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PvP - What YOU should be doing in warzones


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Updated: 9-07-2012


After playing hundreds and hundreds of warzones, recently, I have noticed a new breed of pvp players who simply dont know what they are doing.


So here is some advice -


This is a weird one. Some prefer saying East/West or Left/Right(as it appears from the doors/ship) or on Civil War - some say Grass/Snow. Ideally youre team should be aware of what has been capped and what isnt. East/West is most popular. North is always the direction of the door/ship exit - so use that as your guide.



1 - Pass the ball.

This is an ability found in your (Press P) list of abilities once you ding lvl 10. Once you select it to pass, a dial will appear on the ground, so you can move it and pass to a team mate.


2 - MOVE!!

If you want to win, movement is key in Huttball. Instead of trying to always protect the ball carrier - which can be almost impossible - MOVE ahead, so they can pass to you.


3 - Be aware of what is around you.

Some players stealth into key positions on the ledges or, in YOUR teams end zone. Be mindful. if you see someone there, alert your team and/or take care of them with a simple knock back or of course KILL THEM


4 - Remember the objectives

Running around killing is fun but Huttball has objectives. Scoring is good, winning is good - you get more PvP coms/valour/xp love when you win.



1 - WATCH the doors

If your enemy are trying to draw you out to fight them - think why? In most cases, if you take the bait - someone will ninja in and plant the bomb


2 - ALWAYS call for help

This is where so many fail. If your side is under heavy attack, dont just try 1v4 and die, ony for your team mates to discover that the bomb has been planted and YOU said nothing. Always call for help. Call 'Inc'(short for incoming) when you see them coming at you(even if its just 1 player, there could be stealths around).


Planting the bomb

When planting a bomb at the door, you DO NOT need 3 people to plant it!!!!!! The rest of the team mates need to guard that player from interuptions and stop AoE's from taking place.


3 - The Bridge

If the enemy extend the bridge - CHECK both doors incase a ninja is around planting the bomb. Try not to get entangled in skirmishes if your enemy are rushing across the bridge. You need to defend those doors!!


Civil War/Novra

1 - 1v4(or more) simply wont work

The amount of times I have seen players respawn and charge in to battle against a group of enemy, only to die and then charge in again. WAIT for your team mates - group up then hit the location you want.


2 - ALWAYS call for help

Same with Voidstar. If you are alone and holding a location whilst your team are trying to cap elsewhere - NEVER NEVER NEVER take your eyes off that turret/emplacement. Keep looking all around you. The second you see, or come under attack from stealth - CALL FOR HELP.


Yes, some will use the excuse 'I was too busy fighting' - Lame!!!! The second you are hit(by stealth) - call for help at your location and try to hold them off until help arrives.


3 - Fight ON your turret/emplacement locations

Its easy as hell to be sucked out and drawn into battles elsewhere on the map, but if you dont actually do the fighting on the turret/emplacement nodes - a) you wont score defender points b)you run the risk of losing that location.


Other tips -

Healers - If they are marked, they should be the first player you attack. Ive lost count how many times Ive seen people attack any ol' player - but they wont die, since they are being HEALED all the time. Its laughable.


Warzone Maps - Press M to check your warzone map to check how things are going. It wont show the enemy but you can see if your team need help or are being drawn out and run the risk of losing that location - A simple ' fight on the turret' goes a long way.



1. Keep your head on a swivel/Situational Awareness: zoom your camera out as far as possible and constantly pan the camera if you're not currently engaged in a fight. It helps with your situational awareness by allowing you to see people running up behind you, so you're more ready for any situation. This is probably the largest key to anything in life - Situational Awareness.


2. Keep your eyes on the prize: Doors, Computer console, Flags, etc - If you're fighting, pan your camera or turn yourself so that you can see if someone is trying to ninja it behind you so that you can interrupt them.


3. Don't get tunnel vision: You aren't a "MOB", don't let them pull/lure you away from what you should be guarding. Use your head, and play for the win; not your kill meter.



New PvP'ers(and even new 50s)

Kill steal! - In some cases, you simply wont win a 1on1(especially if you are a new lvl 50) - so pick your targets wisely. If someone is low on health - attack them, grab a kill. Until you are geared up, you will always remain cannon fodder.


Use Guard, and know who to use it on

It can be easy to forget to throw up a Guard on someone, but the benefits for both you and them are very important. You should always be guarding someone, even if it's just the first person you see when you respawn--but ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS switch your Guard to a healer whenever possible, and barring that place it on a DPS. Don't Guard another tank (supertanking almost never is worthwhile in PvP), with the sole exception being if they have the ball in Huttball.



Any other tips welcome....

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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Good post ..


1. The new warzone ....

points cap faster the more people that click the computer terminal in the tents..when you clear click, before anything..even if others are on it.


2. Marks...

they can be keybound now, bind them to your numberpad ...

mark healers when you see them right away.

I use green thing, then target ,then star for healers.

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Any other tips welcome....


Here's my opinion when it comes to class roles.


Dps, other than focusing on healers, your other main goal is to cap objectives/defend objectives. Healers will be too occupied healing people and kiting to have time to cap. Just as tanks will be preoccupied sticking with your healers keeping them from harms way, also tanks should also be focusing on interrupting opposing caps in WZ such as Alderaan and Voidstar. Stealth non healing classes should constantly try for objectives, burning down one man defenders to grab that quick cap.


It's not all about numbers...


What would be nice if there were an individual end game stat windows per wz which contain objective information such as:


VS: interrupted cap, defused, planted, defended.

HB: Assist, scored, saves (killed Ball carrier).

Ald: Capped, interrupted cap, defense, offense, assisted cap.


Getting the idea here? That way people can actually see what people are actively doing during the warzone, rather than watch DPS classes run around like mad people trying to get huge numbers.


Well, that's my opinion for what it's worth.

Edited by Saint_Bailey
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A new breed of pvp players? lol, people have always been idiots in pvp...look at wow, that game is around 8 years old and people still don't know the basics of wsg, ab, av. I've already given up on people but nice guide though...too bad none of the people who need to see it ever will.
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Great post because it's informative and rather than friendly. I would love to see this stickied on the forums. It doesn't deride new players but tries to help them. I'm not the best PvPer, but I love it and am always trying to improve; so there are always things I'm trying to work on - and these are those things (my tips).


1. Keep your head on a swivel/Situational Awareness: zoom your camera out as far as possible and constantly pan the camera if you're not currently engaged in a fight. It helps with your situational awareness by allowing you to see people running up behind you, so you're more ready for any situation. This is probably the largest key to anything in life - Situational Awareness.


2. Keep your eyes on the prize: Doors, Computer console, Flags, etc - If you're fighting, pan your camera or turn yourself so that you can see if someone is trying to ninja it behind you so that you can interrupt them.


3. Don't get tunnel vision: You aren't a "MOB", don't let them pull/lure you away from what you should be guarding. Use your head, and play for the win; not your kill meter.


4. Kill their support to win: Mark and destroy their healers first. You aren't going to kill that DPS target if there is someone sitting behind them healing them.


5a. Assist your allies: DPS - Attack the same target to maximize your teams DPS. If you come up on a fight in progress, combine your DPS with another on your team to quickly and efficiently eliminate targets - especially their healers.


5b. Assist your allies: Support - Your own healers are fragile but are crucial to victory. By keeping your "head on a swivel", you can see when they have dps on them. Use guard, taunt, pulls, pushes, stuns, snares, and anything else you have to protect them and get the dps off. They can't heal you well when they are running for their life, and they heal even worse when they are waiting to respawn.

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For Tanks:


Use Guard, and know who to use it on

It can be easy to forget to throw up a Guard on someone, but the benefits for both you and them are very important. You should always be guarding someone, even if it's just the first person you see when you respawn--but ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS switch your Guard to a healer whenever possible, and barring that place it on a DPS. Don't Guard another tank (supertanking almost never is worthwhile in PvP), with the sole exception being if they have the ball in Huttball.


Also remember that while Guard does mitigate some damage generally, it is vastly more effective when you are close to them.


You should be the most active player on the field

A lot of people think tanking is just "Stand and absorb damage". The truth is almost the exact opposite: you should be running around like mad as a tank. For example, if you're a Vanguard tank (as I am), don't just throw up Guard on the healer and stand around idly--use Storm to interrupt that BH spamming Tracer Missile, then use Harpoon to pull off the Healer attacking the Juggernaut, then throw a Cryo Grenade and a Sticky Grenade at that Operative with 7% health trying to sneak away. When in doubt, charge into a group of enemies and throw up Explosive Charge. Don't just stand there--ALWAYS DO SOMETHING, even if it's just the basic attack while running in circles.


Taunt, taunt, TAUNT

This is another thing that can be really easy to forget in the heat of battle: you should be constantly throwing out taunts. As soon as they're up, use them--they cost nothing and hugely help your teammates. In most cases it honestly doesn't even matter who you taunt because action tends to be so clustered around objective points--just use them on whoever you have targeted. Even better if you can use them on that Marauder ripping through the Commando healing you though.


Remember your goal usually isn't to kill the other guy, it's to survive long enough for reinforcements


This becomes really important on maps like Alderaan. When the battle is close, often it becomes necessary to leave just one person at a turret to try and cap another. First, that person should always be you--everyone else is squishier and healers are needed elsewhere. Use Probe Droids and even the occasional AOE attack in a random direction to try and get the jump on stealthers (don't waste your ammo though), and when you get attacked, the VERY FIRST THING YOU SHOULD DO IS TYPE "INC LEFT 2" or even just "LEFT". Does it take a half-second to do this? Yes, but it's the most important thing you can do--followed by the next most important thing, which is last long enough for help to arrive. Drag the battle out as long as you can with CC's, with LOSing, with judicious use of heals--even when outnumbered, if you work at it you can still usually last just long enough for someone else to show up. If you can kill the guy, great, but if your team has any competence they should be the ones doing the killing.

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Come on, this is just a game, ppl tend to "learn it by experience".


And for those who are serious about PVP, they have already learned that, why bother.


People still like to win. If you work hard and lose - fine at least you gave it everything you got - but to lose because some players simply didnt use their noodle = no excuse.


The idea of this guide is to help players who are new, or dont understand some of the basics, so they dont make basic errors and can actually win by using their noodle(AKA brains)

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Another one for Voidstar:


When planting a bomb at the door, you DO NOT need 3 people to plant it!!!!!! The rest of the team mates need to guard that player from interuptions and stop AoE's from taking place.


You all get an attacker bonus from it, let ONE person plant the bomb while you defend him. The amount of times i see this makes my blood boil lol




ps: doesnt help when rolling VS puts me in a bad mood already lol

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I've got 2 lvl 50 characters, one is in full war hero gear. I'm saying I've played plenty of PvP. I still don't know what to call in void star on defense. Does left/right refer to the mini-map/attacker-spwwn perspective or defensive-spawn perspective?


I always call something but it seems like somewhat of a s!@# show.


I think the mini map should flip when on defense to correspond with your perspective from the respawn location.

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I've got 2 lvl 50 characters, one is in full war hero gear. I'm saying I've played plenty of PvP. I still don't know what to call in void star on defense. Does left/right refer to the mini-map/attacker-spwwn perspective or defensive-spawn perspective?


I always call something but it seems like somewhat of a s!@# show.


I think the mini map should flip when on defense to correspond with your perspective from the respawn location.


I run into this same problem over and over in WZs. I would suggest calling East and West. Left and Right are relative terms where as East and West are much more absolute terms and aren't based on perspective. Whether you are attacking or defending or just get spun around in the heat of battle West is always West and East is always East.


That's my two cents anyway. Lots of great tips in this thread. Would love to see this stickied.

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I've got 2 lvl 50 characters, one is in full war hero gear. I'm saying I've played plenty of PvP. I still don't know what to call in void star on defense. Does left/right refer to the mini-map/attacker-spwwn perspective or defensive-spawn perspective?


I always call something but it seems like somewhat of a s!@# show.


I think the mini map should flip when on defense to correspond with your perspective from the respawn location.


I usually start calling it East and West because when the bombs are planted, one door is always east, one is always west (except the last two which are north and south)


From the Attacker side, East and West are in their normal positions, from the Defender side, its just reverse.


If you make it clear which door is East and which is West, you avoid the Left/Right confusion.

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A few more...


- When you see someone call for help, start that way as immediately as possible. Once you see that there are already sufficient players ahead of you to handle things, go back to where you were. Sounds complicated, but in practice it's simple and a fast decision which should not take away from whatever battle is going on where you are.


- On Novarre Coast, PLEASE be aware that you can cap from far away from the terminal, and watch for people standing in the back capping while the fighting is going on. If someone has a colored bard going from them to the panel, attack them.


- Just as you shouldn't fight 1 on 5 but should call for help, you shouldn't fight 5 on 1. If it's 4 or 5 of you fighting one of the opponent, that means that your team is outnumbered somewhere. Enough people should stay behind to safely finish the job with the attacker at your location, but the rest need to get back to whatever location needs defending as quickly as possible.


- in Huttball, you must control the middle. When you die and respawn, instead of going straight for the other side (if your team is attacking), go to the middle and make sure your team has players there while preventing your opponent players from being there,

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Man this isn't recent...this has always been an issue and often they were doing the same thing in another MMO.


However it is good advice. I'd add that with VS, CW, Nova when guarding a node there should almost always be 2 players guarding a node, the exception being when its 1 to 2 in the enemies favor. There have been quite a few times I've ninja'd the plant/cap with a stealthed character and CC. That or been left by myself and hit by 2 stealth and been dead in the duration of the knockdown/stunlock and the node capped before help could even get close. Two players would prevent that from happening and give more time for help to arrive.


You mention using the map, I'd also point out that learning to actually read/undestand it and using the minimap is important.

First, unless marked otherwise most maps are laid out with Up being North, Down being South, Left is West, and Right is East. Learn this, know this. This is not subjective like "right" and "left". Example, in playing Void Star if I'm attacking "Left" is the West Door, however if I'm defending "Left" is the East Door. Right and left are subjective on whther you are facing north or south, the actual compass points are not. There have been many times people have used Left and Right and it only caused confusion.


Also look at the minimap, I don't know how many times in VS and CW that the entire group has gone to one door or node and left the others wide open.


Finally use your brain. You don't need 6-7 people to kill 2 guys, and if there are only 2 enemy players (assuming 8 vs. 8) where are the other 6? At least 4-5 are probably on their way to attack or are attacking your other node. Start moving that way once the attack is broken and you have at least some health. Take the oppotunity to heal up when you can even if you have healers or you have to end it early. I can't count how mant times I've seen people run off with a sliver of health and out of combat. You're not much good if you get one shot, better you get a few seconds of Recuperate ticking and then get there.


Another is for the love of Pete don't all try to cap at once. Let one, maybe 2 players cap the node the rest go and intercept the enemy. Use knockbacks, snares, and CC to buy time to get the node.

Edited by Evangelist
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A few more...


- When you see someone call for help, start that way as immediately as possible. Once you see that there are already sufficient players ahead of you to handle things, go back to where you were. Sounds complicated, but in practice it's simple and a fast decision which should not take away from whatever battle is going on where you are.


THIS sooooo this. There have been many a match lost because people did not come help when called, the were too busy chasing 1 or 2 guys for more kills while the rest of the enemy team stomped the life out of the 1-2 guys defending the node/door and then cap it. The response, "I was busy fighting."

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At the start of a Voidstar, make it clear what to call the doors. Left/Right, East/West whatever, just say it at the start of a match. The amount of times I've seen someone shout, LEFT! then suddenly the right door on the map gets a bomb on it then ZOMG NOOBZ I SAID LEFT! makes me a sad sith lord.
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