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Server population is dropping...


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Mesa done rerolling, headed to another MMO.

I really liked this one too.


As of right now there are only 20 people on the fleet on my server... On a Saturday. I do not want to waste all that time I put into my characters and legacy, so I also do not want to re-roll. I'm with you.

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The game is dead people. I loved the game too but it's time unsubscribe and move on.


This game will fail without a server merge.


Games are the thing now. TONS of games are coming out and every-time they do, the population goes down in another game. Blizz just launched D3 and my standard server is now light. We gamers are CONSTANTLY trying to find that perfect game, that perfect fix lol. It's like an addiction, but a good one. We just want more people to communicate with. We want that social aspect of a game.


I went to BM a couple years ago and there was a camp involving world of warcraft and dressing up and drinking at an ogre bar. That was neat!! Even though I didn't know those people or like playing wow, it was fun socializing with people about our toons, and while totally smashed lol!


Keep in mind thought, that this is still a brand new game. It was released in December 20, 2011. 5 months has passed, that's it. hmm the gaming world is like the technology world now- new tech is always coming out with better upgraded versions a couple months later. Gaming and gamers have changed since more, and more people know how to create the games.


Regardless, I heard that they are trying to merge servers, they just need to know how. I would think that the people managing the servers should have the know how to merge gaming servers. Fail :d_rolls_eyes:


Instead of focusing on creating new emotes for the website (or other useless non-gaming things), use those hours to find a solution to better the actual game. :rak_09: please

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This game will fail without a server merge.


I hope you are right, I really do. The other day I was talking to someone that was levelling a new char and how he dreaded going to certain planets cause those felt so unappealing and lifeless.

Server merges won't change the fact that some content is just boring as hell, it has nothing to do with the amount of players.

Server merges are part of the solution, but not the permanent fix.


edit: I meant that they do at least merge servers and work from there

Edited by Geeorgedk
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Cutting servers down would make this not a problem and would hopefully get rid of some of the "omg the game is dying" posts


Yes. They should cut us down to about 15 servers. The population is too spread out.

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Tera had server transfers ready for overcrowded servers the day before release DURING headstart. Because of it the queues on the most popular servers were cut by over half and now every server they have is balanced and has players.


How does this massive company not have any server transfers this long after release.


Sorry but I can't deal with the population anymore. I'm out. With Tera and Diablo 3 out I'm not going to pay $15 a month to play by myself.


At this point the game needs merges not just transfers. Talk about a waste of resources having all these extra servers up. Waste of freaking money that can be better spent elsewhere. Oh well not my problem now. Ever since D3 came out even during prime time the game only has 1 or 2 heavy servers, 6 standard, and the rest are just light. Diablo 3 pretty much killed this game.


PS: How is it that Tera has 5x the detail and graphical power of this game yet runs butter smooth and this game looks like it was made in 2008 and runs like a hog.

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I like the game but I get the feeling BW has no idea what it is doing. I'm not sure how complex the chracter transfer is. I always though with WoW it was only overpriced SQL script and maybe some files moved.


Thats why I am bit puzzled why it isn't already in game. I would think that if there would be too much or too little population the transfers would be a solution. But it seems BW isn't ready for either situation really.


Why not?


Fact is that first wave of players left because problems with engine and maybe because content wasn't super interesting. Those who left now have to many times live in ghost towns where you don't meet anyone and can't move out of them.


I hope the game doesn't die but leaving people stranded to game they would like to play but can't is pretty self defeating. Even if you would want to play few days of long ques and seeking non-existent groups may cause thinking twice about loggin at all. And once you are away few weeks from game you may not come back at all.

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I got the email today with the exit survey, a couple days after cancelling my sub. The questions in the survey show they seriously KNOW why people are leaving....yet they do nothing about it. It is really sad, I wanna play but some of the things are just stuptarded.


Sooo worried about precious legacy, your legacy is going to be "Flopped harder then SWG" if you don't turn your MMO back into an MMO...

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Last night on The Proginator Server at 7:00PM UK time we had 38 people on the imperial fleet and 55 on the republic fleet. The population is showing as standard so heaven knows what the population was like on the Light population servers. .


Around 20 people on fleet and 6 people on planets for light servers like mine mate :)


I will cancel too, i love this game but cant pay every month to play by myself.

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Yup they should have prepared for this from the get go. Its just basic numbers all new mmos lose a large portion of their initial playerbase. With bioware having such a large initial playerbase when a lot of players left it amplified it by making servers ghost towns. Those of us left are forced to basically do nothing constructive at 50, because there are no WZ pops, nor anyone to do hardmodes with, or roll alts.


I can honestly say I am sick to death of playing alts.

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I tried really hard to like this game. I made alt after alt and wasted a few months playing when deep down I knew the game didn't have legs. I finally admitted it to myself and cancelled my sub a few days ago. Someone above me was saying the questions they ask in their cancellation survey show that they know why people are leaving, I tend to agree with that statement. Yet they do nothing to fix it. Even when they say they fixed something, it's not really fixed most of the time.


BioWare was wrong, plain and simple. They decided to make the game a certain way and everything looked great on paper. Unfortunately their formula for a MMO is not working. I could go on and on about what I don't like about the game but I won't. Suffice to say that I dislike almost every game mechanic they have implemented.

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BioWare was wrong, plain and simple. They decided to make the game a certain way and everything looked great on paper. Unfortunately their formula for a MMO is not working. I could go on and on about what I don't like about the game but I won't. Suffice to say that I dislike almost every game mechanic they have implemented.


It's almost like there is "too much console" in the game and not "enough mmo". it's hard to explain but this is the best way I can put it. Console players want to "beat the game and move on" while mmo players want "to live in a breathing presistant world". Not that there is anything aganst each genre - but in the end, it is why they are seprate genres.


Port this to playstation or xbox live and it will do awesome...

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It's almost like there is "too much console" in the game and not "enough mmo". it's hard to explain but this is the best way I can put it. Console players want to "beat the game and move on" while mmo players want "to live in a breathing presistant world". Not that there is anything aganst each genre - but in the end, it is why they are seprate genres.


Port this to playstation or xbox live and it will do awesome...

Could not have said it better. The killer for me is questing and static worlds. The voice overs are really cool and interesting but they do not negate the fact that all the quests are the same, with the exception of the few and far between class quests, and in the same order. The worlds are just frozen in time and ruin the experience for me. Tried really hard to like this game but i'll check back in a year or two and see if they change anything.

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I got the email today with the exit survey, a couple days after cancelling my sub. The questions in the survey show they seriously KNOW why people are leaving....yet they do nothing about it. It is really sad, I wanna play but some of the things are just stuptarded.


I found that shocking as well. The options were ALL exactly what I hear EVERYONE saying, and what "I" feel. The fact that NONE of them have been addressed boggles my mind. I realize this isn't fast food and change takes longer than a day, but we're 6 months after release with the SAME issues we had then.


Honestly, I think 90% of their staff is busy working on an expansion at this point and I bet they're banking on players returning for that.

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I got the email today with the exit survey, a couple days after cancelling my sub. The questions in the survey show they seriously KNOW why people are leaving....yet they do nothing about it. It is really sad, I wanna play but some of the things are just stuptarded.


Sooo worried about precious legacy, your legacy is going to be "Flopped harder then SWG" if you don't turn your MMO back into an MMO...


What about F2P questions?

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I got the email today with the exit survey, a couple days after cancelling my sub. The questions in the survey show they seriously KNOW why people are leaving....yet they do nothing about it.


Your reaction shows that you, like so many of your fellow players, fail to accept that resources are finite and making changes to software this complex takes time to plan and implement. There is no Big Easy button in real life.

Edited by Kthx
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I tried really hard to like this game. I made alt after alt and wasted a few months playing when deep down I knew the game didn't have legs. I finally admitted it to myself and cancelled my sub a few days ago. Someone above me was saying the questions they ask in their cancellation survey show that they know why people are leaving, I tend to agree with that statement. Yet they do nothing to fix it. Even when they say they fixed something, it's not really fixed most of the time.


BioWare was wrong, plain and simple. They decided to make the game a certain way and everything looked great on paper. Unfortunately their formula for a MMO is not working. I could go on and on about what I don't like about the game but I won't. Suffice to say that I dislike almost every game mechanic they have implemented.


couldn't have said it better. and im one of the people who really wanted it to work.

all bioware cares about is us making alts and continue paying..to speak it out.

if you look at the legacy crap, only alts benefit from it mostly.

my friend unsubbed a few days ago and it asks you why, so he ticked "not enough content" ... it seriously popped up with " hey, why dont you go and make characters on the opposite faction?"

makes you facepalm, doesn't it?

so yea...biowares recipe of alt based legacy and their helpless attempt to learn the basics of mmo's on the fly didnt work out, to put it nicely.

i will wait exactly until the 1st of next month and if i don't see an ETA and plan on merges and transfer, i will unsub too.

i have several 50's on 2 different servers, both dead now and enough is just enough :)

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Your reaction shows that you, like so many of your fellow players, fail to accept that resources are finite and making changes to software this complex takes time to plan and implement. There is no Big Easy button in real life.

True it does indeed take time but many of the grievances I have seen such as server transfers, LFG, no chat bubbles, poor fps issues, Too many loading screens (ping pong from ship-orbital station- planet), the lack af useful crafting, and a GTN that lacks good functionality should have been implemented at launch. There are many other features and small details that would have made this game unstoppable, all they had to do was look at other games in the same genre and listen to the players.

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Population is getting worse and worse. Prime time on saturday and 90% of all US based servers are light. I mean at this time Fatman would have a queue of 10-30 mins but its just heavy now.


This game is a joke now, the way Bioware/EA is running this game is just laughable. Taking their sweet time, by the time they actually do something about this low pop issues GW2 will be out.

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Your reaction shows that you, like so many of your fellow players, fail to accept that resources are finite and making changes to software this complex takes time to plan and implement. There is no Big Easy button in real life.


We accept it, we just chose not to wait around for Bioware to try and get this game up to 2012 standards.

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