weeks to COMPLETELY gear your toon? This is because black hole gear is all you need, you buy it with tokens, and you pull in 59 tokens a week just doing quests and HM. If you raid, add 40 to that and reduce the time needed to be 100% done with end game content to an unbelievable 3 weeks. Add Nightmare Pilgrim to that, 2 weeks. That's right, SW:TOR has 14 days worth of end game content for some people. You could say "OH, OH, OH, you need champign gear" ... you real don't. The stats change is minor at best, and net negative for some classes. MMO's need rare loot. They need BIS items that require you to get lucky and do the same boss over and over again as part of the motivation to do the same boss over and over again. Flash points should have rare bosses that drop BIS non-armor pieces and raids should have the same for BIS armor. The idea of completely gearing my toon in 14 to 35 days is just laughable, and this isn't even "I have no life" playing. This is logging on once a day for about 40 minutes to do a flash point, and spending an hour or so a week doing the black hole quest line.
  18. You know that has nothing to do with my comment right? I'm comparing post launch content from one game to another. Someone had said SW:TOR post game content was great, I was showing that it was well below what is now considered normal. I also give the example of borderlands DLC, which will be finished long before the game is released. I don't really care if the reason we get no content is because they are horribly slow to create content or if they are horrible at planning content so they always have something "in the pipe" near finished, the result is the same. We are not getting new content at a rate that is even close to other current gen MMOs dispute paying $15 a month. We also got less lunch content then pretty much any MMO I have ever played. I'm also showing that every game has a release schedule now and you know exactly when to expect new content, generally on a 1 - 4 month cycle, except SW:TOR.
  19. Q: There has been a lot of talk about adding this thing. Can you please explain what's happening? A: This is something we talk about a lot here at the office and we all really would like to see it happen. We don't have any ETA on it as it's a lower priority then other issues, but we'll let you know as soon as we have anything Q: You said we were going to get this awesome PVP feature / change and it never happened. Why? A: We played around with that idea but found that it would have a negative impact on PVE balance so we didn't go though with it. Q: You said we were going to get this awesome PVE feature / change and it never happened. Why? A: We played around with that idea but found that it would have a negative impact on PVP balance so we didn't go though with it. Q: There is a problem with (items, systems, design) A: You are very right, we didn't get that right. We know it's a problem and will keep that in mind while making new content. However we are going to leave it as is for now. Q: There is a problem with (balance) A: Our internal numbers say everything is A-OK. Q: When are we getting (thing) A: Soon. More to come on that.
  20. They have made SEVERAL announcements about open world PVP, in FAQs, to the press, at cons, at E3, in replies to posts, ect. This is not an issue they have been tight lipped about in any way. Let me sum up the announcements for you; It's not coming It's not being worked on It's not a priority It will require a complete re-vision which is not part of the current scope of updates to the game No one is working on it All PVP resources are being put into making new WZs When new WZs are "done" to a point where they are happy with variety, PVP resources will be assigned to PVE content to build new raids and zones. No one will shift to "making open world PVP" They have said it's basically on the "board of crazy" which is the stuff they want to get in the game given unlimited budget and time, but have no time line or even active progress towards. So your post is misnamed; it should be "Please CHANGE YOUR MIND about Open world PVP!". Because the announcement is old news, just not something you wanted to hear.
  21. TSW have been out for a month and has released 7 new quests (which, if you play TSW, is a big deal; quests are not "go kill monsters") They also have a CLEAR break down of what's coming over the next 6 months, a raid, some instances, more quests, and some features. It's easily more content then SW:TOR put out in it's first 6 months. Rifts puts out new content every month on a given date. COH and STO both do monthly "episodes" where there is a new story and quest line every month to play though. COH's takes about 5 or 6 hours, STO is a little shorter. Basically, you need to play more games. SW:TOR is not the clear winner in the current generation as to content release, it's not even close. More importantly every MMO in the current generation has CLEAR time line and release schedulers and sticks to them. There is pretty much no MMO you could play today that is less then 5 years old other then SW:TOR where you wouldn't know EXACTLY what was coming next and when it was coming. That's the real problem. I know exactly when to expect the first DLC for boarder lands 2, when it will be out, and what's coming after that and the GAME ITSELF HASN'T BEEN RELEASE YET, but I don't know when the MMO I'm paying $15 a month for is going to have anything new for me. That's just ... unforgivable. And they publish a weekend FAQ telling us what ISN'T coming and how we shouldn't be expecting changes or additions we are asking for, which isn't helping.
  22. There was no new flash point in 1.2 That was 1.1 Non raiding people have had the exact same content for almost 6 months now with nothing new to do. Raiders got 4 bosses on top of that, but that was double edged; by not putting BH comms in EV and putting a very minor amount in NMKP (a raid that is bottle necked by what is unquestionably the hardest fight in the game, way beyond where it should be based on the zone it's in) they REDUCED the amount of end game content to 4 bosses rather then increase it, seeing there is no point at all doing EV or KP once you clear EC. I love the game and love my guild, and love doing flashpoint in the group finder because they are fun, but hey, people are getting board and leaving and I don't blame them. The worst part is no new communication or updates. My guild asks "what are we doing for the next few months" and the only answer I can give is "the same zone over and over". We need a date on when the next raid will be here, and we need it yesterday. Even if it's a year from now you are at the point where having your player base unsub for a year and coming back for that raid is the GOOD THING, the bad thing being rage quit and stop paying attention at all.
  23. 3rd times a charm man!
  24. The didn't ask for a copy before laying off the guy working on this
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