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Official Q&A Thread for May 4th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Hello and welcome to the official Q&A thread for questions to be answered for the May 4th, 2012 Q&A blog post.


As a reminder, we’ll be starting up a weekly Q&A blog series in which we will select ten questions from the community and post answers to them every Friday. We’ll have the next set of answers next week on May 4th, 2012, but before that, we need your questions!


Please use this thread to ask your question (one per community member, so make it count!). On Tuesday at 2PM CDT (8PM BST/9PM CEST/5AM AEST), we will close this thread, select ten questions, and get answers to them for Friday’s blog post.


In order to increase the chances of having your specific question answered and to help us keep the thread manageable, here are some guidelines on asking questions:

  1. Keep your question relatively short. Background details are welcome, but don’t go overboard.
  2. Please actually ask a question. We want to hear constructive feedback elsewhere in the Forums.
  3. Use common sense – we cannot answer everything, especially on far-reaching content.
  4. This should go without saying, but be respectful.
  5. Limit yourself to one question in this thread, please. You can always ask another question next week!
  6. And finally, as a reminder, this is not a discussion thread. Do not comment about what somebody else has posted.


As development plans are always subject to change, questions about future features will often get vague answers which can be repetitive and sometimes annoying. With that in mind, the development team is more interested in questions about current in-game features or systems, or questions about why development decisions were made. You’re still welcome to ask questions about future features and we’ll continue to answer them where appropriate – just expect the occasional ‘soon.’


Any other posts apart from questions in the thread will be removed.


With that being said, please ask away!

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Are there any plans in the near or far future to expand upon Companion interaction?


For example, have them gain light and dark side points, influence their views and such.


Because sadly, compared to your previous games released under the BioWare label, the companion interaction in TOR seems severely lacking, because as soon as you hit max affection with them, they ignore you. :(

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My actual question is to do with PvP. Do you have any intention to actually balance the classes or will you just keep nerfing/buffing the most/least played classes?


If so, I will be rolling whatever is the least played class because it will likely be getting another buff where it isn't actually needed.

Edited by Sireene
discussion - PM'd
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Does BioWare think that item and money sharing between characters at least on the same faction is a bit cumbersome?


My question really stems from my frustration of always having to email myself money and items. Here is an annoying scenario that drives this question. I log in to character A and start a companion to craft or go on a mission for materials for character B. I log over to character B to play while the mission or crafting takes place, it would be nice if the item just showed up in my 'account bank' and can get it without logging in and out three times to get the said resources to my second character.


I think email might be a comfortable and familiar way, but with a game that clearly encourages alternate characters. Maybe a new way of sharing resources like money and materials is needed.

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Are there any plans to adjust the planets for Type 3 bodies? Troublesome spots include certain (known) datacrons, and staircases.


Example: In the interior of the Sith temple on Korriban, the section of stairs between the floor and the landing, you cannot simply run up the stairs as a Type 3 body. You must either jump towards the stairs repeatedly until you reach the landing or you have to run facing the stairs and simultaneously strafe back and forth. Once you reach the landing you can run up the second segment normally.


Example: Balmorran Arms Factory, destroying all shuttles on the landing platforms. The same issue exists for each of those staircases. Three shuttles, through the factory, four more shuttles.


etc, etc.


This does not happen to Type 2 bodies, I have not tried Type 1 or 4.

Edited by Grimmig
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Are you happy with how companion system turned out? What I mean here, don't you feel that the interaction system between players and their companions could be expanded somehow (like companion dailies or random, non-affection based cutscenes showing discussions between companions themselves)?


For the background (and some ideas), I'll simply link my suggestion thread containing the reasoning and some ideas.

Edited by gibmachine
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What was the reasoning behind the change to the Smuggler companion, Corso Riggs, having his Harpoon replaced by a jetpack? Smugglers already had a companion that has a leap action. Did the team consider the effect it would have on Scoundrels, who are a melee class, or were just Gunslingers, a ranged class, thought about?
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Are there any plans to continue the class stories?


As it stands from the stories I have seen some lead on to some form of continuation i.e. Imperial Agent and Bounty hunter and others such as the two Sith force classes have you one of 12 most powerful people in the empire. Have the writters written themselves into a corner which will lead any continuation of the story impossible to justify as short of the emporer nobody would dare ask them to go kill 10 womp rats.

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What's the system behind the Gathering and the Missions crew skills? What I mean is this - how the system decides what item do I get? Is it random or is it dependable on something? For example, why some Uderworld Trading Gift missions get me military gear while others get me courting items?


What I want to know is what's the logic behind it - does it matter what the mission's description says, does it matter which companion I send along with their affection and proficiency etc.?

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I was wondering if you would be able to go into how the writers and devs decided which class got what companion, and when in the game. What went behind your thinking, and what sort of inspiration did you draw on? For instance, I assume that the inclusion of a Wookiee companion for a Smuggler was obvious, but how did you decide the others? For instance how did you decide that a Jedi Knight would get a force using follower before the Sith Warrior, etc? Thanks!
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The smuggler/Agent ability Kolto Pack/infusion seems to be generally scuffed by the players. It's simply too costly, too slow and does not heal enough. Do you think the ability performs well enough for the class? And could you perhaps explain a bit about the utility from a designers perspective. Why, when and how should we use it?.
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In the Q&A for April 27, you addressed a question about loot drops taking classes into account and how you added the bias into the endgame Flashpoints. Is there any way for this bias to check not just the base class but the advanced class as well? I would say this most affects Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights, who wear different classes of armour depending on their AC choice. Example: our normal Flashpoint group is a Powertech, Sniper, Marauder, and Sorcerer. It seems any time Sith Warrior gear drops, it's heavy armour, so only a juggernaut could use it. Our Marauder has actually gotten very little gear from the endgame Flashpoints because of this. So is there any way for it to bias to Advanced Class, mainly to benefit Sith Warriors / Jedi Knights? Thanks in advance!
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Are there any plans in the works for group space combat?


I love the space combat system, but many times I and my groups have been filled with the desire to run space missions together, in keeping with the original spirit of Star Wars, which everyone knows relies heavily on allies in space banding together to defeat long odds.

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What are the next updates for UI customization? Will they be in a patch prior to 1.3? It'd be nice to have an option to only show buffs/debuffs we place on a target, instead of trying to figure out when our hots/dots will fall off when there are 3 sets of them on it and wasting energy. Same for debuffs in operation frames, they are so small and difficult to decipher on what is or isn't able to be dispelled. % on focus target health frame, as well as distance notification. It would also be good to have a self buff bar which doesn't have to be attached to character frame. Modifier to show/hide bars/map/etc...when in/out of combat? I really enjoy the Customization offered in 1.2, but would like to see it go further.
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Are there any plans to have more player-to-player interactions? For example, when engaging in some of the flashpoints, it would be a cool addition to have players be able to interact with each other through their characters, say by having a Smuggler let a Jedi know that hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a blaster at your side. It just seems that at the moment so much has been invested into making TOR into a real roleplaying experience with amazing story arcs, but when it comes to 4 person flashpoints it's just four random characters who happen to be in the right place at the right time. Even having a chance to 'react' to some of the group decisions would be a nice touch - if one Jedi decides to kill a group of engineers instead of taking the long route, it would be nice to have your Trooper character say 'Woah, I thought Jedi were meant to be nice' or something.
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