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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.




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I have 44? some odd days left. I unsubbed for a variety of reasons, mostly because this game isn't for me. I have been waiting for this game for years and its just kind of shocking to me that I don't really enjoy it.


So I post here and there, maybe looking for something to either validate my exit or make me want to return.

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Nobody cares on the forums other than BioWare and BioWare asks when you unsub. These kinda threads do wonders for Orville Redenbacher's sales though. Edited by Asuka
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Hey all,


This thread is getting off track and we would like to ask everyone to please ensure your posts are constructive to the discussion of the topic.


We welcome feedback, provided it is constructive (This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for.) and that it is on topic to discussion of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


As this thread is asking for feedback, provided it stays constructive and is centered around Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, we welcome it.


However, we do want to remind everyone that if you feel a thread needs moderator attention, such as being off topic, not constructive or in violation of any of the rules of conduct, to please simply report it. Posting in the thread as to why it is a violation is not on topic and only serves to disrupt the discussion and also bumps the thread. Reporting it will bring it to our attention much faster and will not disrupt the discussion.


As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding moderation on the forums, please send us an email with your feedback at communitysupport@swtor.com


That being said, let's allow this thread to get back on track. If the discussion continues to be off topic, we will have to close it.


Thank you for your understanding!

Edited by Zilrota
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My sub runs out in 44 days, and I'll probably be canceling for a while.


My 5 reasons:

  • I'll probably get flamed for this, but PvE content is too inaccessible. I don't mean the lack of a dungeon tool, I mean the difficulty, bugs, and time required do not justify the rewards. The first tier of PvE felt just right in terms of difficulty. Everything released since launch (Kaon, Karagga's, and beyond) seem overtuned imo.
  • Crafting is still not viable. In spite of claims from Bioware that patch 1.2 would make crafting profitable, the lack of set bonuses on Tionese/Columi/Rakata armorings killed interest in the Augmented Orange system.
  • Lack of server transfers and merges. How any MMO can launch without these systems in place is mindblowing to me, especially when it comes to PTS testing.
  • Not enough character slots per server. I'm an altoholic, and the Legacy system is more or less restricting us to 8 character slots. Sixteen per server should be the minimum, or legacy should be account wide so that the bonuses affect all our characters, not just those on a single server.
  • Load times. Way too long, and way too frequent.


I may come back again someday, but who knows.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





1) Learn from mistakes of the past - Cataclysmic changes, NGE fails, and 1.2. Overhauling classes less than 6 months into a launch is a terrible idea. Folks chose classes based on beta experience and levelling experience, just to have (Operative and BH) dps nerfed repeatedly. These and the healer changes were clearly reactionary and not well considered given the drastic shift they caused from the product your launch audience bought.


2) Underpromise and overdeliver - basic service 101. "We'll have ranked warzones in 1.2." Oops. My guild is gone to Tera due to this, once again short sighted and reactionary decision, to install part of the PvP changes (expertise/gear) but not the ranked warzones.


3) The Legacy system is a wonderful idea and provides some great tools for altaholics. Unfortunately I don't know what class you're going to completely alter next so I'm afraid to level another character to 50.


4) Are you selling a product or a service? If you said a product you're wrong. You marketed this game as being groundbreaking for immersive, story driven, fully voiced PvE content. You threw in a little PvP as well because that's expected in MMOs.


The game has been live for nearly 5 months and we've seen minimal new content. All we've really seen is some (but not all) bugs fixed and wildly overreactionary "math" changes. This game will survive and thrive only by delivering on the content (service) promise in return for the $15/month fee. Again - underpromise and overdeliver.


5) Class balance changes and gear griding are no substitute for content. While $15 is a bargain for the entertainment value, paying customers have vastly higher expectations than their f2p comrades. Show more business sense than SOE (who still employees Smedley last I checked) and make appropriate staffing changes to get your product back to the experience your customers paid for. I quit WoW because I refuse to pay a subscription to repeat dailies ad nauseum to get gear you will then obsolete in 30-60 days. Fool me once, shame on you . . .

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My sub runs out in 44 days, and I'll probably be canceling for a while.


My 5 reasons:

  • I'll probably get flamed for this, but PvE content is too inaccessible. I don't mean the lack of a dungeon tool, I mean the difficulty, bugs, and time required do not justify the rewards. The first tier of PvE felt just right in terms of difficulty. Everything released since launch (Kaon, Karagga's, and beyond) seem overtuned imo.
  • Crafting is still not viable. In spite of claims from Bioware that patch 1.2 would make crafting profitable, the lack of set bonuses on Tionese/Columi/Rakata armorings killed interest in the Augmented Orange system.
  • Lack of server transfers and merges. How any MMO can launch without these systems in place is mindblowing to me, especially when it comes to PTS testing.
  • Not enough character slots per server. I'm an altoholic, and the Legacy system is more or less restricting us to 8 character slots. Sixteen per server should be the minimum, or legacy should be account wide so that the bonuses affect all our characters, not just those on a single server.
  • Load times. Way too long, and way too frequent.


I may come back again someday, but who knows.


Great points here as well.

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1. Server merges


I place this at the top because it would solve the most problems in one fell swoop. There are too few players spread out over too many servers, this means that the 4 mans and raid instances get very little use compared to what they deserve. By merging servers the population would be much denser which means higher possibility of grouping and a better hive society where the auction houses, crafters, raiders, hardcore gamers and casuals would thrive due to the increased collection of resources spread out on each server.


2. Server transfers


Server transfers could potentially help band-aiding the lack of players on each server, but it is not a viable solution over the long term. Personally, it would increase my chances of re-subscribing and I know that is how many people feel. It would also help in bringing players that know each other together instead of having to constantly reroll because some people wanted to try a higher population server (this is only being strengthened by the low-population-too-many-servers ratio).


3. Improved LFG tool


I have been playing MMOs for almost 10 years. I have played World of Warcraft, Rift, Aion, Guild Wars, Age of Conan, and many more. I have been there since the moment those games came online and I have suffered through months (for some even years) of playing through their baby-period, but at this point it shouldn't feel as bad as a game launched 10 years ago. Over the past 10 years MMOs have grown incredibly with server transfer, server merges, more and more intricate LFG tools, browser purchases of in-game items, cross-server systems, hot fix systems etc. Because of all these advancements I can't bring myself to justify it anymore that a game requires several years to get out, what is now, very basic services and systems.

I am strongly against WoW's LFD and LFR because of the inherent social a**hattery that comes along with it (over-entitlement, ninja looting, no reprecussions, will never see the other players again, and the like), however, right now I have to agree with the pro-LFDers that this is the best course of action for this game. WoW made the mistake of introducing LFD when it was at it's peak of 12 million players, when they should have put it in if they landed on 2-3 million and below. Cross-server systems for grouping only works properly when there are too many servers with too few players, just like how SWTOR is now. I am proud of BioWare for sticking to their guns to keep a decent enough environment and not make the mistake WoW did by introducing this, but that doesn't work with so few players (the need for such a system is substantially increased when there is no server merges, at least as far as we have been told about the things to come in the future).

Back to the baby-phase.

Since I have gone through it so many times, I personally feel that I can't go through it again and I have only WoW (and in smaller parts Rift) to thank for this horrible state-of-mind I am currently in. Finding groups with so few players is absolutely agonizing (if I try hard to find a group, I'll get one in 10 minutes, but the days I feel up to that are rare and far apart).


4. Lack of proper communication


BioWare were very active at the start, but recently there have been less and less of communication about time lines, ideas and plans, or any sign at all that they are actually listening aside from that idiotic bot message that pops up on the forums when they close a thread. This is a minor point, but it is frustrating nonetheless.


SWTOR is an absolutely amazing game, great story, great voice acting, great IP, and an absolutely tremendous potential, however there are those little things that is holding so many people back. These 4 things are the only things BioWare has to do to bring myself and many more players back, most likely new players as well.

Edited by Senatsu
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1. Low population servers: I am not in the mood to reroll on a populated server.


2. Low population servers: I am tired of playing BG with the same folks over and over.


3. Low population servers: It is difficult to get a group together. I could not even get someone to come over and simply push a button for me so we could pick up a simple Datacron.


4. Low population servers: No open World Pvp. There are no players on, and if they are, good luck finding them.


5. Low population servers: Did someone say MMO? It is NOT.


Going back to Skyrim.

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I haven't unsubscribed yet but I'm beginning to strongly consider it, more as a temporary thing in hopes that I'll come back eventually as I love Star Wars, and love much about this game.


1. Server Population. The cries for merges and transfers is overwhelming and frankly we aren't getting enough specific information about how it'll even work. When I log on and there are 20 people in fleet, even though its a little late, vs 80-100 on other servers, its disheartening. You can't PvP, you can't do raids or flashpoints. It completely shuts down the end game.


2. Legacy System. I love the idea of the Legacy System in general, but I feel like it has been done very wrong. I don't care about some silly emotes as rewards. I'd rather have stuff like shared speeders (considering Korealias speeders have been pulled for some reason), and datacron bonuses applying to all characters (cause lets face it I'm not hunting down all of them on all 8 characters). I'm also disappointed that they needlessly tied surnames to it, despite overwhelming cries against this in Beta, so now either all of my characters must share a surname or have to go without. Further, the fact that they made it on a per server basis rather than account wide is preventing me from playing other characters on other more populated servers, because they won't be applied towards Legacy bonuses.


3. Fleet Emphasis. This is really disappointing. I feel like there is way too much emphasis on fleet, and that they didn't spread content around enough. I would have liked to see close level range planets in similar sectors, with faster travel between one another and shared chat channels, to give them a more populated and linked feel. We should have more faction hubs with galaxy wide communications all over the place, with GTN terminals and PvP terminals as well to not anchor people to the Fleet. I almost wish they'd do away with Fleet entirely, in fact.


4. Lack of several basic systems common in other MMOs. For instance, a simple barber shop/image designer that would let me modify my characters looks post creation, whether simply for personal preference or because they were somehow altered during the course of their story.


Even the appearance customization system here is now completely borked because I can have to unify everything to the same lame chest piece colors that everyone is already sporting at end game. Sure I could use some other orange gear...were it not for the fact that most of it doesn't have augment slots and is not good for end game now as a result, and because most set bonuses can't transfer, only the newer ones which is a horrible choice from a design stand point. Better to have Rift style appearance slots, with the ability to recolor gear, then to have to have some awkward mod switching system where some gear lacks augments, some bonuses transfer and some don't, and nothing can be recolored.


5. Lack any Roleplay support and anything that really makes you feel like you are living in the Star Wars universe. Now, let me qualify this. The stories are great! The fully voiced missions are great! But that only gets you so far. Without customized ships, player housing, macroing for customized emotes, etc., this game doesn't suck people in and make you feel like you're living it the same way Star Wars Galaxies did. I know this a theme parke rather than a sandbox game, but is it too much to ask for both, really? Could we not have additional planets where we could set up our own colonies, build our own lives, tell our own stories, rather than just play the same 8 stories everyone else are already playing?


6. (I know we were only supposed to go to 5) Lack of any open world PvP incentives. I'm on a PvP server. I've PvPed in the world, outside of a warzone maybe once. Incredibly disappointing. Bioware should have some sort of war system in place where we battle for control of the map, take objectives (Even PvE ones) on certain planets...NOT just have this relegated to Ilum where no one goes anyway because the rewards aren't really worth it compared to simply queuing for PvP warzones (assuming you can get a queue given the lack of populations...).


This game still has much potential, and I don't hate it by any stretch (quite the opposite), it's just that as it stands it is falling far short of its potential.

Edited by Drakonnen
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i unsubbed a few months ago, but i was a fanboy that bought the 6 month sub upon release, so here i remain.


i unsubbed because:


-planets are dead, with no reason to even visit them outside of spacebaring through quests, or killing world bosses for ugly speeders that offer really nothing. give me a reason to return to places like nar shaddaa. you have a casino for a reason right? you are the guys that made KOTOR, right? remember pazaak? so derp. you are on track with your recent world event, but it isn't enough. there needs to be static reasons to return to these iconic planets. the outlaws den is not a good example of this.

-world pvp is dead: you death star'd ilum. just admit it. i unsubbed before this happened, and it's amazing that your decisions just get worse and worse.

-crafting doesn't matter when your server is dead: i unsubbed before my server's population started dying, now it's just hilariously bad. merge servers, introduce facilitated transfers as soon as humanly possible. oh and crafting is still just bad anyway, and my complaint really regards the market's health. all my alts are still biochem.

-buggy operations: when i unsubbed, every wipe to soa was due to some stupid bug. they have gotten better. soa isn't a total buggy abomination anymore, but the operations aren't enough. they always, in time, turn into farming fests. they just aren't very challenging or interesting at all, unless your guild has funny people in them, which mine does.


and most importantly: twilek hoods. FIX MY TWILEK. ignore everything else. fix this and i'll resub.

Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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I just unsubbed myself. I love bioware stories. I love that part of the game. But for me this is a single player game with a chat room. I can not justify a monthly sub for a single player game. If/when this game ever goes F2P, I will definitely be back for the stories, but until that time, its just not worth the money.


If anything I would think needs to be fixed, its the combat delays. The animation is not the important part of an ability, when and how it applies does. A 3 - 5 second animation on an instant cast ability that delays the damage and prevents anything else from being done is just a detriment to the game, and makes the combat jittery at best.

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1. Client. All the loading screens are doing my head in. I'd be better off with a new PC... but that's only half the problem.

2 PvP. Pls Fix Ilum

3 Gear. Some of the set designs have been BAD... SO VERY BAD. Why do the gear chase if I hate the gear ?

4 PvE. Would be nice for the planets to be larger. Each planet having Multiple lvling areas and pvp areas.

5 Endgame. Would like to see more lvl 50 Daily areas with grp content too. One on each planet pls :)


The game is overall good. Fix the client and you'l get my sub for another 6 months while we see wait to see some more content.

I may be back sooner if I can swindle a cheap CPU,mobo and RAM upgrade ;)

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Unsubbed but trapped til Mid-July.

5 Reasons?


1/ Dead servers. They were once healthy with 100+ guild members, then 70, 30, 3...


2/ Boredom. Partly because of fact no.1, it's hard getting a FP together with only you online and 20 on the fleet.


3/ Broken game aka Bugs. Things that haven't been fixed, or promised would be fixed just get ignored, better still they patch in things like the ui in 1.2, which should of been in from the start and THEN break more things than the patch fixes!


4/ So many empty promises and things going in the wrong direction. They had it ok at the start with a time scale set out, but the minute things started to break they fell behind on the promised features.


5/ Five is not so much a game issue, but more of a droneboy problem. You know the 1s, they shoot you down, then lie to everyone else that everything is great and ok, that all the unhappy players must be making these things up because (the good part) THEY are alright, happy & enjoying their unbroken/busy/playable game or server. So we are flamed, called names & generally treated poorly by them (and it's highly insulting!).



Edited by Sporin
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1. Boring PVE content - as in, only few bosses are actually interesting. Puzzle one, I believe it's called "Replicator" and the 1 vs 1 bosses after the Pillars in EV. Council or whatever. Everything else is based on "Moar Dots herp derp or he'll enrage". Everything's on Enrage here, there's nothing smart about the PVE content, there are no depleting resources that when run out make the fight impossible to complete, nothing actually innovative. PVE designers are bad.

2. Overtuning characters. Instead of balancing the classes by slightly changing their power we get hit by nerfs all across the board - like Healers, not only almost every ability we had was nerfed, but also Expertise made it worse for us, on top of that we get a flat -30% during Warzones to healing. Healers get treated like trash in this game, and it's clear to me. If the devs had any brains they'd nerf a few abilities and leave it, then test it and see if more are required.


3. FPS issues. Horrible, Horrible graphic engine. My PC runs this game better when the settings are set to High, which is hilarious, therefore putting it on Low will not boost the FPS, it lowers it even further. I wont mention other problems but basically - It's really really horrible.


4. Team developing this game is in my opinion one of the worst. We've got Warhammer rejects that are doing the exact same things to this game that they were doing to Warhammer (the bad things), one bad decision after another is made, no communication, vague responses, nothing worth reading is given to us.


5. Overhyping every upcoming content. Making all those stupid videos and talking about "oh it's going to be so cool!" on Guild Summits (or should I call them "kissass summits", and then releasing half of what they promised or nothing at all (Ranked warzones, half of legacy is not finished).



Also, no real attempt to fix the empty servers. My guild died twice. Most of the best players didn't even resubscribe after the first free month - they aren't paying for playing a Beta game. Second bunch of great players just sort of stopped logging in at some point, because the game is lacking a lot of content and there's nothing that's really worth any grind. You can't go on a planet and relax while collecting Biochem samples or stuff like that. There are too many mobs around, but also it's just somehow... not interesting cos you wont earn any money for what you sell on the GTN.


Anyway, to hell with this game, honestly. 3 years of waiting like an idiot, saying "Bioware CANNOT possibly mess this up" and being a fanboy, buying 3 month sub, trying HARD to like the game, and then after losing a lot of faith in it I get kicked in the teeth - my Commando Medic gets shafted, murdered, destroyed and no longer fun. And the funny thing is, after all those mini patches and people posting their combat logs on the forums saying that the class is basically doing about 400HPS less than any other healing class we haven't even seen one tiny buff, not even "now you run 1% faster" or ANYTHING for that matter. I hope this game dies, I really do, because whoever nerfed my class this badly shouldn't be working in the gaming industry,. I wish you the worst.

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1) Game exploits that allowed too many players to acquire massive amounts of $$$, Valor and Gear in a few days.


2) Nothing done by BiioWare/Devs to address the exploiters.


3) Entire game economy and achievement mechanics were warped to fix the wealthy exploiter problem. Being required to spend upwards of 1 million credits to change a set of gear around is just what everyone wants/needs from their MMO experience, in order to justify having to grind dailies for a week or two to cover the costs.


4) Casual players grind a single class, only to have it nerfed so hard in 1.2, as to be unwanted in FP/OPs missions (Merc/Commando Healers). Dual Spec might have helped these casual players better enjoy the game, but respec is nowhere in sight.


5) Right before crafter changes are made to allow crafting of crystals, make all of the future crystals available from a vendor at a relatively cheap price ahead of the crafting patch, thus saturating the market. Don't forget to keep the cost of swapping crystals around extremely high to further suppress demand for the crafted items.


5) BioWare and Devs do not care about subscribers. Our subscription gives us all access to these forums, yet many threads are closed by moderators in an apparent effort to suppress descension. Rather than invest resources in actually addressing subscriber concerns, the BioWare method is to sweep concerns and thus subscripers under the rug and eventually out the door.


6) There is NO Player Retention program. Well there is a survey, those who unsubscribe get to fill out, which apparently is connected to a conveyor belt which leads to a paper shredder.


7) Half of my large Guild has left the game. Many of those who remain only log in to play with friends and are already making plans to leave and are currently trying to decide which alternate game to play.


8) Patch 1.2 was a chance to breath new life into the game. We saw the immediate increase in server populations. Just a few weeks later, server populations have dropped below pre-patch levels. That is all you really need to know about the health of SWTOR.


I have unsubscribed. I have 48 days until my subscription and bonus period expires. I post here in the oft chance BioWare comes to it's senses and actually tries to solve problems with the game. However, I don't have great expectations and I have been far more patient than many of my friends.


Shame on BioWare screwing up such a great MMO opportunity.

Edited by ShadowAxx
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I love this game, these are my big issues and I will be unsubing next month. I play mostly at night and my server Veeboo Lunx is dead. Most to least reasons. No good looking augmented consular gear, no stats bonus transfers to orange gear, low server population, no group finder, no real benefit to the legacy and no continued story line content after 50. :( I love this game but I'll come back when things get better.
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I unsubbed a few days, but have not logged on in a couple of weeks.

1) Server pop: one of the many people finding themselves on a low pop server, and i refuse to re-roll on a new one.server transfers are being offered too late for me. ive lost interest.


2) Guilds: this correlates with number 1 in a way. lvl 50 raids are so hard to get groups, and proper guilds are non existent on my server. sure there are guild tags on everyone, but there is no real incentive to be in one unified guild. its basically the same group of people with different tags grouping up for 50 raids. so if your not on with they decide to form a group you're SOL. those are honestly the only people raiding on my server.


3) End Game: cant grind for pve gear, because i can never get a group. pvp gear grind is a snails pace cause with what few people that are still on my server imps still outnumber and win most if not all pvp matches.


4)Legacy: Bioware has expressed that part of the endgame is leveling alts. i do like to focus on 1 character, but i have fun trying other classes. my complaint is that if part of your game is leveling alts, then dont just make every class quest have to go through the same planets and quests in order every time. other mmo's have made different areas where you can level up through a different quest line if you felt like it. for example, in warhammer if you started on the elf you could go to another races lands and level up there with different quests story lines.


5) PVP: I don't understand why Ilum why they couldnt have made ilum and an open world pvp area with bases capturing like DAOC and WAR had. Like many other apsects of this game, i think that was a rushed idea

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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?



First of all, I no longer play the game, but I do still visit the forums to a) express my extreme displeasure with how this game has been designed and handled subsequent to release, and b) hope that one day they'll post good news that might change the fortunes of this game because its a game I really want to like but simply can't with how poorly made and managed it is.


1) Dead Servers - This is the primary reason I'm leaving. I could suffer through most of the problems with this game if my server wasn't dead. I hate waiting 20-30 minutes for a WZ only to get steamrolled by a pre-made, the same pre-made I just went against in the last WZ I got into 45 minutes to an hour previously. There is no excuse as to why server mergers or transfers aren't available and it is just plain incompetence that so many servers were created when the game was released. Legacy, the pointless fluff of a system most players don't care about, seems to have been the primary culprit slowing down the release of server transfers/mergers.


2) PvP is an imbalanced mess - The title speaks for itself. Balance changes in an MMO need to happen monthly, if not bi-monthly if they want to have a solid pvp system. Balance changes introduced in 1.1 and 1.2 rarely make sense and never seem to accomplish what BW intended them to accomplish. Combine this with the kick in the balls everyone not in full BM gear got when 1.2 went live, that was a bitter pill to swallow, and to say I'm jaded about pvp in this game is the understatement of the century. I haven't even talked about Ilum yet...


3) Crafting - Crafting makes no sense. If you want the best gear in the game you have to wear augmented gear. Most of the set gear that the majority of people wear you can't transfer your set bonus to the augmented gear, and even if you could, you can't make augmented gear that looks like your Rakata or Columi gear. Biochem is still king, everything else pales in comparison. The materials needed to make Adrenals is far too expensive for something that is can only be used once. Cybertech is basically worthless. Artificers have been undercut by BW making every gem in the game available for purchase at NPCs. I could really go on and on but its giving me a headache thinking about how bad crafting is in this game.


4) Once you hit 50 there is literally no reason to ever leave the Fleet, and honestly, who would want to? Some planets take 5 minutes to load. Have fun trying to queue and re-queue for WZs on Tatooine or Alderaan. Need to gather crafting materials? No need to actually go work for them, just send your companions out to gather them while you afk in Fleet. I guess doing dailies gets you out of the Fleet, but forgive me if I don't want to grind the same boring quests day in and day out just to make a little scratch and earn a few commendations. The whole game feels disjointed, there are way too many loading screens.


5) Flashpoints and Game Optimization - There is no reason to run Flashpoints once you hit 50. PvP gear is still easier to get and is fine for running OPs, and even OPs can be run in whatever gear you just finished hitting 50 in. 50s need a reason to keep doing Hardmode FPs. Even before my server completely died and was just sorta dead when I hit 50, no one was running Hardmode FPs. There are still 3 or 4 FPs I've never even seen because no one wants to do them, and even if you find a FP group, you just run the easiest FP available because thats all you need for the Daily quest. And then there is the headache or trying to run something like Maelstrom Prison:


"Does everyone have the quest?"

"Which quest?"

"The quest you get after finishing Taral V."

"I've finished Taral V but it won't let me talk to this guy to get the hardmode."

"You have to drop the Maelstrom quest and pick up the hardmode quest."

"Ok...damn, it still won't let me get the Maelstrom quest and now it says I have to run Taral V again..."

"Sigh...we'll try to find another healer/tank/dps I guess...thank you BW for making it a trial in and of itself just to get into a FP with a group of 4 people."


And an hour later you're still sitting there spamming Fleet and Guild trying to find a 4th person.


And game optimization is still awful. I have no idea why it runs so poorly on my rig. This game isn't Crysis (which my rig plays on Ultra with no problems) or any other graphic intensive game, and yet at times you'd think I was playing this game on a Commodore 64 the performance is so bad.


Bonus Reason I'm Leaving - The Developers are in denial about their own game.


Me - "There are 15 people on my server right now. My WZ queues take 20-30 minutes to pop. This server is dead and yet the server select screen says we're a Standard load server?

BW - "We still have 1.7 million subscribers."

Me - "That's nice, my server is dead."

BW - "It because not everyone is playing as much as they were at launch and they're playing at different times."

Me- "My server is dead..."

BW - "Maybe sometime this summer we'll get server transfers in the game, they'll be free if you're on the right server and willing to transfer to the server we allow you to. Otherwise you'll have to pay."

Me - "Ummm...seriuosly? It will take that long to get transfers and even then you have the nerve to make me pay after all the stuff I've put up with in this game?

BW/EA - "Its all about the benjam...er...sorry...umm...yeah, thats the best we can do. Even though you'd think we'd have been working on transfers since way before release because its something that any decent modern MMO should have, we weren't working on that feature and we were honestly shocked that we even needed to put the feature into the game at all."

Me - "Peace out."



Yeah, I could easily go to 25-30 reasons I'm quitting, but those are my top 5-6.

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I can only second much of the sentiment in this thread. Especially the huge feeling of disappointment for such an unpolished and obviously cookie-cutter game. Having unlocked in SWG nine years ago and leaving when they closed the servers, I was shocked at this game in comparison. The level of detail and complexity of the game system in SWG made it one of the best online games ever made, and this group didn't even come - not even remotely - close. Also, something is wrong with the graphics engine, and so ultimately they couldn't even put a compelling Star Wars skin on the rudimentary scaffolding. It cost me several hundred dollars to experience this debacle, so I will be circumspect with regards to pre-ordering or even buying EA games in the future.


And yeah, I had a free slot/elder jedi (Valcyn to Starsider) with thousand of items (many extremely rare) and many achievements in SWG, and am an avid, active gamer -



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It really comes down to me being bored. I'm a PVPer. This game heavily over hyped PVP and continues to over hype PVP in every press release. Rateds don't have a release date. X-server got pushed back and that was incredibly frustrating. Ilum is dead. I log on, put myself in Q for WZs, then alt tab and listen for a Q to pop while reading. Qs now take forever so even though I am logged in I'm playing less and less, I'm just alt tabbed. Which is why X-server was so important. Oh, and Novarre coast is bad. Is it really too much to ask for a real capture the flag WZ? that with hutball would have been awesome.


I just don't really see a reason for someone who values PVP to stay. I'm not having fun and I don't see anything on the horizon that looks fun. I honestly believe that GW2 will be released before rated happens. And GW2 doesn't have a release date yet.

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